Long day, but I put down two more coats of elastomeric on the porch, and it is good to go until I take the next step... this coating was just to prevent any further degradation of the old plywood on the deck, the structure is still sound so that's why I'm gonna do as I planned, unless someone else comes up with a brilliant idea to redo the porch on the cheap.
I was hungry when I finally got indoors, so I macked a green salad with lettuce, tomato & baby carrots, then slammed some leftover lasagna... showered up and now I'm about to go read till I fall asleep (too full to drink beer). I was gonna have a campfire, I cleaned out the pit and laid a new fire ready to go, but I think I'll wait till morning, it'll be cold manana.
It was such a beautiful day, and I knocked out my mission by using up all that elastomeric coating, so I grabbed my camera somewhere in the middle of things and took a few pics of my property on this fine day. Absolutely perfect fall weather, I'm looking forward to riding the 'Monster Thumper' on Tuesday, lol... and this porch project is done for now.
Y'all can see how nice it was today... beautiful day to be outdoors, and knocking out that porch project (for now) was just the ticket as I climb back aboard the home rehab horse. Those boots are my all-time favorite boots for watering in the yard, they are rubberized duck boots for shallow "swampy" areas in the PNW, but they breathe really well and they have a special liner that never gets stanky, it's some sort of Space Age material that works wonders, lol. So when the soles started to delaminate after 4 years of hard use, including long camping ventures in the PNW and SE Arizona, well, I figured I'd try to fix 'em before I just tossed 'em, ya know? I might even tape 'em up with this broad heavy-duty electrical tape I bought, I'd like to get more miles out of 'em even though the rubber is splitting in places. Good boots, that's for sure, and those Vibram soles aren't too clunky or awkward, they're just right for yard work & camping.