What's everybody doing today?

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Time on Bike is the only thing that makes me numb enough to deal with life. Today was unseasonably warm and I know the snow is coming so I snuck out. Did ya know a work meeting can be listened to over the helmet bluetooth, and no one the wiser?

What is a hard roll?
Time on Bike is the only thing that makes me numb enough to deal with life. Today was unseasonably warm and I know the snow is coming so I snuck out. Did ya know a work meeting can be listened to over the helmet bluetooth, and no one the wiser?

What is a hard roll?
Glad you had a great time on the bike.

A hard roll is basically a kaiser roll that’s much crispier on top. It’s all about the steam when baking. It’s somewhat specific to the New York tristate area. (NY, NJ and southern Connecticut)
We finished the major work on our project today and got off a bit early. Tomorrow will be cleanup, replacing worn out tools, organizing leftover materials, and getting our job trailers ready to travel. We're not 100% sure where we're going next. Right now we have 3 switches scheduled for installation in Cambridge, Iowa next Monday. But those are built and ready to go, so I don't know what we're going to do until then...
Ha Ha. Doubt it, Wingnut. He's not the mafia type.
The twins eat a meal with us 2 nights a month. I know, we should be so grateful that they blessed us with their company. Ha. So tonight was the night. And granddaughter sat across from me at the table. First time I've seen her face really for 2 weeks. I was shocked. She had real thick eyebrows. It looks like she shaved most of them off, then took a super dark eyebrow pencil and made new ones. Couldn't stop looking at them, it looked nuts. I didn't say a word.
Ben looks like he got caught by autocorrect. Insulation looks good.

I'm insulin resistant but not classified as diabetic. I produce insulin but my body doesn't absorb it. It's part of why I'm such a butterball.

Short version of my day is that I spent the first half sweating miserably & mid afternoon got my friend out to troubleshoot, drove to Lowes to get a new thermostat, and he installed it for me. It's no longer 88° inside and I am no longer dripping sweat from the backs of my knees. In the morning I'll be able to do some laundry without feeling like I'm going to pass out from the heat.
Going to work as usual! My brother's wife wants NO help taking care of things after his passing yesterday! He will be cremated and she will get her life insurance! Her crackhead granddaughter already started moving in the house! Will talk with a couple of cousins in NY and NJ. My Uncle Sonny has dementia and is not behaving nicely after Aunt Betty's passing! So I will try to have a normal day!
Took Dad to Stew Leonard's last night. It's a specialty grocer in the Long Island/Connecticut/northern NJ area. They have a liquor department that rivals most dedicated liquor stores, an outstanding seafood department and they sell American lamb. Got myself a rack of lamb chops. It was $25 but it's American Lamb. No smell that makes you wonder if the meats OK. They look gorgeous.

It was like going to the Country Bear Jamboree in Disney. They have animatronic animals/fruits/vegetables all around the store so we were walking around like tourists. LOL.

They carry very few national brands--mostly private label. They also sell the largest assortment of pre-made meals I've ever seen. Won't be doing regular shopping there but will stock up on those meals when Dad goes to the cabin by himself so he has easy meals in the freezer.

I also got apples to can this weekend. Usually we go apple picking out in western NJ, but it's a walk though orchard and it's getting too difficult for Dad to walk that far. Of course the apples I usually want are the ones located furthest from the entrance. Stew Leonards was started as a dairy in Connecticut and grew into a farm to table. Now it's a little more than that.
Took Dad to Stew Leonard's last night. It's a specialty grocer in the Long Island/Connecticut/northern NJ area. They have a liquor department that rivals most dedicated liquor stores, an outstanding seafood department and they sell American lamb. Got myself a rack of lamb chops. It was $25 but it's American Lamb. No smell that makes you wonder if the meats OK. They look gorgeous.

It was like going to the Country Bear Jamboree in Disney. They have animatronic animals/fruits/vegetables all around the store so we were walking around like tourists. LOL.

They carry very few national brands--mostly private label. They also sell the largest assortment of pre-made meals I've ever seen. Won't be doing regular shopping there but will stock up on those meals when Dad goes to the cabin by himself so he has easy meals in the freezer.

I also got apples to can this weekend. Usually we go apple picking out in western NJ, but it's a walk though orchard and it's getting too difficult for Dad to walk that far. Of course the apples I usually want are the ones located furthest from the entrance. Stew Leonards was started as a dairy in Connecticut and grew into a farm to table. Now it's a little more than that.
Just checked out their website, pretty cool!!
Riding the concrete drainage ditch again at high speed, and catching it on video this time!!! :woo hoo:

So much fun, and I'll get some good aerobic exercise too, lol... not that I care about that, I'm in it for the adrenalin rush, 10-4? Won't be long before I'm A-FLYIN' DOWN THAT LONG DITCH!!! Local cops will receive reports of a ULFO... an Unidentified Low Flying Object!!! :thumbs:

Excellent morning so far, with primo weather, quality time with the kitties, sweet cider & hot herbal tea (not together, but staggered in time), and easy yard work to do before I go (picking up piles of weeds already pulled, and watering the trees and plants). Dang, this weather is nice, so I'm off to enjoy it today as I catch a little FREE FUN!!! The BEST KIND!!! :cool:

Y'all will catch a break until this afternoon or evening, at which time I hope to post the ditch-riding video... :dancing:
Riding the concrete drainage ditch again at high speed, and catching it on video this time!!! :woo hoo:

So much fun, and I'll get some good aerobic exercise too, lol... not that I care about that, I'm in it for the adrenalin rush, 10-4? Won't be long before I'm A-FLYIN' DOWN THAT LONG DITCH!!! Local cops will receive reports of a ULFO... an Unidentified Low Flying Object!!! :thumbs:

Excellent morning so far, with primo weather, quality time with the kitties, sweet cider & hot herbal tea (not together, but staggered in time), and easy yard work to do before I go (picking up piles of weeds already pulled, and watering the trees and plants). Dang, this weather is nice, so I'm off to enjoy it today as I catch a little FREE FUN!!! The BEST KIND!!! :cool:

Y'all will catch a break until this afternoon or evening, at which time I hope to post the ditch-riding video... :dancing:
Can't wait to see it!!
Woke up with a light work day and a house all to myself.

