I had barely finished my post last night when everything went kablooey. Big power surges and all my lights and tech flashing and popping. Ran downstairs and flipped the main to try and save everything. Power was out for 16 hours. I don't have a sub panel or anything here yet for hooking up the generator, so my only source of heat was the fireplace. Not only did I have to stay up all night and stoke the fire every hour, I had to move stuff in the shop enough to get the generator out, get it started, and get the lawn tractor out, put the tire chains on it, hook it to the generator cart and very carefully pull it up the hill to the house. Then I had to run an extension cord to the basement and plug in the sump pump, or my basement would have flooded. But that's all I could get, no water or heat. I also did some snowshoveling.
Power company says "it's fixed" but no, I still had low voltage. Had to contact them again and wait some more.
I'm getting too old for all this, I'm so stiff and sore and exhausted tonight it's not even funny. It sucks being alone. But I survived, and finally got a shower when the power came back on so I smell better now too.
Wind is still howling tonight, sure hope I don't lose power again! Lots of snow and slush and tree branches down and cancellations. Tomorrow I have to see if I can get the snowblower started and the driveway cleared.
Hope everyone stays safe and warm.