What's everybody doing today?

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Never walked yesterday, so took xl walk this morning.
Next, I will go pick up trash from Church parking lot. It's at a major? intersection in our tiny town and people don't care. Also, parades are on that road- last one was homecoming.
After, will pick up my friend and take her to local store.
Once home, I will start on the Christmas cards I didn't get to, yesterday.
I couldn’t believe how much “abuse, violence, harassment, hurt feelings” sorta material there was 🤨
It’s probably good the computer doesn’t count eyerolls 😂
Oh my gosh, it's amazing how much that stuff is out there now. It's all happened so fast, and you can't get away from it.

Big thing on my to-do list is to try to get back on to this site! I really suck at keeping up, with life being so chaotic (and whose life isn't?). But I've missed you guys!

Running up to the laundromat this morning with a couple loads while the washer in the "old house" isn't working. Then hooking up the trailer to go get laminate countertops from Menards, then the drive to the "new house" to hopefully install them. Hubby and I will spend the weekend at the new house working on projects. And sometimes just being. We're old - sometimes we need to just be. :rolleyes:

With this house build so many people have commented that when we're finished we'll have that pride of knowing we did it ourselves. Yeah, so over that. I am so over having to learn how to do all these things I've never done before - like installing counters, lol. Just want it done. But we ARE getting closer! We've been at this so long, with so many pauses, hard to believe we may have a functioning kitchen in the next few weeks! :)
Hope you feel better today and I can relate to getting mad at people.
I was so mad at my son yesterday they heard me yelling in the next county I am sure and threw a coffee cup at the wall. Hey , at least I didn' t throw it at him
I TOLD him do not let Otto run off with your dog up into the woods ( after what happened a few days ago) . I told him if you must take Otto, put him on a leash. I went to feed the animals while husband was dropping off the broken Ranger, and what does son do?!! He lets the dogs run off into the woods. I came back from barn, and he says " um sorry, the dogs are gone..."

They came back after about half hour but man, I was SO mad at him. I have been not letting Otto run out without a leash, or fencing around and plan on doing that until he comes every time I call him. But the other dog is the one that starts it so no way they are running off together in the near future
I would have been furious. I hate it when people do not listen, especially after such a stressful incident that you had just experienced.
Big thing on my to-do list is to try to get back on to this site! I really suck at keeping up, with life being so chaotic (and whose life isn't?). But I've missed you guys!
Yay, so glad to see you here! Hope you had a good birthday!

I know about a chaotic life. I am going to be having a quiet week with dog sitting next week, but sometimes after I've been so busy, I just want to sit down and chill. When I am so busy, it's hard to get anything done on the home front. I think that I am having my first day off in weeks. The lists of things to do is so long!
With this house build so many people have commented that when we're finished we'll have that pride of knowing we did it ourselves. Yeah, so over that. I am so over having to learn how to do all these things I've never done before - like installing counters, lol. Just want it done. But we ARE getting closer! We've been at this so long, with so many pauses, hard to believe we may have a functioning kitchen in the next few weeks!
Been there! I got a real deal on a house that needed lots of work. It's been a great house and I have no mortgage. I worked for days, weeks, on getting things done. I still have things to do, 33 years later.
Did something last night that I haven't done in years!
I actually went to a concert!
Wife and I saw The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
Fantastic show and a lot of great songs.

They do look very close together. We have some goats with 4 ( they are only supposed to have 2), it's a Boer defect that is quite common. But some of them manage to feed their kids. The milk goat is the backup. Usually our problem is too many kids. I think last bag of goat milk replacer I got was around $60 and it didn't last all that long , if I find store milk at a good price I buy that
It's not even how close they are, they're just too big to fit in his little mouth. The front 2 are as big around as my forearm. Then what's available of the back 2 is too short for him to get proper suction on. This is her second calf in 3 years. Had no issues with the first one. Unfortunately, if this same thing happens again with her next one, I'm going to have to send her to auction 😢
I'm feeling better today. Slightly tired after eating, but that's normal for me. Allergies are acting up a tad so I've sneezed a few times but my eyes aren't itching and nose isn't running.

Got up before dawn & put some velcro on my UPS, the plastic hood to protect the back, and the basket that will protect the top. The basket is wider than the UPS so it can wobble and I think it can be knocked off even with the velcro so I will find a way to reinforce it and make it stay in place. I'm thinking maybe some paracord to tie it down. The hood for the back was green and I wanted it to blend in more so I'm going to paint it black.

After dawn I took the board for the shelf and the hood down to the workshop to hit them with primer. I'm about to go down and see if they are dry enough. Board needs the underside primed. The hood should be ready for paint after I give it a light sanding.

