What's everybody doing today?

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Forgot to mention a huge WIN for today.
I had ordered a new recliner back in Feburary. They said it wouldn't deliver until July or August. Then a couple weeks later they called and said the leather was no longer available. They had a different grade if I wanted to check it out. So went by the store and they had a better grade leather I could get for the same price. Well yes I'll go that route. As we were doing the paperwork I ask off hand if that would change the timing, NOPE. Last Monday I got a call that it was ready and call to set up delivery. Today was the first date available. It showed up about 4pm.
Got my butt firmly planted in it now....with a big ole grin on my fac
Happy Easter everyone! I have no idea how the post above this one happened?! Anyhow, going to clean my building, then coming home and taking a nap! Bear was wide awake at 2am and wouldn't let me sleep. Took him out for a pee and he was asleep by 4! Needless to say, I am tired! Not doing anything special today, just hopefully a nice quiet day!
Gonna get the new chicks I brought home last night set up better in the washroom. Also need to finish an assignment for a class, do a couple of loads of laundry, wash dishes and cook an enchilada casserole. As well as the usual chores.
Quiet Easter Sunday here, just the way I like my Sunday mornings... had rain in the forecast, but I'm not seeing any sign of it, maybe it'll arrive later. We sure could use it... I might water later if no rain materializes. :rolleyes:

Cats are playing in the yard, they really like one patch of weeds I left in place for them, the weeds are tall enough to give the cats excellent cover and concealment. Shots of the yard, a little dry after winter but should green up nicely :cool:




Made a cheesecake for Easter dinner. Borrowed a spring form pan from a friend.
Fed the cat this afternoon.
how many dishes did that cheesecake make dirty? ( see my food post if you are wondering why I am asking....)

We took care of the animals, barn was not bad since they were out all day yesterday , nice sunny but cool day today.
Then I cooked and baked a cake, and we played a board game Labyrinth
I texted and called a few people to say happy Easter
Holidays I miss our friends from Florida , but then I don't miss the huge amount of work I had making food for a large group
Also miss daughter and want to see the grandbaby, but we did talk on the phone for a while
We'll hopefully see them next months
Beautiful Easter Day here, too. Picked up mom, and that was not what I expected. She was in a wheelchair mid February for a small break in her leg. The leg has healed, and she was cleared for PT and walker use last week. But she seems to have forgotten that she used to stand and walk. So I got her in my car, but could not get the wheelchair in the trunk. So I drove her to our place, and got husband's wheelchair out of the shed, got her to the front door, but it's an extra wide and it wouldn't fit in the door, so we transferred to a walker, but she forgot how to use one. Dementia is a pain. I don't know if it'd be a good idea to take her out anymore. Getting her back was also a challenge. Two of my cousins came for supper, and neighbor boy Levi also knocked on the door, announcing he was hungry. So there was plenty of us. And lots of visiting.
Beautiful Easter Day here, too. Picked up mom, and that was not what I expected. She was in a wheelchair mid February for a small break in her leg. The leg has healed, and she was cleared for PT and walker use last week. But she seems to have forgotten that she used to stand and walk. So I got her in my car, but could not get the wheelchair in the trunk. So I drove her to our place, and got husband's wheelchair out of the shed, got her to the front door, but it's an extra wide and it wouldn't fit in the door, so we transferred to a walker, but she forgot how to use one. Dementia is a pain. I don't know if it'd be a good idea to take her out anymore. Getting her back was also a challenge. Two of my cousins came for supper, and neighbor boy Levi also knocked on the door, announcing he was hungry. So there was plenty of us. And lots of visiting.
A lady I know is in a home with dementia, I clean for her daughter and son in law. They had to stop taking her out, it was hard on her and them! The go to see her almost everyday and she doesn't ask to go out. She seemed more confused and stressed when they would take her anyplace! They felt guilty at first, but now they realize she is happier not leaving her home!
I got hit with bad fatigue for a few days and am starting to feel my energy coming back. I did some cleaning, watched some videos, and spread diatomaceous earth all over the kitchen. Roaches got into the printer- which was about a decade old anyway-- and it won't work. Got a new one and plan to set it in the pantry where it should be safe from bugs.
Trying to work out a time when my friend can come out to help work on stuff. My brother had a foot doctor appointment tomorrow and might have a surgical procedure on his toe-- IF he has his blood sugar under control.
I had a great weekend. Saturday at the Hurricane car show. (pronounced hurri-kin) we visited a bit with Matt from Matt's Off Road Recovery (YouTube) and looked at all his recovery vehicles. My favorite is his Corvair stationwagen, MORRvair. I have thought of making my 1964 Chevelle 4 door wagon into a 4 wheel drive vehicle. I would love if one of my sons would be interested in the build and taking the car when it is complete. I introduced myself and my sons to Matt and talked about this build for my youngest son, but my youngest kept trying to hide behind me to avoid the conversation. My oldes son (15) want my Avalanche and I don't have time to get the Chevelle modified in time before he turns 16 although he likes the idea so there is a chance it may happen eventually.

