What's everybody doing today?

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I have been working on nailing down the plans for the Hobbit Hole. I have been toying with modifying the steps such that the facing edges are curved to soften the appearance.


Not sure about that because it would encroach on the widow seat.


The wall on the backside of the stairs will need rebuilt completely. What beams are there now do not support the wall above it at all. If I am going to rebuild that wall I may incorporate a tree The Princess has asked for repeatedly.

I have a maple tree growing in the hedges.


I have been training it to grow in a single plane (espaliers?). I have a template of the tree created from empty beverage cases.


I may cut the tree down and use it to support the wall behind the steps. I will have to a sketch to see if I can incorporate the tree along with book shelves. It may be over kill. Using the tree would definitely complicate the project.

Onions affect me the way spam affects Magus. I can have onion powder and dried onions (although I hate dried onions) but I can't have fresh onions even if they have been cooked. They wreck my guts. My uncle has the same problem with them. I do love potatoes though.

I still need to take my nap. LOL.

Sending hugs and well wishes to everyone.
So it is snowing and super windy out. Daughter and family are flying back tomorrow from Tulsa. I hope their plane gets here ok and can land. THere is a reason I totally avoid ever flying in winter.

We just put all the animals up and the water stopped running in the barn ( someone left a hydrant open, someone is filling up a big tank and ran the main tank empty or someone messed with a valve somewhere) . I hope it's temporary and we dont have to go ask all the neighbors
Just wrapped my water supply, I remember last year too damn well!
What a mess!
just told son to turn the hot water on in his house to keep it from freezing
his freezes every winter and the pipe has to be fixed after ( its the outside part that breaks)
we are having a real blizzard outside now and it's not even winter yet
Last day of class facilitation here! Delighted I didn't bore them over the past few weeks. Bought nice notebooks for everyone to transfer their 'good' stuff into as gifts. I've been asked to come back next year which is lovely, and I'll be glad of the money! Everyone is coming home this week; daughter got a promotion and lost a boyfriend in the same weekend, so that will be fun- heading south to visit family Friday and Saturday and then I'm looking forward to closing the gates and not seeing anyone :D three days of reading, movies, music and turkey sandwiches!
Last day of class facilitation here! Delighted I didn't bore them over the past few weeks. Bought nice notebooks for everyone to transfer their 'good' stuff into as gifts. I've been asked to come back next year which is lovely, and I'll be glad of the money! Everyone is coming home this week; daughter got a promotion and lost a boyfriend in the same weekend, so that will be fun- heading south to visit family Friday and Saturday and then I'm looking forward to closing the gates and not seeing anyone :D three days of reading, movies, music and turkey sandwiches!
Congratulations on being asked back next year, that's great! Enjoy your upcoming quiet time, nothing like closed gates!😉
just told son to turn the hot water on in his house to keep it from freezing
his freezes every winter and the pipe has to be fixed after ( its the outside part that breaks)
we are having a real blizzard outside now and it's not even winter yet
It's two days early, the 21st is officially winter.
Happy barf-day to me.
animals all stay in today, so we are just going to feed and water them. Heating up water on the stove ( extra hot water) for them, their buckets are going to be frozen
Husband did something bad, he forgot to put the chickens up last night and the door to their coop blew shut from the wind , so by the time he got there to close the coup up for the night 3 hens were missing , probably under the coop ( has a crawl space) . I hope they are still alive

going to clean the house today and maybe bake some cookies
friends are supposed to come over Saturday for lunch, if we are not snowed in by then
( there goes the diet for real)
We are waiting for our newest guest, a 100 pound Old English Sheepdog mix. His name is Wendel, and we will be dog sitting for the next 10 days. The initial visit went well. He is a big baby and loves attention. We bonded very quickly. I was surprised anybody would need a dog sitter over the holidays, but the owners are traveling abroad. Very nice couple. Fingers crossed all will go well.
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Why are you pacing, Kenv?
I feel caged, too.
I'm a outdoor person, my comfort zone is up in the mountains by myself ever since I was 10yrs. old . 2 weeks after my surgery I pushed myself to hard. First time in my life I'm doing what the dr. said (don't do anything) He said up to a yr. before we know if the damaged nerves will come back I'm 4 mo. in. Plus I'm not a Holliday person. There yah go

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