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Now have a tree.
Prayin for you all Amish. ICU is never a good thing. Hope hubs gets better quickly.
I took care of the chickens then cut brush all day and hauled it to the brush pile. Need to burn that as well. Didnt get near finished but did make a noticeable dent in it. Finished the day off sitting on the porch with a nice stogie before it got dark. I am tired.
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I tossed and turned all night. Neck kept hurting so I had to keep adjusting pillows and my side hurt so I had to roll over. Cats kept wanting cuddles but got between my face and the fans so I had to keep moving them or moving my head and had a really hard time getting to sleep. I think it was almost 5am when I finally drifted off. Checked on Mom when the sun came up. Then around 10:30am. Around 12:30pm she let me check her sugar (she'd been lucid before that and feeling fine and didn't want it checked). 140 which isn't terrible. She had changed into a night gown by herself without any help. She got up and went to the living room without problems, sat down and watched TV, and then wanted me to cook for her. Ramen noodles and Member's Mark shrimp scampi. Then I took a nap. Woke up a few minutes ago and checked on her. She's still feeling good.

I've got a mild sinus headache and had charley horses in my legs again. Just took some magnesium for that. Fed the kitties but some of them want attention instead. Yasuke was desperately following me around wanting to be petted.

I'd planned to go unload stuff from the truck but I already lost daylight.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.
Bad day, and didn't make it home. Had to call an ambulance for husband at the hotel this morning, he couldn't breathe, and his body was giving out completely, and the oxygen was not helping. So in the trauma unit in ER for the morning, then ICU. Just left the hospital and he was now moved to a regular unit room. Back at the hotel for me and daughter flew in from Tucson to be here with him. Don't know why it happened, and not sure what'll be next.
Oh my. 🙏 prayers for sure AH. Hope he’s feeling better by morning. Need to get you two home safely 💕
The move from the old house to the new has finally been completed. I've spent the entire year fixing, painting, packing, moving, sorting...uff da. I'm never doing this again, next move is feet first. Living in chaos in the new house, can't unpack until I do more painting, fixing, etc. I hate it but I know the only way to having a clean, calm space is to work through the mess.
Congratulations on finishing one big step of this process. Moving is so much work, and feels endless!

I said the same thing about leaving my house when I am dead. When am I going to move? When they carry me out of here.

I know a guy who sells real estate. During 2008 he emailed me and said there has never been a better time to sell. No it wasn't, because once you sell, then you have to buy and then you have to MOVE! The work to get the place ready to sell, and then moving it is not something I was ever going to do because it was a good time to sell. No thank you!

This reminds me of when I first purchased my home. I spent the first month coming home from work and going non-stop until bed time. But there was so much to get done, and I'm not really done yet! I had things that I had moved 4 years prior to purchasing my house and I hadn't unpacked them. Once I was in my house a few months, I took all the boxes that I hadn't unpacked yet and went through them. It was great to have a spare room to keep that kind of stuff in. Some of those boxes, once I opened them, went straight to the dumpster.

I have a notebook with pages for each room, with the lists of things that need to get done. Those lists grow and shrink, but every time I do my thing of doing the big go through, the list grows and I work on it for a while.

There is a system of starting at the front door and going room by room through everything: closets, cabinets, etc. sorting, purging, organizing and cleaning. I've recently started that, again. I'm currently working in my entry way. I keep my shoes in a cabinet there, have coat hooks behind the door, and a closet where I keep more coats and paints and other things that I don't want to freeze. I need to do a little touch up painting, get some outlets added, replace a couple light fixtures and more deep organizing and cleaning.

My home had been vacant for a few years. It had also been lived in by a family with 13 children, 10 being boys, whose father was a janitor at the airport and the mother was a SAHM. Little money, lots of energy that damaged the house.
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Still like it better in the forest 🌲
Strangest thing- to take a pix between the lights in the room and on the tree, the phone showed the tree lights moving in waves. It’s really not dark in the middle 😵
Hubby fell asleep at quarter after six- this tree gettin’ stuff is tough work.
Absolutely beautiful!
Bad day, and didn't make it home. Had to call an ambulance for husband at the hotel this morning, he couldn't breathe, and his body was giving out completely, and the oxygen was not helping. So in the trauma unit in ER for the morning, then ICU. Just left the hospital and he was now moved to a regular unit room. Back at the hotel for me and daughter flew in from Tucson to be here with him. Don't know why it happened, and not sure what'll be next.
I'll keep you two in my prayers. Hoping for the best!
Long day at the hospital today. Husband looked a bit better. Talked to the pulmonologist, and he said they found three different infectious things in his blood, so was thinking what I saw yesterday morning was him going into sepsis shock. The other pseudomonas infection is still in his lung, but that is different. He's on IV antibiotics, and so much steriod that he looks almost crazed. Crazed, but better. They repeated the blood work this afternoon to make sure they didn't make a mistake. They're still trying to talk him into having a bronch done, just to see what they can see, but no other reason. I don't think he's strong enough for it, so I vote a strong NOPE. Daughter just went down to the hotel gym. It's hard to sit all day long. Ready for a shower and sleep pretty soon. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Long day at the hospital today. Husband looked a bit better. Talked to the pulmonologist, and he said they found three different infectious things in his blood, so was thinking what I saw yesterday morning was him going into sepsis shock. The other pseudomonas infection is still in his lung, but that is different. He's on IV antibiotics, and so much steriod that he looks almost crazed. Crazed, but better. They repeated the blood work this afternoon to make sure they didn't make a mistake. They're still trying to talk him into having a bronch done, just to see what they can see, but no other reason. I don't think he's strong enough for it, so I vote a strong NOPE. Daughter just went down to the hotel gym. It's hard to sit all day long. Ready for a shower and sleep pretty soon. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Stay strong Amish. You are so supportive. I am not. Husband had stroke/ blood clot in right eye 3 weeks ago. No vision in dominant eye. He is negative all his life. I truly am sorry his health is rotten, but I can’t change it. I will fight for what is right but it is a challenge every day
Maybe a lot of folks on here tonight? Having trouble getting anything to load.
@Amish Heart prayers for you and your husband and family. Having authority to speak on his behalf is so important. My L.H. had to fly to where I was once to speak for me since I was ...in a bad way.
Hopefully they'll get it all figured out with best solutions. Really sorry it is like this right now!
Hope you can get some sleep.
@Amish Heart That sounds incredibly frustrating and stressful. I hope your husband can get over the infection and recover.

