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Happy birthday to Jake!
I've heard of shutterfly but never used it.

I went to the store and got some groceries. Mom isn't feeling well so she'll probably have soup tonight.

Stopped by TSC to get some hay with molasses for the cows because they have been hollering at me. It wasn't in the usual spot but then I saw it was on a top shelf. I could barely touch it with my good arm and couldn't get my other arm anywhere close so I had to ask for help. A taller employee got it down and carried it for me and put it in the truck for me. Honestly, even if I could have reached with both arms I'm not tall enough to have been able to lift it up and pull it forward. Cows were happy to get it.

My friend sent me a pic of the gulf from his view on the ship before losing signal. I hope everything will go smoothly and that they have fun on the trip. My friend has never been out of state overnight before. Only gone one state over to TX.
Were those union monkeys? Lol... during my search for a home, I learned that there's a "magic number" (in price) where a property goes from "demo job" to "fixer-upper." The "magic number" would vary from state to state, same way home prices varied state to state. Anything below the "magic number" wasn't worth buying, it would've cost more to fix up than buying a home in somewhat better shape (but still a fixer). First-time home buyers with limited funds should determine what that "magic number" is and move forward (or upward) from there. :rolleyes:

Some fixers require a lot of work, but they're quite nice once the work is done... I say this as a "home moaner" who still has home rehab work to do. However, I'm happy here in Alamo and my home isn't in that bad shape overall, it just needs some TLC. One of the first things I did was repair the cracked & broken roof vents (open to the sky) to prevent any more water damage... thankfully, not much damage had occurred before I knocked out this task. Fresh paint & new carpet inside made a HUGE difference... though I'm not quite done with the interior painting, I've been lagging in that regard. :confused:
No, not Union monkeys, Methed up, drunk blind monkeys. Yep, I bought a way below market fixer upper 32 years ago. I am now 2 years into my 5 year plan :p

Ever seen PEX run in a trough cut in the drywall? Me either, Till today. I didn't look at the attic, I didn't have a tyvek sperm suit and my full face respirator :p

30 years ago I would have thought about it. I might have gotten just a tiny bit wiser( and a lot tireder) than I used to be
Haha, I copy the "5-year plan!" I think the Soviet Union had plans like that... back when it was the Soviet Union. ;)

I was just spent over an hour watering in the yard, and I love this time of day, late afternoon, with the sun's mellow rays streaming through the pines... :cool:

For me, it's not just the home that's important, I gotta have a nice yard with abundant wildlife... birds, mostly, but other critters as well. Time spent in the yard is never wasted... :D
My cousin called, she went to visit mom in the hospital, and she wasn't there! They released her, didn't let me know, and I found her back at the manor. Not really remembering that she was in the hospital at all. Visited with her for awhile, my cousin showed up, and we stayed the afternoon. Got a few afternoon chores done, but I really need to get on it around here before company shows up.
Oh man, what a birthday! Was finishing morning animal chores early after dropping the girls off from school, and the Mennonite Manor called and said they called an ambulance for mom...chest pain and vomitting. So off to the ER I went, to the bigger town. She did have a heart attack. They did admit her. She's stable now, stayed with her most of the day, up until they gave her morphine for pain. Then she was sleeping, so I came on home. A surprise for me in the afternoon, though. I missed the brunch my favorite cousin had made for me, so she got a driver to bring her and her daughter to the hospital and brought me chic fil a. Realized I hadn't eaten all day. She talked with mom awhile, mom thought she was her grandma, my mom's aunt. She's done that before, and my cousin just goes with it. Came home, and all my kids have called with birthday wishes. Have talked to my sisters about mom all during the day. The black sheeped sis even called this evening to ask how mom's doing. We went to dinner at the amish restaurant...a free dinner for me cuz it's my birthday. It's nice they do that. Coconut pie for dessert.

Happy Birthday Amish Heart!!! Sorry we're so late...haven't had a lot of time to keep up with all the posts here. Jim and I are so sorry to hear about your mom's medical condition. Please know that she, and of course you, are in our prayers.
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I've worked in a few libraries in my life. I always prefer alphabetical order if I can get it done. This is a project that I have put off for years because I couldn't find what I thought would work for me for the racks. I made a couple spice shelves a few years ago, but they were not big enough to hold the collection of spice jars that is just the ones that I might need at any time. So far, the new racks hold 6 bottles each, times 8 racks= room for 48 spices, not counting salts and extracts. I know people who have more than 100 spices. I am now on day 3 of it, and I know I have a few more days to go. I have another stash of spices that I haven't even dug out yet. This is something that needed to be tackled a while ago.

