What's everybody doing today?

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So glad they are home! Hope they don't do it again!!
me too! That was stress....the little mutt I could live without ( but our son would be sad, it's his dog) but Otto would be very bad. He cost a small fortune, and guards the house and is MY dog. I just lost my previous one last year ( she was old but I was still super upset) but with her I knew it was coming, she just got old and died but this one is still almost a puppy.
I completed the transfer switch install today.

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All of the available wire pairs are ty-wrapped up. As I work through critical circuits the black wire goes to the load and the red connects to the breaker. I may have to run some more circuits since some of the loads are fed from one or more sub panel.

Is that a water pipe next to the electrical box (going up the side)? That would not fly with the inspector in the town where I live.
The bad dogs came back at 3 am....I couldn't sleep and kept checking the door and heard some thump against the door. I think they were too tired to bark. The old rescue mutt came in drank a bowl of water and ate a bowl of food , and went to his crate to sleep. My German Shepherd acted like he had PTSD. He had his tail tucked between his legs, ears down and ran into his crate and went way in the back to hide. Either he was upset for having been out half the night, or he was worried he got in trouble, not sure. We dragged him out of his crate and checked him over, no injuries, so we just let him be. But he's ok too, ate a bowl of food when I got up ( much later than usual)

I can't imagine where they went. They always run after a rabbit or something but not very far and Otto comes back when I call him. they have never disappeared in the woods for more than maybe 15 minutes. The livestock dogs take off any chance they get and the fence has a hole and I have had to go get them from the neighbors but these guys don't do that. Either way, Otto is going on a leash today for a walk . The other one is indestructible and I am sure he was the instigator
That is NOT a reaction to other dogs, that is a dog's reaction to a bigger predator! I bet you have mountain lions or bears... Or MAYBE the big stinky cousin is around!
I think this mushroom is a Porcini, otherwise known as a bolet, or penny bun..does anyone know mushrooms n can tell? It has the sponge like under instead of gills..
I picked alitt lo e brass I probably didnt see from last week. No campers here I guess..surprising since its deer season..
I had a thread going a couple of years ago, had found some boletes in my yard. I don’t have time to search for it at the moment but I’m still here, did not get sick at all. Very very tasty.
@sonya123 I hope your sick goat gets better and I'm so relieved your dogs came back. I had a house cat that got out & disappeared for 2 weeks. She was skinny as a rail and weak when she came back, but she came back.

@Peepaw from Tex glad your wife's heart condition isn't too serious.

@winds-of-change I'm happy you're out of the hospital and on the mend!

@ABR good thing you were able to get the mother and baby cows into a pen and get milk out. I bet the mother's udders were hurting with all that pressure! The baby is adorable!

@UrbanHunter I hope your back gets feeling better. Btw, they sell machine washable heated mattress covers that let you control each side individually. So you can heat just your side with the controls and let your wife heat hers if she wants to. We had one on the bed in the front room for when my sister visited.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

Bladder woke me up before dawn so I was awake when Mom needed help adjusting her blankets and leg pillow. Found the trash knocked over in the kitchen and spread out with the dogs digging in it, so I had to clean all of it up.

Had my brother help me bring in cases of water and will see if he'll go with me to home depot and samsclub later. I want to stop at the Chinese place to eat and like to have company. That will be in the afternoon though.

I need to build a shelf for my computer. PSU delivery has been delayed though. I think they lost it bc it hasn't moved in 2 days according to tracking.
Is that a water pipe next to the electrical box (going up the side)? That would not fly with the inspector in the town where I live.
That service entrance was inspected some 50 years ago.

If you don't like that one...

The meter for the other side of the house was INSIDE the basement.

Walked early, not quite as chilly.
Ran around town doing a few errands.
Walked dogs.
Put the cat cage back in shed since Charlie is doing better at sleeping in bedroom.
Put some lick tubs away in shed.
Still need to email a couple of friends and water roses, this evening.
so I ordered 2 electric blankets
Those things are a lifesaver for DH and I! We use them instead of paying to heat the whole house.

