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Still no new freezer but I’ve located the model I want. Just have to go buy it. Yesterday was a bust, something strange happened to my health. I always run out of energy when I go to town (cfs crash). I’m careful, have to judge how I feel before I make the attempt. I only go when I think I can get most of my errands done before the crash happens. Yesterday I shouldn’t have gone to town but was too far gone to realize it. I was a blithering idiot, couldn’t have thought my way out of a wet paper bag. Couldn't even to simple math in my head. I could have ordered the freezer I want, been there for pickup this morning. Wasn't able to communicate this effectively to the sales lady.

Then last night, I found a tick on my spine. Lower back, belt line, millimeters from bone. That’s the 5th tick to bite me in the last 3 days. I think I might have a problem from one of the bites. I’m now using my whole herbal arsenal, have been since sunday. The key to fighting tick borne illnesses is speed. In other words, those who get the sickest wait too long before seeking/using meds. (Healing Lyme)

My head is clearer today but I’m still not feeling right. Need to get the new freezer but I don’t want a repeat of yesterday. Any normal health issue, even a cold, will trigger major cfs symptoms but sometime they trigger all by themselves. So, I’m in wait and see mode.
You might already know this Peanut, but what ticks spit into you to keep your blood from coagulating as they suck it is a paralysis. I know you'll take care of them, but drink lots of water also.
Had fieldwork today so a lot of driving. Good weather, lots of sunshine. Made me wish I was on my bike. Had three deer run out in front of me when I was going through the national forest area, a little unusual for that time of day.
Crazy person incident: I was at a wellhouse in a mobile home park, and had to park my work truck off to the side to not block the access drive. This put it somewhat in front of a trailer, but still many feet away from both the trailer and the car parked by the trailer. Was standing by the truck talking to the guy I had to meet, when a young guy came out of the trailer with a pitbull on a leash and confronted us about parking there. We were polite and said we were leaving soon. He went back in and slammed the door about ten times then started knocking on the front window. Then he opened the window and started hollering about how we needed to leave.
I have no filter and a very short fuse these days and my give a damn is busted, and I wanted to stand my ground and tell him to bring it, I'm not scared of a punk. Thankfully I was able to stifle the impulse and not do that. And the guy I was working with is a very level headed good soul so we agreed to finish our conversation at the other site we have to visit next week, got in our trucks, and left. But I really wanted to show the punk what a cranky old woman can do when you act like an idiot.
At least the angry kept me awake on the way back, the sun was pouring into the truck cab making it all warm and cozy and sleepy. Thought it would be great to get the bike out when I got home, but the bridge was closed in town and the traffic backed up so I couldn't get to the secretary of state to get the title and plate done. I ended up going out the other way to stop at the tire guy's place and get my truck tires rotated, so at least that's done and I got some jawing time with one of my favorite red-necks. Of course nothing is made to last anymore, and the silly little shiny plastic bits they put over the lug nuts to make them look pretty broke down and the lug nuts are all rusty and need to be replaced. He ordered some for me so I can pick those up next time I go that way.
I guess it was just a Monday for the whole of this Tuesday.
That is when I like the saying, "Does it count as saving someone's life if I refrain from killing them?" 😂
Sorry you had such an encounter.
So Monday I traveled 2.5 hrs. to take a 3 hr. brutal test then got to drive 2.5 hrs. back home. Have been playing catch up since then but think I am getting caught up which is good heading into end of month stuff.
We've had rain and relatively mild temps so am hoping to play in the garden this weekend. They finally came and finished the summer kitchen roof yesterday so now I can uncover everything and get back in there to work and finish cleaning up and putting things away. Looking forward to having that done - it's become such an extension of our home (or of the kitchen anyhoo).
@Amish Heart How is your mom doing? Prayers the move-out of the twins is uneventful.
I finally fot to good breaking point with the crazy 3 water heater adventure but nit until after The Princess had some giggles about my challenges.

She decided to five each water heater a proper name instead of by number. She decided "Tom, Dick, and Harry" being inspired by a song in the musical "Kiss me Kate".

