What's everybody doing today?

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Agree, it looks awful. Who in their right mind would shave off their eyebrows and draw on new ones? My mom is almost 90 (next month) and her eyebrows are nonexistent now. Sometimes she puts on makeup and draws on eyebrows. Sometimes there's only one. Sometimes one is more of a line, and the other is a half circle. It's pretty funny, really. Excessive makeup is really in style for young ladies right now.
What ever happened to the natural look?? There was a teller at the bank today (probably mid thirties) with caked on make up!! Big red blush, and thick mascara. Didn't help her!😮
What ever happened to the natural look??

Right? My daughter-in-law (in her twenties) is a natural beauty, but she dyes her hair pink or purple. I have no idea why she hides her natural beauty. It makes me think of a pre-teen girl, but she's actually in management.
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I was feeling ok and then my guts decided to betray me. Won't gross you out with the details but ugh. Not feeling great after that. Keep getting a little lightheaded. I went to the post office to get mail. The toddler swing arrived so I dropped it off at my friend's house. Hopefully he can put it on without any issues. Came straight back home. Cows were hollering at me but I wasn't feeling well enough to grab feed at the store for them. I need to get some tomorrow. I also need to order more hay. At least I'm not sweating my butt off now.

Cooked for Mom and attached a new cord to the light switch in the living room. Old one broke off & we had to climb up on furniture to reach it. They weren't selling any of the cord ends so I'll have to get one later.

I'm on my Jedi costume kick again, researching patterns, fabrics, watching how to videos on sewing and such. I know it's silly and I need to focus on cleaning and fixing the house up, but once I get this in my head I hyperfocus.
Today will be an odd and varied day. Reported 2 street lights out. I wouldn't care but I get assessed for those, they better stay lit. Later, Rural King to pick up my revolver that has arrived, then PetSmart for cat food and the dollar tree/walmart for a cheap spoon to serve my side dish at the Volunteer Dinner on Sunday. Later, Client appreciation night with my wealth management team, last one I went to I saw people I hadn't seen in 20 years :)
Right? My daughter-in-law (in her twenties) is a natural beauty, but she dyes her hair pink or purple. I have no idea why she hides her natural beauty. It makes me think of a pre-teen girl, but she's actually in management.
She should enjoy her natural hair color while she's young!
Putting snow tires on the rigs and another trip to the locksmith to get a chipped ignition key duplicated. Those things are sure expensive......more so when you lose the key ring with two different cars keys on them. I guess it makes them harder to steal but the difference between $12 for my old chevy and $160 for our 2006 honda is hard to take.
Putting snow tires on the rigs and another trip to the locksmith to get a chipped ignition key duplicated. Those things are sure expensive......more so when you lose the key ring with two different cars keys on them. I guess it makes them harder to steal but the difference between $12 for my old chevy and $160 for our 2006 honda is hard to take.
ALL of our "keys" are either on a big lanyard, or have a Red or Orange flag on em to make em easy to see if we lose/drop em

What ever happened to the natural look?? There was a teller at the bank today (probably mid thirties) with caked on make up!! Big red blush, and thick mascara. Didn't help her!😮

My daughter is the opposite, she wears zero make up and no jewelry either. She looks good anyways, but she would look better if she wore at least a little make up. But her husband married her as is lol, so it's not my business. When I was young I wore make up. Not tons but all the time. I also colored my hair since my natural color was mouse brown lol
Right? My daughter-in-law (in her twenties) is a natural beauty, but she dyes her hair pink or purple. I have no idea why she hides her natural beauty. It makes me think of a pre-teen girl, but she's actually in management.
I hear from the kids around the internet that dying your hair like that means you're bi or gay, if its a national thing, I'd warn her about that. Just saying.
It's been a busy week this week but I'm off today soooo...

I went and volunteered at the old cemetery today. This is our last workday of the season but I'll probably go back once or twice before December hits so I can get my cradles ready for winter. We also had a potluck and a group photo. I'll try and post the photo when they send out the email. I also discovered that Steve (our sexton) makes the BEST chicken tetrazzini! We kinda hated that he wasn't there for the group photo but that tetrazzini...😛 made my mouth happy!

And I discovered some of the mums in Rufus's cradle were quite showy (I call my cradles Rufus/Judge Rufus/Judge Martin/the Old Judge and Myrtle, his 10 year old daughter).

