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I slept until almost 4pm because I had trouble getting to sleep again. It got too hot and I had to get up and turn the AC on.
A former colleague of mine spent most of a summer in Spain, to improve her Spanish so that she could be certified to be a bi-lingual teacher. She said it was so hot that it was difficult to sleep and there was no air conditioning where she stayed. She put on a cotton night gown, got in the shower and got it wet, got into bed and went to sleep. If and when she woke up in the night due to heat, she would go take another cool shower.
A former colleague of mine spent most of a summer in Spain, to improve her Spanish so that she could be certified to be a bi-lingual teacher. She said it was so hot that it was difficult to sleep

Funny, reminded me... My elementary school didn't have air/c. Late may, sept, sometimes end of oct. Temps here in bama will be in the 90's. Nothing like a 95 degree steaming rain followed by sun in the afternoon. 1-3 graders were down stairs, old building 2ft thick walls, shaded. They would turn off all the lights/turn on big fans. Little kids were fine.

Up stairs was a different story. I remember a class that got so hot the teacher lead us downstairs to sit in the hallway and cool off.

But aug... sleeping at home was difficult. Some nights a fan wasn't good enough. Just lay there and sweat.
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Lunch break at work at the Depot. Might be my last. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Just after the store closed one of the asst managers walked past as I was working and said “How’s it going?” I said something to the effect of “About as good as the worthless lazy losers who don’t do their job right”. He didn’t even listen to what I said and kept walking. A few minutes later my boss walked up and I told him what happened and he was stunned. I said I was tired of being scrutinized and “audited” on every bay we pack down and reorganize but despite months of complaints and requests and suggestions no one gives a damn about what others do, just our team of employees. Just then tje asst manager walked passed on the front aisle and I called him over. I asked what he asked me a few minutes ago, and he correctly remembered but then I asked him what my answer was and he admitted he didn’t know. Plenty of loud complaining on my part, a few curse words but not directed at anyone just sentence enhancers. Several apologies by all three of us and I repeatedly told them both I was not angry at them or at anyone just tired of constantly being told our team has to be perfect but no one else has such a standard and no one is fixing anything.
My boss has casually talked with me several times since in casual conversation about it, the asst manager went home because it was the end of his shift. Wednesday night is when all managers are there, I suspect a visit to the store managers office, assuming I don’t get a phone call at home during the day.
I apologized to my boss a bit ago if I get fired, he doesn’t want to lose me, also mentioned I was casually looking for another job even though I love my job at HD. I am just fed up with headache of constantly fixing the crap others purposely mess up.
Ugh. 2 more hours till go home time.

EDIT: Since no one has seen this yet let me add...... I packed down one more bay after my lunch break. Caulking and caulk guns. The overhead was full left to right but not many boxes deep meaning many different items but not a lot of boxes for me to take down, sort through, put in the home if space is available and then restock the extras back in the overhead. Over 80% of every item on the shelf from front to back were mostly full box, partly full box, full box, nearly empty box. Meaning whoever stocks the shelf (the other night crew or day time employees) opens a new box and pushes back the partial boxes. This is what our team has to fix when we pack down a bay. We have to take out the 2 or 3 or 5 or 8 boxes that are open on the shelf, put the full ones in the back, combine the partial boxes and repeat for every item on the shelf that is messed up even if we have no new product to add. Then at the end of the night our boss looks it over and the opening manager/Asst Manager looks them over and looks for any possible mistake. I am OK with getting feed back on something I goofed up but I keep asking why no one audits the other employees in the store. They have the cute little new program in their phone to document what they pack down, why don't the managers make sure they do their job right? But the fun part was when the asst manager asked me how I was doing and I gave a very unusual answer instead of "good" or "OK" and he didn't even listen to what I said and just kept walking.
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Also grabbed beef stew from a local place. Sitting here with my cats. Still no sign of the missing one.
I hope your cat comes back. That's a terrible feeling when a pet disappears ( or even a livestock)
My puppy ran off yesterday morning and was gone for half an hour. He usually just goes out to pee and comes back in after 5 minutes for his breakfast so I was worried. He did finally come back with a large bone of something dead yuck
So this morning I went out with him to make sure he didn't run off . But cats do what they want so that's not practical
Funny, reminded me... My elementary school didn't have air/c. Late may, sept, sometimes end of oct. Temps here in bama will be in the 90's. Nothing like a 95 degree steaming rain followed by sun in the afternoon. 1-3 graders were down stairs, old building 2ft thick walls, shaded. They would turn off all the lights/turn on big fans. Little kids were fine.

