What's everybody doing today?

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It's 4am, put some wood on the fire. Now I'd like to go back to sleep. It's warmed up to 24 degrees already and is supposed to snow all day. Once it gets light out I'll start a fire in the smoke house and get the jerky meat on the racks. Later today I'll go out and check some traps. I'll probably just chop them out of the ice and snap them.
waiting for daylight to go check on sheep and start cleaning barn. We have really bad weather coming , storms wind warning and then huge drop in temps. Had 2 more lambs yesterday evening , both boys
Daughter was supposed to come this weekend but her waterpump broke. Hope they get it fixed and can still come. They are going to replace it themselves, so hopefully no problems.
Have to go shopping today, hope no lambs arrive while we are gone or if they do everything goes ok.
I don't think that we could even give him to a rescue with his biting history. He came to us mentally messed up from the animal shelter with a large scar around his neck, one leg and tail. He has had so much more time than if we had left him at the shelter. And you know he has had a good life! I know it is the right thing, but so difficult!
sorry about your dog
rescues are often problem dogs, we have one. He doesn't bite, but he can't seem to be trained either. Daughter found him on side of road in a trash bag. Even if I am no longer a Christian, I do hope there is a hell for people that do those kinds of things to animals
Slept good last night, woke up about 4am though so I have been surfing the net. I am shopping for a transmission rebuild kit for my Dodge Ram. Although i made it to Wyoming and back Saturday without a problem Monday the transmission went into limp mode, which means it locks into 4th gear and taking off requires some extra throttle to get it moving, kinda like starting a 10 speed bicycle in 10th gear. Now most times I drive it works normally but occasionally it lets me know it is not happy. Anyways, the 68RFE transmission is a good transmission BUT many of the factory parts are week, but the good rebuild kits include upgraded and new billet machined parts to replace the cheap stuff. I think I can get a good kit, upgraded to handle 550hp, for about $4700, including shipping. $500 I will get back when I send them the old parts they will rebuild for someone else. Rebuild videos show it can be rebuilt with only an assortment of sockets and a screwdriver and pick tool, and feeler gauges. Relatively simple, the hardest part is removing and reinstalling the transmission, which isn't that difficult. My boss said he will help and we can do it in his shop.

Yesterday I received the new heat transfers I ordered last week, they are super cool and colorful. I can't wait for good weather on a Saturday in a few weeks to sell them at our farmers market. I will need to buy a second heat press though as the assortment requires 2 different heat press temperatures. I am going to the trade show next week so that is one of the things I am hoping to find at a show discounted price.

Weather here has been in the mid-50's. It should be nice weather for at least a few more days.
Have a great day. =-)
It's snowing out and the wind is picking up. I heard that we could get a couple feet out of this storm. Our Thai friend needs to be at the airport early Friday morning for her flight back to Australia. It's a 150 mile drive so we'll leave tomorrow and get a hotel near the airport. The roads could be in bad shape, at least until we get down in the valley about 75 miles south.
Hope you got there safely @Mountain trapper I got a alert for snow a my kindle- I was a little surprised as its been 11 here all week- turns out it was for Minnesota.
Husband working locally so I got a lie in until 8, which was lovely - he also had the chores done and animals fed. Prepped for dinner (steak and onion pie) and made a roast tomato and red pepper soup for a few lunches. Its been raining all day, spending it researching and writing. While the year is barrelling along, it also feels a long run in until everything is submitted.
I'm also researching what small generator is best to buy :D
Been a bit under the weather. Not bad, just no energy or attention span, and sinuses hate me. Hope you all are doing well. I cancelled a bunch of my appointments this week (and by “a bunch” I mean two, but they were both physically strenuous), and am planning to take it easy for a bit.

