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Jake and I cut wood after school, Alexandra showed up and helped us split some of it.

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With that hammer, I wouldn't want to make Alexandria mad!

Let us hear some good news when you get home!!
He said all my problems (post surgery) is normal , may take up to a year for the nerves to mend , the actual fusion with the bone scraps he put in there should be set by now (I'm at the 6 week mark) but don.t abuse yourself like you have been . The leg problem should clear up in time .
Abuse myself , that's what got me in this mess. Couldn't have anything to do with working in a feed mill , stone quarry and pulled well pumps by hand for 30yrs. . Now i can get ready for winter and start working on my mothers (she passed May 25) small house that was left to me. Going to try weekend rentals, but I have to heat it this winter. The trip to the Dr. only cost $29000. just happened there was a Jeep dealer next to the Drs. office and my wife traded her Cherokee in on a new one .
Worked out in the garden some, got rained on some. Still made good progress. Cleaned out the tomato and pepper beds. Then dug my sweet taters. Got a half bushel of decent size from a 3;x9' bed. Also picked a half dozen butternut squash. I've got 6 more but the vines are still really green. I'll leave them until frost is expected.
He said all my problems (post surgery) is normal , may take up to a year for the nerves to mend , the actual fusion with the bone scraps he put in there should be set by now (I'm at the 6 week mark) but don.t abuse yourself like you have been . The leg problem should clear up in time .
Abuse myself , that's what got me in this mess. Couldn't have anything to do with working in a feed mill , stone quarry and pulled well pumps by hand for 30yrs. . Now i can get ready for winter and start working on my mothers (she passed May 25) small house that was left to me. Going to try weekend rentals, but I have to heat it this winter. The trip to the Dr. only cost $29000. just happened there was a Jeep dealer next to the Drs. office and my wife traded her Cherokee in on a new one .
That doesn’t sound bad all things considered 😀
He said all my problems (post surgery) is normal , may take up to a year for the nerves to mend , the actual fusion with the bone scraps he put in there should be set by now (I'm at the 6 week mark) but don.t abuse yourself like you have been . The leg problem should clear up in time .
Abuse myself , that's what got me in this mess. Couldn't have anything to do with working in a feed mill , stone quarry and pulled well pumps by hand for 30yrs. . Now i can get ready for winter and start working on my mothers (she passed May 25) small house that was left to me. Going to try weekend rentals, but I have to heat it this winter. The trip to the Dr. only cost $29000. just happened there was a Jeep dealer next to the Drs. office and my wife traded her Cherokee in on a new one .
Well no bad news! And WOW, good for the Mrs.!! Hope your back and wallet make a good recovery!!
Haven't seen Mom all week, Lady L...they had covid on their hall. Planning on going Wednesday, though, as long as husband is doing ok. At the moment he only has an appointment on Thursday, so we'll see how the week goes. Planning on running some errands tomorrow, then little granddaughter's parent teacher conference in the afternoon. We'll see how those plans go.
Two days last week of treatment at the new Chiropractor and felt great the first 3 or the 4 nights afterwards. Last night required ice packs and Ibuprofen to get to sleep. Good day at work today and Chiropractor after work so hoping for a decent night sleep tonight.

The GF's car has had a touch of transmission problems and was "shuddering" between gears on the uphill portions of the highway. (shuddering is the word on the bottle of the new/correct transmission fluid which it claims to reduce) Apparently the torque converter, my best guess. I drained and refilled last year and did it again tonight. Test drive seems to show an improvement, but I ordered enough fluid for 2 more drains and fills. I am hoping that will flush out enough of the old stuff to remedy the problem. I will also drain and fill again next year. I also ordered enough for two drains and fills for the transmission in my truck, which was also done last year. Her car doesn't have a replicable filter but my truck does and I ordered 2 sets of filters and gaskets for my truck. I am hoping this maintenance will help preserve the live of both vehicles a bit. I am not opposed to rebuilding the transmissions but I don't want to do it anytime soon.

I harvested seed from the apples and pears I gathered at the Butch Cassidy homestead I visited a few weeks ago, along with some yummy apples we were given from a friend last week. They are drying now and in a few days they will hit the fridge for a couple months before I plant them on a heated grow mat under a grow lamp to get and early start for the spring season. Maybe in 3 or 4 years they will start producing. Also, the saplings I rescued from the wild a few weeks ago are on the grow mat and will hopefully keep growing through the winter so next spring I can plant them outside and add them to the landscaping.

Aside from that, my sons high school football team won their game last week to lock them in to first place in their division and I will be at the game this Friday night for the last regular season game of the year. We shall see how they do in the post season, but either way I am proud of this sophomore on the varsity team. He keeps improving game after game.
Two days last week of treatment at the new Chiropractor and felt great the first 3 or the 4 nights afterwards. Last night required ice packs and Ibuprofen to get to sleep. Good day at work today and Chiropractor after work so hoping for a decent night sleep tonight.

The GF's car has had a touch of transmission problems and was "shuddering" between gears on the uphill portions of the highway. (shuddering is the word on the bottle of the new/correct transmission fluid which it claims to reduce) Apparently the torque converter, my best guess. I drained and refilled last year and did it again tonight. Test drive seems to show an improvement, but I ordered enough fluid for 2 more drains and fills. I am hoping that will flush out enough of the old stuff to remedy the problem. I will also drain and fill again next year. I also ordered enough for two drains and fills for the transmission in my truck, which was also done last year. Her car doesn't have a replicable filter but my truck does and I ordered 2 sets of filters and gaskets for my truck. I am hoping this maintenance will help preserve the live of both vehicles a bit. I am not opposed to rebuilding the transmissions but I don't want to do it anytime soon.