And I took the long way home, which meant I went over the Veterans Memorial Bridge (also known as the Broadway Bridge) and the river was looking so pretty today.

Stopped at the Shell on AR107 and got gas because it's $3.09 there, even though I was in my gas sipper today. At that price...FILLER UP!

Stopped at the Christian Church on AR76Y to vote. I normally don't talk politics but I can't make myself vote Democrat unless it's a local race or state race. Usually then it's because I actually know the candidate. In a few cases I voted Democrat for sheriff because I knew the man was a family friend who had been in law enforcement for years, and in another case I voted Democrat for state senate because the woman was one of my Jr high history teachers.
Relaxing after a busy (but good and productive) day yesterday, got a lot done so I'm taking a break, I'll probably go finish the 'Red Clark' Western I'm currently reading... after I eat a big ol' cholesterol feast for breakfast, with fried eggs & tasty 'Brown Sugar' smoked ham on cheese toast, and hash browns with ketchup on the side. Tall glass of milk to wash it all down, lol. But first, I gotta post some shots of the ol' hacienda which were taken yesterday as I got things done... :)











This place will be nice when I'm all done with the rehab work... gonna start on that front porch soon, and (hopefully) finish the interior painting before Christmas. Paint the exterior in spring, after I fix a few minor problems such as cracks in the skirting. Last two pics show neighbors' homes, that one hand has a pretty nice solar power system atop his roof. Those pics were taken with the zoom on the lens, the homes are actually farther away than they appear. Alright, I'm off to eat a big ol' late brunch, then probably read a Western (code for "take a nap"). :rolleyes:
We decided to just get a new fridge. Did that today. Got The Princess flowers on the way home.


Better than a vase of skeleton hands.

Contacted the VA if I can get any benefits to help with Medicare. Need to wait on approval.

Talked to one Medicare rep and got answers for some questions.

Tomorrow I should visit The Ridge to figure where the trees will get planted.

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Ended up shopping a bit today. Two bin stores this morning. Went back into the bigger town this afternoon with husband, and while he was at PT, I went to Dollar Tree and a clearance store called Ollies. After his PT we went to the amish bulk store. His favorite swiss cheese was on sale this week. I bought some more wheat berries, and they had a stack of used buckets with lids (large and small) for sale, so got all they had. Good homemade noodles there today, too. Emptied both dehydrators, and filled them up again with chopped tomatoes. The whole town is busy tomorrow, there's a local wedding, so the amish school is closing, and some businesses are closing. The girl's parents are hosting the wedding a few miles down the road from us, so our dirt road has been busy with tractors and horse trailers going by all day. Takes alot of help to feed nearly 400 people.
I had some responses to things but my brain just forgot everything. I hope everyone had a good day (I did read but my brain is in blah mode).
I felt tired and like I couldn't catch my breath the whole day. Slept a good portion of it, watched some videos, cooked for Mom, and my brain never fully got out of zombie mode. That honeywell thermostat is still holding at 72. The old thermostat didn't maintain a consistent temperature. I need to look at how to set it so it can get cooler in the daytime and on cooler days.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to go for early voting and to stop by the store to get more food and put gas in the truck. I'll probably grab some cow feed if I'm feeling up to it.
Pulled up to the location for our job this morning in the dark. So it's 5:45 AM, there are no lights and no markings or signs to designate the site, and it's out in the middle of nowhere off a country road. I turn in a long driveway and suddenly there are headlights coming over the hill toward me. It's the farmer who lives there, a guy in his 40s that looks quite unhappy. I put my hands on the top of the wheel so he can see them and say I'm with the railroad. He tells me to back up and get to the next driveway north.