@sonya123 , I am so glad your pups came home!
@sonya123 I hope your sick goat gets better and I'm so relieved your dogs came back. I had a house cat that got out & disappeared for 2 weeks. She was skinny as a rail and weak when she came back, but she came back.
wow 2 weeks? I would not expect any animals to come back after that long, glad you got your cat back! Goat is fine, what I gave her yesterday must have fixed it
me too! That was stress....the little mutt I could live without ( but our son would be sad, it's his dog) but Otto would be very bad. He cost a small fortune, and guards the house and is MY dog. I just lost my previous one last year ( she was old but I was still super upset) but with her I knew it was coming, she just got old and died but this one is still almost a puppy.

I've had this issue a few times with my sheppards and one other dog. Pretty sure your dog jumped a deer. Rabbits run in circles when chased by dogs, other small game doesn't go far, certainly not out of ear shot. A white tail deer... will run to water, a river or swamp. They will run several miles, well out of voice range. And they run in a straight line, as terrain allows. It only takes 3 or 4 minutes for a dog to be out of hearing range. Your dogs couldn't hear you call.

For me... deer run for the swamp via 2 routes. I know where the roads are that cross those routes. When I realized mine jumped a deer I'd try to get ahead and be waiting.

The problem with sheppards... they will chase silently. Hounds will bark as they run, easy to figure out where they are headed. With sheppards you need to know where the deer will go when chased.

Solution... ask hunters in your area which way deer run when chased... they'll always follow the trails and routes they normally travel. Once you know where these routes cross roads then you'll know how to get ahead of your dogs and cut them off.

Some dogs get a taste for chasing deer, hard to break them... every dog is different so I wish you luck. I've had dogs be gone 3 days, come home cut up from briars, thorns. A pain to deal with them.

The dog in this photo... was a real problem. I never managed to completely break him from chasing deer so... I bought a radio tracking collar so I could find him. I've used it on another dog, she was smart though, quickly learned not to chase deer. If you can catch them in the act of chasing a deer then you can break them. But only while they are doing it. Punishing them after the fact, after they've returned home doesn't work.

Edit to add... take a good look at a topo map of your area. Deer tend to run down hill when chased (but not always, they will go over a ridge to get to their destination)

Dogs 007a.jpg
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I see online the local seniors center offering a ..senior drivers course renewal class.. I looked into it to find you need to complete the mandatory 8 hour primary course...

AARP offers a ..senior driving online course... that will entitle you to an insurance discount.. This course is $30, so I find there is a state sponsored course for $20... I ground through the course in the better part of a whole day, took lots of notes, and got a 98% on the exam.. Printed the certificate and presented it to my car insurance co.. Only to be told ...we don't honor this... Maybe after almost 60 years I need to shop for better insurance....
I see online the local seniors center offering a ..senior drivers course renewal class.. I looked into it to find you need to complete the mandatory 8 hour primary course...

AARP offers a ..senior driving online course... that will entitle you to an insurance discount.. This course is $30, so I find there is a state sponsored course for $20... I ground through the course in the better part of a whole day, took lots of notes, and got a 98% on the exam.. Printed the certificate and presented it to my car insurance co.. Only to be told ...we don't honor this... Maybe after almost 60 years I need to shop for better insurance....
My agent used to say requote ins. every two years. Over the past few years, she says requote it every year or they will just raise it.
Talked to vet today after milking another 5 quarts out. Said to monitor for a few days and give a dose of LA 300 if no improvement. Touch base with them again next week if that still doesn't help. I'll keep milking and feeding it to the baby in a bottle.

This is after milking. I could have gotten more still but she was getting really wild in the chute and I didn't want her injuring herself. She is NOT a dairy breed.

