What's everybody doing today?

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Trying to clean up so that when it snows I can plow without wrecking stuff, and hoping that it either melts enough before it starts or something to prevent the ice under snow thing Oh yeah gotta load my welder for a repair on Monday.
I hope you had some coffee!!😉
Went into town and took my air brakes pre trip and knowledge test. 100% on both. I am now a code 15.
Kind of strange how our provinces have the same license class numbers , but use different endorsement stuff, this side of the rock pile air is Q, and it has only been the last 10 years that the Q is shown on a class 1
Yes, it is strange. Even the rules are slightly different. In Ontario the code is EZ. You would think they would standardize the codes and keep everyone on the same page. Actually, they don't all have the same license class either. Ontario has A,B,C,E instead of 1,2,3,4
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Mentoring ...newbees... in the shop... Commendable...
Not getting trained properly or mentored is how my youngest cousin got killed in a shop many years ago.. His 2 older brothers are all that is surviving in that family and are still unsettled by that incident..
Rainy day so I got some rest. Mom wanted McDonalds for breakfast so I ordered on the app and went to pick it up. It wouldn't have let me order breakfast by the time I got there if I hadn't ordered ahead of time. Princess was climbing on my shoulder from the back of the couch because she wanted a bite of my bacon egg & cheese biscuit so badly. LOL.

Looked up stuff on the internet and napped. Still got some mucus I'm coughing up.

Boo saw me heading toward the front door and ran ahead of me to lead me and kept looking back to make sure I was still following. He meowed at me along the way. He meowed at the door until I opened it. He went out and then turned to look at me and meowed again to tell me to go outside. He then drank some rainwater from an empty salad container that fell out of the trash. He's a good kitty.

I'm waiting for Mom to wake up from her nap so I can cook dinner for her.
Good Job Hooch. Where I work it is on EVERYBODY to look out for each others safety. I know its not like that everywhere. But if folks like you make the effort, younger folks will learn safety much quicker.

Spent the day cuttin brush again. Got quite a bit more done. 2 big piles to haul off now. Took care of the birds, Spent a hour sittin on the porch with the wife to end the day
It’s Saturday night- whatchya all doin’? Where’s the party 😄
First thing I went and dropped off FIL’s clean clothes and ran to Wmt 😏. Then we went to the in-laws house and I put together a lift chair while hubby built a platform. We pulled the box springs out and now the mattress sits on the platform at a reasonable height for both of them. FIL is expected to get to go home this week- doing well. And now things are set up for him (both of them really). He is 89 and she is 83. They are struggling with the realization that they can’t do what they once did and need to do things to accommodate what they need and can do. (Like rearranging the furniture for clear walkways even if it’s not perfect from a decorative point of view). Geesh. We just do what we can. They have to figure it out. All we can do is suggest and support.
Trying to eat the bulk of the pantry food storage before we need to move. It doesn't help I have a cold with chest congestion and don't feel like cooking. K is helping.

K has his interview on Tuesday. He has a phone interview with a second company on Monday. Hopefully we know something concrete by the end of the week.
Decent day today. Actually had some sunshine, made my eyes water. Got out and put some protective sleeves over the apple tree seedlings I brought from the old place. Got them planted back in Sept but never had time to go wrap them up before the snow. Today it was 40 and the snow melted so I finally got that done. Thankfully the deer didn't totally destroy them and hopefully they'll survive. Brother came over and fixed my truck; I stupidly yanked on the door handle when the door was frozen shut and tore it right out of the door. Took him a while but he got the door card off and the innards reconnected, and bolted the handle back on. While he was doing that I got out the chainsaw on a stick and cleared out some of the broken branches that had been hanging since the windstorm.

I told the office people that the company truck needed work; felt and sounded like a wheel bearing going, and the vibration was getting bad. Then there was that day I hardly kept it on the road due to bald tires. Office called the dealership - "oh that's just snow built up on the tires". Yeah, I've run into that before, shop rats that think a woman is stupid when it comes to vehicles. Ugh. Office finally took the truck in - 4 new tires and a wheel bearing. Wish I could find that dealership tech and slap 'im upside the head with "I told you so".

Good on you Hooch for taking care of the newbies.
The sorting and organizing continues. I am finding things that I couldn't find for a while. The main bins that I am using are a perfect size for many things. Today I sorted out cookie cutters for one. I hadn't even looked at them for years. I have much to do, going through all of my stuff, purging, organizing, and getting rid of lots of cardboard boxes. The label maker is getting a good workout and what a difference to be able to read the end of the bins and know that there is coffee, Seal a meal, cookie cutters, or whatever in the bin.
Got half of the milkhouse cleaned out, it needs another sweep up and hose out tomorrow. Little granddaughter and I got the big closet cleaned out, and have four large bags of her old clothes and stuffed animals ready for the thrift store. Blankets sorted in there. Found two new ones I forgot about. Little granddaughter got the second big chicken coop cleaned out and fresh straw in. Also got a two shelf cupboard cleaned out, it seems it's a catch all for misc stuff.
so besides eating at night I now cut out my gummies and promptly did not sleep well. First I couldn't fall asleep then I woke up 3 times. I need to see what it does to not use them for the trip in May. Right now there is nothing critical going on so now is a good time. I am going to take one every other day for a few days then cut them out for 2 weeks ( the amount of the trip) Worst case I get anxiety and have to take one.

