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A trip to town with dad’s car, new tires I ordered were in. Caught a break… I checked the spare before I left home. Was worried the bad tire might blow out before I got to the shop. It looked bad yesterday, problem was on the inside edge. Couldn’t see it til the tire was off the car.

Today, when the guy put the wheel on the machine to take the old tire off the rim the tread separated! Yep, that tire was used up! 🤣 Talk about cutting it close... Car drives much better now, smooth in fact.

Got a few groceries while in town. No plans but tv this evening.
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more stress
the dogs are missing, my GSD and the old mutt. I was going to take them for a walk up the mountain like most every day and they ran ahead and disappeared. This was almost 2 hours ago
I hiked up most of the mountain and yelled , no dogs, drove around our neighborhood and didnt see them either
Otto has not done this before :(
I think this mushroom is a Porcini, otherwise known as a bolet, or penny bun..does anyone know mushrooms n can tell? It has the sponge like under instead of gills..
I picked alitt lo e brass I probably didnt see from last week. No campers here I guess..surprising since its deer season..
We have the mushrooms that have sponge like underside, I would have to talk to an expert on mushrooms before trying them, I just read what happens to you if you eat a poison Bolete, severe extended weakness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It's just not worth taking chances, if you are not sure, get trained by an expert or just stick with the mushrooms you can buy at the grocery store. Some poisonous mushrooms have a bad habit of wiping out your liver and some may take away your life.
Got back from taking wife to Dr. It is not Afib, he named off something but I couldn't understand him will look at her chart and figure it out. Dr said she didn't have to go back for a year. That tells me it is not serious. Stop by and got ammo was Flying off the shelves every caliber. Wife went to Ross and TJ Max.I bet this little trip cost me 800.00. Ammo might have been 400.00 of it.
Today was "take down that dead tree in the front yard" day.
Today was "cut up the downed tree and take it to the tree branch recycling place".

That little Stihl chainsaw https://www.stihlusa.com/products/chain-saws/battery-saws/msa140cbq my wife bought a bit ago was awesome! Perfect for cutting up this tree that had a 14" diameter trunk (at the very bottom). As you moved up a few feet it was under 12" so that worked well with this saw that has a 12" bar. It cut through the tree like it was butter, only stalling in a few places due to user error (let the chain do the work, don't try to force it by pressing down hard). It might have to work harder on a fresh tree. The one we were sawing up was old, dead, and very very dry - so not much of a challenge for a saw. The 12" bar, while sounding small, worked well and it allows the saw to be super lightweight, easy to control, and not intimidating at all. We still wore all the safety gear though - chaps, gloves, eye protection. Skipped the helmet since this was all work on the ground with nothing overhead. The saw is quiet, and hearing protection was not needed.
i gave her some goat electrolyte, sorry didnt mention that
peanut butter????
It tends to stop diarrhea in herbivores and humans, it will give her protein and calories. when the discharge stops don't give her any more or it could clog her plumbing. a dose of Sulfur and black molasses wouldn't hurt either, try not to give her any green food until it stops either. a dose of the sulfur and molasses is one large mixing spoon. she needs to absorb water and nutrients for a few days.
I’m home from the hospital. Feeling pretty good. Keeping up on my PT exercises.