Do need to sweep and mop the house, and do some tidying. And cook. I’ve got turkey burgers on the menu tonight I think.
Normal work day... Trying to stay ahead of the curve.
If we didn't hear from you today, I was going to pester you. Know you are playing a bit of catch-up since your trip, but glad to know you are okay.
Going to walk, shortly.
Pay bills.
Walk dogs.
Clean baths and dust.
Pick up friend and go to Lenten lunch at Methodist Church.
Give myself a pedicure tonight.
We will have a little cooler weather for a couple of days. Supposed to be 70 today, was 81, yesterday.
Have a question for you. Hubby wants to go to Miss. for the BBQ event that is sorta like Mardigras but with food 😂 Can you tell me when that is? (& do you know if it's even a real thing?)
Hope you got there safely @Mountain trapper I got a alert for snow a my kindle- I was a little surprised as its been 11 here all week- turns out it was for Minnesota.
Husband working locally so I got a lie in until 8, which was lovely - he also had the chores done and animals fed. Prepped for dinner (steak and onion pie) and made a roast tomato and red pepper soup for a few lunches. Its been raining all day, spending it researching and writing. While the year is barrelling along, it also feels a long run in until everything is submitted.
I'm also researching what small generator is best to buy :D
Be sure it will at least run a coffee pot. If it can do that, it will be able to handle most appliances (for a smaller one).
Resting and checking forums and such. Need to see if Mom is awake. Brother just took a shower in my bathroom and asked where his shoes were for the wedding coming up Saturday. I have all of his stuff safely in a plastic bin.

Hoping Mom will feel well enough to go to Alexandria today bc the wedding is saturday and I'm going to be busy tomorrow and don't want to feel rushed on Friday.
We had a cold morning, so got the fire started early. Girls to school, animal chores done, everyone had frozen water. Vegetables cooked for husband's lunch. Baked a custard and some acorn squash for later. Laundry done and hung inside. Finishing my after lunch coffee, and nine roosters await their butchering. I'll do it on the big porch and they've hung a bit. It's 38 degrees out there.
Not yet. When the jerky is half way done I make a mixture of honey and maple syrup. Brush this mixture on the meat, then sprinkle some dried ground super hot peppers on. It sticks to the jerky that way.
just me, but I do not like "sticky jerky".

Tried it, thank you , no.
BBQ event that is sorta like Mardigras but with food 😂 Can you tell me when that is? (& do you know if
I would ask @Frodo. He knows a lot more of what happens in this area.
Thank you - I can never remember where everyone lives.
Calling @Frodo We might have to come see you 😊

ETA Thank you Snap
Going outside to load up on firewood! 45° here right now! I will be carefully picking up wood since all the snakes, scorpions, and spiders that were enjoying the 95° weather two days ago will be hiding in the wood stacks!! The cold got the donkey all frisky, he was playing racehorse rodeo a little bit ago! 😃 Hubby is driving a 90 yr old lady to a doctor appointment and helping her run errands today! At least it's a DRY day for her to have to get out!
If we didn't hear from you today, I was going to pester you. Know you are playing a bit of catch-up since your trip, but glad to know you are okay.

Have a question for you. Hubby wants to go to Miss. for the BBQ event that is sorta like Mardigras but with food 😂 Can you tell me when that is? (& do you know if it's even a real thing?)

Be sure it will at least run a coffee pot. If it can do that, it will be able to handle most appliances (for a smaller one).
Which one ?

what part of the State? Month?
Then you need to try mine. It's really not sticky. I just put just enough honey/syrup mixture on to hold the hot pepper flakes.
Try my recipe if you wish
Soy sauce
Liquid smoke
Black pepper kernals

Marinate over nite then dehydrate
If no dehydrater. Then…….
Use tooth picks and hang meat from over rack
Set over at lowest setting
Crack open the door of the oven 1/4”/1/2”. 6-8 hours
Well, I don't know - am stunned at the options.
You tell me. He want to go to Miss. and eat BBQ as one of the things on his bucket list.
Any input would be

Any of those on that list should be a good time,
You have date choices. And location choices.
Brookhaven is pretty mellow not a lot of crime
Stay away from Jackson, Hattiesburg, McComb Gets a little wild at night
This afternoon it got up to 60F and we were expecting rain so I opened the lids on my raised beds around noon, the rain came in late afternoon ending around 9 PM followed by high winds... I put the trash out in the rain, then when the rain stopped I went out and closed the lids on my raised beds. Winds came up to 45+ MPH, the lids on the raised beds can handle that just fine.... the trash cans didn't do so well, so I was out there chasing down crap in the dark..... I think it's time to call it a day... :)

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