Took his bottle like a champ and has the beard to prove it lol
Went and picked up some feed and the rest of the metal roofing to finish the roof over our back deck this morning. Got the smoker fired up and put in a load of beef strips. I marinaded the meat over night in a sweet mixture, similar to what I use when making squaw candy (salmon). I'm hoping to make a road trip this weekend, never know when it'll come in handy for barter. If I don't eat it first.
I investigated my options for adding a dedicated circuit for a chest freezer and a refrigerator/freezer. I have spare breaker that was used for the furnace I removed many years ago. Then I scouted out a path to run the wire to where the new outlet will be installed. I will sleep on how far I want to go with hiding the wire run in the basement.

So I switched gears and moved to my shop and dig out the milling machine from under the pile that had grown over it. It has been sitting for a while. Although I had sprayed it down with rust inhibitor the were a few spots with light rust. Cleaned up the ways with a stone ok.

Nuff for today

Husband had his doc appt, and that was fine. Then we went to Walmart, I had him come in on a scooter, and it brightened his mood. The weather today is gorgeous, just perfect. So I guess all that wore him out and he's napping. I filled a cart at Walmart, stuff that I can't find at Aldi. Found our Christmas Eve prime rib for the freezer. Bought a whole turkey to cook and two whole chickens to cook for lunchmeat. Tried a different tactic with mean Tom Turkey this morning. Figured if he attacked today, I'd just let him out. Don't care. Didn't have time to butcher him today. He could hang out with the guinea. So I went into the run yelling and stomping and rushing him. Seemed to freak him out. Yesterday he brought a mean buddy to go at me, too. We'll see if his mood changes tomorrow. There are five toms in there, I'd like a little more weight on them before butchering, but that might not happen.
Husband had his doc appt, and that was fine. Then we went to Walmart, I had him come in on a scooter, and it brightened his mood. The weather today is gorgeous, just perfect. So I guess all that wore him out and he's napping. I filled a cart at Walmart, stuff that I can't find at Aldi. Found our Christmas Eve prime rib for the freezer. Bought a whole turkey to cook and two whole chickens to cook for lunchmeat. Tried a different tactic with mean Tom Turkey this morning. Figured if he attacked today, I'd just let him out. Don't care. Didn't have time to butcher him today. He could hang out with the guinea. So I went into the run yelling and stomping and rushing him. Seemed to freak him out. Yesterday he brought a mean buddy to go at me, too. We'll see if his mood changes tomorrow. There are five toms in there, I'd like a little more weight on them before butchering, but that might not happen.
Video demonstration of this technique please 😊
@Pearl 🐛🥨🦽🔭♨️🕐 Take your emojis back. I need sleep.
Was awake between shortly after midnight and finally got to sleep between 3:30 & 4 AM then the alarm went off at 4:30.
Coffee wasn't enough.
Been playing in the tomatoes after work trimming and pulling cages. Not finished yet. Trying to save as many tomatoes as I can for eating as they ripen. Yard looks a mess, but once I get all the cages out, I can put the piles of vines in the compost and clean up the beds, then night night for winter.
Today is gorgeous! First freeze expected next week.
The new house is a slab, giving me nightmares. Have to see what bats are in Belfry, is there a home run home for the "cable" wires, or do I have to learn to wall fish.
It ws MUCH easier with a basement, or even a crawlspace,

We will see as the adventure unfolds.