Up stairs was a different story. I remember a class that got so hot the teacher lead us downstairs to sit in the hallway and cool off.

But aug... sleeping at home was difficult. Some nights a fan wasn't good enough. Just lay there and sweat.
When I was a kid we got out of school early when the temp was 25 deg C or more at 10 AM ( didn't happen very often) but when it was hot out we would all stand around the themometer outside and wish it to go up
No Ac in Germany, even some stores don't have any still. They have a refrigerated section for the things that need to be cold but the rest of the store is not
But the most miserable place I have ever lived was Florida without AC after a hurricane with the power off. Yuck . After the first time that happened we got a large generator and ran the ac with it. We had to chain it to the carport posts, so nobody would steal it
We have some fond memories of specific barn cats that just up and disappear. We haven't seen Jayrod in months. Although our neighbor a few miles up the road saw him on their deck. We are down to three at the moment. The most we've had going were seven. Cats are like that.
High winds last night, and the wind blew our dining room door open. So I had to turn on the heater this morning. Our african grey parrot did not appreciate the cold. Little granddaughter has a two hr late start for school today, and the neighbor girl doesn't have school today, so I'll just be driving one later. Animal chores first, and then to fill a cart at Aldi after I drop off little granddaughter. I'll have to go into the bigger town this afternoon to meet up with mom for her ortho leg appt. I think he's approving her to start on her walker today. If so, I can pick her up on Sunday to come eat with us for Easter. I know she's tired of the wheelchair.
Our weather is nice at the moment, warm, sunny and dry but supposed to change again tomorrow. It does need to rain, the sheep are eating the grass faster than it is growing right now

Going to clean the house today maybe. Laundry is all done, barn stalls are cleaned

Going to put out some more seeds in teh garden. Debating if I should take my chances and plant the summer stuff ( beans and squash) . It doesn't seem like it is going to freeze again but you never know
I could put out some seeds and keep some for later
Forensic class was a blast.
I took the class that the FBI was using back in 1980 from the American Institute of Applied Science. That was an excellent class and helped me get started in criminalistics.
My elementary school didn't have air/c.
Mine either. Central Florida is no joke as far as humidity, either!

Today, will walk in a few minutes.
DH has dentist appt. that I will accompany him on.
I have a lunch to go to at Church and picking up a friend first, then taking her to a local store.
No big work today. Maybe set up a couple more lick tubs.
Funny, reminded me... My elementary school didn't have air/c. Late may, sept, sometimes end of oct. Temps here in bama will be in the 90's. Nothing like a 95 degree steaming rain followed by sun in the afternoon. 1-3 graders were down stairs, old building 2ft thick walls, shaded. They would turn off all the lights/turn on big fans. Little kids were fine.

Up stairs was a different story. I remember a class that got so hot the teacher lead us downstairs to sit in the hallway and cool off.