Our boss was unprepared and didn't mark the location for us. I'm lucky I didn't get shot, and two other guys on my gang did the same thing. This is only 40 miles from my home, and I know better than to pull up on somebody's property in the dark like that in this area. That's a meth-head move, and farmers and meth-heads don't get along...
Walked early.
Picked up a friend and went to Lowe's for quickcrete and then Walmart. Sticker shock there! Spent $184 and only got list items and no meat, little dairy. That is the most I have ever spent there.
Took friend home and I came home and put stuff away.
Picked up friend again and went to lunch. She bought since I drive her around.
Home again and done for the day!
Kickin' posterior & takin' nomenclature, lol... I am HAPPIER than a B@STARD on FATHER'S DAY to have made as much PROGRESS as I did today on my lovely front porch home rehab project!!! Pics to be posted in a different thread, since I have a SE-WIOUS QUESTION to ask, AYE? Alright, I'm done with this thread, except to say, "WE NEED EMOTICONS!!!" Lol... a nod to Neb there, don'tcha know?
I am still feeling groggy. Fed kitties, went to early voting, got gas, got some groceries, grabbed cow feed, fed the cows, got hooked in the side by a very impatient cow (fortunately my fat layers offer protection), cooked for Mom, ate a salad, and am currently relaxing.
Animal chores this morning. Repairs on the junior turkey run's roof. There's nine of them in there, so they get all excited when I'm working in their space for awhile. They are nuts. Thought I might as well check the two chicken runs while I was at it, and make sure they were good. Husband came out on his scooter and rode into the new greenhouse and supervised my building of the first 3 ft tall grow box. It's now done, and partially filled. I raked lots of leaves and put them in the bottom, added branches, added coffee grounds, egg shells, banana peels, rabbit poop and the rabbit urine soaked straw. Yuck the smell. So decided to wait to collect top soil till maybe tomorrow. I still need to put in a full day's work of plastic repair. The roof plastic is gone on all four sides. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Emptied both dehydrators and filled them up again with tomatoes again. Little granddaughter and I went into our little town for some pumpkins.
Pulled up to the location for our job this morning in the dark. So it's 5:45 AM, there are no lights and no markings or signs to designate the site, and it's out in the middle of nowhere off a country road. I turn in a long driveway and suddenly there are headlights coming over the hill toward me. It's the farmer who lives there, a guy in his 40s that looks quite unhappy. I put my hands on the top of the wheel so he can see them and say I'm with the railroad. He tells me to back up and get to the next driveway north.

Our boss was unprepared and didn't mark the location for us. I'm lucky I didn't get shot, and two other guys on my gang did the same thing. This is only 40 miles from my home, and I know better than to pull up on somebody's property in the dark like that in this area. That's a meth-head move, and farmers and meth-heads don't get along...
Around here, If you pull into a place like that _You better be honking your horn and do not make the mistake of getting out of the car uninvited. Trespasser shot in Copiah co. News at 5
It was for just over a pound. The cost was $19.99/lb. I live in a very ethnically and religiously diverse area. The meat was Halal so that does add a little cost to it. I wish I were closer--I’d be a very regular customer.

on a side note, what breed are your lambs/sheep? Those cuteypies in the pic look like they are up to something and delicious.

They are Katahdins ( hair sheep) no sheering required. Those 5 are the extra girls we are not breeding. They are a little young and small so they go in a seperate area
I'm off today and of course have a ton of housework to do. Cool and drizzly this morning so good time for inside stuff! Hubby is finishing working on the "new" golf cart, but it's muddy so it probably won't leave his shop,lol! Hopefully Bear can have more running time today, too rainy yesterday, not enough "zoom" time!! Also going through my little chest freezer to see what's in the bottom!😮
My shoulder is better and I am now done with the antibiotic but I got very little accomplished yesterday.
Called dad and my niece to wish them happy birthday ( same day, we have that a lot in our family) . Niece turned 17 and had a party and was hoping my brother , his wife, the sister, some other relatives and my dad were going "somewhere else" so she could have the party alone with just her friends but no go , my brother told me " where would we go?" It sounded like they were all having a good time and I was sorry I couldn't be there ( they are in France)
Last time I was there was 2016. I was going to go 2020 but that obviously didn't happen. Now I want to wait until ww3 is officially cancelled before I go anywhere.

We were going to take some extra animals to the auction near here but they haven't been getting good prices at that one, so we will wait a few more weeks and take them to the small livestock auction where the buyers come specifically for sheep and goats, not cows, and they generally get better prices. I hate taking animals to the auction because you never know where they end up ( not all go to the butcher) but we just have too many to feed in winter. Going to downsize some. I think I want to get to the point where we only breed enough for meat to sell at the market and for us, and replacements. We have too many physical problems to take care of this many animals ( they hey is a problem)

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