I realized yesterday that my short stack of Western novels from the library were overdue, but they cut ya one day's slack, and that day was yesterday, lol, so I had to run to town and return those books, then I got caught up in a search for AMSOIL 'Metric' 4-stroke motorcycle oil, and ultimately learned where to buy it in Alamo... I'll call that place a bit later today and see if they have what I want in stock. I'd like to use the same oil I already have in my bike, though I might try Lucas Oil when I get around to changing the oil again... I just wanna top it off right now, as the oil in the bike isn't that old.
Got home yesterday afternoon and watered the trees & plants, and since the weather was so fine (and also calm, no wind), I decided to have a campfire in my stone fire ring. Burned off three smaller-to-medium-sized tree stumps, the most unsightly ones which had flaring root systems. The fire was wonderful, no moon yet so I could see heaps of stars... it was just like camping except I could walk inside & grab another beer out of the fridge, lol. Pulled a comfy camp chair out there and placed it by the fire, it was an awesome evening! Didn't come inside till darned near midnight, lol.
Today, I slept in till 0730, then fed the cats & wild birds. Had my juice & herbal tea (not together, but staggered in time), now I'm ready for breakfast, lol. No big plans today, except maybe to run grab that cycle oil if it's in stock, as I want the bike ready to ride at Red Sands if that USAF hand I met wants to go ride there. Dunno what his 'work schedule' is, I'm guessin' Mon-Fri with weekends off, but in the military ya never know, lol. Might have some sort of duty this weekend, who knows? He's the guy with the Yamaha TW200, the fat-tired bike which I've always liked, I sure would enjoy trying it at Red Sands, which is a nearby OHV Recreation Area... BLM land, I reckon.
My shoulder is giving me a little grief this morning, half the tendons and/or ligaments in it are ripped from an old injury, so that's another reason why I'm gonna take it easy today. The dull ache will go away if I don't aggravate it. Donning my silk robe, turban & third eye & gazing into my crystal ball, I foresee... wait... what the heck is THAT? Well, bless my soul, it's a FRIDGE FULL O' BEER, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, sometimes I slay myself... but I reckon beer & 'Tiger Balm' will be factors later today in numbing the ache, lol. These old injuries I have were all caused by myself, usually while drunk or stoned, or both, and riding some object like a skateboard or dirt bike, lol. Meh, it's what I was born to do... sailing also, but I'm now in the high desert and large bodies of water are rather scarce here, lol.
Chaosdawn, I only found one pic of the winterized boats in Green Bay, but I think I have other shots in my photo albums. There are a dozen or more large albums loaded with pics from my 'trucking daze'---once I'm done with home rehab work and have more time on my hands, I will share those photos with all here, probably post 'em in that trucking thread I started but haven't revisited yet. Anyway, here's the pic of the boats, and as an added bonus I'm throwing in a carved wooden fish & half a set of a dozen arrows my friend the arrowsmith (now deceased) made for me as a present back in the day. He built custom crested arrows in any colors an archer wanted, but these were a birthday present. He also used inserts in the shafts so one could switch from field tips to broadheads... I miss that guy, he was one hell of an archer.
The whole idea behind crested arrows is to make your arrows clearly identifiable... I imagine there's also some history behind the crested arrow, lol. Little Jon did excellent work, he had a lathe of some sort which allowed him to paint each crested arrow using fine brushes. I think he dipped 'em first, that would be the white paint. Specialized paint, IIRC, it has been a while since he passed away at age 41... poor guy. He could sure shoot that Black Widow longbow he had, I don't think I've ever seen a better archer, even in a tournament, and we went to a few of those with other friends back in the day. We were 'traditional archers' for the most part, though several friends also had compound bows... "cheater bows" as Jon called them, his was a Martin Fury, lol. Most serious archers (like Fred Bear back in the day, for example) know that the challenge is greater with a 'stick bow' and not a cheater bow, lol. Also, in a survival situation, one can make a 'stick bow' using boot laces or whatever, might not be pretty but it would still be effective at fairly close range.