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I ordered some new spice racks because what I had was not sufficient. I hung them up this morning and I like the look. I had shelves that I had built myself a few years ago, and they were deep enough that I could fit two bottles in each spot, front to back. Can't do that with the new racks, and that is okay. Now I'm going to inventory what I have, what is extra and put the extras in a plastic bin with a lid. I need a good inventory list of spices and extras and to fill in the gap.

Took N to the dog park and saw a man who looked like a former student. I asked if it was him and it was. He is probably around 30 now. His mother was with him, and she had several stories about when I was his teacher and after. Since it was a Montessori school, I had him for three years: first, second and third grades and he was my student in the late 90's. She told me that after school got out at the end of third grade that he cried quite a bit because I was not going to be his teacher any more. That brought tears to my eyes. He was a preemie, and a twin, and they both struggled as infants, being in the hospital for weeks after they were born. He has A.D.D., and while he had moments that he couldn't focus, I remember some of the things he did that were spectacular, IMHO. When children were asked to write, he, like so many children, had no idea what to write about or how. I had a list of suggestions of things to write about, and on the list was to write about your mom or write about your dad. There were many other suggestions as well, but he liked the idea of writing about his parents. His dad was quirky. Kid was in first grade then, but wrote one story about one parent on one day and about the other parent another day. They were great stories, but short, for a first grader. His parents came and asked me how he wrote his stories, because they were impressed and almost couldn't believe that he wrote them. I explained the process to them. Students would have them tell me about their parents or whatever they wanted to write about, and sometimes I would ask leading questions. But how to spell those words? This can be a tricky thing for someone who has not written before. Some words were sounded out, but some, well, how do you spell "you?" Every time someone would ask me how to spell a word, I would ask them what sounds they heard. Sometimes that isn't enough. I would write the words on a chart paper hanging in the classroom. If someone asked how to spell something, it might already be on the chart paper. I'd ask them to see if they could find the word. I have fond memories of this former student. It made my day to see him. I do hope I get to see them again.
Decided to throw caution to the wind and resume doing the convention circuit with my side business. Bought a booth at the SLC Comic Con in September, so I have some real motivation to get off my butt and start making things. Decided to mix thing up a bit and ordered a large format (4'x8') panel CNC cutter from makermade.com and a very large size (17"x15"x15") 3D printer to add to my existing print farm. I'm hoping to make a smaller number of big-ticket items rather than a ton of cheap ones. We'll see how that goes!
I am jealous!
Neighbor came with his order book. He’s going to slaughter my bull tomorrow. He was insistent he didn’t need help, made that very clear. I gathered, people helping actually slow him down because he has to explain everything. Probably an insurance issue also. Disappointing, wanted a learning experience, been years since I slaughtered a beef. But I helped him process 3 hogs last year, not that much difference.

But… I placed my order, lot of shoulder roasts, briskets, bone in steaks, short ribs and burger. Everything cut smaller and burger in half pound bags, easier when cooking for one or two. Told him I’d pay extra for extra bagging material, not a problem.

He’s going to try to cut up the flank steaks for stirfry, never had that request before, was unsure. It’s fine, told him to leave them whole and I’d cut them here.

I just hope I have enough freezer space for 400lbs of beef. If I don’t it’ll be close. I’ll just get a small freezer in town if needed, 7-10sqft. If I want to freeze veggies this summer I’ll probably need another freezer anyway.

Ticks!!! They are horrible here. I walked over to the main pasture to check on the horses, maybe 600yds total. As I came in the door I felt a tick crawling on me. I stripped standing right there. Got 3 off that were crawling, jumped in the shower, got 2 more that had bitten me.

No plans tonight but price small freezers on the net.
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Neighbor came with his order book. He’s going to slaughter my bull tomorrow. He was insistent he didn’t need help, made that very clear. I gathered, people helping actually slow him down because he has to explain everything. Probably an insurance issue also. Disappointing, wanted a learning experience, been years since I slaughtered a beef. I helped him process 3 hogs last year, not that much difference.