Talked to daughter yesterday, baby is sick again ( cold and cough). I remember those days, daughter got sick all the time when when she was under 5 also. Strangely enough son did not ( but different dads)

today animals chores, shouldn't be too long, they have been out mostly
stacking wood, maybe moving some more compost to the garden ( no loader so hand shovel into wheelbarrow or Ranger and dump)
taking dog hiking as most every day
do you have any tricks on dog nail cutting? It took 3 of us to hold him and I hurt my back a little last time we did Otto's
Yes! Front feet: have someone hold and squeeze just behind the dog's elbow, they can't move that leg. Same with the back, just behind their hock. The right amount of sternness and kindness, dogs will always win a wrestling match. He has to learn you are not going to hurt him by trimming his nails, but a little fear of what will happen if he doesn't sit still helps!😉 Treats afterwards even if he didn't sit perfectly still!
@Pearl @sonya123 our dog’s nails are completely black. Have had a couple places trim her nails and the dumb 🫏es trim into the quick! She is so strong I feel like we need k9 uniforms for us to be able to hold her, which hasn’t happened in a while. Activity on pavement used to help keep the nails shorter, but she’s slowing down a bit.
Was awakened early by a strange dream, fuel was in such short supply that they had to remove the hoses from the pumps and the garden looked nice, but it had to be protected by a tall barbed wire fence; Hope it wasn't a warning.

After I got up and did 2 loads laundry and the dishes before church. After church the wife indicates that she wants us to can chicken stock today. It effects me because she can't operate the pressure canner..... :( .

Between the canning request and the dream it got me to wondering and that lead me to the old computer.... This is what I learned:
Compare exports to imports and you can have bad dreams too. :)
Went to church. The boys ran to my folks place to prep the trailer and loading shute panels to haul the steer to the butcher on Tuesday. We have a break between storms so hubby started the smoker up and I got all the remaining large beef chunks from the last one thawed a little, light seasoning, and into the smoker for a couple hours to get some flavor. I’ll chop them up and can them this afternoon. It’s about 30 lbs of meat, so it’s going to take a couple canner loads to process. We will smoke one of the roasts for dinner tonight also. We ran out of canned beef a couple weeks ago, so it’s pretty timely to do a batch and free up the freezer space.
Was awakened early by a strange dream, fuel was in such short supply that they had to remove the hoses from the pumps and the garden looked nice, but it had to be protected by a tall barbed wire fence; Hope it wasn't a warning.

After I got up and did 2 loads laundry and the dishes before church. After church the wife indicates that she wants us to can chicken stock today. It effects me because she can't operate the pressure canner..... :( .

Between the canning request and the dream it got me to wondering and that lead me to the old computer.... This is what I learned:
Compare exports to imports and you can have bad dreams too. :)
Thanks for that. Why the heck did I click on the link!?
Trimming weed and watching 20/20. 🤣🤣🤣

Spent the day in ER with husband, his midline clogged with a clot. Took forever to get the clotbuster med in him, and the nurses there had not experienced this happening, the infusion center was closed (Sunday). I swear, I was about ready to say to give it to me and let me do it. Little granddaughter wanted to stay home. So she texted me lots. She got the record playing going, jamming out to David Bowie (her favorite), did chores, told me how many eggs (16), if it was still raining, what she was eating, if her room was clean.... she's a crack up. Neighbor that raises sheep had brought over some lamb, so I'll need to dig my recipe out for that tonight.
Spent the day in ER with husband, his midline clogged with a clot. Took forever to get the clotbuster med in him, and the nurses there had not experienced this happening, the infusion center was closed (Sunday). I swear, I was about ready to say to give it to me and let me do it. Little granddaughter wanted to stay home. So she texted me lots. She got the record playing going, jamming out to David Bowie (her favorite), did chores, told me how many eggs (16), if it was still raining, what she was eating, if her room was clean.... she's a crack up. Neighbor that raises sheep had brought over some lamb, so I'll need to dig my recipe out for that tonight.
I have lots of really good lamb recipes if you need any . Hope husband feels better he sure visits the hospital a lot :(
I've only made it once before, and just dug out my recipe. What do you think?
Season lamb with salt, pepper, and thyme. Heat up olive oil in a large skillet, cook lambchops and some garlic over high heat until they are browned (3 min). Two min longer on the other side till browned, Take the chops out of the skillet, add 3 Tbsp water, 2 Tbs lemon juice, 2 Tbsp parsley, and a sprinkle of crushed red pepper to the skillet, cook a minute or so, then pour over the chops and serve. This is for 1/2 inch chops. I think the ones I have are thicker this time, so I'll adjust the time.
Husband is in the hospital or the docs alot, you're right. We try to keep him out of the hospital as much as possible, and do as much as we can at home. He's not going to get better, so there's always alot of it.
Yes! Front feet: have someone hold and squeeze just behind the dog's elbow, they can't move that leg. Same with the back, just behind their hock. The right amount of sternness and kindness, dogs will always win a wrestling match. He has to learn you are not going to hurt him by trimming his nails, but a little fear of what will happen if he doesn't sit still helps!😉 Treats afterwards even if he didn't sit perfectly still!

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