Well the central manifold came in handy because a few issues were uncovered. First was the pressure regulating valve for the alternate side house was bad reading 140 psi instead of 50-60 psi. Shut off the supply for that side and ran both sides of the house from the primary side of the house. Fine as temporary fix.

Started working on re-plumbing the lines for Dick. I was cleaning up the build up for the T&P relief valve. As I was diddling with the threads the question crossed my mind "if the pressure was 140 psi, why was the relief valve actuating?" Yup! Bad relief valve. That was a disaster waiting to happen!

Continuing to rehab Dick I cleaned up the threads for the input and output nipples and installed the new stainless steel flex lines and was excited to turn on the valves. Then the drama kicked in. Very tiny leak on the output nipple. No tightening didn't help nor piles of teflon tape. It was about then The Princess started kidding me about having trouble with a "leaky Dick".

Wire brushes by hand drill or Dremel tool still leaking. Used a 3/4 NPT die to clean threads. Nope. Used a sharpening stone to dress the rip of the nipple. Nope. It was then that I discovered the nipple had funky threads!

Ordered another flex line set and turned my attention to the pressure regulating valve. I was feeling good about that until the water meter rotated about the input coupling to same. That is the side with the tamper seal. Bummer. Fixed that but now I have bring in the water company for new seal. I was happy with that task completed but it did give The Princess another evening of asking if I still have a "leaky Dick".

The new flex line did fix the leak. Ben was happy. I still have to decide how to deal with Tom. The valves and pipes are in a hard to access area. If I leave them as is and something goes bad after I complete The Hobbit Hole remodel it would be catastrophic getting at those valves. Rerunning the lines and moving the valves now would make things easier in the future. Still deciding.

Both sides if the house are running off the water meter for the alternate side of the house with Harry supplying the hot water. Tom and Dick are set for vacation mode. This will give us a handle on the cost of heating the water with electricity and gas.

All of that has entertained me for a week of rain. It cleared today so I finished clearing the garden boxes that will be upgraded to galvanized this year. Collected about 4 gallons of walking onions while I was at it.

Tomorrow may be assembling the garden box.


This is great that people over 90 still live on their own. I'm sure help from the two of you makes a big difference for them.
These two in particular still drive and can do pretty much anything they want to do. Both have sons that live close and are good to them. It's such a pleasure being around both of them!
Drove 30 miles to pickup a family member and take them to their doctor appointment. On the way a truck threw a stone and put a 12” crack in my windshield. Doctor’s receptionist was a bit confused at first why we were there. Turns out the appointment is for TOMORROW. Family member was sure it was today.
Hope they got to see the Dr. today?!
I finally fot to good breaking point with the crazy 3 water heater adventure but nit until after The Princess had some giggles about my challenges.

She decided to five each water heater a proper name instead of by number. She decided "Tom, Dick, and Harry" being inspired by a song in the musical "Kiss me Kate".

Well the central manifold came in handy because a few issues were uncovered. First was the pressure regulating valve for the alternate side house was bad reading 140 psi instead of 50-60 psi. Shut off the supply for that side and ran both sides of the house from the primary side of the house. Fine as temporary fix.

Started working on re-plumbing the lines for Dick. I was cleaning up the build up for the T&P relief valve. As I was diddling with the threads the question crossed my mind "if the pressure was 140 psi, why was the relief valve actuating?" Yup! Bad relief valve. That was a disaster waiting to happen!

Continuing to rehab Dick I cleaned up the threads for the input and output nipples and installed the new stainless steel flex lines and was excited to turn on the valves. Then the drama kicked in. Very tiny leak on the output nipple. No tightening didn't help nor piles of teflon tape. It was about then The Princess started kidding me about having trouble with a "leaky Dick".

Wire brushes by hand drill or Dremel tool still leaking. Used a 3/4 NPT die to clean threads. Nope. Used a sharpening stone to dress the rip of the nipple. Nope. It was then that I discovered the nipple had funky threads!

