What's everybody doing today?

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Had to have her put down.
I'm so sorry about you cat! I've had that happen once in the past. It's so sad.
Please pray he doesn't find anything that scuttles the deal!
I'm hoping by now, that the inspector is done and all is well. I just saw this.
it's easier knowing the time is close than suddenly... 😧
I agree with that completely!
I dont have much details..but he was killed.
I'm so sorry about your co-worker!

Already walked.
Cleaned bathrooms at Church and swept floors. Straightened out hymnals.
Picked up my friend and took her to local stores.
Made up a gallon jar of white gravy mix, yesterday. Today, I will make a small amount. When we want flavors, I just add boullion. DH wants white gravy to go on the McGriddle muffins I made yesterday.
Need to package and freeze some of the muffins.
Slice carrots for dog treats.
Work on getting Christmas cards ready to go.
We saw this fly over this morning.

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Baked some bread. Ate some bread. Yuuummmmmm

outside cleanup--put some stuff away in the greenhouse, put away all the garden accouterments. Sat outside in the beautiful, fresh air and sunshine bs’ing with Dad. Think in the spring I’m going to move up in greenhouses and get a polycarbonate one. Not sure if it’ll be a Harbor Freight one or another one.
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This particular Aussie was a gift from the couple's daughter!🙄 They had two mixed breeds and we're not looking to get another dog after losing the two to old age. This Aussie is very challenging for them! Miniature Aussies we're not made as a cute pocket variety pet, they were developed as a small working breed. Australia Shepherds actually came from Spain, the Spaniards brought them to Australia to leave in charge of flocks. These are not fighting/protection dogs, they had to make decisions to move their flocks to safety. They had to be smart, aware, and boss the herd to do what they wanted them to do. They don't like people being the alpha/leader! Aussies will get aggressive sometimes with their owners if they are not taught that they do not run the show!!
Nova goes through different phases. One man who knows her from the dog park says she is moody. LOL! She goes from greeting everyone who comes in the gate to barking at certain dogs to tell them off.

She has friends, but is particular about her friends. After her owner has been gone, out of town for a few days, she doesn't want most dogs to come up near me at the park. She goes into attack mode. When they do come up to me, I get up and walk away or there will be trouble. I talk to her when I am walking away.

She went through a period of time where she just lost her mind if a man was in her home. (Protecting her space!)

Her owner is a single woman who just turned 30. And then her owner graduated from a Master's program, had a party with a bunch of men there (father, brother, friends) and she was absolutely fine. She had seen many of these men at her parent's home.

This video was from earlier this summer. She is bossy. When I sent this video to her owner, she was surprised. Nova used to go after him when they first met and he kept coming back for more.

Bit of a rough day: this morning when Hubby went out to start the pickup, our cat was in the engine. She lived but wasn’t in good shape. Called emergency- closest is 1.5 hr away or wait until local vet opened. Got her “comfortable” then dealt with my upset nervous energy (lost my glasses) until the vet opened- was there early but they were nice enough to get us right in. Had to have her put down. May sound sappy to some here but I miss her. She was a good cat and good hunter. Came home and buried her. Hubby came home from work early and we’ve been in a bit of a funk all day. Went down and took a booklet to my folks and chatted a while (good distraction) then went out to dinner to a place that we had been to once 6-7 years ago. I think new owners. It was excellent. Now home 🏡
Buried one of my cats today Not sure what happened to him
I may have run over him last week, Tom cat beat him I or hurt by a cow. Brought him in last night as so wet and he is not a house cat. He was dead this morning. Dug as deep and as I could to bury.
Hope you get it accomplished, THANK YOU for doing it!! So many pets get lost during natural disasters, hard for them, they don't understand!!♥️
Thanks Pearl..... Mission accomplished.:thumbs: My town CERT we handle the shelter for humans and animals, Red Cross said we do such a good job, it allows them go elsewhere..
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stealthfighter :cool:

we have those fly over our house occasionally also plus the black helicopters and last month we had a few large drones ( that was a first) but I never have my phone on me to take a photo

Probably a B2 sealth bomber or there is a slight xhance it is the B21 which started flight testing this week.

The B21

@Hooch That is awful! I'm glad you weren't there to see it & that you weren't hurt. It really sucks when things like that happen.

@txcatlady So sorry about your kitty. It's always the worst when you don't know what caused them to die.

I had trouble sleeping last night due to being sick. Nose would not stop dripping. Had to make frequent bathroom trips from drinking a lot of water. Kept wheezing and feeling uncomfortable. Finally got to sleep this morning after some meds kicked in for the sinus headache. Phone woke me up. Fedex called to apologize about my packages being left in the rain. Driver didn't have excuses for why, but my 15lb chiweenie was in the photo so the Fedex person said maybe the driver was afraid of him. The drivers have never been afraid of him before. I had the lady on the phone laughing really hard when I described to her how the cow chased some people before and said that the cow won't chase unless people run. My voice was pretty hoarse and it was hard to talk, but I was told that this should not happen again. Driver should call me if its raining to make arrangements to drop package off somewhere else or for me to come out. Said at least the driver can honk the horn so I know they are there and can go out so my stuff doesn't get rained on. Fortunately the stuff inside was in plastic so it was OK. But if there had been a hole in the package, that TP would have been ruined.

