I had planned on finishing putting a boxside on an aluminum F-150 this morning, but my oldest limped his truck to the shop last night after the belt tensioner decided it no longer wanted to play the game and took the belt with it. He has been needing a power steering pump replaced as well, it was whining like AOC about Clarence Thomas. SO, I just finished up, with his help, replacing the power steering pump, flushing the ps system, replacing the tensioner and belt, and we put a new mirror on the his truck that had been setting in the office for six months. Just finished it up about an hour ago, and he headed home to shower and get himself to the local pizza place for his shift tonight.
It's a real shame, he has a natural talent working with his hands, but has no desire to take over for his old man here at the shop and my youngest has already decided that he is going into engineering, he wants to design and build robots for the space program (and honestly, he loves robotics so much, he will be doing something with robotics in his future).
Going to my parents for lunch to celebrate Easter with them tomorrow. I've got to get the oil changed and blades sharpened on the two zero turns, change the oil in the Mule and then I have some additions to my car hauler that desperately need done. The main one is to mount the winch to the deck, so I can drag several junk cars out of the property that we purchased next to ours, and I need to bring my Ford 4000 tractor up from the homestead so I can get a loader installed on it that has been setting at the shop for ages now.