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spent hours looking for the dogs, son drove the ATV around, we looked everywhere , the dogs are gone
I don't even know what to do next never lost 2 dogs before, they are house dogs not used to being out all night. I am sure something bad happened to them
Maybe they will just come back. Don’t lose hope yet.
Sorry, Sonya, I bet you're worried sick.
Went bin shopping, went to Dollar General, then grabbed ice cream and visited mom. She likes strawberry. Went in to see her, and she was rambling on about how she was told she needed to off a few people today, and was thinking she'd just drag them under her bed to hide the bodies afterwards. But she was sure they called me to come out to see her so I can do it for her, and just throw them in the parking lot afterwards. She told me to get to work. She's nuts.
My bottle baby turned half wild mama cow had her calf sometime overnight. She's had a pretty large udder for a few weeks prior to calving so I was worried about the baby being able to nurse. Decided to move her thru the pens and into chute to get hands on her because I was worried about mastitis as well as the baby not being able to suck properly. Turned into a bit of a rodeo but got her in and hands on. Glad I did because all four teets were clogged shut. Took a lot of work but got them clear. Then I milked off 4 quarts to relieve the engorgement. After I finished that I fed the baby the first 2 quarts I milked out to make sure he got the colostrum. I have the other 2 quarts in the fridge to give him in the morning. Hopefully he'll be able to suck normal now though. I'm going to keep them in the pens for the next few days and probably dose her for mastitis just to be on safe side.
And because everybody loves pictures, here's the little guy enjoying his first meal
My bottle baby turned half wild mama cow had her calf sometime overnight. She's had a pretty large udder for a few weeks prior to calving so I was worried about the baby being able to nurse. Decided to move her thru the pens and into chute to get hands on her because I was worried about mastitis as well as the baby not being able to suck properly. Turned into a bit of a rodeo but got her in and hands on. Glad I did because all four teets were clogged shut. Took a lot of work but got them clear. Then I milked off 4 quarts to relieve the engorgement. After I finished that I fed the baby the first 2 quarts I milked out to make sure he got the colostrum. I have the other 2 quarts in the fridge to give him in the morning. Hopefully he'll be able to suck normal now though. I'm going to keep them in the pens for the next few days and probably dose her for mastitis just to be on safe side.
And because everybody loves pictures, here's the little guy enjoying his first meal
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The rodeo was well worth it!! Keep us posted, more pics to come hopefully?!♥️
spent hours looking for the dogs, son drove the ATV around, we looked everywhere , the dogs are gone
I don't even know what to do next never lost 2 dogs before, they are house dogs not used to being out all night. I am sure something bad happened to them
Hope they show up!! I am worrying with you!! I can't imagine why they took off?? So sorry! ♥️♥️♥️
Went to an old watering hole called Toby's Tavern and had lunch.
We closed that place up a lot of nights 45 years ago. We told our wives that we were going fishing at the jetty until mine called Toby's and the bartender handed me the phone. We were busted.
My buddy gave us away when he forgot our fishing poles. I still rib him about that.:)
spent hours looking for the dogs, son drove the ATV around, we looked everywhere , the dogs are gone
I don't even know what to do next never lost 2 dogs before, they are house dogs not used to being out all night. I am sure something bad happened to them
Call your neighbors and let them know. Sometimes they get scared and show up at “a house.”
Woke up today at 03:00, lower back has been killing me all week, heating pad helps some... The wife likes the house COLD and I'm a desert rat, so I ordered 2 electric blankets (a regular blanket and a sofa blanket) so I can stay warm where ever I lite... I also ordered a couple of 2 pocket flannel shirts from Duluth along with some fire-hose pants. I was planning to take off tomorrow to go for a walk, but with my back out I don't see how I can do the hiking with a 30# pack..... I may pull the plug on that one..

The wife started talking about the Christmas lights last night... It's amazing how fast things sneak up on us.

Well, my alarm is going to go off in about 10 minutes, I think I will go upstairs and turn if off before it wakes anyone up :)
Hope they show up!! I am worrying with you!! I can't imagine why they took off?? So sorry! ♥️♥️♥️
The bad dogs came back at 3 am....I couldn't sleep and kept checking the door and heard some thump against the door. I think they were too tired to bark. The old rescue mutt came in drank a bowl of water and ate a bowl of food , and went to his crate to sleep. My German Shepherd acted like he had PTSD. He had his tail tucked between his legs, ears down and ran into his crate and went way in the back to hide. Either he was upset for having been out half the night, or he was worried he got in trouble, not sure. We dragged him out of his crate and checked him over, no injuries, so we just let him be. But he's ok too, ate a bowl of food when I got up ( much later than usual)

I can't imagine where they went. They always run after a rabbit or something but not very far and Otto comes back when I call him. they have never disappeared in the woods for more than maybe 15 minutes. The livestock dogs take off any chance they get and the fence has a hole and I have had to go get them from the neighbors but these guys don't do that. Either way, Otto is going on a leash today for a walk . The other one is indestructible and I am sure he was the instigator
It tends to stop diarrhea in herbivores and humans, it will give her protein and calories. when the discharge stops don't give her any more or it could clog her plumbing. a dose of Sulfur and black molasses wouldn't hurt either, try not to give her any green food until it stops either. a dose of the sulfur and molasses is one large mixing spoon. she needs to absorb water and nutrients for a few days.
The goat was fine when we checked her yesterday . Debating if I should give her another dose of coccidia medicine or not . You are supposed to give it at least 3 days but then if that wasn't it it's unecessary medicine. I have given them crackers, they love them. Used to give animal crackers to our milk goats for a treat , will try the peanut butter
The bad dogs came back at 3 am....I couldn't sleep and kept checking the door and heard some thump against the door. I think they were too tired to bark. The old rescue mutt came in drank a bowl of water and ate a bowl of food , and went to his crate to sleep. My German Shepherd acted like he had PTSD. He had his tail tucked between his legs, ears down and ran into his crate and went way in the back to hide. Either he was upset for having been out half the night, or he was worried he got in trouble, not sure. We dragged him out of his crate and checked him over, no injuries, so we just let him be. But he's ok too, ate a bowl of food when I got up ( much later than usual)

I can't imagine where they went. They always run after a rabbit or something but not very far and Otto comes back when I call him. they have never disappeared in the woods for more than maybe 15 minutes. The livestock dogs take off any chance they get and the fence has a hole and I have had to go get them from the neighbors but these guys don't do that. Either way, Otto is going on a leash today for a walk . The other one is indestructible and I am sure he was the instigator
So glad they are home! Hope they don't do it again!!

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