But aug... sleeping at home was difficult. Some nights a fan wasn't good enough. Just lay there and sweat.
There are many old school buildings in the Denver Public School system. The one year that my classroom was on the third floor was the worst. It didn't help that the custodian had been hitting on a teacher who was also on the third floor and she finally reported him for it. His retaliation was to make sure it was always hot in that building. Windows were kept open on the third floor during the day during the winter. The custodian's story was that it was an old boiler and it was difficult to control. Principal wrote an email to upper people in building maintenance and asked if it was truly this difficult to manage the temperature. They came out, checked it out. Custodian was gone by Christmas, but was replaced with another loser. In the custodian ranks in DPS, you start as a floor sweeper, trash emptier, and move up by taking classes and learning how to maintain buildings.
Daughter is up from CA this week, shadowing a colleague of mine in the OR. Going to get some girl time in shopping downtown today. We ended up renting a small 2 bedroom apt in downtown (airbnb) for the week as we definitely did not have enough room in our RV for all 3 of us.
She flies back Friday morning, then Saturday we head down south to visit my brother, his wife and their 2 daughters over the weekend. It's been since the summer so we are looking forward to seeing them.
Hubs is over working on the greenhouse. Got the sawmill all set up so when he needed some wood, he was able to mill it himself (and was pretty proud of himself, haha).
INResponse, that sounds incredibly frustrating. My brother had experiences like that at Walmart. It seems to be corporate policy now that when a good worker is actually doing their job properly, they pile work on them and hold them to higher standards but they let the lazy/incompetent ones coast. They expect impossible standards from people. I still have friends who work at Walmart and they are timed on how fast they zone the aisles. Doesn't matter if anything hinders them-- like their little handheld devices malfunctioning. I remember one friend had his machine stop working for 5min straight so he couldn't print the labels. He was trying to get it to work and lamenting that it would affect his time and that the bosses didn't care about why. They are treated like robots. They also just throw new employees into the work without teaching them how to do it. Some of the managers don't even know how to do it so they don't train people.

There aren't any neighbors close enough that my cat would have gone to hang out with that don't have big dogs that would probably kill cats. The neighbors dogs have been coming into my yard frequently, getting under my house, going to my barn and harassing my cows, etc. No sign of the cat. I don't think he'll be coming back. I've had this happen numerous times with other cats. There are predatory animals in the woods.

I'm having a hard time moving today. Just trying to get up out of bed was a challenge. My body feels heavy.
I checked the status of the order I made a week ago from Lowes. Was supposed to be here by the 3rd. Been sitting at a fedex facility in TX since last Friday. ETA suddenly showed as next Wednesday. I called Lowes and told them that is unacceptable & that I don't believe the item will even arrive by then and I suspect the package has been lost and its not the first time bc I have problems with Fedex. Can't cancel or return bc it has already been shipped but not arrived. But she put in a claim # for me to get a refund and I ordered for curbside pickup from another store an hour away. Still waiting on it to be filled and it is marked as "delayed". Might have to pick it up tomorrow but was hoping for today. There's a marble slap creamery in the same parking lot area... LOL.
Finally stopped snowing and the sun came out :)
Filed taxes, ended up owing but not too much.
Set up a cleaning schedule for the house, want to start keeping it tidier.

@Peanut and @Weedygarden I can totally empathize - didn't set foot in a school with A/C until 5 years into my school career they remodeled the HS I worked at and added A/C. They still didn't run it anywhere but the office during summer break when I was doing all the heavy lifting :/
Mo that avatar is cute!
Filled a cart at Aldi. The checker said that she sees me each week and I must have a big family. Yep. Ha.
Mom's doc appt went well, and she can start on the walker (slowly) again. Oklahoma nephew just called and said a Chinese lady came by and bought all of his young rabbits (14)...he kept the breeders. She wants as many as he can breed. And any geese, duck or quail. She has people that want them. Sis that was just here (the Florida sis) called and said she ordered 18 months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply and a Berkey filter. She listened to me. Not many do, but there's one.
Mo that avatar is cute!
Filled a cart at Aldi. The checker said that she sees me each week and I must have a big family. Yep. Ha.
Mom's doc appt went well, and she can start on the walker (slowly) again. Oklahoma nephew just called and said a Chinese lady came by and bought all of his young rabbits (14)...he kept the breeders. She wants as many as he can breed. And any geese, duck or quail. She has people that want them. Sis that was just here (the Florida sis) called and said she ordered 18 months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply and a Berkey filter. She listened to me. Not many do, but there's one.