I harvested seed from the apples and pears I gathered at the Butch Cassidy homestead I visited a few weeks ago, along with some yummy apples we were given from a friend last week. They are drying now and in a few days they will hit the fridge for a couple months before I plant them on a heated grow mat under a grow lamp to get and early start for the spring season. Maybe in 3 or 4 years they will start producing. Also, the saplings I rescued from the wild a few weeks ago are on the grow mat and will hopefully keep growing through the winter so next spring I can plant them outside and add them to the landscaping.

Aside from that, my sons high school football team won their game last week to lock them in to first place in their division and I will be at the game this Friday night for the last regular season game of the year. We shall see how they do in the post season, but either way I am proud of this sophomore on the varsity team. He keeps improving game after game.
Hope you got some good sleep! Congratulations to your son and his team!! How awesome for them!!
Hopefully a regular day today!! Went to work yesterday, stopped for gas before the grocery store only to see red liquid dripping from my car. Hubby just put a new radiator and hoses on it, the old radiator split! So drove it home watching my temp gauge. Turns out he didn't tighten one of the transmission fluid lines, wasn't antifreeze, didn't leak that much thankfully! So my poor little car will be back on the road today and hopefully I can stop by the grocery store after work!! Nice morning not to take my truck to work since it's 34° outside, it doesn't have heat!! When I get home I'll put some shorts on and get a few things done outside!!
Two days last week of treatment at the new Chiropractor and felt great the first 3 or the 4 nights afterwards. Last night required ice packs and Ibuprofen to get to sleep. Good day at work today and Chiropractor after work so hoping for a decent night sleep tonight.

The GF's car has had a touch of transmission problems and was "shuddering" between gears on the uphill portions of the highway. (shuddering is the word on the bottle of the new/correct transmission fluid which it claims to reduce) Apparently the torque converter, my best guess. I drained and refilled last year and did it again tonight. Test drive seems to show an improvement, but I ordered enough fluid for 2 more drains and fills. I am hoping that will flush out enough of the old stuff to remedy the problem. I will also drain and fill again next year. I also ordered enough for two drains and fills for the transmission in my truck, which was also done last year. Her car doesn't have a replicable filter but my truck does and I ordered 2 sets of filters and gaskets for my truck. I am hoping this maintenance will help preserve the live of both vehicles a bit. I am not opposed to rebuilding the transmissions but I don't want to do it anytime soon.

I harvested seed from the apples and pears I gathered at the Butch Cassidy homestead I visited a few weeks ago, along with some yummy apples we were given from a friend last week. They are drying now and in a few days they will hit the fridge for a couple months before I plant them on a heated grow mat under a grow lamp to get and early start for the spring season. Maybe in 3 or 4 years they will start producing. Also, the saplings I rescued from the wild a few weeks ago are on the grow mat and will hopefully keep growing through the winter so next spring I can plant them outside and add them to the landscaping.

Aside from that, my sons high school football team won their game last week to lock them in to first place in their division and I will be at the game this Friday night for the last regular season game of the year. We shall see how they do in the post season, but either way I am proud of this sophomore on the varsity team. He keeps improving game after game.
IMO high mileage auto transmission can grow devoid of friction material.

There's two schools of thought on this. One crowd says to never replace the fluid in a high mileage transmission. I'm Of of the second school of thought:

To gain all the advantages of fresh fluid and a new clean filter, plus removing that excess metal filings from the catch magnet, I change it. If there's slipping or shuddering, I've had success using Thompson trans fix to supplement. It effectively replaces lost friction material in the fluid. The real trick is figuring out how much you need. So I start by adding a minimal amount, test drive, add little more and so on until symptoms disappear?
Took livestock dogs to the vet yesterday for shots\ checkup
the boy has a little tumor looking thing on his leg, I just noticed it a few days ago and showed the vet. He gave me some antibiotics to make sure it's not some infection but thinks it might need to be removed if it grows because it could be a cancer. Poor baby:( He is already about 6, which is getting old for such a big dog . They usually only life to be around 8 but vet said the dogs overall look pretty good for their age.

Got a few grain bags since we are about out, but couldn't fit much on the truck since the 2 large dog crates were on it.
Weather was bad too , kept raining on and off and was not supposed to , good thing we had tarps to cover everything

Haven't heard from my dad or brother, I suppose that is good news.

Today we need to continue trimming sheep and goat hoofs. Trying to get that done before it freezes. Can't do it with gloves on
Also need to deworm the bucks before we start breeding them. They get dewormed at least once a year even if they don't absolutely need it just in case.
You seem to get a lot done one step at a time and end up achieving a lot!
Today's step was to locate and order the outside weather proof connector, cable, and conduit to connect the generator to the transfer switch.


L15-30 rated for 7500 watts from the generator.

Looking forward to the first time I can run half if the freezers with the generator. Be still my heart. ;)

Took dad's car to town, suspected bent rim. Don't need a rim but do need 2 new tires. They are worn out, one has broken belting, tread is bulging over it. That's the source of the shake.

So, i ordered 2 tires, will be in tomorrow afternoon or Thursday. $303 w/mntbal, not bad for 50K no name tires.

No plans, just going to veg the rest of the day.

Oh, had lunch a the meat n 3 in town. I like pan fried green beans... but these had soaked up a quart of grease, nasty tasting. Hamburger steak was good, their cornbread is excellent.
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Let me know if you need a taste tester. @Neb always has garlic, but he doesn't share ;)
Hey now!

I used to bring in braids of garlic and gave them away to coworkers. I gave a couple of bags to the neighbor a few months ago when had to go on a no- salt diet. The Princess brings garlic to work to give away.

So there!


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