Ordered another flex line set and turned my attention to the pressure regulating valve. I was feeling good about that until the water meter rotated about the input coupling to same. That is the side with the tamper seal. Bummer. Fixed that but now I have bring in the water company for new seal. I was happy with that task completed but it did give The Princess another evening of asking if I still have a "leaky Dick".

The new flex line did fix the leak. Ben was happy. I still have to decide how to deal with Tom. The valves and pipes are in a hard to access area. If I leave them as is and something goes bad after I complete The Hobbit Hole remodel it would be catastrophic getting at those valves. Rerunning the lines and moving the valves now would make things easier in the future. Still deciding.

Both sides if the house are running off the water meter for the alternate side of the house with Harry supplying the hot water. Tom and Dick are set for vacation mode. This will give us a handle on the cost of heating the water with electricity and gas.

All of that has entertained me for a week of rain. It cleared today so I finished clearing the garden boxes that will be upgraded to galvanized this year. Collected about 4 gallons of walking onions while I was at it.

Tomorrow may be assembling the garden box.



Is that Madeline Kahn? I liked her.
Drove 30 miles to pickup a family member and take them to their doctor appointment. On the way a truck threw a stone and put a 12” crack in my windshield. Doctor’s receptionist was a bit confused at first why we were there. Turns out the appointment is for TOMORROW. Family member was sure it was today.
Ugh! I think I would want to be able to find a way to confirm this in the future. I know, HIPAA and what not, but did you get an apology of any sort? Pay for gas? Buy you lunch?
I finally fot to good breaking point with the crazy 3 water heater adventure but nit until after The Princess had some giggles about my challenges.

She decided to five each water heater a proper name instead of by number. She decided "Tom, Dick, and Harry" being inspired by a song in the musical "Kiss me Kate".

Well the central manifold came in handy because a few issues were uncovered. First was the pressure regulating valve for the alternate side house was bad reading 140 psi instead of 50-60 psi. Shut off the supply for that side and ran both sides of the house from the primary side of the house. Fine as temporary fix.

Started working on re-plumbing the lines for Dick. I was cleaning up the build up for the T&P relief valve. As I was diddling with the threads the question crossed my mind "if the pressure was 140 psi, why was the relief valve actuating?" Yup! Bad relief valve. That was a disaster waiting to happen!

Continuing to rehab Dick I cleaned up the threads for the input and output nipples and installed the new stainless steel flex lines and was excited to turn on the valves. Then the drama kicked in. Very tiny leak on the output nipple. No tightening didn't help nor piles of teflon tape. It was about then The Princess started kidding me about having trouble with a "leaky Dick".

Wire brushes by hand drill or Dremel tool still leaking. Used a 3/4 NPT die to clean threads. Nope. Used a sharpening stone to dress the rip of the nipple. Nope. It was then that I discovered the nipple had funky threads!

Ordered another flex line set and turned my attention to the pressure regulating valve. I was feeling good about that until the water meter rotated about the input coupling to same. That is the side with the tamper seal. Bummer. Fixed that but now I have bring in the water company for new seal. I was happy with that task completed but it did give The Princess another evening of asking if I still have a "leaky Dick".

The new flex line did fix the leak. Ben was happy. I still have to decide how to deal with Tom. The valves and pipes are in a hard to access area. If I leave them as is and something goes bad after I complete The Hobbit Hole remodel it would be catastrophic getting at those valves. Rerunning the lines and moving the valves now would make things easier in the future. Still deciding.

Both sides if the house are running off the water meter for the alternate side of the house with Harry supplying the hot water. Tom and Dick are set for vacation mode. This will give us a handle on the cost of heating the water with electricity and gas.

All of that has entertained me for a week of rain. It cleared today so I finished clearing the garden boxes that will be upgraded to galvanized this year. Collected about 4 gallons of walking onions while I was at it.

Tomorrow may be assembling the garden box.