Saturday afternoon we all went on and Easter Egg "hunt". We taped string to duck eggs and hung them on tree branches and shot them with the .22's One person at a time, 2 different rifles, very successful hunt for our group of 8 participants. It is very obvious when the bullet hits the center of the egg, the splatter is in a 180 degree pattern and everyone cheers on the successful hit on the target. As expected some did better with iron sights and some did better with the scope. We had some eggs left over so did an egg toss contest where you tossed the egg back and forth and took a step back after each toss to see who could get the furthest apart. Then at the end we had just enough eggs for 7 of us to grab an egg and ask the new son-in-law to take a video of us all trying to throw the egg into the air and see if we could catch our own egg, however I quietly told everyone to throw the egg towards the camera guy and he was a bit surprised when 7 eggs were headed his way. Of course we were all polite enough to not hit him, but it was a fun time for all.
My mom once had a had like that, but it was red, lol... :rolleyes:

BOT, library run today, I'm out of Elmer Kelton Westerns... can't let it happen. :oops:

Gonna need some plastic "drop cloths" from the Depot as well, I GOTTA start painting next week... :confused:
Your the 2nd person to mention painting😬 guess I better start 🤠
Quiet Easter Sunday here, just the way I like my Sunday mornings... had rain in the forecast, but I'm not seeing any sign of it, maybe it'll arrive later. We sure could use it... I might water later if no rain materializes. :rolleyes:

Cats are playing in the yard, they really like one patch of weeds I left in place for them, the weeds are tall enough to give the cats excellent cover and concealment. Shots of the yard, a little dry after winter but should green up nicely :cool:

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Do you have a well, or are you on a water system that you purchase water from?
just cut up the leftovers from the ham yesterday. It's really a good deal , paid $15 for a 8 lb ham and it will make 4 meals for the 3 of us, plus a treat for the dogs and chickens.
But today I started my 3 day diet to get rid of the 10 winter pounds. I do this every spring but I can't do the diet I really want to do because of the stupid blood pressure pill I am now taking that increases potassium. I think I will go to the doctor when the prescription is up in May and ask for one that doesn't do that if there is one. Lots of things I love to eat has way too much potassium in it, like bananas, avocadoes, collards, any greens really.
Any of you take any blood pressure meds that does not increase potassium? I am on the lowest dose of lisinopril ( sp?) right now

here is the diet I am doing
Do you have a well, or are you on a water system that you purchase water from?

I'm on a community well, so I pay about $40 per month for water... sometimes it's a little higher, like $45, if I do a bunch of watering. I try to water all the pine trees 2 or 3 times per week, but the fruit trees get watered every day. I'm about to go out and water today, before it gets too hot or too windy. 🙄

Probably make a town run afterward and see if I can pick up a spiral-cut ham on the cheap, lol... I like those hams, and they make good sandwiches too! 😁
I made 2 lemon pie coffee cakes for Church when I got home Saturday eve. And egg muffins for me.

Yesterday was Church.
Walked dogs
Prepped meat and vegies and made mass quantities of dog food.
Cooked it slow overnight.

This morning, walked first.
Started laundry.
First round of pressure canning almost done.
Planted parsley and chives in lick tubs.
Just have to finish laundry and pressure canning.
Had a wonderful weekend - the sun finally came out and enjoyed a little fresh air with the pup when I wasn't cleaning. I was going to do a light clean for Easter company, but ended up doing a much more thorough deep cleaning when I ended up slicing my thumb open on a galvanized chick waterer (no idea how, doesn't feel that sharp to me) without realizing it and bleeding all over the house Saturday morning. Good motivation to wash the couch covers, steam clean the floors, scrub the bathroom and wipe down the kitchen!