Took care of half a dozen emails, revised a CAD drawing for my salesman, and was getting ready to make breakfast when my computer informs me I have new messages.

Between 7:45 AM and 8: 15 AM, I now have meetings at 9:00, 10:00, 10:30, 11:30, and 2:00.
Apparently, my email client calendar got locked up and failed to deliver the notifications in a timely manner.

On the bright side, I don't have to wear pants...

Shorts. I'm wearing shorts. Get your mind out of the gutter...
Trying to get caught up at home after having covid. Canning some meats, interspersed with general cleaning.

While covid wasn't fun, we were blessed in that the youngest son never got it (and was able to help the rest of us), and son#2 (transplant patient) only had a minor case, which was such a relief.

Additionally, son#2 is doing a good job recovering from his transplant set-backs. The medical team is happy with his current condition and they've started pulling off some of his medications. We're finally starting to imagine a 'normal' life again, and think it's on the horizon.
A hard roll is basically a kaiser roll that’s much crispier on top. It’s all about the steam when baking. It’s somewhat specific to the New York tristate area. (NY, NJ and southern Connecticut)

So like a German Broetchen? I like those too

Making Sushi again since it turned out so well a few weeks ago. It's weird but Sushi is just about the only seafood type meal I really like. I don't eat any shellfish but I like the salmon sushi

We took the puppy along yesterday to go to the larger city to shop for a few things and went for a walk along a bike/walking trail along the river. It was very nice out and it felt good but weird walking on paved level ground instead of up and down our rocky mountain or dirt road.
Some old lady wanted to take a photo of Otto and gave him little dog treat ( she asked first). She said she collects dog photos and has pages of them. Husband the conspirecy theorist worried about the dog treat being poisoned after....need a rolling eyes emoji here.....puppy is stlll alive....lol
Additionally, son#2 is doing a good job recovering from his transplant set-backs. The medical team is happy with his current condition and they've started pulling off some of his medications. We're finally starting to imagine a 'normal' life again, and think it's on the horizon.
I hope your son keeps improving. I can't even imagine going through all that.

I worry about my daughter all the time just being in the Navy and currently pregnant. She will be at ground zero (Norfolk, prime target) if the nukes start flying and it makes me stressed a lot. It's not fun worrying about your kids
Took Dad to Stew Leonard's last night. It's a specialty grocer in the Long Island/Connecticut/northern NJ area. They have a liquor department that rivals most dedicated liquor stores, an outstanding seafood department and they sell American lamb. Got myself a rack of lamb chops. It was $25 but it's American Lamb. No smell that makes you wonder if the meats OK. They look gorgeous.
If you are ever in Virginia near us I can sell you some really nice pasture raised American lamb also. $25 for how many pounds? We sell our lamb loin chops for $14 a pound . Leg of lamb $9 lb bone in IMG_0705.JPG
I replaced the solenoid valves in the fridge today. Time will tell if it will make ice.

Did some research on the Generac solar panels and I found out why the sales guy was not yp front about the battery storage. It is geared toward people who want to decrease their grid power costs and not a prepper looking for days of backup.


Back to looking for a solution.

If you are ever in Virginia near us I can sell you some really nice pasture raised American lamb also. $25 for how many pounds? We sell our lamb loin chops for $14 a pound . Leg of lamb $9 lb bone inView attachment 96779
It was for just over a pound. The cost was $19.99/lb. I live in a very ethnically and religiously diverse area. The meat was Halal so that does add a little cost to it. I wish I were closer--I’d be a very regular customer.

on a side note, what breed are your lambs/sheep? Those cuteypies in the pic look like they are up to something and delicious.

the hard rolls are exactly like Broetchen
We put the finishing touches on our project today. Tomorrow we are moving our equipment about 30 miles to my home division. This is the part of my seniority district where I hired on, and I know the area very, very well. This gig is going to suck because there's not much access for our trucks, and if it starts raining, forget it. It'll all be mud. On the plus side, it's 45 minutes from home.

I also found out that I'm probably going to get bumped out of my job on Friday. This isn't a big deal, as I have enough seniority to bump in on a number of other gangs. My boss said he doesn't want me to leave so he's scheming to have the new guy bump somebody else. I have a feeling he's about to pull some shady s***! I'm glad they like my work enough to want me to stay, but I'm ready to go elsewhere...
Ha Ha. Doubt it, Wingnut. He's not the mafia type.
The twins eat a meal with us 2 nights a month. I know, we should be so grateful that they blessed us with their company. Ha. So tonight was the night. And granddaughter sat across from me at the table. First time I've seen her face really for 2 weeks. I was shocked. She had real thick eyebrows. It looks like she shaved most of them off, then took a super dark eyebrow pencil and made new ones. Couldn't stop looking at them, it looked nuts. I didn't say a word.
That style of eyebrows is a thing evidently. Looks ridiculous in my opinion.
Agree, it looks awful. Who in their right mind would shave off their eyebrows and draw on new ones? My mom is almost 90 (next month) and her eyebrows are nonexistent now. Sometimes she puts on makeup and draws on eyebrows. Sometimes there's only one. Sometimes one is more of a line, and the other is a half circle. It's pretty funny, really. Excessive makeup is really in style for young ladies right now.

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