I think you may have just earned a new nickname. Lol
Took another vacation day. Hauled my 3rd load of compost this spring. Got my last bed topped off. Hope to build number 10 later this week and fill it up. Planted a nice Bartlett pear tree. Gives us 3 pears total now. The other 2 are in bloom. Planted taters and lettuce. Wife had a couple friends she grew up with come to town so she took off with them for a couple days.
Time for a good cigar and a quite evening on the porch
I'd love to post a note to the door, but a photo would be taken of it, and mental abuse would be reported to their therapist, then to child services. They are not 18 for another 75 days. Anything said or done at the moment would be reported. They are still not home, and probably won't be for hours, even though school is tomorrow. Have no clue where they are. But when I do catch a glimpse of them, I'll ask them when they are moving out. I'd love to throw their stuff out but I'm sure we'd be reported for that. I was worried that if the judge said no, then they would wait a couple of weeks, then file another faked abuse charge. They could still do that, even though they're clear to go but haven't left yet.
Bless you. Now that they are playing their being abused game, it is better to say and do nothing that can be reported as you already know. I know I'd want to throw their things out, but it will come back and bite you in the end. The kids want this. They want to prove that you are abusive. Everything makes her wheels turn and gives her something to work with to create new lies.
Town run burned 4 hours and now my feet are tired, so the clutch cable will wait for another day. I dunno where the time goes on these town runs, but then again, I stopped at Dollar General, Tractor Supply Co., the library & Walmart, so I guess those stops rack up the time. Bought several 50-lb. bags of cracked corn at TSC, and filled a cart at Walmart, so now I'm poorer by a few hundred bucks, lol. Meh, I stocked up on cat food too, several 16-lb. bags of Friskies (the cats like variety, so I offer some of each flavor), plus 4 flats of canned cat food (48 cans). The Dollar General stop was merely for 6 gallons of bottled water plus a foil pan for chicken & rice... however, I'm not baking the chicken & rice yet, I'm having an "aged" Angus London Broil which was marked down, gonna roast that tonight but leave it rare-to-medium-rare for sandwiches on Italian loaf bread. I have that delicious horseradish sauce to put on it, along with fresh lettuce, tomato, sweet onion, two kinds of cheese, etc. Everything else gets put on hold till tomorrow, these town runs sure sap my energy... must have made a dozen trips into the house with my hands & arms full o' merchandise, like a mini-workout, lol. Those 50-lb. sacks of cracked corn from TSC are the heaviest objects to haul from car to house... I'm always tempted to break out the handcart from Harbor Freight, but that would be more trouble than it's worth, better to just man up and haul the sacks one at a time. In my youth, I'd haul two at a time, but I don't need the aggravation as I climb the front steps, lol. My banged-up left knee is giving me a bit of grief as well, so I'll chill out for the rest of the afternoon... 😒

P.S. Didn't see the Castrol Oil I want at WallyWorld, though I've seen it there before, so I'll probably hit O'Reilly Auto Parts tomorrow, our forecast is calling for very high winds so it won't be a good day to replace the clutch cable... but Friday and the weekend look better, so no worries. I need to top off the Camry too, meant to do that today but got sidetracked. Saw two wrecks on the main drag today (White Sands Blvd.), one was a full-dress touring motorcyle laid over on its side up on the parking strip, dunno what happened there. Didn't really see the second wreck, just all the emergency vehicles, I was turning the other way after I bailed from Walmart. Must have been more fooliots than usual on the road today, good thing I was driving defensively in 'The Mighty Camry!' 😉
I did some minor cleaning, fed kitties, broke up some kitty fights, and worked on shimming out the side walls in my bathroom. Ran out of paint stirring sticks (ok, I have 1 left but I need a lot more). My new mini hot glue gun works well. Just the right size for my hand and easy to use. I'm going to try it out on the drawer thingy I have bc the super glue didn't take. I'll probably have to bring the whole drawer thing into the bathroom though. Safest place to use the glue gun. The glue comes right off the sink.

