What's everybody doing today?

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I detest tight fitting clothes. Carpenters jeans, cargo pants or shorts for me. I want freedom of movement. Even my suit is a little relaxed
Sometimes my suit is relaxed, sometimes the pants are a bit snug in the waist. I don't know how that happens. They just hang on the hanger, unless a tailor sneaks in occasionally and takes in the waist or lets it out just for fun. :dunno:
Amish: congrats on getting rid of them! I hope they really do leave and don't come back.

It's windy here again today but not as bad as a few days ago. We fixed the barn door and had 3 more goat kids today , no probems
Busy, so not much time to post on here. We have to take advantage of the dry weather and I have been planting stuff. Plus husband noticed we have no more bags of feed this morning so we had to drive to town to get some
Amish that's great news. I hope they don't destroy anything on the way out. And I pray that some day they mature and make better choices, and realize what you tried to do for them.
Worked a little late today to make sure I had everything ready for fieldwork tomorrow. Need to leave extra early in the morning, so hopefully I can get some decent sleep tonight.
Woke up to a bit of snow on the ground, but it was all gone by lunchtime and I got a load of laundry hung out. Need to buy some potting mix and get my little tomato plants transplanted. Started a flat of herbs today. The basement growing station is working out a lot better than my greenhouse experiment last spring. I just couldn't control the temperature swings and everything either roasted or froze. Much easier to keep a steady temp in the basement.
My kids have been hearing concerns about flooding this spring - record snowfall here in UT has to go somewhere when it melts, and offered their help if I felt like we needed to prepare for it. We're fortunate to be fairly high in elevation on a decently sloped hill so the worst of it ought to pass us by, but our city has set up a fill your own sandbag station where the bags and sand are free, you just need to fill them and haul them away. So we'll go fill a couple dozen bags to have on hand if water encroaches on our basement window wells and they can hold down the edges of the hoophouse plastic after the danger of flooding is past :)
I leave for a couple days and have 4 or 5 pages to catch up on! 🤪 It has been a rough couple of weeks so I kidnapped Hubby and took him camping/fishing. It was wonderful! Out of service and peaceful. One of my favorite spots to camp and one of my favorite things happened. It was sunny and snowing. I took my stitching and sat and watched it snow. Hubby fished - didn't catch, but fished just the same.
Didn't sleep last night, maybe an hour since midnight of last night. Had to drive 2.5 hrs. to take a 3 hr. proctored test then another 2.5 hr. drive home. I passed! Yay! Maybe I'll sleep tonight. I was a little worried since it was an absurd test.
We are back and I'll be back at work tomorrow.
Sometimes my suit is relaxed, sometimes the pants are a bit snug in the waist. I don't know how that happens. They just hang on the hanger, unless a tailor sneaks in occasionally and takes in the waist or lets it out just for fun. :dunno:

You know you have to be careful. It is a well known fact that beer and chocolate will make your clothes shrink. :confused2:
Decent night at work. Our boss is off this week. He planned vacation this week to blow his "success share" check with his wife in Vegas but his was pathetic just like ours so he has the week of vacation but not enough money to actually go celebrate. He said something about almost having enough for a trip to Costco. I feel sorry for him but apparently the lack of "profit" money for Home Depot was not just "wasted" on us common folk and salaried management got screwed over as well. Either way an ASSistant manager is our boss for the week and he was basically non existent so after the truck unload we made up our own game plan for the night and took our time getting those tasks done. Tomorrow night no truck to unload so we already made up our game plan for an easy night of work. Since the ASSistant manager is "in charge" if we don't get enough done it is his fault. No way it could be our fault since he is the boss.
One more day of decent weather until the next storm for Kommiefornia hits with rain or snow. I have the plastic ready to cover my dirt/mud driveway if needed. One more day for the GF to potentially relax after her daughters wedding and before heading back to work. I am heading to bed soon, hopefully I get a decent "mornings" sleep.
When I was at the cabinet shop last week following up on an employment request the owner was wearing a sweatshirt for another local business so I think I will make him a sweatshirt with his own business name on it and give it to him Wednesday when I follow up on my job seeking mission. I have a sweatshirt on the rack and I have the heat transfer vinyl so it will be a very minimal cost to me to make the sweatshirt and a great way for me to let him know he could score a great employee and a very affordable source for custom shirts for his employees and family and good customers. I am not much for brown nosing but I know a good opportunity when I see it.
All ya'all have a great day.
It's possible the new parents are waiting for all the paperwork to be signed, sealed and delivered before they let the little darlings move in; also sounds like they are expecting some benefits.
That and maybe waiting for the weekend.

I like the idea of loading the truck up and moving every last scrap of their room contents over to the new place. No need to let those kids drag it out on you.
The twins haven't shown up yet to get their junk.
Do you think that they may be waiting until you are not home? Or, if they leave stuff there, you can't change the locks? I'm suspicious by nature (and experience).

Storms this morning early.
Will walk and then walk dogs.
Already rolled $50 in change.
Purged and cleaned bathroom drawers and cabinet.
Grated cheese for shredded cheddar.
Still need to make salmon spread, hummus and cut up some celery.
Just some more unsolicited brain storming.

Since the kids don't communicate and work very hard on their invisibility spells, what are the odds that they have already moved and don't have the decency to let you know?