@Pearl 🐛🥨🦽🔭♨️🕐 Take your emojis back. I need sleep.
Was awake between shortly after midnight and finally got to sleep between 3:30 & 4 AM then the alarm went off at 4:30.
Coffee wasn't enough.
Been playing in the tomatoes after work trimming and pulling cages. Not finished yet. Trying to save as many tomatoes as I can for eating as they ripen. Yard looks a mess, but once I get all the cages out, I can put the piles of vines in the compost and clean up the beds, then night night for winter.
Today is gorgeous! First freeze expected next week.
We've only had a few days of freezing temps so far, and no snow yet. The wife covered the tomato plants a couple weeks ago so she's been picking a ton of tomatoes. Today she pulled all the plants and now our garden is put to bed too. She raked up another 30 piles of yard debris today, but it's too windy to burn. Maybe in the morning.
Got some wire to stretch after break.
I am maintaining. I'm still 57 in a 90 year old body. I'm ok while sitting down or laying down. Once I stand up or try to do anything, every bit of energy leaves me. I went to the doctor last week. My blood pressure drops some but not enough to give me the symptoms that I have.
I had a good day the other day. I felt good , well good compared other days.
I put a bug in my doctors head. I was stationed at Ft. McClellan in the mid 80's. The barracks are now fenced off. It is a toxic waste nightmare. My wife was hit about 25-30 years ago. She has had everything removed. Double mastectomy and hysterotomy. She went into surgery as one person and came out as normal as could be It was very tough convincing the doctors at her age to remove everything. She is in fantastic health. There are several Facebook pages dedicated to health matters of us who were stationed there. Many people that we were stationed with are dead or going through something.
I tell people that I am like a used car. I look really good for my age. (Most people say I look really good.) But, Underneath I am totaled. It's hard to convince doctors that there is something wrong when you don't look like you should be lying in a casket.
Thank you for asking BTW. I very rarely see people. I usually am here at home looking out the front window while sitting in my chair. I did see a woman that I have known since I started the police dept.. How do you react when they start crying while remembering what you used to be like. Yeah.........
I am maintaining. I'm still 57 in a 90 year old body. I'm ok while sitting down or laying down. Once I stand up or try to do anything, every bit of energy leaves me. I went to the doctor last week. My blood pressure drops some but not enough to give me the symptoms that I have.
I had a good day the other day. I felt good , well good compared other days.
I put a bug in my doctors head. I was stationed at Ft. McClellan in the mid 80's. The barracks are now fenced off. It is a toxic waste nightmare. My wife was hit about 25-30 years ago. She has had everything removed. Double mastectomy and hysterotomy. She went into surgery as one person and came out as normal as could be It was very tough convincing the doctors at her age to remove everything. She is in fantastic health. There are several Facebook pages dedicated to health matters of us who were stationed there. Many people that we were stationed with are dead or going through something.
I tell people that I am like a used car. I look really good for my age. (Most people say I look really good.) But, Underneath I am totaled. It's hard to convince doctors that there is something wrong when you don't look like you should be lying in a casket.
Thank you for asking BTW. I very rarely see people. I usually am here at home looking out the front window while sitting in my chair. I did see a woman that I have known since I started the police dept.. How do you react when they start crying while remembering what you used to be like. Yeah.........
I hope that little clue to the doc helps you get results. Good to “see” you. Nice to have you join in 😁
Think you will have enough for all winter??
I haven’t heated with wood in 2 years. I burnt wood my entire life until then, I just got wore out. That stack wouldn’t be nearly enough to get by a winter. Our house has 2 wood stoves and 1 in the shop. It’s nice to have a good stack on hand in case of power outages. We have several dead trees around the yard so I figured we would cut them down and have wood on hand in case of an emergency.
@Pearl 🐛🥨🦽🔭♨️🕐 Take your emojis back. I need sleep.
Was awake between shortly after midnight and finally got to sleep between 3:30 & 4 AM then the alarm went off at 4:30.
Coffee wasn't enough.
Been playing in the tomatoes after work trimming and pulling cages. Not finished yet. Trying to save as many tomatoes as I can for eating as they ripen. Yard looks a mess, but once I get all the cages out, I can put the piles of vines in the compost and clean up the beds, then night night for winter.
Today is gorgeous! First freeze expected next week.
Go to AH's place and let the Toms chase you around, you might sleep better!!🦃🦨 I'll call you about 3:30 am just to make sure you are sleeping!!😜

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