Well, I couldn't find ANY leftover Easter hams, which was odd... but I scored all the makings for my patented homemade hot & spicy chicken burrito mix, and also a nice Angus London Broil for sandwiches. Looks like I'll be having a big ol' steak sandwich on the trail instead of a ham sandwich, lol. Then again, we have some unexpected weather moving into the area, almost looked like rain a little while ago. So I reckon I'll play it by ear and see how the weather pans out manana, no need to go riding if it's gonna be cloudy or wet. Meh, the good news is I get to eat a big ol' steak sandwich tonight as well, lol...
I'm getting to like London Broils as sandwich material, just gotta keep 'em rare-to-medium-rare and slice 'em thin, then stack up the slices with all the fixings on some fresh Italian loaf bread. I can tell y'all from experience that those sandwiches don't suck, lol... and I have plenty of that good horseradish sauce left too, that stuff is the bomb on steak sandwiches. I'll also throw on mayo, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sweet onion, and whatever else I think of when I slap the sammie together... every steak sammie I make could feed an Ethiopian village for at least a month, lol.
I also bought a blueberry pie from the bakery department, it looked good and I haven't had blueberry pie in ages... I'll have some with ice cream tonight, sounds like a winner, lol. I even ate before I went to the store, but I wound up making the impulse buy... had a hard time deciding between Dutch Apple & Blueberry though, I must have stood there for 5 minutes until I ultimately went with the berry, lol. Meh, I usually buy the Dutch Apple, so this berry number will make for a pleasant change. I honestly can't remember the last time I had blueberry pie, I think it must have been years ago...