What's everybody doing today?

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I'm of to the dentist first thing this morning to get half of my teeth deep cleaned. Certainly, not my favorite thing but part of my shtf preps. Will be glad to get it all done.
Drop off car to mechanic as he didn't want it yesterday- too busy.
Get home and walk.
Walk dogs.
Look for some documents that I put in a safe place. Hah!
Slept in til 0755, had a protein bar for breakfast, and now I'm contemplating what I should or shouldn't do today. I may go to the big town 25 miles away and go to the bicycle store. I'm thinking of getting measured and fitted for a road bike. With my back being less than perfect, I have to get the geometry of the bike just right. I'm planning on spending a little money on the bike this time. I figure, hopefully it'll be the last bicycle I ever have to buy and I'll have it for 20 years so it'll be worth it...
I have 2 loaves of Ol'Coot sourdough proofing by the stove. I intend to freeze one after proofing and bake the other. Looks like we will be making at least 2 loaves a week. Ol'Coot is back in the fridge to rest before I need 'im again.

The temps dipped pretty low last night and today. I am burning the last of our wood so we don't have to drag it with us of sell at a loss. It is not much. Maybe a day or two worth.

Tried a dandelion chai tea yesterday and it tasted like I was drinking perfume soap! I found the regular one I normally drink and tossed the chai. I really don't like wasting things like that but the smell was sooooooo gross and the taste was YUCK! I will be making my own once the dandelions pop up in the yard. Until then I like just plain dandelion root tea with out the frou frou junk. I need to find a source for dandelion seeds. They haven't been as abundant here as in the past. I want to grow enough for a year of tea.

Got some tinctures made and put up in the medicine cabinet. Have to be prepared for sick days. ;)
Cats Delivered, front yard cut, then it got warmer and sunnier, so the back will be tomorrow.

Wounded raccoon, looks like a dog got him, is "recovering" under the carport in one of the cat shelters. Got a gimp leg, and a big chunk out of his shoulder. It and cats are coexisting ok so far.

Redneck porch is up, so later I will have a wee bit of wine and a cigar.
A long list of chores around here, but still haven't finished them. I did get the meat chicks to my favorite cousin's place. Stayed for some coffee and homemade granola bars. Got to the thrift store and dropped off bags, but let my cousin and her daughter go thru them first. The thrift store said they had to lock the donation door because of a lady coming in at night and taking everything. They do have a camera in there, but it's no one from here. Grabbed two boxes of china from storage, and put some things in the china cabinet I got from mom's place. I know there's more out there, but now it's not just our stuff...it's my Oklahoma nephews, Florida sisters, and lots of mom's stuff other sister wants. Started sealing the 1/2 gallon jars I keep freeze dried food in, with the vacuum attachment on the food saver unit. Finished three cases so far. Works far better than the 02 absorbers. Emptied the freeze dryer of sour cream and filled with eggs.
Cats Delivered, front yard cut, then it got warmer and sunnier, so the back will be tomorrow.

Wounded raccoon, looks like a dog got him, is "recovering" under the carport in one of the cat shelters. Got a gimp leg, and a big chunk out of his shoulder. It and cats are coexisting ok so far.

Redneck porch is up, so later I will have a wee bit of wine and a cigar.
What kind of stoogie are having Dade? I smoked a Charter Oak Maduro tonight after I got finished for the evening.

Guy came and fixed the garage door opener. It had a busted spring. Took him about 1/2 an hour for him to replace it, program a couple of remote controls for the cars, and lubed everything good.
Finished up work and mowed more on the yard
What kind of stoogie are having Dade? I smoked a Charter Oak Maduro tonight after I got finished for the evening.

Guy came and fixed the garage door opener. It had a busted spring. Took him about 1/2 an hour for him to replace it, program a couple of remote controls for the cars, and lubed everything good.
Finished up work and mowed more on the yard
I have no idea, just a 20 minute "backwoods smoke" looking Maduro. It's not classy, but it suits my mood tonight :D. Luckily, my tastebuds suck :p
What kind of stoogie are having Dade? I smoked a Charter Oak Maduro tonight after I got finished for the evening.

