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In regards to Peanut Butter (pup). Her liver numbers were off the charts high. She is not diabetic and her kidney function is fine. Doc thinks she has some heart problems besides her murmer. Our course of action (okayed by doc) is to give her low dose of milk thistle and vitamin E. Continue making her food and giving her treats as we have been. Doc says that Peanut eats better than she does. LOL We will just keep loving on her and walking and keeping her happy until she has changes in physical and personality. Thanks for the prayers! Any low cost or natural input is welcome.
Little granddaughter to school, drove to the bigger town to pick up the cornish chicks. The post office woke us up at 12:30 am to say they came in. 31 roo chicks all look good, they traveled from Iowa. 15 will go to my favorite cousin's daughter. Her husband stopped in, on his way to their meat locker, and saw the chicks...I'll bring them by in the next day or two so he doesn't have to come back in on the tractor. Went bin shopping this morning after morning chores. Haven't done that in a long time, so that was fun. 99 cent day at one bin store, 49 cent day at the other. Bags of bargains. Ha. Waiting for the door fix it guy to come by later. Need new locks, maybe a new door on our back door.
Was cleaning out old emails I had saved and came across one from back in the PS days from Old Coot. It is his sourdough starter recipe. I decided to give it a try now that the weather has warmed up and we are past frost warnings. (I turn the heat off at night and didn't want to kill a starter with the cold).

Working on the rabbitry. I am trying to plan my hutch deep clean day as I intend to clean and make any needed repairs all at once. I also want to add castors to the hutches so K and I don't have to lift them when we move. Plus castors will make future deep cleans easier.

I have a nagging mild cough that will not go away. It has stuck around for a few weeks and it makes sleeping hard. I can hear the mucus and the noise makes sleeping hard. I hate being a very light sleeper.

Back to purging junk and packing.
…I have a nagging mild cough that will not go away. It has stuck around for a few weeks and it makes sleeping hard. I can hear the mucus and the noise makes sleeping hard. I hate being a very light sleeper...
Hall’s cough drops work for me. I keep a few on the nightstand a din my coat pocket. Suck one when I feel a cough spell coming, kills the throat irritation quickly and stops the coughing spell before it starts.
I have been busy in the garden see here.
See post 207 in garden 2023 thread.

That has been directed by weather. Shoveling mushroom manure and leaf compost is no fun in the rain. Other odds n ends have filled the gap.

We had a minor scare that got cleared this afternoon. April's budget in EveryDollar showed a $50k real estate loan out of nowhere. Since we recently purchased the lot out back we were concerned the title had been scammed. I finally figured out to contact a real person and learned there was an "oh no" issue with EveryDollar. The Princess is her happy self again.

My quest to reduce my cigarette consumption is going rather well. I have cut down from a pack to 1/2 a day. We will have to wait and see if I stop completely.

That is about it for me.


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I understand that getting ice in your water in a restaurant is something that Americans request, and is not a common thing for Europeans.
hahaha , first time my dad was in the US, he wanted to go to Mcdonalds. Never been to one before that. He ordered a beer..... after he found out no beer , he ordered a coke. They handed him a cup of ice and pointed at the soda machine. He handed it back and told him he didn't want ice. He did eat a burger and commented loudly that this had to be the worst food he has ever had....( in German good thing)

I have the opposite problem , I go to Germany and ask for ice water, and I get neither ice nor water. They want to give you the nasty mineral water and it's warm on top of it. So I just stick to beer, at least it doesn't taste bad
Busy day
put out animals and cleaned , and seperated out the ones going to the processor. That was a chore....the sheep hate being not with the herd, poor things
Then it looked like it was going to pour so we put the youngest baby goats and mommas in their stalls just in case
Drove hour and a half to the meat processing place and then went shopping in town after. Got home late and just got done putting the rest of the animals up and feeding the bottle baby lamb.
Finally had a nice day at work. It was 24° at 6am at the job site (Tooele, Utah), but it warmed up nicely to about 50, with a nice blue sky and sunshine and NO WIND! This evening I am being a worthless lazy butt at the hotel and I don't even care how worthless I'm being. Had a can of chunky chicken noodle soup for dinner, and I'm gonna play on my phone until bedtime...
Hall’s cough drops work for me. I keep a few on the nightstand a din my coat pocket. Suck one when I feel a cough spell coming, kills the throat irritation quickly and stops the coughing spell before it starts.
It is more like a mucus irritation and the cough helps clear it and makes it easier to breath.
Was cleaning out old emails I had saved and came across one from back in the PS days from Old Coot. It is his sourdough starter recipe. I decided to give it a try now that the weather has warmed up and we are past frost warnings. (I turn the heat off at night and didn't want to kill a starter with the cold).
He was an interesting character. If I knew his name and location (Iowa, I think) I would search to see if there is an obituary for him. Of course, he could have had a stroke or something and is no longer capable of being able to communicate with us.
Wow @MoBookworm1957 , @Grimm & @jishinsjourney all back 😁. @Weedygarden is already planning the party 🎉. Good to see and hear from y’all.

