What's everybody doing today?

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Been enjoying my new highspeed internet. An old picking buddy has emailed me music links since I started playing again. So now I have 15months of music to catch up on… okay, if I must! 🤣 Already found a cd I want to buy.

Folks are doing much better, haven’t heard the alert speakers in several days. These changes needed to happen in 2020 but dad refused every thing suggested. I had no support, usually got painted as the bad guy, but I digress. It's happening now, that's the important part.

Still a few things to work out. My niece is with them 3days a week, she has health issues but can cook. There’s always a stew or pot of something in the fridge. An excellent organizer too. Keeps up with meds, apts, got the home health people coming again. Even got a lady to come and cut their hair. I bought a big dry erase board for the kitchen… It’s a big calendar, she writes the schedule so everyone knows... Good things happening.

Trying to get ready for the freeze early next week. I brought in several 5g buckets and filled them with water. I always do this for the critters. Their water freezes, especially the chickens. I can take a bucket of 70 degree water with me when feeding them.

Just tv and music tonight.

edit, Oops, just remembered, I bought a second water tank for the chickens when I had to keep the new hens separate. I’ll just swap water tanks each day till the cold spell is over. That's simpler..
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4am, got the wood stove fed! 12°, thankfully not much wind right now. Sitting in the den by the fire drinking coffee, watching Hubby, Bear, and the cats sleep. It's warmer in the den than the bedrooms. Will (hopefully) have an uneventful day. PLENTY I can do around the house, but not planning on doing much. Eating and napping are top of the list! Don't think we will have much winter precipitation, but will be cloudy and cold!
Yesterday it warmed up to 8 degs, just so it could dump another 8 inches of snow. We're supposed to have sun for the next 2 days and then snow starting again on Tuesday. I'll start clearing the road after it gets light out this morning. Also need to change oil on two of our generators later today too. We're still way behind on snow fall for this winter, but it is trying to catch up. As far as the temperatures go, this is pretty normal for us.
If we get enough sun today the solar panels should shed their snow and start making power again.
Yesterday was a slow day. I was tired even though I slept good the night before. The piano tuner came over to work on the kids piano. He told us the Everett the kid got free a few years ago from an old lady at church was a very good quality piano and it was made in 1984. It needed very little work, it is in good condition, and he was pleased with how well it tuned. We found it interesting watching him work on it. Well, for the first hour, then it got boring and I wandered off until he was done.
I should have put new brakes on the GF's car but I didn't have the energy. She keeps worrying that the warning scraper occasionally squeaks but I keep telling her there is no urgency. I will get them replaced, I already have the new parts, it just isn't an urgency for me because I know there is still pad left even though the indicator squeaks occasionally.
I made a 6' long coat hook board, with 14 pegs, to hang in the walk in closet. I put the first coat of paint on yesterday afternoon and just finished the second coat. I think that should be enough paint but I will look it over in a few hours. It will be hanging on the wall by dinner time.
The kids Jeep Grand Cherokee is in the garage keeping warm-ish so I can help her install the new drivers side mirror. She also plans to clean and vacuum so she can put in her new rubber floor mats. I am happy that she wants to learn how to install the mirror, I guess she was always listening when I would say it is cheaper and better to do it yourself.
6pm MT I will be at the neighbors watching the Lions game. Time will tell how that turns out. Born and raised in Metro Detroit I am a proud fan but with only 1 playoff victory in my lifetime I am comfortable with the wait and see attitude. I had to do that with the Pistons in the 80's and the Redwings in the 90's. The '84 Tigers had us all pretty confident the entire year so that was easy to believe. We shall learn what team the officials are betting on at the end of the game.