Kept coughing for awhile and had some mucus stuck in between sinuses and throat that was really irritating. I ended up throwing up while trying to cough it out. Nasal passages and throat are sore & I have chills & aches all over.

As an aside, I saw that the "road closed" sign that was sticking out in the road is now knocked into a ditch. That gave me a little schadenfreude.

Saw it on the way into town when I was taking Mom in to drop off her ballot. Last day of voting so I voted and we headed home. Although she made me go into Walmart twice to get medicine for her. First some cough drops and then some antacids. I had a curbside order so I got that. Got home and will probably nap soon.

Still feeling cruddy but my toothless orange cat, Rupert, is snuggling me and purring.
Hubby was watching a YT video on tying flies and it kept having stupid commercials. One was a HL for porch décor transition from fall to Christmas. He said that’s the key word they want you to hear “transition” since it can apply to so many things. I said yeah like gender? Well never fear. I am stagnant both in gender and decor. 😂
Hubby was watching a YT video on tying flies and it kept having stupid commercials. One was a HL for porch décor transition from fall to Christmas. He said that’s the key word they want you to hear “transition” since it can apply to so many things. I said yeah like gender? Well never fear. I am stagnant both in gender and decor. 😂
I'm adding a wet suit to my Christmas list....
@hashbrown lives South of Whiteman AFB where the B2's are based.
My son was stationed there for 8 years.
I can see my B2 model from where I'm sitting.
It's defiantly a B2.

Hubby was watching a YT video on tying flies and it kept having stupid commercials.
I finally gave up and subscribed to YouTube premium so I don't have to watch the ads.
As much as I watch YouTube videos it's worth the monthly price.
@hashbrown lives South of Whiteman AFB where the B2's are based.
My son was stationed there for 8 years.
I can see my B2 model from where I'm sitting.
It's defiantly a B2.

I finally gave up and subscribed to YouTube premium so I don't have to watch the ads.
As much as I watch YouTube videos it's worth the monthly price.
Whats the cost for you ever premium?
@hashbrown lives South of Whiteman AFB where the B2's are based.
My son was stationed there for 8 years.
I can see my B2 model from where I'm sitting.
It's defiantly a B2.

I finally gave up and subscribed to YouTube premium so I don't have to watch the ads.
As much as I watch YouTube videos it's worth the monthly price.
From what I understand they flew it over the Veterans Day parade in Branson this morning.
@hashbrown lives South of Whiteman AFB where the B2's are based.
My son was stationed there for 8 years.
I can see my B2 model from where I'm sitting.
It's defiantly a B2.

I finally gave up and subscribed to YouTube premium so I don't have to watch the ads.
As much as I watch YouTube videos it's worth the monthly price.
That answers that question nicely.

I bundled up under the covers shivering and feeling like crud. Nose dripping like a faucet. Had to use tissues to catch the drips. Stomach is rumbling but I'm not hungry. Sinus headache and all I want to do is sleep. Could be worse though, at least I'm not coughing right now. Had to breathe through my mouth for a bit as the fluid in my sinuses/nostrils shifted when I moved a little.

I need to curl up and sleep again but I also need to go check on Mom and make sure she's staying hydrated. May need to get her some sort of gatorade or powerade.

Need to get feed for the cows tomorrow.
slept in till 05:00, today is a range day so that will eat up most of the morning. This afternoon I need to have a list to avoid missing anything, I need to finish mowing the leaves and winterizing the mower, then try to get the snow-blower started, followed by laundry. If I have sufficient daylight, I would like to work a bit in the raised beds, yesterday I pulled squash plants and amended the soil, need to plant more spinach. I would like to get my ebb-flow system finished in the greenhouse but I don't think I will be able to cover it. I need to write two papers tonight.
animal chores this morning, debating if all the sheep are pregnant yet and we can leave the ram with a single ewe which will make things much easier to move them around. Otherwise we have to seperate the little girls from the rest every day

cooking today definitely, didn't yesterday since we ate at the meeting

debating if I should start cleaning the extra bedroom for daughter and family, but her husband might be shipped out the day before thanksgiving the way things go
but then again I don't want to wait till day before either since I will be making food

Making bread dough , someone ordered some bread and eggs and we'll drop it off in town when we go shopping
Making some for us also even if it gets eaten very fast

hope everyone is having a good weekend:)
The landlord woke me up after two hours of sleep needing a trip to the AutoZone, I told him I'd need about 45 minutes to an hour to get my head together, He says fine, but then my aunt calls me up after 35 minutes telling me what a useless piece of crap
I am because she wanted to go to the store. Heh. as slow as two cripples work, she'll be lucky to leave by noon. :mad:

I'll miss the hell out of her when she's gone, but geez!

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