Been enjoying my new highspeed internet. An old picking buddy has emailed me music links since I started playing again. So now I have 15months of music to catch up on… okay, if I must!

Already found a cd I want to buy.
Folks are doing much better, haven’t heard the alert speakers in several days. These changes needed to happen in 2020 but dad refused every thing suggested. I had no support, usually got painted as the bad guy, but I digress. It's happening now, that's the important part.
Still a few things to work out. My niece is with them 3days a week, she has health issues but can cook. There’s always a stew or pot of something in the fridge. An excellent organizer too. Keeps up with meds, apts, got the home health people coming again. Even got a lady to come and cut their hair. I bought a big dry erase board for the kitchen… It’s a big calendar, she writes the schedule so everyone knows... Good things happening.
Trying to get ready for the freeze early next week. I brought in several 5g buckets and filled them with water. I always do this for the critters. Their water freezes, especially the chickens. I can take a bucket of 70 degree water with me when feeding them.
Just tv and music tonight.
edit, Oops, just remembered, I bought a second water tank for the chickens when I had to keep the new hens separate. I’ll just swap water tanks each day till the cold spell is over. That's simpler..