Guy came and fixed the garage door opener. It had a busted spring. Took him about 1/2 an hour for him to replace it, program a couple of remote controls for the cars, and lubed everything good.
Finished up work and mowed more on the yard
I peeked :

Bandidos Dark n' Rich​


Bandidos are P&C's best-selling brands of cigars for good reason, and now you have one more way to enjoy these tasty and affordable treats - Bandidos Dark n' Rich.
These budget-friendly handrolleds feature a sweetened cap with a blend of flavors to make them the ideal short smoke when your time is limited but you want the maximum enjoyment from a flavorful cigar. With a price that will make you smile; you can rest assured that you're going to get well more than your money's worth with this new entry to the Bandidos lineup.
I peeked :

Bandidos Dark n' Rich​


Bandidos are P&C's best-selling brands of cigars for good reason, and now you have one more way to enjoy these tasty and affordable treats - Bandidos Dark n' Rich.
These budget-friendly handrolleds feature a sweetened cap with a blend of flavors to make them the ideal short smoke when your time is limited but you want the maximum enjoyment from a flavorful cigar. With a price that will make you smile; you can rest assured that you're going to get well more than your money's worth with this new entry to the Bandidos lineup.
Never heard of them. Need to check them out. Never hurts to have some quick smokes available
Checking the air in the RV tires before the camping season starts. 40 year plus air compressor seized up. Drove to the big box store in the city. Bought a new air compressor and a tube of Flex Seal.

Remove the plumbers putty I used last year to seal the cracks in the water fountain. Filled the cracks with the Flex Seal.

Checked the RV tires. New compressor works! Finally figured out how to remove the RV wiper blades for replacement.

Wondering what to do with the old air compressor. Tempted to put it out by the road with a FREE sign on it. If no one picks it up then I’ll put a FOR SALE sign on it to have it stolen :)
No! What size is it? If large, they make great BBQ/ovens. If the small skinny kind, cut in half and make awesome dinner bells 🔔. If the little flying saucer 🛸 looking ones, cut in half and you have 2 deep dish woks.
A long list of chores around here, but still haven't finished them. I did get the meat chicks to my favorite cousin's place. Stayed for some coffee and homemade granola bars. Got to the thrift store and dropped off bags, but let my cousin and her daughter go thru them first. The thrift store said they had to lock the donation door because of a lady coming in at night and taking everything. They do have a camera in there, but it's no one from here. Grabbed two boxes of china from storage, and put some things in the china cabinet I got from mom's place. I know there's more out there, but now it's not just our stuff...it's my Oklahoma nephews, Florida sisters, and lots of mom's stuff other sister wants. Started sealing the 1/2 gallon jars I keep freeze dried food in, with the vacuum attachment on the food saver unit. Finished three cases so far. Works far better than the 02 absorbers. Emptied the freeze dryer of sour cream and filled with eggs.
I seal my dehydrated stuff in jars with the vac seal. Works great and lasts a long time.
What kind of stoogie are having Dade? I smoked a Charter Oak Maduro tonight after I got finished for the evening.

Guy came and fixed the garage door opener. It had a busted spring. Took him about 1/2 an hour for him to replace it, program a couple of remote controls for the cars, and lubed everything good.
Finished up work and mowed more on the yard
Did you weedeat??😉😃
I need to do some weedeating if I can get myself moving. Been having a harder time getting up. Not waking up until afternoon and my body protests when I try to get up.

Ate at favorite restaurant with brother. Went to Samsclub then Walmart and popped in to drop off food with friend. Back home to unload groceries. Ate a salad while watching Father Brown.

Troubleshot the AC heating in cool mode by changing both filters and pouring bleach down the condensate line. It worked.

Currently trying to type with cats piled on me.
Quiet day, finished lunch when the power went wonky. We've had several inches of rain. Today was sunny but windy, big gusts. I saw a pine go down across the road. Guess the trees were leaning everywhere.

The electricity went off 9 times in an hour, I counted. They have a new switching system up the lines from me. Power went off, 4 to 15 seconds later it comes on again. And again, and again...

It was screwing up the big phone junction house up the road too. Every time the power came back on for a few minutes I'd try to call the power company and report the problem. Then the power would go off, the phone line filled with static... and I'd have to wait another power cycle and try to call them again. On the 5th attempt I finally had time to get through the power company question system, automated. It stayed on a while, about 15 minutes later the power cycles started again. It stayed off the 2nd time... for the next 3 hours.

I turned on my radio, got out my laptop and did major system maintenance. 2 days ago i did a complete backup of my desktop. Copied over 80g current files, music, photos etc. to the laptop. When the power came back on I updated the system files. So now it's more up to date than my desktop...

thinking of going to the bluegrass camp. I'll need the laptop with me to store videos and photos when my phone gets full. I have a 256gb sim in the phone, might need the laptop though. I can charge the phone from the laptop so there's that, and have extra storage.