If it is a possibility, then packing the leftovers and dropping them off will force someone to acknowledge it. Probably the safest route is to call the social worker and get her to clarify the situation and inform her as to what you are going to do if you don't hear from those kids by the weekend.
Snappy1, I save my change in the car console, then unload it at the gas station... those folks are always grateful for change, since they're busy. I still remember my friends at the surf shop asking me to go get change from the bank, they'd go through it fast when the shop had heaps of customers. There were two banks right nearby, so it wasn't a great imposition, and I'd get a beer or two out of making the run, lol. In fact, I'd often hit the liquor store for 'em too, since they were busy racking up the sales. The area behind the shop where Tommy did the glasswork on boards was where locals would hang out whenever they stopped by... out of the way of customers & tourists up front. 😒

The shop was sold some years ago, now I heard that some Chinese developers bought the entire block, with the exception of M.J. Brown... that store did not sell out or kowtow to the Chinese, lol. Defiant to the end... but I also read a review that said the M.J. Brown store had redone things, and whoever wrote the review didn't like the new store layout as much. Meh, not my problem, I'm done with that burg, even though it's the place of my birth. The very fact that some Chinese developers could pony up for almost an entire city block in the heart of the Coronado business district tells me that things aren't right with this country, and living in Kommiefornia is no longer an option for me... :confused:

Back on topic, I guess I'll putter around today, this weird weather has me stalled out in some ways... I really should start painting the kitchen & bathrooms, but I haven't found the motivation yet. Once I get started, I know it'll roll smoothly, but getting started has been difficult for me... dunno whether it's tied to the overall malaise in this country, under this sleazy and fraudulent regime. I was just talking to my friend on the phone, and I told him that we had seen the glory years of this country, but now it's swirling down the toilet and "the good old days" are gone. This is 'The Decline of Western Civilization'---only the Fall remains to be witnessed. NOT a very cheerful or inspirational thought... 😒
They came in last night and slept here. Then left this morning after I left with little granddaughter for school. So, I know that they normally don't work on Tuesday nights, usually it's a party night or a therapist appt, and then party. So I would think tonight is the night for the move, it is Tuesday. If not, then something is up. We never took benefits for them at all, so if the new people want something, they have to apply, starting with temporary need for assisting families (TANF) and an EBT boost. Glancing in their rooms, it would take many, many truckloads. It would take me a ton of work getting all that crap downstairs. I think a couple days of hard work.
Finished lots of animal chores and got the rabbits cleaned out and the turkey run restrawed. Off to Aldi.
Still no new freezer but I’ve located the model I want. Just have to go buy it. Yesterday was a bust, something strange happened to my health. I always run out of energy when I go to town (cfs crash). I’m careful, have to judge how I feel before I make the attempt. I only go when I think I can get most of my errands done before the crash happens. Yesterday I shouldn’t have gone to town but was too far gone to realize it. I was a blithering idiot, couldn’t have thought my way out of a wet paper bag. Couldn't even to simple math in my head. I could have ordered the freezer I want, been there for pickup this morning. Wasn't able to communicate this effectively to the sales lady.

Then last night, I found a tick on my spine. Lower back, belt line, millimeters from bone. That’s the 5th tick to bite me in the last 3 days. I think I might have a problem from one of the bites. I’m now using my whole herbal arsenal, have been since sunday. The key to fighting tick borne illnesses is speed. In other words, those who get the sickest wait too long before seeking/using meds. (Healing Lyme)

My head is clearer today but I’m still not feeling right. Need to get the new freezer but I don’t want a repeat of yesterday. Any normal health issue, even a cold, will trigger major cfs symptoms but sometime they trigger all by themselves. So, I’m in wait and see mode.
Today I took off work from my part time job to go over into Georgia to the VA clinic and get my annual physical. This is something that must be done to stay enrolled in the healthcare system.
I use the civilian system for all my care, but just in case Agent Orange comes for me I’ll need VA backup.
While over there I dropped into Walmart, which I very rarely do. Maybe once every two or three years. Not much ammo, but the two rifle/shotgun Display cases were full to over flowing. Prices not much higher than they were 10 years ago.
At this very moment I’m in the barbershop for my monthly haircut.
Then home for a bite to eat, and maybe go out back to pattern a new .410.
It was an impulse buy when I was in the Ace Hardware last week. A Rossi Tuffy single shot. I need another shotgun like a hole in the head, but I love .410’s and the price was $139 + tax. A .410 makes an excellent farm gun, I’m going to put a sling on this so I can carry it and tools at the same time.
I’m not sure how many shotguns I actually have, I know that it’s more than a dozen.
Got home around 0400, was asleep at 0445, and woke up at 1050. It's 1320 now, and I've managed to get to the grocery store, eat lunch, and go to the gym for a short bike ride. It's sunny and about 40° outside, but I just can't get motivated to do much else. I just realized I'm way overdue for an eye exam so I'll be scheduling that. Otherwise, I'm just going to be useless for the rest of the afternoon. Maybe I'll putter around a bit. Or maybe not. This all night travel is really kicking my tail...
Amish, I wonder if the twins assumed you were getting paid to care for them & were thinking it was only for the benefits/$ but were wrong & don't know how to apologize or won't let themselves change the pov. I hope the new people aren't in it just for the benefits and actually care for them. Sounds like they are going to get more than they expected though. Hopefully the twins will pack their crap up and move out peacefully and are not having second thoughts about moving out.

My brain isn't wanting to focus today. I was all set to get to sleep last night and Mom woke me up wanting me to watch something on Youtube so it messed up my sleep schedule again.Trying to wake myself up.

I glued some craft sticks together and used clamps to hold them on the top of my little plastic drawer thingy to try to stop the plastic from continuing to crack and break (from the weight of cats sitting on it). Didn't go on the way I wanted, but hopefully it will stick. If not, I'll try something else. Might need different glue.
Went to brunch with a friend today, so good to catch up with her.
Got a cinnamon roll with rum orange sauce for the hubs. Got the RV working so our daughter will be able to stay over spring break and have heat in there!
tonight, headed to work out at OTF and then out to dinner for a date night.
Kind of a lazy day with not much going on at the homestead.

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