Have had a busy week. I have tons to do before Sunday because as of this morning they’re all coming to our house for Easter dinner. Ham and maybe some cod with side fixings.
My quest to reduce my cigarette consumption is going rather well. I have cut down from a pack to 1/2 a day. We will have to wait and see if I stop completely.
Best wishes to you. I understand that it is a hard addiction to give up. One man told me he put his cigarettes in his shirt pocket upside down. He wanted to know he had them, in case something got to him and he wanted to smoke. Putting them in upside down reminded him that he was trying to quit.
Home from work. After my "loud" discussion Tuesday night, which I apologized several times to both persons "sort of" on the receiving end during my montage, I expected a phone call on Wednesday saying I should not return or asking me to come in early for a discussion but that call never came. When I walked in Wednesday night I first looked for the Asst Manager I vented on but he was not working so I went to the Manager and mentioned I vented the night before, he was smiling and welcoming and said he heard a little about it and asked if I wanted to sit down and talk about it. I asked if I could do my job unloading the truck and talk with him after and he was good with that, so obviously I wasn't let go. When we talked I explained everything I was unhappy about and why it was annoying that our team was ALWAYS "audited" the next morning to see if we did out job right but it appeared obvious by the shoddy shelves that no one else in the store was ever checked up on. He agreed it was a problem and that he would address it. It was a good conversation, about most everything and everything else revolving around my life at work and home and elsewhere. I actually told him I preferred being at work and doing my job right because it took my mind off everything else, and I even told him in my opinion we are getting paid to much for the work we do, but we both admitted that society sucks and they have to pay that much just to get any flunky to apply for and accept a job. I didn't think it was a good time to ask why those of us who did our job right didn't get paid more than others in the department. ;)
The good part, I personally and physically have felt better the past couple of days. I still see the shoddy work of most others at work but it is still too soon to see if anything good will come of it. BUT, seeing how the manager gave me his cell phone number and asked me to send pictures and information of ANYTHING I see wrong I think I got his attention. Despite his urging I will only send pictures of the worst stuff I see but I think I might have earned his trust.
Enough of that, yesterday morning (after work) I got to stay up and sort of relax due to a doctors appointment at 8:30am, my blood pressure is acceptable with the low dose meds he has me on and we both are not worried about anything else that the annual check up blood work test showed. He renewed the one prescription that needed renewal and I stopped at the pharmacy before taking my GF to our accountant for her taxes, but the Pharmacy didn't open until 10am se we took a little drive around the small town, made our appointment at the accountant, and then went back to the pharmacy for the refill and some of their hot out of the grease chicken fingers for my (breakfast/dinner) and headed home. I didn't get to sleep right away probably due to being out in the bright sunlight for several hours but I got enough sleep to survive at work. Now, at about 5am, I get to sort through my paperwork for taxes and drop them off in the morning, then either get to sleep if I am exhausted or wait a few hours and pick up my boys in town to have them for the weekend. Fortunately for me their gramma is bringing them up from Las Vegas so she can spend the weekend with her sister. Either way it will be a short sleep day for me. Saturday afternoon car show to see some cool cars and the trucks of Matt's Off Road Recovery (YouTube) and an Easter Egg "hunt" late Saturday afternoon letting the kids shoot up a few dozen eggs in the hills. See, if you tape a piece of string to the eggs and hang them from various tree branches they can walk around the area and "hunt" the eggs. Any mess will be cleaned up by the various critters on the hillside. If you are energetic you can color the eggs first but this year we will skip that part because I am not feeling energetic and the kids are older.
Well, time to sort through a bunch of paperwork. Have a great night/day.
Yesterday the car dash lit up with every possible alarm/warming lights and dash display showed multipliable Armageddons.