But… I placed my order, lot of shoulder roasts, briskets, bone in steaks, short ribs and burger. Everything cut smaller and burger in half pound bags, easier when cooking for one or two. Told him I’d pay extra for extra bagging material, not a problem.

He’s going to try to cut up the flank steaks for stirfry, never had that request before, was unsure. It’s fine, told him to leave them whole and I’d cut them here.

I just hope I have enough freezer space for 400lbs of beef. If I don’t it’ll be close. I’ll just get a small freezer in town if needed, 7-10sqft. If I want to freeze veggies this summer I’ll probably need another freezer anyway.

Ticks!!! They are horrible here. I walked over to the main pasture to check on the horses, maybe 600yds total. As I came in the door I felt a tick crawling on me. I stripped standing right there. Got 3 off that were crawling, jumped in the shower, got 2 more that had bitten me.

No plans tonight but price small freezers on the net.
Buy some cedar oil and silute with water and spray your walkways and sitting areas and any where else you may wander. It should keep them away. Might want to read up on that first but I think it is cedar oil, it also helps with mosquitoes and other pests. I am just getting to work so no time to research but I think the beat source is Amazon, it comes in a pint size can. I can share more info later if needed but wanted to post before I forget.
Lots of projects large and small at work. Non stop, and the big ones are likely to drag out until right before the end of FY (sept 28th). Got home and loaded a few more things in the camper. Gonna take a few days off and head up to the lake. Need some down time and wife has a pinched nerve in her back (Dr. thinks). Hurtin so bad she can't hardly put pressure on her foot to drive. Gettin up there she can stay off it for a while. Set up for an MRI when we get back and likely some PT. She could sure use some prayers
Buy some cedar oil and silute with water and spray your walkways and sitting areas and any where else you may wander. It should keep them away. Might want to read up on that first but I think it is cedar oil, it also helps with mosquitoes and other pests. I am just getting to work so no time to research but I think the beat source is Amazon, it comes in a pint size can. I can share more info later if needed but wanted to post before I forget.
Many years ago, there were so many earwigs around my property. Someone suggested that I mulch with cedar chips. While I am not completely free of earwigs, I don't see them nearly as often as I used to. I do think cedar drives some insects away.
Oh man, what a birthday! Was finishing morning animal chores early after dropping the girls off from school, and the Mennonite Manor called and said they called an ambulance for mom...chest pain and vomitting. So off to the ER I went, to the bigger town. She did have a heart attack. They did admit her. She's stable now, stayed with her most of the day, up until they gave her morphine for pain. Then she was sleeping, so I came on home. A surprise for me in the afternoon, though. I missed the brunch my favorite cousin had made for me, so she got a driver to bring her and her daughter to the hospital and brought me chic fil a. Realized I hadn't eaten all day. She talked with mom awhile, mom thought she was her grandma, my mom's aunt. She's done that before, and my cousin just goes with it. Came home, and all my kids have called with birthday wishes. Have talked to my sisters about mom all during the day. The black sheeped sis even called this evening to ask how mom's doing. We went to dinner at the amish restaurant...a free dinner for me cuz it's my birthday. It's nice they do that. Coconut pie for dessert.
Oh man, what a birthday! Was finishing morning animal chores early after dropping the girls off from school, and the Mennonite Manor called and said they called an ambulance for mom...chest pain and vomitting. So off to the ER I went, to the bigger town. She did have a heart attack. They did admit her. She's stable now, stayed with her most of the day, up until they gave her morphine for pain. Then she was sleeping, so I came on home. A surprise for me in the afternoon, though. I missed the brunch my favorite cousin had made for me, so she got a driver to bring her and her daughter to the hospital and brought me chic fil a. Realized I hadn't eaten all day. She talked with mom awhile, mom thought she was her grandma, my mom's aunt. She's done that before, and my cousin just goes with it. Came home, and all my kids have called with birthday wishes. Have talked to my sisters about mom all during the day. The black sheeped sis even called this evening to ask how mom's doing. We went to dinner at the amish restaurant...a free dinner for me cuz it's my birthday. It's nice they do that. Coconut pie for dessert.
HAPPY 61st!! Keep us posted on your mom, hope all is ok!!♥️
1.84 inches of rain during the night. May start building the ark. In reality, just a hunting expedition to Kroger, they claim the frozen taco turkey rolls are back in stock. Then, back home to shelter in place from the rain again.