Had a wonderful Easter with my kids, my son at the U came down for dinner and we had a wonderful time with board games and candy :)
Well, I couldn't find ANY leftover Easter hams, which was odd... but I scored all the makings for my patented homemade hot & spicy chicken burrito mix, and also a nice Angus London Broil for sandwiches. Looks like I'll be having a big ol' steak sandwich on the trail instead of a ham sandwich, lol. Then again, we have some unexpected weather moving into the area, almost looked like rain a little while ago. So I reckon I'll play it by ear and see how the weather pans out manana, no need to go riding if it's gonna be cloudy or wet. Meh, the good news is I get to eat a big ol' steak sandwich tonight as well, lol... 😁

I'm getting to like London Broils as sandwich material, just gotta keep 'em rare-to-medium-rare and slice 'em thin, then stack up the slices with all the fixings on some fresh Italian loaf bread. I can tell y'all from experience that those sandwiches don't suck, lol... and I have plenty of that good horseradish sauce left too, that stuff is the bomb on steak sandwiches. I'll also throw on mayo, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sweet onion, and whatever else I think of when I slap the sammie together... every steak sammie I make could feed an Ethiopian village for at least a month, lol. :oops:

I also bought a blueberry pie from the bakery department, it looked good and I haven't had blueberry pie in ages... I'll have some with ice cream tonight, sounds like a winner, lol. I even ate before I went to the store, but I wound up making the impulse buy... had a hard time deciding between Dutch Apple & Blueberry though, I must have stood there for 5 minutes until I ultimately went with the berry, lol. Meh, I usually buy the Dutch Apple, so this berry number will make for a pleasant change. I honestly can't remember the last time I had blueberry pie, I think it must have been years ago... 😒
I'm in Salt Lake City tonight. I'm just waiting around for a 7am flight home tomorrow. I've never worked around the Salt Lake before, and it's weird. The track we're working on is near I-80 and is built on a little causeway at the south end of the lake. There's so much salt on everything, it's in the air, on stuff, I'm breathing it in. My mouth has tasted like salt for the last 5 days straight. Nobody else around me notices it but it's driving me nuts. This was the last day I'll have to deal with it though. The new job site is west of the Lake and we'll keep going west for 5 or 6 more days. Then we'll load our equipment back on the train and send it to Wendover, on the Utah/Nevada line...
Busy day today with mom's doc appt recheck from her heart attack 2 weeks ago. Turns out the hospital did not prescribe the beta blocker like they were supposed to, and told me that they were. Her regular doc caught that mistake, and got the prescription out today. I don't know about that hospital. Mom could not remember even being over for Easter dinner yesterday. She's fading pretty fast. After her doc appt, little granddaughter (who didn't have school today) went to Walmart on the hunt for dresses for her band performance and for the graduation (8th grade) she'll be singing for. Did find new curtains and rods for the other granddaughter's room. She took them all when she moved out. No dresses there, so off we went to Kohls. Tried on a million, found 2 of them. Granddaughter (the twin) was sitting outside the dressing room waiting for a friend, right where I had been sitting. Wouldn't look up, knew I was a foot away from her. Wouldn't acknowlege me or her little sis. Noticed she now has a small tattoo on her ankle. She kept her face in her phone for 10 whole minutes. That was a weird coincidence. This was in the bigger town quite aways from us. Emptied the freeze dryer of eggs, filled it up again.
Quiet Easter here, Daughter had to work, Brother and Mom came over for a while. Tried to sort the problem with the lights on my little trailer but couldn't get them working properly, think I'll just go ahead and replace the wiring harness. Mom stayed over and helped me get the seedlings out of the basement and into the greenhouse. Looking at the weather forecast I think they'll be alright with a little supplemental heat overnight. Needed the room in the basement, I have five more flats of seedlings that desperately need to get potted up. Should be doing that tonight, but I'm just too tired. Stupidly tried to burn off the brush pile without connecting up the outside water first, and then spent a frantic 25 minutes fighting the fire with my shovel when the wind spread it to the corner of the fence row. Managed to stop it before it took the fence, the pine trees, and the shed but it was a close thing. I have burns and blisters and bruises and am coughing a lot, but nothing too bad. I just seem to do a lot of stupid things anymore, like my brain died with my Husband. :(
Mom and I went for a ride today to look at a couple of parcels of land that are for sale. I'm planning to move and am thinking about buying vacant land and putting up a modular. She's thinking about moving in with me, but isn't sure she wants to live as far into the countryside as I do. Lots to think about and consider but I have to decide soon if I want any chance of paying off the house before I retire.
Sorry about your mom fading, @Amish Heart . It is hard.
@Heartbroken glad you got that fire under control! I understand what you mean. Hope you find a good place to move to.
Got back area cleaned up. I'd take these trees down if I could. So many leaves, so many acorns. Virginia creeper is starting up the sides of the fence, maybe it will fill in those gaps in their fence where that wolf dog was getting through. The wolf owner finished the fence not long after my visit.
Hubby just read a statistic that only 2% of US adults could pass an algebra test for kids. (Didn’t state what age of kids). The other night he read that 80% (I think) of college graduates have not read a book since college. Other stats too. Says a lot though.