This happen one other time and we (mechanic and I) contributed it to a bad tank of gas. We were out of State and car ran fine, drove it home. After another tank of gas the alarms cleared themselves and Armageddon canceled.

Asked the wife if she gassed up the car recently. Yes the day before. What’s the odds of getting two bad tanks of gas? Asked the wife to stop at my mechanic on her way home and see if he has time to check the codes. She called him instead, bring it in this morning. OK she told him.

Now she’s in distress because she doesn’t have a car. She “forgot” today is the monthly brunch with her high school alumni, groceries and visiting her mom. Did she ask the mechanic for one of their loaner cars, nope. Guess I’m her Uber driver for the day.

Drop car off at the mechanics. Small town

Home. Rural

Take wife to her 2 hour brunch and pickup medical records for my sister. City

Home. Rural

Pickup wife, take her grocery shopping. City

Take wife to visit (2 to 3 hours) her mom who is in rehab.

Hopefully mechanic calls during one of these trips.

Wife has a hen party from 6 to midnight. I get to camp out in the basement.
Yay, I am OFF today! I have managed to not schedule over my one day off. I did schedule jobs everyday next week ☹️, hopefully I'll learn my lesson!! Got a million things to do around home today! Will work just as hard being here, but I love when I can be home!! So I'm off to start laundry, will be back shortly!!
Hopefully you'll be off Sunday, too, Pearl.
No clue what the plans are today, and I'd be happy just working with the plant seedlings and the animal chores today. Will see if husband needs to do anything. Little granddaughter is off school till Tuesday, so I slept in an hr, and that was great. Realized that this is the first weekend of just "us" (3)...no twins, no company. It's pretty nice. We've got three tubs of chicks in brooders in the front room at the moment. I should get some of our "lighter colored" eggs boiled today so we can dye them tomorrow. I have egg in the freeze dryer that should be done by now, and pork loin that I cooked yesterday to put in. The rack of seedlings is full that is in the basement under grow lights and all are needing attention in some form or another. It's time to bring all that upstairs and out to the greenhouse. Looks like our weather is finally stabilizing.
Pouring outside and I feel sick. I wonder if I finally picked up covid somewhere. I woke up coughing like crazy and today I feel run down , headache and sneezing, but no sore throat, doesn't feel like a regular cold. I thought it was just from the usual barn cleaning/hay allergy etc but this feels worse
Animals are in , munching hay
Me bad, I am cooking lamb on good Friday.....had some shoulder roast I found that expired ( but not freezer burned) that needed to be used up.
Even if I am now a pagan, old habits are sometimes hard to ignore and I feel like I should have cooked vegetarian today LOL
Hopefully you'll be off Sunday, too, Pearl.
No clue what the plans are today, and I'd be happy just working with the plant seedlings and the animal chores today. Will see if husband needs to do anything. Little granddaughter is off school till Tuesday, so I slept in an hr, and that was great. Realized that this is the first weekend of just "us" (3)...no twins, no company. It's pretty nice. We've got three tubs of chicks in brooders in the front room at the moment. I should get some of our "lighter colored" eggs boiled today so we can dye them tomorrow. I have egg in the freeze dryer that should be done by now, and pork loin that I cooked yesterday to put in. The rack of seedlings is full that is in the basement under grow lights and all are needing attention in some form or another. It's time to bring all that upstairs and out to the greenhouse. Looks like our weather is finally stabilizing.
Hope y'all enjoy your first weekend of peace!! And no, I'll clean my building on Sunday, but will be home most of the day!!
Soooo, 4 hours later I sorted through all my paperwork for the accountant, just waiting on the Chiropractor to email me a summary of what I paid them last year then I can drive up and drop off the paperwork. I will probably stay awake until the boys get to Utah and pick them up before I can try to get some sleep before work tonight. I should sleep well after work for a few hours before heading to the car show tomorrow. Fortunately I slept decent the past week so I should survive the next couple of days.
Have a safe and happy day.
He was an interesting character. If I knew his name and location (Iowa, I think) I would search to see if there is an obituary for him. Of course, he could have had a stroke or something and is no longer capable of being able to communicate with us.
And that is why I printed out his starter recipe and I am giving it a shot. Just like I have Machinist's stories saved as PDFs. A piece of them can live on.

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