Nothing but tv tonight.

Earlier, I have a power conditioner for my desktop and killed it's power so it didn't suffer power surges. But the satellite tv had to download the program guide etc... every time the power came on today. :mad:
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Nothing exciting here!! Go to work, come home and work! Checking the game cameras shortly when I go outside to feed Buddy. A couple of nights this week there was something around that the outside cats didn't like. They acted ok this morning, so probably got nothing on camera. Time will tell!
@Peanut hope you’re feeling like going to the bluegrass camp, that sounds like a great way to get to know others, maybe that live close enough y’all can get together to play music in the future.
@Pearl look around for critter prints. You know I’ve got friends in your county on a small ranch who used to see prints of a mountain lion. Another friend saw one crossing the 2 lane highway near me, within 10 miles early one morning. In the news a few years ago one was seen on a farm just south of the interstate.
Or maybe it was a chupacabra. (did I spell that right)?
There’s too much construction going on around here. Went for a ride the other day and had no idea so many were in process.
I slept strangely last night. Yesterday afternoon, I suddenly felt exhausted around 2pm and sat in my recliner for a nap. My kid woke me from maybe the deepest sleep I've ever had, around 4. I was sleeping so hard, I didn't feel right for about 45 minutes after I woke up. Then of course I couldn't fall asleep until after 2am because of the nap. Once again, I slept incredibly hard. My blood glucose monitor started yelling at me just after 8am and woke me. I have it set to alert me when my blood glucose levels drop below 80, and it said 76 so still at a safe level. I was sleeping so hard that I jumped up out of my chair and wandered in circles for a minute before I could figure out what I should do next. I almost never wake up like that, and I don't like it.

After daughter gets home from school, we're headed back to my hometown to see Mom and Pops tonight...
Good morning!
Already walked.
Cleaned bathrooms.
Dusted house.
Still have to take ebay photos.
I think I will try something I haven't done for awhile. Making salt rising bread. First, I make a starter and then a sponge and then the bread. I think it is a two day ordeal, but my grandma used to make it and I loved it. Will update as I go.
That doesn't sound good, Spikedriver. I'm glad you glucose meter woke you up to get some sugar though.

My sleep has been erratic. Still having to sleep/nap in the day. This is the first day all week that I've been awake before noon. Didn't help that my mother keeps waking me up or calling me when I'm about to get to sleep. Sometimes it has been because she wanted me to get something or do something for her, but other times its because she wanted to tell me about something she saw on youtube.

My coordination has been off as well. Been stumbling more and dropping things.

I'm on a customer service chat with Lowes right now trying to get a refund on some screws I ordered last month that never arrived. Fedex has them in limbo.
Too windy for yard work, and I gotta confess that I'm in no mood for painting the bathrooms or kitchen... maybe next week, lol. But I AM sharing quality time with the cats! They were SO FUNNY this morning, zooming around the house while chasing each other! I wish I'd had my camera handy, I saw Z-Girl chase Black Diamond and do a FLYING LEAP over the bushy-tailed varmint... she was soaring like a jet jockey at an air show, lol. Krazy Goldurned Kats! 😒

Oh, yeah, I DID wash blankets and one quilt which I no longer need on the rack, now that warmer weather has arrived... I'm about to fold those and put 'em away, so at least I got THAT done, lol. Meh, that stupid painting will get done sooner or later... it's only a matter of time. If I should DIE before that happens, well, then it'll no longer be my problem, lol. No more friggin' taxes or scumbag politicians either, it's a WIN-WIN SITUATION!!! ;)

P.S. And won't it be a DRAG when I show up at the Gates of Hell and the Devil hands me a roller or paintbrush (as well as a weed-eater), taxes are even higher than here in the U.S., and the joint is PACKED with SCUMBAG POLITICIANS as far as the eye can see in every direction, lol. :oops:
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It has been cold here and my loaves didn't proof. I had to put them in the oven with the door cracked to proof. Now I have one in the oven to bake and the other in the freezer. I will prep more on Monday since I will most likely have to bake my freezer loaf by then.