I really need to send you a photo of mine, it will give you something to laugh ( or cry ) about LOL
I have every spice you need to cook many international foods including Indian, and not a one is organized. They are in large containers, small containers and bags. It's like our silverware. I just throw them all in the drawer when the dishes are done. I just can't be organized...then when I need something , I have to move a million things and you will hear me cussing a mile away....
Some fixers require a lot of work, but they're quite nice once the work is done... I say this as a "home moaner" who still has home rehab work to do.

It also depends on how you want to live and your finances. We bought our 1940s old house with no electric or any sort of utilities functioning except cold water but nobody tells us what to do with it either. Plus we had a lot of money left from selling our "proper" Orlando house we are living on now. We had another property ( with no house) and were going to build one on it, but it would have been way more expensive and we would not have been able to live like here. When you build new you have to go by ALL the building codes. Spring water off a mountain and a questionable septic tank would not be allowed, neither would all wood heat and heating the water with wood.
Plus if SHTF , nobody will come look at our house and think there is something worth stealing there
Just some thoughts on that
Well the wind was so bad it broke one of our barn doors. We built that door out of plywood so it was not very sturdy but good enough to keep the goats in when we want and the cold out a little better than the giant hole that was there before. Usually when we have a wind warning it is at night, and we put a bar in front of it to keep it from banging and breaking but it was daytime and when we opened it not that windy. Then we had some really bad wind in the middle of the day with warm sunny weather and blue sky, very unusual and weird. It also tore off a piece of roofing at another building.
Animals ok, the moms with the babies were hiding in the barn
The sheep were out, it blew down a big section of electric fencing.
I have never had wind like that before except during a hurricane in Florida.

Today I really need to clean the house.
I really need to send you a photo of mine, it will give you something to laugh ( or cry ) about LOL
I have every spice you need to cook many international foods including Indian, and not a one is organized. They are in large containers, small containers and bags. It's like our silverware. I just throw them all in the drawer when the dishes are done. I just can't be organized...then when I need something , I have to move a million things and you will hear me cussing a mile away....
I do have spices and ingredients for Indian foods in one bin and general Asian food ingredients in another. Because these are sauces, spices, etc., the best way for me to organize them is in a bin together.

I am not the most organized person, and I believe I have some A.D.D., which manifests itself in difficulty in making decisions about the odds and ends. I can organize the general parts easily. It is the little parts that don't fit that always leave me with a small mess. Once I start a project, I want it to be all organized in a way that makes sense, but that last bit always challenges me, whether it be food storage, sewing, craft, gardening, cooking, genealogy or whatever supplies I want to re-organize.
Hope everyone is doing well this morning. I saw Havasu mentioned tornadoes in my state. I hope no one here was in the path.

Amsih, I'd be annoyed about not being informed about her release, but hopefully she's feeling better now.

I got up and despite my back's protests, I added more screws to the cementboard. Because of the angle I had to use my left hand and now it is cramping up. Back didn't want to let me stand up straight either. Took some naproxyn and have the massage pad on my back to loosen it up. I wanted to do some cleanup today but I think my body is telling me "no". I'll have to see later on in the day if it will cooperate.
Working on taxes this morning, rather take a sharp stick to the eye.
Been doing ours too, I think we are going to owe a ton. Ugh.
@Amish Heart Happy belated birthday and I'm glad your mom is ok, that's BS they didn't tell you she was being released.

Got our starlink internet yesterday, now it's up on top of the RV and working great! So nice to have normal internet service again!!
Beautiful morning, so I decided to knock out some yard work, including my least favorite task: weed whacking. But the weeds were getting tall near the feeders and birdbaths, so I had to knock 'em down, otherwise the cats would be killing birds left & right. I also moved those flagstone pavers and put 'em around one spigot in the yard, plus I put the remaining flagstone pavers around the septic system's capped riser over by the fence. Not sure why that riser pipe is in place, it's well past all the underground drainage, but they must have put it there for a reason, so it stays... now it has smaller flagstone chunks around it for additional protection. One day I'll plant some sort of bushes around it to hide it... 😒

Oh, yeah, I also consolidated the outdoor firewood and got rid of one pile of old pine cones I never burned this winter... so my front yard looks cleaner, which is nice. I hope to burn off the last pile of branches and logs sometime this spring, then I'll think of cutting down that dead pine tree for next winter's supply of campfire wood. :rolleyes:

Now I've showered and I'm enjoying a cold beer... wind didn't pick up (yet), so the seedlings are soaking up sunshine on the back step. I'm doing a load of laundry and resting my feet, which are tired from this morning's work. No real plans for the rest of the day, except to put the trash can out before dark, tomorrow is trash day and I don't wanna miss the pickup. Otherwise, I'll share quality time with the cats, probably read a book or watch a movie later tonight... such is life in the high desert boondocks of New Mexico. Meh, haven't heard any gunshots, sirens, traffic noise, loud rap music, etc., and there's no smog either, lol... life could definitely be worse. Uh-oh, time to throw the laundry load in the dryer... 😬
Scrubbing the kitchen, planting more seed starts for the grow lights, put away the woodburning stove supplies and cleaning the area, a ton of random chores. Got some green beans going on the stove top, going to my favorite cousin's place for dinner. I think she's making broccoli soup tonight.
Day 3 of a migraine. Did bare minimum, fed critters, watched documentary and completed subsequent assignment for one of my classes, and then laid down most of the day. Pup was acting a fool when I went out to feed supper and body-slammed me from behind. Fell hard on my right side on the cement porch step. See how much we hurt in the morning. Can already tell that it's going to be bad in my wrist arm elbow and shoulder :rolleyes:
I was able to microwave some orange chicken and rice for lunch. Looked for Mom's glue gun and she finally told me to just buy one for myself. Found a Gorilla brand one on Walmart's website along with some glue sticks on sale. Will do curbside pickup tomorrow. Still got the heating pad on my back.

ABR, have you gone to the doctor about those migraines? Having them for more than a day is bad enough but 3 days is concerning. I hope you can find some relief soon.

Amish, I forgot to say Happy Birthday yesterday. Was it yesterday? My brain is not working today.

Cats are piled on me right now and my arm is pretty sore. Dogs got into the trash and I need to clean it up but not feeling like moving.
Had one of those "can't move" days yesterday. The grief and depression sometimes just pile up and hold me down. Finally got moving today; did some sorting and cleaning out in the shop building and took the new motorcycle out for a test drive. It was so icy and snowy when I bought it that I never got to ride it. I think I'm going to like it a lot, but it was too cold to really go for a ride today. Plus I don't have plates on it yet.
Amish that's nuts that they never told you they were discharging your mom. Hope she heals up.
ABR hope the migraine passes soon, I know how miserable that can be.
ABR, have you gone to the doctor about those migraines? Having them for more than a day is bad enough but 3 days is concerning. I hope you can find some relief soon.
No. I've not had insurance for 15+ years. Don't do doctors. They'd just want to give me pills. Was told that I need to see a cardiologist 2 years ago.... They're hereditary. My mom started getting them around the age that I did and hers would last 2-3 days. She managed them with Excedrin(sp) and Dr. Pepper. I can't have caffeine and try to avoid meds as much as possible as they both effect my heart. Stress certainly doesn't help them either. If it's still not reducing in the morning then I'll give in and take some ibuprofen.
I was able to microwave some orange chicken and rice for lunch. Looked for Mom's glue gun and she finally told me to just buy one for myself. Found a Gorilla brand one on Walmart's website along with some glue sticks on sale. Will do curbside pickup tomorrow. Still got the heating pad on my back.

ABR, have you gone to the doctor about those migraines? Having them for more than a day is bad enough but 3 days is concerning. I hope you can find some relief soon.

Amish, I forgot to say Happy Birthday yesterday. Was it yesterday? My brain is not working today.

Cats are piled on me right now and my arm is pretty sore. Dogs got into the trash and I need to clean it up but not feeling like moving.
Just enjoy the cats!! They are the feel better critters!!
Eldest's birthday today- she had a few days in London with her cousin and then a weekend at her friends, whose birthday it it also. She wrecked :D from too much chocolate and late nights- they talked too much to drink. They resort to being 12 again when they are together, which is the best kind of friendship. It also means she has no expectations from us, and her work gives everyone their birthday off, so shes going to spend the day on the couch. so chicken pie for dinner and I'll rustle up a cake. Can't believe shes older than me when I had her! :eek:😭
Spent yesterday doing some cutting back of shrubs ( buddleia etc) and planting seedlings in the polytunnel, and OH put some more fence posts in for a new chicken run. I also set up some of his unused scaffolding to hang lettuce etc on so its safer, and when I water them it will drip onto other veg.