Edit: I went back down to the workshop and did a 2nd coat of primer on the shelf and a 1st coat of paint on the hood.
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😮😮😮 I cleaned out the bottom compartment of my truck console!😳 The latch broke about 10 years ago (yes, you read that correctly) and I didn't think there was much in there so.....🙄🙄🙄!!! Good part, there was enough change in there for about 4 gallons of gas!! I fixed the latch, and it is now usable again!! It is 90°, and kinda humid (cloudy) so I am heading to the pool float!!
I made the drive South through Seattle. It was far easier than I would have ever believed.
I got in the HOV lanes as I entered Seattle and stayed in them till I got South of Tacoma.
Speed stayed a constant 65.
I was shocked and amazed art how easy it was.
We are currently all setup for the night in Ocean City State Park.
This retired life is great. I should have just retired instead of working for 45 years. :p
Got up and bushhogged the back of the property. Hadn't done it in a few years and it was BAD. Finished with that mowed on the yard. Set up new water contained for the chickens and feed them. Several other things. Finally sat my butt on the porch and had a nice cigar. Came in and caught the 2nd half of the UT game. Should have stayed on the porch.
I made the drive South through Seattle. It was far easier than I would have ever believed.
I got in the HOV lanes as I entered Seattle and stayed in them till I got South of Tacoma.
Speed stayed a constant 65.
I was shocked and amazed art how easy it was.
We are currently all setup for the night in Ocean City State Park.
This retired life is great. I should have just retired instead of working for 45 years. :p
Hope y'all have an awesome stay!! Updates please!!😉😃
It's not even how close they are, they're just too big to fit in his little mouth. The front 2 are as big around as my forearm. Then what's available of the back 2 is too short for him to get proper suction on. This is her second calf in 3 years. Had no issues with the first one. Unfortunately, if this same thing happens again with her next one, I'm going to have to send her to auction 😢

I had cows with teats way bigger than that. Is the calf kept with her? The longer the calf is on the bottle, the harder it will ge to get it off. The milk is not coming down because the cow won't let it. She will for the calf.

In similar situations, I would get the nut case in a chute as well. Mine had single side bars and I could open the solid sides and park the calf next to the mama in the nursing position. Mamma could see the calf and would be more cooperative. The calf should not be fed before this.

I used bag balm to soften the teat, or milk sqirted into your hand as a poorer alternative.
Once the teat was massaged down into a somewhat smaller size, I would do some contortions to use the bottle to lead the calf onto the teat. Don't let him actually have the bottle, just bump his nose to get him to follow it. Once he gets his head down close to the teat more contortions are needed to bend and flatten the lower half of the teat and try to sneak it into the calf's mouth instead of the bottle. Trust me, if you can get him latched on for just 30 seconds, you will have him nursing with just a few more trys. Once that calf figures out where the real milk wagon is, he will be nursing on his own with in three days at most and the edema will be resolved very quickly. The edema isn't nearly the issue that it looks like.

While you are doing all these acrobatics, the cow should have a nice helping of sweet feed as a distraction/reward and if you can keep the calf in position and blocking most of her vision of you, the whole operation will go much more smoothly.

Well, that's me putting my oar where it doesn't belong.

Many times, it isn't the edema that's the problem, but a slow witted calf or we try too hard and worry too much.
@ClemKadiddlehopper the calf is kept with mama. She has milk ready to go in the teet. I can feel it as I'm squeezing. The baby tries to suck but can't get the milk to come out. I've watched him sit there and try over and over on all 4. It is hard even for me to break the seal when I milk her. I gave her the dose of LA 300 today. In a new development, this is what his poo looked like this evening:

ABR, that doesn't look healthy.

I got up for a midnight snack and found my youngest cat dead. Not sure what caused it. She seemed fine earlier before I went to bed. So I'm no longer hungry and I'm sitting here crying. Itsy is trying to help. She's been licking away the tears and licking my forehead. My friend borrowed my shovel so I'll have to go get it to bury her. Need to find a good spot for her.
I am trying to winterize around the house, I got the hoses all disconnected and the spigots all covered. I bought a short heating cord for the water pipes in the kitchen, we have had trouble with the pipes wanting to freeze there when it gets below zero and I figure putting about 3' of that cord on each pipe in the offending area might help. I am also trying to seal the exterior around a basement window that is right below where the pipes are getting cold, I hope I can get it finished today.

The wife is keeping the house open, my eyes itch (allergies) and the house is just cool enough that I need to wear a heavy shirt or a light jacket, I'm not willing to fight it anymore so I ordered 2 electric blankets, one is just for the recliner. I will set the house heating thermostat to 63F (17C) this winter to appease her need to stay cool, that means that the basement where I work will be 60F, so I ordered some flannel shirts for every day....

My alarm on Sundays is set so I can sleep in but I was up at 04:00 and the alarm will go off in about an hour.....