@TeeJ sometimes we need multiple emojis. Sorry you cut your hand but glad you had a good time with your kids.
@Amish Heart Sorry to hear your mom is fading 😕
@Heartbroken It’s good you are thinking about things. One day at a time. Find what makes you smile 😊
Interesting day, and productive. Ran the bush hog around the shop and barns, cut a little around the garden also. Noticed dad lost more gear off the tractor last week, latching pins. I don’t know how to watch him without seeming to watch him? Leaving the tractors out of fuel won’t stop him. I’ve been keeping them almost out of fuel thinking he can’t do too much damage. But I caught him siphoning fuel out of a 5g can he can’t pick up into a little bucket and pouring it into a tractor. Frustrating…

This morning I learned there is a bluegrass camp weekend after next. I have to juggle a few things and get someone to keep an eye on folks. I can’t leave them alone for that long.

The camp is Thru-Sun. 4 days of classes on flat picking, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, blacksmith and quilting. The classes are all concurrent, can only take one. Of course I’d choose guitar for $250. $400 would includes 3 meals a day and a bunk in a 24man bunk house. Hey, I survived 6yrs in the navy. How bad can a bunk room be? Chance of drowning is lower. 😁

I hate cfs at times like this. It’s only an hour away, could easily drive home at night. But that would be 8hrs of driving over 4 days. My cfs body can’t take that. I’d be completely brain dead by Friday night. Would get no benefit from the classes. They’d be a waste of time and money.

Even eating/sleeping there is no guarantee cfs isn’t going to flare at any moment including the first day. There’s still a chance I’ll spend the money and get nothing. I’ll be brain dead by Sunday morning if it goes well… I hope I can enjoy 2/3rds of it, like most things I do.

@LadyLocust Sam Bush’s guitar player and harmony guy is teaching vocals at this bluegrass camp, Stephen Mougin. Wish he’d bring Sam along! Several big name pickers are going to be there. I know the guy teaching flat picking. I met him at the fiddlers convention last month.

I posted this video weeks ago, its Stephen Mougin playing guitar for Sam Bush, singing backup too. The song is Radio John.


Bluegrass Workshopsm.jpg
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Little granddaugher and I just heard Sam Bush "Radio John" on the car radio (bluegrass station) yesterday. She was humming along, heard it before, and before dinner last night, said it was stuck in her head. Sounds like a fun weekend, Peanut.
I have to drive the girls to school, and do the usual morning chores, and will probably tackle the upstairs family room cleanup and closet cleanout today. I should be working the garden area, but upstairs is a mess, with the kids moving out, and mom's extra stuff brought in from us moving her stuff out. I suspect I'll be starting a few more donation bags.
Day 2 of the diet. So far it doesn't seem very hard. I don't eat a huge amount more on normal days. It's the cakes and bags of chips that made me gain the extra weight...
Toast with egg this morning and half a banana. I am not even hungry yet, usually eat after taking care of the animals
Cleaned the kitchen yesterday , spring cleaning to get ready for the market. After winter there is a layer of dust from the wood stove on everything. I even cleaned the top of the fridge.
Living room today. I am debating if I should take down the many curtains and wash them.

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