Merlin the cat has been sitting in front of me for an hour, getting pets and trying to make me feel better :)
Work night for me, but today was the day when employees got to see the pay stub for our 6 month "success share" check that is given to every employee who worked at least 3 months during the 6 month period. One lady who has been with the company said she was pizzed and concerned because hers was only $100. $100 is the minimum for every qualified employee and whatever calculations they use based on hours worked during the time frame and hourly pay and years with the company all get worked into how much each employee gets, but the minimum is always $100. Soooo, we all checked and we all got $100, before taxes. Obviously corporate put our daily sales goals much higher than possible and our store performance was way down based on corporate goal even though we are selling about triple the dollar value compared to just a couple years ago and we are moving at least twice the product through the store.
While pondering this a bit during our truck unload process I told one of the part time guys that he got twice the bonus I got, he said but we both got $100 and I pointed out that he works 20 hours a week and I work 40 hours a week. He was pissed and said that was not fair. Half way through the night I explained this to my supervisor, also explaining I know it is not his fault, but I told him instead of leaving half way through shift tomorrow (tonight) I was just gonna take the entire night off so i can spend time with friends that are coming in for the GF's daughters wedding on Saturday. I suspect a wee bit of adult beverages and some fun friend time will help me forget the shafting from work. Next week I will send an email to the district HR guy and ask him to explain how this is fair and if they might consider correcting this in the future. I doubt it will make a difference but with 18 years of wording police reports I think I can make a clear and convincing argument that even a brain dead cockroach should be able to understand. But it is Home Depot and my confidence is wavering. I know we get these success share checks twice a year and Lowes doesn't offer such a thing but Lowes gives employees a 10% discount and that would be a much better saving for me (and many others) and might make me interested in shopping at our store again instead of driving further to ACE Hardware or Lowes.
I already ate and took my bedtime cocktail of natural sleep aids so I am headed for a quick shower and tomorrow (today) is friends and family day.
Sweet Dreams, have a safe day.
Some photos of the babies, sorry not very good at taking photos of the animals, they don't hold still !

The one with the black goat is the scrawny one I didn't think would make it, but she seems ok now.

But did end up with a bottle baby . The last sheep does not seem to have enough milk for both her lambs and the smaller girl gets nothing, so I have to feed her.

Went shopping yesterday and got chicks! We called and went right as the truck got there, so by the time we got there, there were chicks for sale. Got 10 hens and 8 cornish cross. There were several other people there getting chicks and they did not have a lot. There were only about 15 cornish cross total and only 4 types of hens.


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Work night for me, but today was the day when employees got to see the pay stub for our 6 month "success share" check that is given to every employee who worked at least 3 months during the 6 month period. One lady who has been with the company said she was pizzed and concerned because hers was only $100. $100 is the minimum for every qualified employee and whatever calculations they use based on hours worked during the time frame and hourly pay and years with the company all get worked into how much each employee gets, but the minimum is always $100. Soooo, we all checked and we all got $100, before taxes. Obviously corporate put our daily sales goals much higher than possible and our store performance was way down based on corporate goal even though we are selling about triple the dollar value compared to just a couple years ago and we are moving at least twice the product through the store.
While pondering this a bit during our truck unload process I told one of the part time guys that he got twice the bonus I got, he said but we both got $100 and I pointed out that he works 20 hours a week and I work 40 hours a week. He was pissed and said that was not fair. Half way through the night I explained this to my supervisor, also explaining I know it is not his fault, but I told him instead of leaving half way through shift tomorrow (tonight) I was just gonna take the entire night off so i can spend time with friends that are coming in for the GF's daughters wedding on Saturday. I suspect a wee bit of adult beverages and some fun friend time will help me forget the shafting from work. Next week I will send an email to the district HR guy and ask him to explain how this is fair and if they might consider correcting this in the future. I doubt it will make a difference but with 18 years of wording police reports I think I can make a clear and convincing argument that even a brain dead cockroach should be able to understand. But it is Home Depot and my confidence is wavering. I know we get these success share checks twice a year and Lowes doesn't offer such a thing but Lowes gives employees a 10% discount and that would be a much better saving for me (and many others) and might make me interested in shopping at our store again instead of driving further to ACE Hardware or Lowes.
I already ate and took my bedtime cocktail of natural sleep aids so I am headed for a quick shower and tomorrow (today) is friends and family day.
Sweet Dreams, have a safe day.