I'm waiting for curbside order because there are items I can't for the life of me find inside the store whenever I go in. Rupert is currently curled up with me, resting his head on my chest. Ginger is curled up against my side. I'm a bit worried about Sir Hammington because I haven't seen him today. I worry bc the neighbor's big dogs keep coming into my yard. Boo came and climbed on my lap for awhile and I got a big chunk of wax out of his crumpled ear.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
Ran over to the next town over for some errands. While there, my daughter wanted to eat so I asked "Where should we go?" Of course she wouldn't make up her mind because it's apparently in the US constitution that 16 year old girls are exempt from making up their minds about anything important. I made her Google all the restaurants in a town of 15,000 people. Didn't think there were any I hadn't tried, but a new Mexican joint popped up so we headed over there. I had Chile Colorado, and Lawd have mercy! It was spicy! We got out of there for $30, so it was pretty reasonable.

I'm tired from all that food. I think I'll take a nap before going to bed...😉
Congrats to Jake and the rest of the team. I know you and Alex are so proud of him.

Not sure if he's gave it any thought, but forestry can be a very rewarding career. Good friend of mine retired after 40+ years work for the state forestry division. My cousin is married to a guy that works for a paper company. His job is cruising timber looking for areas to log. He also does planning on replanting the areas after they are cut.
Spent an hour and a half at the bank today, setting up new accounts for our nieces. Their grandfather (my wife's dad) did not trust his son (my wife's brother) to manage their money, so I got picked for the job. So we routinely get checks for dividends from their stock holdings. Except these are "custodial checks", whatever the heck that is. I have to sign them to deposit them, no big deal. Except a few months ago the credit union where the girl's bank accounts used to be stopped accepting these "custodial checks". Many credit unions and smaller banks stopped accepting them too. I have no idea why. They are coming from Computershare - one of the big players in stock management for companies. I do not know what is so special about a custodial check. Somehow they are tied in to an "UTMA account". Another thing that I do not know what it is. But it means that I am the only person who can get into their money.

Anyway, Wells Fargo is one bank that will set up a UMTA account and accept custodial checks. So we opened new accounts for the girl's there. That took a while.

Came home and air fried me up some Tyson's chicken strips. Probably not healthy, but quick and quite good IMHO for a frozen processed food. I wanted a fast lunch so I could eat early so I'd be ready for the pot roast dinner tonight! I just got that into the Instant Pot a bit ago. Comes out great, but it takes a bit of time to prep it - with all the seasoning time, browning time, chopping up of garlic, veges and all. But it's pressure cooking away at the moment and we will be enjoying it soon enough. You set the pressure cooker for only 60 minutes - pretty fast to cook a 3lb chunk of roast. But you have to remember thta in addition to that 60 minutes, you have to allow 20 minutes for the cooker to pressurize itself, then 10 minutes of "natural pressure release" (i.e., just let the cooker sit there and leak slowly), then 5 more minutes of pressure release when you push the button to dump out the steam. So 1-1/2 hours total AFTER you have done the chopping, browning, etc. The roast comes out so tender though. I just shred it (like pulled pork) with two large meat forks.
I did some minor cleaning, fed kitties, broke up some kitty fights, and worked on shimming out the side walls in my bathroom. Ran out of paint stirring sticks (ok, I have 1 left but I need a lot more). My new mini hot glue gun works well. Just the right size for my hand and easy to use. I'm going to try it out on the drawer thingy I have bc the super glue didn't take. I'll probably have to bring the whole drawer thing into the bathroom though. Safest place to use the glue gun. The glue comes right off the sink.