One at a time.

Well the snakes and spiders are out!! Found a Black Widow under the picnic table!🕷️🐍 Caught a grass snake, just to freak Hubby out! He hates when I pick up snakes! Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those weirdos who goes around picking up poisonous snakes!🤪 Guess it's time to start watching for those dang shower scorpions!😮🦂
You know that old internet meme about living where the air hurts your face? Yep, that's me and I love it because we don't have a poisonous critter under every board or rock! Yikes! So much better to have that wonderful cold winter that keeps the nasties from getting huge and numerous! How do you deal with that? The picnic table would be nothing but some charred sticks if it was me.
Struggling to keep up with getting all the seedlings transplanted; I've lost a few that dried out before I could get them switched over. Had to make a run to town for more soil and cups. But the good news is at least I've had some success this year; moved the seed starting operation back to the basement after the disaster of trying to start them out in the greenhouse last year.
Michigan is a lot of fun. Had fieldwork this week that took me up to Gaylord Monday and the piles of snow were higher than the hood of the truck. Got back to within an hour of home and it was 60 degrees and people were running around in shorts. Managed to get home in time to get a short ride in on the new motorcycle. We're in that roller coaster with temps and cold fronts/warm fronts and storms. A lot of chatter about severe stuff hitting us last night and today but thankfully just some noisy thunderstorms so far and no damage. I had to cut my ride short because the temps fell so fast into the 30s, today when I finished work it was 70 but stormy.
You know that old internet meme about living where the air hurts your face? Yep, that's me and I love it because we don't have a poisonous critter under every board or rock! Yikes! So much better to have that wonderful cold winter that keeps the nasties from getting huge and numerous! How do you deal with that? The picnic table would be nothing but some charred sticks if it was me.
Struggling to keep up with getting all the seedlings transplanted; I've lost a few that dried out before I could get them switched over. Had to make a run to town for more soil and cups. But the good news is at least I've had some success this year; moved the seed starting operation back to the basement after the disaster of trying to start them out in the greenhouse last year.
Michigan is a lot of fun. Had fieldwork this week that took me up to Gaylord Monday and the piles of snow were higher than the hood of the truck. Got back to within an hour of home and it was 60 degrees and people were running around in shorts. Managed to get home in time to get a short ride in on the new motorcycle. We're in that roller coaster with temps and cold fronts/warm fronts and storms. A lot of chatter about severe stuff hitting us last night and today but thankfully just some noisy thunderstorms so far and no damage. I had to cut my ride short because the temps fell so fast into the 30s, today when I finished work it was 70 but stormy.
Glad you got at least a short ride!! I can deal with the poisonous things because that means HOT WEATHER, which I love!! Just gotta watch for them!!
When I was a kid we got out of school early when the temp was 25 deg C or more at 10 AM ( didn't happen very often) but when it was hot out we would all stand around the themometer outside and wish it to go up
No Ac in Germany, even some stores don't have any still. They have a refrigerated section for the things that need to be cold but the rest of the store is not
But the most miserable place I have ever lived was Florida without AC after a hurricane with the power off. Yuck . After the first time that happened we got a large generator and ran the ac with it. We had to chain it to the carport posts, so nobody would steal it
I understand that getting ice in your water in a restaurant is something that Americans request, and is not a common thing for Europeans.
Helping put together a party with someone for a notable birthday. It is a day time party on a Saturday. There will be a DJ, dance floor, Nacho bar, Ice Cream bar, interesting beverages and more fun things going on. Over 100 people have been invited. I'll be doing some baking and setting up and taking down, in addition to some of the shopping for food and decorations.

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