In closing, I have accepted this "getting old" thing of sleeping a bit, waking up for a few hours in the middle of the night, then sleeping a bit more. It took a while but I am getting good at doing stuff in the middle of the night instead of being annoyed lying in bed awake for hours.
Looks like everyone is dealing with the cold snow and power outages
It's supposed to get here tonight ( winter storm warning)
It is actually better for us to lose power in winter than summer. We just need it mostly for refrigeration. We can just push the freezers outside if we have to worst case.
I wonder if our contraption to keep son's water from freezing is going to work. We wrapped it in insulation, then stacked straw bales around it, then put a tarp over the side that is open to the weather and tied it to the bottom of the porch ( the pipe goes up under the porch)

Better tell husband to move our generator from shop to building near house just in case to charge phones and stuff if the power goes off

today, even if cold, the animals are all going out at least for a while. It's the last day they will be out for a while most likely
But, when I was a kid, our relatives cows were in all winter without harm. They just cleaned around them and milked them. But it was always stinky and dirty in the barn. Ours is much cleaner and has way more bedding. but we don't have cows. The sheep make a mess, the goats could do without cleaning for a few days to a week
I am fixin' to take a nap!! The outside cats are doing fine in this cold, the donkey is not happy! Lugged water out to him, cats have a heated bowl. Made bacon, egg, and cheese English muffins for breakfast. I have some laundry in the dryer from yesterday I need to put away. Nothing major happening around here!
The menfolk have been out shoveling and running the tractor in the neighborhood for about three hours already this morning. It’s warmed up to about 15 and only a light breeze and we had around 10” of snow with some pretty good drifts 3 feet or more deep. I have a batch of huckleberry scones and fresh coffee and tea ready for them when they come in for a break. Driving to church is out of the question today, so we will watch online later. I feel bad that I am not out helping them, but between getting over this cold and my crappy neck and arm issues I would probably be more trouble than help. Pellet stove and the furnace have been running pretty constant the last couple of days.
Decided to skip church, can see it online. Getting ready for a trip too so mostly be taking care of household stuff, laundry, packing. One of my sisters will call later today.
Weather app says it’s flurrying here, see nothing!
@Heartbroken @Hooch I understand. Sometimes guys from church can help me out with difficult things. The last big freeze I couldn’t get the hose off the spigot and friend was able to remove it within seconds. Mostly I think they wish I’d move into an apartment. Fat chance.
A couple of steaks were ready to go in the convection oven last night when The Princess saw a flash and the power went out. While all of the network gear in he house are on battery backup the fiber in the neighborhood was out. Quickly notified the power company.

Lit some candles and broke out the cast iron grill for the steaks. The potatoes had been baking a good long time but the onion casserole was a little luke warm. Nice candle lit dinner. I was reminded how much I prefer steaks done on the grill. We will be doing steaks on the grill going forward. A good thing!.

While grilling the steaks by candle light, I did not notice how much smoke I was generating. Then another set of beeping and a call from SimpleSafe. Yep, the smoke alarm indicated dinner was ready.

We were starting to set up for an evening of streaming YouTube when I noticed a light in the other room. Power was back on in just over an hour.

Power outage gave us a pleasant evening.

Slept in today and missed church. Got another few inches of snow last night too.
Going to walk the pups alittle , continue organizing stuff and relax today. Weather wise it looks like about two days colder temp but a break in the snow. Then snow again for a few more days then a warm up with rain n snow.
It's still well below 0 in Des Moines, but the sun came out and is shining on the snow. Between the sun and the 30mph wind, the fluffy snow is setting up and getting hard. That's both good and bad for me - when we clean out a rail switch, it stays clean. But to clean it we have to shovel the hard snow out to get to the soft stuff underneath. Then we can use big backpack leaf blowers to blow the soft stuff out.
Feeding the fire, watching it snow and cooking a big pot of chili. Hell of a nice day!