The reason for the angry emoji is I feel ya @INresponse . I'm sure members of the C-suite and field management didn't get shafted with the "success share" bonus.

The corporate overloads are *&#$Bleep($*#_$BleepityBleep. I work for a mega pharmacy corporation that I affectionately call Come Visit Satan. Their extreme cuts in hourly employee hour budgets has taken the "care out of healthcare." I do the scheduling at our store for pharmacy techs. This coming week's budget is 180 hours (65 hours is pharmacists--store doesn't open without them). The following week it dropped to 165. Yesterday when I opened the schedule to make it up for the next week after, it had dropped to 162. Doing the math leaves me 97 hours for technicians. I have three full time techs (myself included). How does the upper management expect us to do that and not harm someone? I came home yesterday sick to my stomach and argumentative with my family because I'm in a position to decide who gets to earn. It's my own economic Sophie's Choice and I hate and resent it.
It’s good over here, @Pearl !
No hail. Winds weren’t bad. The lightning was close.
Appointment in the city today, hope the rain has moved on by then. I don’t like driving in the rain. Then in to work.
One last round here at 8:30! The school district to my west closed because of tornado damage! 2" of rain also!
It's my day off (trying to have one every week)! Got Buddy fed between storms, he is nice and dry in his shed! Doing laundry and some house cleaning today. Just minor storm clean up, pretty bad damage just west! Hubby is home today too, he had an outside job! Making a brunch omelet shortly! Lots of inside stuff this morning, will hit the pool float later when it's warm and sunny 🌞!
I rotated the cement board I was working on (coated 3 edges with aquadefense). That was a royal pain. I didn't have much space for moving it in the tub, had to sort of roll it out and then had a lot of trouble lifting the left side because my arm decided to gimp out on me. Could only get it up a couple of inches. Used tub edge for leverage. I have a bath mat on the edge of a tub that acted as a buffer and helped it slide. There was a lot of swearing and grumbling but I finally got it upright. I'm going to do the other boards outside the tub and spread plastic over the room.

I took my morning vitamins and meds but need to eat breakfast. I'll tackle the cement board afterward.
Cats went crazy this morning, made a mess of our home, so I cleaned that up and now I'm sipping some hot tea... not a very nice day outside, I'm hoping it improves. Household chores this morning, now that the cats have mellowed out a bit. Dunno what set 'em off earlier, but they were galloping all over the house, and when they were done, it looked like a Kansas twister hit the place... hopefully they got it all out of their system, they sure were acting crazy! 😒
Wingnut, mine do that sometimes. I still have a scar on the bridge of my nose from one of the cats scampering across my face while I was sleeping last week. I hope there aren't any storms coming. Sometimes they get squirrely over the weather. I remember back in Guam when my cats started acting weird-- fur standing up, nervous energy, running all over and being agitated. An hour later we got hit with earthquakes. I guess they could feel it before we could.

ABR, I hope you get feeling better soon. Have you ever tried rolling your foot over a tennis ball or something about that size-- even the ones with the little blunt spikes-- to hit pressure points on your foot? Sometimes, that can help with migraines. Doesn't take them away entirely, but creates a sensory distraction.