I'm waiting for curbside order because there are items I can't for the life of me find inside the store whenever I go in. Rupert is currently curled up with me, resting his head on my chest. Ginger is curled up against my side. I'm a bit worried about Sir Hammington because I haven't seen him today. I worry bc the neighbor's big dogs keep coming into my yard. Boo came and climbed on my lap for awhile and I got a big chunk of wax out of his crumpled ear.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
Might try an epoxy or even jbweld.
Spent an hour and a half at the bank today, setting up new accounts for our nieces. Their grandfather (my wife's dad) did not trust his son (my wife's brother) to manage their money, so I got picked for the job. So we routinely get checks for dividends from their stock holdings. Except these are "custodial checks", whatever the heck that is. I have to sign them to deposit them, no big deal. Except a few months ago the credit union where the girl's bank accounts used to be stopped accepting these "custodial checks". Many credit unions and smaller banks stopped accepting them too. I have no idea why. They are coming from Computershare - one of the big players in stock management for companies. I do not know what is so special about a custodial check. Somehow they are tied in to an "UTMA account". Another thing that I do not know what it is. But it means that I am the only person who can get into their money.

Anyway, Wells Fargo is one bank that will set up a UMTA account and accept custodial checks. So we opened new accounts for the girl's there. That took a while.

Came home and air fried me up some Tyson's chicken strips. Probably not healthy, but quick and quite good IMHO for a frozen processed food. I wanted a fast lunch so I could eat early so I'd be ready for the pot roast dinner tonight! I just got that into the Instant Pot a bit ago. Comes out great, but it takes a bit of time to prep it - with all the seasoning time, browning time, chopping up of garlic, veges and all. But it's pressure cooking away at the moment and we will be enjoying it soon enough. You set the pressure cooker for only 60 minutes - pretty fast to cook a 3lb chunk of roast. But you have to remember thta in addition to that 60 minutes, you have to allow 20 minutes for the cooker to pressurize itself, then 10 minutes of "natural pressure release" (i.e., just let the cooker sit there and leak slowly), then 5 more minutes of pressure release when you push the button to dump out the steam. So 1-1/2 hours total AFTER you have done the chopping, browning, etc. The roast comes out so tender though. I just shred it (like pulled pork) with two large meat forks.
Custodial checks are a clause that he (your FIL?) put on the payment so that you actually have control usually until a certain age. Common age is 25 or sometimes 30. It’s often done “for their own good”. If they develop bad habits (ie drugs) they aren’t getting funding. You should be able to call as the custodian and find out what the age is when the checks will be sent directly to them. Also I don’t think banks are allowed not to accept them with the proper endorsement- I would call a home office or HQ if you have any issues. In branch, they probably have standard public IQ. Sorry for how that sounds.
Reading up on Purple Dead Nettle, I just realized I have a fantastic bed of it growing next to my driveway :)


Munched on some earlier today. Posted about it last year...

Today was a much better day than the last two. Felt a lot better, brain was sort of working again. Anyway, went back to town and ordered the freezer I need. Even bought a couple items at the market I forgot. Got the oil changed in the truck and topped off the gas tank.

I'd run out of energy and started home. Stopped at a spot I found last summer with medicinals, they always cheer me up. Only 30yrds from the road so I had a very short walk. I saw a neat little plant in the middle of a patch of yellowroot. Pretty sure it's one of the cinqefoil species, several of those. The one's out west seemed to be used more. It's the little plant with 5 leaves, not 3.

20230329_alz yrt 905a.jpg
I went for Walmart curbside pickup and spent 10min trying to get my stupid phone to work. It was charging all night but it was low battery. Said it was 40% and I had it on a charger while trying to use it (which normally is not a problem). But it was not responding to my touch or to button presses. I wanted to smash the stupid thing. I ended up taking the back off and removing the battery because it locked up and wouldn't do anything at all and it was heating up. Put it back in and the piece of garbage still wouldn't work. So I had to go into the store and ask for my curbside order & explain that my phone sucks. Got the order and brought it home.

I need to get to sleep but one of my cats is missing and I'm worried about him.
Not enough sleep, but we had a late night last night. Will be taking the girls to school, then home for all the morning chores. My Florida sis, who is visiting, is going to get mom's taxes done, and then going to visit with mom. My favorite cousin's daughter is coming over after lunch to help me scrub grandson's room, and see if we can get it usable for my nephew and his wife, who are arriving Friday night. She knew it was going to be alot of work, she's such a sweet lady to insist on helping.

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