Checked our kits and they are getting big fast! They are starting to fur out and it looks like 2 of the three are Rex. Hopefully one is a doe so I can keep her. I need to look at the long range forecast to see what the temps will be so I can decide to breed my other 2 does. I need to get cracking on the transport holes I will need when we move. I could buy them pre-fab but I have the supplies to make 5 with water bottles and crocks. Buying more is no big deal and cheaper than pre-fab.

Finally filed our taxes. We owe the feds and are getting a small return from the state. I intend to use a small part of the return to buy some new cages for the bunny barn. I intend to get at least 3 new breeders after we move so I want the cages ready. The goal is to breed the does before we move so they kindle not long after we arrive in Texas.

Also researching P&G alternatives. I would rather spend my money on products that don't support a man in 'woman-face'. Who really wants to use products made for a woman but advertised but a biological man? Where would he even put a tampon?!

Not much else going on except purging and packing.
It was get animal feed day. 500 lbs at our local feed store, and 300 at the Tractor Supply in the bigger town. All of it is now unloaded, and I'm tired. Also got a big bag of DE for the season, and a new deadbolt for our front door and a sharp cutter to get the paint that is stuck on the closet floor (with the pair of tennis shoes and boots) at our little hardware store. Husband was the driver, and now went in to take a nap. Almost time to think about getting dinner ready. Prices at Tractor, oh my! Little Bonnie brand plants, a couple inches tall was all, $4.98, and a 9 inch tomato was $9.98. I'll get some sweet potato slips from my neighbor next month, and call it good. Seeding is too easy.
It was get animal feed day. 500 lbs at our local feed store, and 300 at the Tractor Supply in the bigger town. All of it is now unloaded, and I'm tired.
Did YOU unload all that? Wow, that's a lot of work. I help but couldn't do it by myself probably, ouch...

I spent most of the day cooking. We are having some friends supposed to come over tomorrow ( second time rescheduled, we'll see ) and I made a Black forest cake, and started on the food, making Indian. Chicken curry, bread, rice, veggie curry , mango chutney
It was fun cooking but I hated doing the dishes. Husband cleaned the barn by himself today, but I did help move the animals around. They stayed in late because it was pouring outside this morning
Yep. I'm the workhorse around here. Husband is on a walker or scooter. He can only walk short distances, and he can't pick up much over 15 lbs. So he's always the "driver" and supervisor, and moral support guy. Little granddaughter is only 11, and while she can be a help, she doesn't do that much. But she will be helping me clean out two very large chicken coops tomorrow. The twins were both very strong, but they really had not helped with anything at all the last year or so.
I ate more salads the past couple days and am starting to feel a little better, but I also ate too many brownie bites which is not helping my digestive system.

Chatted with Lowes CS and got them to refund my shipping for some screws I ordered last month that have not arrived yet. Fedex still has them in TX and had a note that they will pass it off to USPS at some point. If they ever arrive I can take them to the nearest Lowes and return them for a refund. Or I can hold on to them for future projects. Who knows, maybe Rock On 2-1/4" screws might come in handy someday.

Picked up mail (I got 3 Halo waterproof shower lights & some shelves that fit behind the wall plates above light switches or outlets).

Went to Walmart to get bread for Mom & grabbed something else but can't remember what.

Grabbed hay with molasses from TSC. I was able to lift them by myself this time. My cow was positively offended that it wasn't sweet feed. She sniffed it and then chased after my truck to let me know how spoiled she is and that she wanted sweet feed. I petted her and told her to go eat. She even hollered at me as I carried stuff into the house. Her daughter went straight to eating. I got the hay because it lasts longer than sweet feed. I have a 2nd bale in the back of the truck for later. Last I checked, the spoiled cow was finally eating the hay.

I'm about to grab a broom and a 55gallon trash bag and start clearing up trash from my brother's room because it is driving me crazy. Every time his door is opened more trash spills out into the hallway.
Yep. I'm the workhorse around here. Husband is on a walker or scooter. He can only walk short distances, and he can't pick up much over 15 lbs. So he's always the "driver" and supervisor, and moral support guy. Little granddaughter is only 11, and while she can be a help, she doesn't do that much. But she will be helping me clean out two very large chicken coops tomorrow. The twins were both very strong, but they really had not helped with anything at all the last year or so.

That's what I thought, that your husband is disabled. That;s awesome you can do all that by yourself. I can lift 50 lb feed bags still also, but not 10 of them, my back would definitely hurt and my shoulder would give out most likely
My husband has memory issues. I think it got worse when he had the concussion a few years ago . He can't seem to work and think at the same time.