Yesterday picked up new studded tires for my car and today Hubby got them put on. Took two rounds- had to come in and warm up half way in between.
Then we headed to Pa and Ma’s. Got their walk and drive shoveled & ate dinner. I have books sent there since they are there to get them. So got to pick up a book that I ordered for Hubby for Christmas 🎄 Nice visit- now home.
Tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable. Coughed a lot. Had to keep running to the bathroom. Took Pepto. Still kept feeling sick. Had to go for curbside pickup at Samsclub. Had planned to go in but felt too sick-- nauseous, arrhythmia, jittery, chills, etc. Grabbed Chinese takeout and got food for mom. I ate a little but didn't have as much appetite. Napped and just woke up, went to the bathroom and it looks like I'm having a period. But I'm post-menopausal. My last period was some spotting in April 2021. Got the cramping and nausea I used to get with it but there's no way I went that long and its still ovaries. I do have fibroids. Will have to call my doctor when his office is open.

Rupert is cuddling me and leaning against my tummy so that helps a bit.
Zannej hope you feel better soon.
Sonya I keep forgetting to ask, have you thought about using a heat tape on your son's waterline? I used them a lot back when I lived in a trailer and they really worked well, especially when I insulated on top of it.
Inresponse I hear you about closets....I bought a bunch of rails and brackets and shelves to convert a closet in the utility room into a pantry. Finally got around to it this afternoon and got the rails up, only to discover that the brackets won't go into the rails with them on the wall, the hooks that fit into the slots are too long. And I bought them all at HD from the same manufacturer in the same display, so they SHOULD fit! Arrrgh. Have to take them back and I won't be going to that town for a couple of weeks, which delays my project even more.
The temp is really falling quickly tonight. It was 13 at dinner time and it's 6 now and headed down. Strong winds all day with that windchill that makes my fillings ache. Love having a garage, just back out and go! Made it to church today without any problems, truck just sort of smiled at the plowridge at the end of the driveway. But even in town the southbound lanes were drifting shut again right behind the plow. Stopped for a few groceries after church and there was already a drift around my truck when I came out. Was supposed to take Mom to a family thing in the city but we begged off, the roads were just too iffy to chance the 2 hour trip down there. Not going to bother trying to get the snowblower running until the wind dies down some.
Anyone know where I could get a good, well made large mailbox? I spent over 60 bucks on this new mailbox when I moved here. It was the best big one I could find, and still it's paper thin with only a 1/4" overlap where the door closes, and no latch on top like the boxes had when I was a kid. I've already had trouble keeping it shut, and one pass with the snowplow throwing slush up on it, and the side is dented in. I'm going to have to install a spring on the door to keep it shut and try to push that dent back out. Stuff just isn't made well anymore.
I've spent all weekend grubbin more brush. But got one area cleaned up. Just a small pile of brush to haul to the bigger pile and burn. I'm beat. Got rthe day off work tomorrow, not sure what I'll be doing. Snow has started and already covered our porches. I need to run to CoOp, tractor dealer, and Tractor Supply. May stay home and work in the basement some. If we get enough snow I plan to work from here Tuesday.
Yesterday picked up new studded tires for my car and today Hubby got them put on. Took two rounds- had to come in and warm up half way in between.
Then we headed to Pa and Ma’s. Got their walk and drive shoveled & ate dinner. I have books sent there since they are there to get them. So got to pick up a book that I ordered for Hubby for Christmas 🎄 Nice visit- now home.
I need to get new studded tires for my truck too. Just as soon as I'm able to get out, maybe next week.
Today is the first day in two weeks I've felt myself- though it's early, I might crash yet! Finally have some energy and less coughing.
The week will be spent catching up on college work and cleaning, and all the other little things I didn't do while sick. I missed my niece's going away party- she's emigrating to Australia this week, and husband and I spent our 30th anniversary eating tea and toast and trying not to cough. Our warranties are up, but we are keeping each other anyway 🤣
Just been notified I have some American relations coming over on Thursday, so need to tackle the spare room that is currently an office/junk room and get it ready.
Dusting of snow here this morning, we are in for an icy week- had two weeks without rain, which is brilliant.