I got the 1st coat of Aquadefense on the last edge of the cement board. This board will be uncut as its the right size to fit in the space. The other 3 boards will need to be cut. It bonds strongly enough that thinset can be put over it but I'm trying to avoid putting it in areas that will need tape and thinset-- just hitting edges. Next board only needs one side done before some cutting.

Cooked for Mom and am waiting for my brother to get home from work so we can watch something together.
Spent a few hrs with mom at the hospital. Taked with the cardiologist...they are adding a beta blocker to her meds, but her heart is in bad shape, so that's what they can do. Should be able to go home in a day or two. She ripped out her IV this morning, and tried to get out of bed, so she's now on a monitor. I think the nurses were relieved I came in to keep her busy for awhile. Talked to my blacksheep awful California sister, and told her she's doing just fine. She was asking permission to come and see her. Geesh.
Something got into our goose run last night, ate one of our geese. That was awful to find this morning. Guessing maybe a raccoon. Checked for holes or ways in, and reinforced one area, but I'm not sure. Hopefully I got it and no more will be taken down. One is on a nest right now.
Amish Heart, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom's heart. Obviously you don't get along with your sister but at least she called to check and wants to visit. Some people completely cut other family out. I hope whatever got your goose will not get back in. Poor goose. :-( Sending virtual hugs your way.

I took the trash bag out of the kitchen trash can and have room to fit more stuff in it, put a new bag in the can, cleaned up the floor and the hallway. Still need to do more cleaning. Having to rely mostly on my right arm since my left is not wanting to cooperate. I'm waiting for my friend to send me his daughter's phone number and to make sure she has my contact info in case of an emergency.

I'll also have to check on the inside cat there. He gets separation anxiety. I'll probably have to clean the litterbox since I know my brother won't (but my brother will feed him). I need to find out where the dirty litter is supposed to go.
I am jealous!
I'm excited, but really nervous about the cost of materials to make the bigger items. Hopefully I can sell some online to fund building more for the conventions. I'm hoping to make some fun rocking horses, pedal cars, rubber band guns and arcade cabinets (full size & tabletop) with the CNC. The 3d printers will bring my "fleet" to 11, but right now only 7 are hooked up and 4 of those are working. Lots of maintenance to do, but I've got plenty of experience in that arena. I'll be making a huge variety of things 3D printed, and hope to make some molds for concrete planters, statues, and garden ornaments.
@Amish Heart - prayers for your mom! Hope CA sister doesn't cause too much grief!

@INresponse - that's a shame about the profit sharing bonus - it definitely doesn't seem fair. I like how my company does it - they pick a % of your salary and everyone gets the same percentage of what they earned over the last 6 months. So if you worked less you'll get less.

@Wingnut - feel ya on the cats, mine were crazy all morning as well! One had opened a big sliding door and was sitting on top of my quail brooder terrorizing the baby quail, and the other decided to dig in a couple of the houseplants - there was dirt everywhere :rolleyes: At least they aren't cowering in hidey-holes all day anymore.

I've had two dozen chicken eggs in the incubator for a couple of days and will add 3 doz quail eggs tonight. 1st time hatching both at the same time, but I'll put a cardboard divider between the two come hatching time so hopefully there's no issues.

Got 4" of snow today with more coming all weekend long. Supposed to be in the 60s in 3 weeks, so I'll just hang tight and enjoy the reprieve from yard work for now.
The reason for the angry emoji is I feel ya @INresponse . I'm sure members of the C-suite and field management didn't get shafted with the "success share" bonus.

The corporate overloads are *&#$Bleep($*#_$BleepityBleep.
That’s the ironic part, this entire week was the corporate gathering of y managers in Las Vegas. While they are having their pat on the back meetings and provided fancy hotel rooms, catered lunches, and I suspect Per Diem the employees got a very disappointing bonus, for most full timers a small fraction of normal.

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