At least the twins no longer add to your problems now!
I slept strangely last night. Yesterday afternoon, I suddenly felt exhausted around 2pm and sat in my recliner for a nap. My kid woke me from maybe the deepest sleep I've ever had, around 4. I was sleeping so hard, I didn't feel right for about 45 minutes after I woke up. Then of course I couldn't fall asleep until after 2am because of the nap. Once again, I slept incredibly hard. My blood glucose monitor started yelling at me just after 8am and woke me. I have it set to alert me when my blood glucose levels drop below 80, and it said 76 so still at a safe level. I was sleeping so hard that I jumped up out of my chair and wandered in circles for a minute before I could figure out what I should do next. I almost never wake up like that, and I don't like it.

After daughter gets home from school, we're headed back to my hometown to see Mom and Pops tonight...
Sorry your dealing with that Spike. Glad BGM woke you up before you got too low. I use the Free Style Libre and have mine set for 70. Started a new med a few months back, Manjaro, which causes stomach fits so bad I had to drop the doseage level to try and get my system used to it. Anyway it's working, but is requiring adjusting insulin levels. Taking me a while to get them right. I was getting lows most every night around 1 to 3 am. Finally started watching them levels for an hour or 2 and found it leveling out around 65. Thinking about changing the alarm point.

Pearl, Nope no weedeater yet. You'll be happy to hear that too Lady L. I bought a new push mower this winter to take care of most of the areas I use a weed eater on. I'll still have to weed eat a little, but it'll be MUCH less:Dancing Chicken:

I had a strange Friday. Early this morning boss told me (after having several emails about an issue yesterday while working from home) that due to a DOE complaint that our Spectrum Management program is broken. No idication what is broken, or what caused whatever to come up to start with. The latest is that I have to create and write a SBMS (Standards Based Management System) procedure on our Spectrum Management program. I've never wrote up anything for SBMS before, but I have used it at various times, so hopefully that won't be horrible. Gonna ask for input from my other teammates that help with Telecom Proposals. Funny thing we had talked about needing something a few months back. Guess it's time.
Then later this morning I got a call from an Engineer I've been working with, that we have been approved to install a BDA system (Bi-Directional Amplifier) in our reactor building. I got funding approval in early Feburary and have been getting hammered as to why I hadn't spent any of the money yet. I argued, why spend the money if the system was going to cause interference?? Today I spent nearly $100,000 from the account. Should make the Director happy. We'll start working on this as soon as parts arrive.
Left work and stopped by Lowes and picked up some tomato plants to replace the seedling I had planted and killed.

:Dancing Chicken:
Amish is a lot tougher than I am. I could maybe lift one 50lb bag but I'd be exhausted afterward.

I only cleared out the alcove in front of my brother's door (inside his room) and next to the suction air vent for the AC in his room but I filled a 55 gallon bag with it. Worked up a sweat and then swept up some trash that spilled in the kitchen when the furry jerks knocked over the trash can.

Backpacker, good luck with your new tomato plants!

I'm cooling off right now. Will have to go check on Mom in a few minutes and see if I can figure out why it isn't letting her e-file my brother's state taxes. It keeps trying to do the federal instead and those were already filed.
I played with dirt today. Well, first I made a dump run so I could use the trailer then went and go "organic beef manure compost." Wahoo! :dancing: Came home and began the fun game of shovel and wheelbarrow. Filled the raised beds back up then started in a couple other spots. I started turning the soil where the peppers will probably end up. Was 3/4 of the way done when Hubby called and was on his way home so came in and started supper. I'm trying to copy cat a dish from a local restaurant. I forgot the mint and savory 😖 It was still good, but has a lot of ingredients so need to write it down so I don't pull that dummyhead move again.
Hey Backpacker, you can come weedeat at my place since you don't have enough at your place now 😂 I did mow today but didn't weedeat - not my favorite thing to do either. That's probably why it's fun to pick on you 😉 And @Neb could come use his shovel too - we'd have a grand ol' time - heehee.
Hubby and his brother are going fishing tomorrow. I think it's last day for steelhead season. They are leaving at 0-dark:30 to get "the good hole." Goofy buggers, but it's good for them. I will play in the dirt some more.
Sunday is the last day for skiing which is weird to think about this time of year, but it's supposed to be chilly so we'll probably head up there at least for a little while. If it gets slushy, we're done. Hasn't been a very good ski year.

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