What's everybody doing today?

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I went for a walk today, it was crazy (January and 75F), went to a place I hadn't been in 4 years (it was 04F that January). Anyway it has become a total marsh, the sticker bushes were thick, my snake boots and fire-hose pants did a good job of saving my legs, by my arms didn't fare so well... I didn't see anything but it was nice to get out.

Over night the temperatures are expected to drop back into the 40s with rain coming in tomorrow, I might go for another walk tomorrow, might not.
No. I got them at the fowl auction as young chicks. Kept them in a brooder in the house, then they got bigger, ended up in a five by five foot cage in one of the milkhouse rooms because of the weather. They'll run freely on our farm, can go in one of the barns, too, if they want. They eat ticks and chiggers. And they're entertaining. We had 50 of them the year before, but the neighbor's dog and a raccoon took them out. I know they're edible, but I have tons of other fowl to eat...chickens, turkeys, geese.
A friend gave us some sourdough starter from her stash two days ago. Fridays are "feeding day" she told us. So I just fed it. I won't be able to use any of it for at least a week. I already have two loaves of bread I recently made - I don't want to do another loaf right now. I'll just maintain the starter with feedings for a bit. I've never made sourdough before, but I love eating sourdough bread. So I'm looking forward to trying this!
Spent the day wrestling with the kitchen. Bought some organizer things - a narrow multi-tiered shelf for the tiny cabinet next to the stove, a two-tier pull out for the other side of the stove, and a rack for water bottles for that useless little cabinet over the microwave.
The narrow cabinet had a divider in it for storing sheet pans, but I have too many to fit and it just didn't work for me. So I took them out and put in the spice shelves. Pots and a frypan or two in the other side on the two tier pull out. Of course everything came from China and the screw holes didn't quite line up and the shelf brackets didn't quite fit....took me a lot of German words and wrassling around on the kitchen floor but I finally got it done. Tomorrow I'll finish putting up shelves in the closet I'm making into a pantry, and then maybe I can actually make some headway on unpacking some of the boxes stacked all over the kitchen.
Tried gluing the soles of my hiking boots back together. They're really shot, but I'm an impossible size and have to drive a couple of hours to a big sporting goods store and try on a dozen pair to find anything that fits. Hate doing that. So for now I'll see if I can get a few more miles out of these.
Could have done more today, but this awful gray soupy weather really gets me down. Even after some extra caffeine it was a struggle to get going on anything.
Amish I'm glad you finally got a day to stay home! Hope the infusions help your Husband.
Snappy, good news on your Husband! That's great!
Off today (in more ways than one)! Went to bed at 8:30 last night, so here I am just before 2am!! Rain stopped, so I took Bear out, debating on coffee!! There were still good hot embers in the wood stove, put some more wood in there! Not sure what I'll get into today. Plenty to do inside and out!!
Off today (in more ways than one)! Went to bed at 8:30 last night, so here I am just before 2am!! Rain stopped, so I took Bear out, debating on coffee!! There were still good hot embers in the wood stove, put some more wood in there! Not sure what I'll get into today. Plenty to do inside and out!!
OMG! You are up for morning?
I haven't even gotten to bed tonight!
You wanna see something cool?
Click the down-arrow by 'Members', click 'current visitors', then 'members'.
It's just you, me, Frodo, and Downshift (I know who he is), on the forum right now. :oops:
Drank coffee. Went “swimming” at the hot springs. Went back to the hot springs to find my watch I forgot. Baked scones. Making a batch of granola cereal.i think another cup of coffee is on the list and we have friends stopping by in a bit to partake in the eating of the scones. I might wander about the garden while the sun is shining and daydream a bit.
are you guys trying to ruin my diet? Now I want to bake something too!! I probably will it will go with my soup
Scones sound good and I haven't made any in a while.
not much time this morning before the all day rain, flood warning again

so we have to rush as soon as it is light out . Going to kick everyone out of the barn, clean and put hay and water and put everyone back in.
then I have to hike to the spring and unplug half of it so water don't get dirty, will take dog that will be his outing today.
Yesterday was such a nice day, sunny, dry and almost 70 degrees. First day in months I did not have the wood stove on at all. But it ends today oh well

Got a sad email from my friend in town, her husband is more sick again. He is the one that got damaged from teh covid vaccine , then ended up start of year with covid and in the hospital. Now he has all sorts of other problems and has to take a really strong steroid. I know what it is , my previous German Shepherd got the same stuff when she couldn't stop itching.
OMG! You are up for morning?
I haven't even gotten to bed tonight!
You wanna see something cool?
Click the down-arrow by 'Members', click 'current visitors', then 'members'.
It's just you, me, Frodo, and Downshift (I know who he is), on the forum right now. :oops:
I went back to bed for a whole hour!!😃
Slept a little bit later today--7:15am. Just had breakfast and now puttering around with my coffee. Later I get to take Dad to Hobby Lobby. He needs to get itty bitty buttons to glue onto his snowmen that he makes on his lathe. When I'm back home, I'll be organizing and inventorying the "meat" freezer. Taking out a chicken to thaw for roast bird tomorrow. On second thought, I'll do the freezer tomorrow. This way I'll be able to play with my fiber and fleece.
I made the mistake of watching TV last night, watched some junk about the definition of "Classic Rock" and the next thing I know it's 01:00. :( I over slept this morning but I finally dragged myself out of the bed at 07:00, got the dishes and kitchen done, there is a ton of laundry to do, wife wants me to take down the outside house Christmas lights (if it's not raining), and I would like to go for a walk in the woods. There is always something to do.
A friend gave us some sourdough starter from her stash two days ago. Fridays are "feeding day" she told us. So I just fed it. I won't be able to use any of it for at least a week. I already have two loaves of bread I recently made - I don't want to do another loaf right now. I'll just maintain the starter with feedings for a bit. I've never made sourdough before, but I love eating sourdough bread. So I'm looking forward to trying this!