@txcatlady I hope your husband can recover.

Sorry to hear loved ones are having such a hard time.

Mom was doing better today so I only had to check her sugar 2x and she ate well. She's been able to get up without assistance, put her slippers on, change clothes, etc and that is a huge relief to me.

I'm listening to music and relaxing with a bunch of cats and dogs piled on me right now.
Yesterday was a bust, about a mile and a half from where I wanted to walk there was a tree across the mud road, 3' in diameter. There were 4 other vehicles there and everyone was making ruts and getting stuck, I chose to back out a half mile to a wide spot before trying to turn around... So my new white truck is now two tone white over brown....

Thinking about it now I think I need to install driving lights connected to my backup lights on the truck, because it was a bear getting out of there, honestly I prefer mirrors to cameras for backing in the dark, but you need real backup lights for that to work...

Came home, sorted, and did laundry, then two loads of dishes, followed by a nap.

The screws for the scope rail on my 450 came in, last time I took it out I noticed that they were all loose and 2 of four were missing, had to order them (along with a new rail) to make the repair... I applied medium thread locker on them as I assume that was not done on the factory installed on. The I placed the assembly in a vise, pulled the bolt, and bore-sighted it manually. That was actually the fun part of my day.

Last night (Actually this morning as 02:00 is morning) the wife got sick, calling me as loud as she could... She couldn't breath and was really loopy... Her blood sugar was 37 and the O2 was 78. On Friday I had taken her to an appointment (hair place) and I think she picked up a cold or something... Using a mix of food, herbs, and good old Vix vapor rub I had her breathing again and resting comfortably after about 2 hours. I should have been paying more attention, I had heard her coughing a couple of times yesterday and didn't think anything about it...

Today, I think I'm going to work on the indoor garden and in the greenhouse, I have some lettuce ready to transplant and I need to get that done before the rains move in later this morning.

Prayers going out to everyone who is or has family with health issues, the holidays are a crappy time to be sick.
To be clear... Food to get her sugar up and settle her stomach.... herbs (essential oils) under her nose (under the oxygen mask) to help her breathing a little, and VixVapor on her back to help clear her lungs up a bit up a bit. She has a central port (IV) so you can't put anything on her chest...

But, I never thought about putting the Vix right on her food, I'll bet that would bring her around really quick... as she hits me with something...
so sorry a lot of you are dealing with serious health problems , hope everyone gets better

It's raining and I have no major plans for today. The kitchen cabinet is still not done so I might do that. Sometimes I have a hard time to motivate for things like that. It's not something that is absolutely necessary and I don't enjoy it, so it gets put off.
Starting out cold this morning 30°, but going to be a beautiful, sunny 70°! Will go clean my building shortly and make a quick run through Walmart for a few things! The I'll be outside this afternoon. Need to stack some more firewood that's already cut. Plenty to do, nice day to get outside things done!!
There’s a big storm system in the Gulf, I mean big - yesterday it stretched from Cuba to the Georgia border, covering all of Florida.
Lots of rain, some pretty good winds on the order of 40 mph or so. Cold too, in the low 60’s.
I just put on a jacket and walked the perimeter to see if any trees went down on any fences. All good so far.
But since we have 60 plus foot tall pines on three sides blowing madly in this wind my wife is keeping her horse confined to the stall paddock until calm returns.
I’ve exchanged my wet jeans for dry pajamas and am headed for the recliner and my 65 pound lap dog Black Lab.
Wife woke up and her sugar was "low normal" so all is good. We have agreed that we both need to get on a more rigid eating/medication schedule.

Weather wise, we are expecting it to warm up and rain to beat the band today, so I went out and worked in my raised beds, opened their lids so they can catch some moisture and then transplanted some cabbage into them. I saw some nice lettuce that I will be able to harvest tomorrow.

I may do some work work this evening, if I can get logged in and do all the scheduling while the system has light traffic it will buy me a couple of hours tomorrow... I think I have half a day off tomorrow and if the rain clears out it might be a good day to walk my smoking pole....

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