I'm already thinking about my work week, I have two virtual meetings that originate from the EU, so Wednesday and Thursday will start at 02:30, I could reasonably claim that I have put in a full day by 13:00 on both of those days... I don't think I can get away with that (too much to be done), but it would be nice.
Tomorrow I am going to do something I said I would never do again.
I am going to drive right through the middle of Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia.
100 + miles of bumper to bumper traffic pulling my travel trailer.
I am not looking forward to it but there is no other way for me to get from where I am to where I am going.
We are going to the coast for 5 days or longer.
My pistol will be close at hand and I am not stopping until I get well south of those hell holes.
I didn't like those areas in the 1960's, I don't even want to think of what it's like today, just be safe.
ABR: so sorry you are having problems with the cow, I hope she improves and the baby gets some milk

Zannej: so sorry for your loss, it sucks losing a pet especially a young one

We were going to put the goat bucks with the girls today but will wait another day until it warms up some , supposed to freeze tonight, so we are going to put all the goats in the barn, they don't have winter fur yet
It will be a lot of work to move everyone around ( we have 2 bucks and split up the does and put the little girls elsewhere)
Especially with no Ranger. Using the ATV for some of it, but its much harder plus have to keep pumping up the tire that never got fixed
That is a problem. If I understand it correctly, you gave the mom penicillin. If so, was it just the once or more than? It will get in the milk and wreck the calf's antibodies. He could have cocidi. You can get treatments for that at the farm store, but that picture should be sent to a vet first. He would also need to have the milk stopped and an electrolyte regimen started. This situation has the potential to go really downhill fast. Check with a vet. I may be wrong and don't want to say something that could cause you even more problems. Some times, the calf just doesn't thrive.

I think maybe, this discussion should be taking place in the cattle section.
That is a problem. If I understand it correctly, you gave the mom penicillin. If so, was it just the once or more than? It will get in the milk and wreck the calf's antibodies. He could have cocidi. You can get treatments for that at the farm store, but that picture should be sent to a vet first. He would also need to have the milk stopped and an electrolyte regimen started. This situation has the potential to go really downhill fast. Check with a vet. I may be wrong and don't want to say something that could cause you even more problems. Some times, the calf just doesn't thrive.

I think maybe, this discussion should be taking place in the cattle section.
Definitely vet time!!
That is a problem. If I understand it correctly, you gave the mom penicillin. If so, was it just the once or more than? It will get in the milk and wreck the calf's antibodies. He could have cocidi. You can get treatments for that at the farm store, but that picture should be sent to a vet first. He would also need to have the milk stopped and an electrolyte regimen started. This situation has the potential to go really downhill fast. Check with a vet. I may be wrong and don't want to say something that could cause you even more problems. Some times, the calf just doesn't thrive.

I think maybe, this discussion should be taking place in the cattle section.
The icky poo/discharge occured before the LA 300 was given to mama. The vet said the calf would be fine to have the milk after the shot. I will see how everyone is today. My vet isn't open on weekends. I will call first thing Monday to see about getting him in to be checked.
The icky poo/discharge occured before the LA 300 was given to mama. The vet said the calf would be fine to have the milk after the shot. I will see how everyone is today. My vet isn't open on weekends. I will call first thing Monday to see about getting him in to be checked.
don't you hate it these things alwasy happen on the weekend?
I have let goat kids nurse after their moms got a shot of antibiotic, maybe once or twice didn't seem to hurt the babies any. Sorry I am no help with cows, never had any
bloody diareah in goats is usually coccidia , but not sure about a calf
we are lucky to have a vet school to come out to our farm in emergencies but I try to not call them too often since it still costs money
Reflecting on the "rest of the story" yesterday...

My regular hay customer, Derek called me from his hospital room. I wasn't prepared for what he was about to tell me:

"they cut off my foot..."

"Holy shist!"

He woke up with a black spot on his foot. His wife a former certified emt looked at it with concern. In half hour it spread alarmingly! So she rushed him to the nearest ER.

"you're system has gone septic. We have no choice but to amputate..."

When his wife came yesterday for more hay, she filled me in on the rest of the story. "Derek didn't know he was diabetic, but he does now. It runs in his family. The same thing happened to his brother years ago. But he's alcoholic, and we blamed it on that..."

"he would never go to the doctor. Unless it was an injury or something obvious. We've had so many bad experiences with doctors that we quit trusting them!"
I checked out the thread and they look like the ones in your backyard..but I'm still not sure.
I went back to look at them at one week old. They definitely are some kind of bolet..
I asked a coworker and he said he didnt even know there were some toxic variants of bolets. He eats them if they have a spongy bottom.
I'm not that adventurous with mushrooms..
I think there might be a mushroom club north of me. Maybe next spring I'll try n get on a field trip.
Its turning cold this week. So today after dog walk I'll be plugging in heated buckets for the critters, and rolling up the last hose.


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