Sourdough is fun! And there’s a lot you can do with scrap starter. My favorite is sourdough tortillas, yum!
Shoveled surprise snow yesterday, did in fact get to Goodwill. Restocked ourselves on tea, too, and made the dubious choice to stop at the used bookstore. Oops. I always leave there with a cookbook.

Planning to make a batch of anasazi beans today — set them up to soak overnight last night. Hopefully this batch is good. The last several I’ve gotten (of any kind) have been very hit or miss as to rehydrating the beans. Also planning to start some fish in a miso marinade. Normally I feel like you should cook fish as soon as it’s thawed, but this particular recipe wants a two-day marinade and it works really well.

I’m debating if I want to start some bread … might be a lot to do but man, I haven’t done any kind of yeast bread in something like a year. I’d like to.

Friends are coming over for D&D this afternoon, and my brother’s supposed to call. Should be a good day.
Animal chores done. Little granddaughter is cleaning out one of the big chicken houses. We set free the guineas, and that was a sight. A couple of barn cats tried stalking them, but didn't get lucky, thankfully. Hopefully they'll hang around and not go down the road. In any case, we'll lose some for sure. Just inventoried husband's nebulizer pieces, they doubled in price for no reason whatsoever. These are just mouthpieces and tubing, cheap plastic. Now crazy priced. We have 50, and I sterilize them after each use to use again. Going to the bigger town after lunch...pharmacy pickup for husband, Atwoods for feed, and Aldi to fill a cart. Canner is going with ground turkey at the moment. Five quarts. Took out chicken breasts to thaw to can tomorrow, those will be raw pack. Freezers are almost at the point where I can combine two to make one. Need to make room for the half of a cow coming.
Made some waffles.Have a couple loaves of sourdough rising. Drank coffee. Now I’m staring out at the yard with my boys discussing if the sycamore leaves are too wet to clean up before the next storm. Based on the general consensus, yes they are. Surfing eBay (and making lots of comments about stupid expensive old stuff) to find a base for my second Griswold waffle iron seems like a next logical move. I might go for a walk in the wetness with the dog later. Must take care of the cluck birds in a bit also, they are finally out eating stuff in the yard since the last snow has mostly melted.
Power went out last night so I shut down my computer, called in to report the outage, went to shut down my brother's computer but it was already off. I guess his UPS crapped out on him. My UPS was still running one fan. I went to check on Mom and let her know the power was out. the UPS in her room keeps her cpap running for awhile. Was able to hear some of the usually quiet cats purring without the sounds of AC and fans. Went to bed & Mom's dog curled up against my back and growled every time I moved. Senator Snugglebum got into Mom's room while I was checking on her and he refused to come out for awhile.

My brother got home and woke me up asking how long power had been out. I didn't know since I'd been sleeping but when I checked the time it had been about 3hrs then. My UPS ran out of battery before the power came back on a few hours later.

Drank some tomato soup from one of those cup thingies you put in the microwave. I needed something warm and soothing. Need to get more soup stuff. The stagnant air didn't help with the remains of the respiratory crud I'm still fighting. But I'm not feeling dizzy and weak anymore so that's better.

Yasuke just climbed on me to warm up and get cuddles. Rupert just got jealous and climbed between my face and Yasuke. LOL.
I'm glad that your power is back on @zannej ! Ours did not go off this time.

Walked early today.
Picked up trash in parking lot at Church and dug up some flowers that froze along the walkway. Not going to re-plant anything for awhile.
Picked up prescriptions and then picked up friend and we went to local grocery for sales.
Came home and walked dogs.
Put new tag on DH's car.
I still need to re-pot aloe vera that did not freeze last week.
Figure out what to cook tomorrow!
Drinking Coffee again, did stuff, still have to do stuff, I found a broken bolt on my Chinese "Parts" tractor,I (bought it at an auction for parts, got it running...... ) the bolt connects the fan to the water pump, and if left would have caused a lot of wreckage when the others failed. Simple right, drill the bolt out, fix the threads, re assemble, not quite that simple, The water pump hadn't been greased since it left the factory I guess cause the front bearing was dry . nice thing about chinese (shenniu /bison) stuff, it is simple, basic parts, tore it all apart, cleaned the "grease" more like rusty paste out, found a somewhat used bearing on the shelf, started the reassemble, heated the drilled bolt "core" in the pulley. then decided I require coffee, almost finished said coffee.
Today went well enough, but no walk. We got word that we are having company tomorrow so had to shift back into cleaning mode. We did have about a 2 hour power outage today, the automatic stuff I made switched over so the sump pump and freezers never even noticed it. I had to manually switch the oxygen machine, it does not like the automatic transfer switches and will throw a fault unless I hold it's hand during the transition.

I was very happy to finish getting the lights off the rooftop just before the rain came in.

The power outage did set me back a load or two on the laundry front, but there is always tomorrow. :)
We went to the first birthday party this afternoon for my great niece.
