Well today (yesterday) our neighbors arrived with our cut and packaged 1/2 of beef and it is neatly sorted and stacked in the freezer. The steaks look yummy, plenty or marbling in the meat. Work was annoying, as usual, and I really didn't want to be there. I don't know if that was due to be annoyed with management not fixing any problems or with my sever lack of sleep the past week or so, or probably a combination of both.
Starting in about 12 hours we will be getting at least 3 to 5 days of snow and cold weather, and depending on which weather moron you listen to this could last a full week. This storm is pushing straight down the west coast and hanging out a while before turning east northeast across the middle of the country. There are even guesses at possible snow in Las Angeles and cold wet weather reaching well down the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. The weather app on our ROKU internet TV box claims I may get between 19 inches and 37 inches over the next 3 or 4 days Now, I take these reports with a grain of salt but this prediction has held steady the past few days when usually their guesses change day to day if not hour to hour. I told my boss I will be at work tomorrow (tonight) since that is day one of the storm but depending on how much we get and if the county clears the highway or not I may not be in Wednesday or Thursday. He was OK with that but warned me that I already have 2 "occurrences" for coming in late last fall when I went to Nevada to watch my son play football a couple times. A third occurrence is a write up and warning about possible termination. I am good with that, because it means if the weather is bad Wednesday and I miss work I will take off Thursday and possibly Friday because they will only write you up for the first missed day. Consecutive days are considered one event and only one write up. But, I do have enough personal time to cover one call out day but if I make it in Thursday and the weather keeps me home Friday that would be 2 different incidents.
Before work (at Home Depot) I went to ACE Hardware to buy a couple new shovels in case I need to shovel a bunch of snow. Why ACE? They have actual cashiers at their cash registers who are polite and friendly, unlike the self check out confusing computer things at Home Depot in the evenings. During the day have one, or maybe two, staffed registers but nothing staffed after 6pm. If I am a customer I deserve customer service, plain and simple. I have told the managers that several times but they don't care enough to pay an extra cashier for the evening shift.