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Knorr rice mixes were 99 cents if you bought 5. I got some of those, and some produce items.
I had some of these in a bin, both rice and noodle mixes. They were well out of date. I cooked one up a few weeks ago with tuna and peas. I almost vomited when I tasted it. It was so gross. I like the Knorr noodle and rice mixes, but I now know that this is something that isn't good after it goes out of date. I emptied most of that bin into the trash. I think it is something I should look for Copycat recipes to make them myself.
Roosters butchered, and the meat is chilling. Lovely cut on my left index finger. Steristrip to hold it together and blood clot webbing to stop the flood. Better now. Not for the roosters, though. I'll grind up the meat tomorrow maybe.
Uh hem - did we not discuss keeping your fingers out of the way of knife last time you went through this?
Hope you heal quickly 💕
Spend time outside with dogs. Had to set appt. to put Oreo-bigger dog- down. He bit DH again the other day. DH is concerned for family coming down in March. We've had Oreo over 5 years and just can't get him over whatever happened before we got him. It's sad. And I feel guilty as it is a relief, also.
I'm so sorry. Neighbors have had 3 Dobermans, and the last one escaped and bit someone who was walking by. They had worked and worked with their dog and had a trainer work with her as well. Like you, they knew they would have company and then really have a problem. They looked for a long time and found a ranch somewhere that takes dogs like her.
I had some of these in a bin, both rice and noodle mixes. They were well out of date. I cooked one up a few weeks ago with tuna and peas. I almost vomited when I tasted it. It was so gross. I like the Knorr noodle and rice mixes, but I now know that this is something that isn't good after it goes out of date. I emptied most of that bin into the trash. I think it is something I should look for Copycat recipes to make them myself.
like copycat recipes- I find they are good starting points then can alter to taste.
Oh, yeah, Lady L, we did. This time not as bad. I had the cutting glove on, was finishing up #6. Brought the breast meat in the kitchen to wash it down, took the glove off. Put in meat in the bag on ice, went to go get rooster #7, who was hanging on the foot noose at the barn, took him down. Grabbed live #8, hung him by his feet, ready to throat slit, and realized I didn't have my glove on. Left it in the kitchen. Too far to go get it. Rooster jumped when I cut, and it cut my finger. I use a scalpel knife. Crap. I know. Keep the glove on. Husband did not say I told you so. Bummer was that I had nine total to do. Not easy with a wrapped left hand, but I wanted to finish.
sorry about your dog
rescues are often problem dogs, we have one. He doesn't bite, but he can't seem to be trained either. Daughter found him on side of road in a trash bag. Even if I am no longer a Christian, I do hope there is a hell for people that do those kinds of things to animals
Many of the dogs that I care for are rescues. Some are wonderful dogs, some do have problems. Darcie lived in a crate for over 6 months. She is part pit and definitely has issues. Her owners have finally realized that she shouldn't be going to dog parks.

Mavis was a great dog, part pit. She rode in a vehicle from Texas to Colorado when she was very young. It took her a while to be able to get into a car again, until I gave her treats every time she got in.
gaah The Russians have begun taking out our satellites!!!
Several of our DirectTV channels went out today, and I was just sure that's what it was.
Well, no.:(
Internet service was out for a couple hours on Monday. Cell phone was glitchy, internet didn't work, television didn't work. I wondered after cell phones were out last week if it was a similar thing?
5am, it's sleeting!😮 It's above freezing so at least it's not sticking!! Feeding Bear and the cats in 30 minutes, glad Bear got out for his business trip before the sleet started. Something had Buddy riled up last night, don't know if it was hogs or something else, daylight will tell!! Looks like my work schedule may be sidetracked again today. Just got a text (yes, at 5am, they know I'm up early) from one of my ladies' daughters saying her mom had a really bad night, call before 8am!🙄 If I'm off today I'll be working all weekend. Which doesn't really matter to me!
SSDD. No BZA non-sense next month, no applicants. Blocked 4 people on farcebook, sign the petition against WAWA. On the bright side, I know a lot about WAWA :p

Feed cats, scoop boxes, and when I have overwatch back on site, I can go back into the office can pack up more "shtuff"
this forum keeps not working this morning ( our internet is fine)
short post in case it doesn't work again

had 5 lambs overnight yesterday, and we still don't know who belongs to what ewe. There are 2 potential lambs mom doesn't want to feed, but after I fed them once yesterday , they didn't want any when we got back from shopping, and were sleeping. So we will see this morning. I need to figure it out. We didn't have time yesterday, needed to clean before it started pouring. Then went shopping and delivered some eggs and meat to people in town

today it is super cold again low 20s. Husband just checked on the remaining sheep, no new babies but he said 1 was crying and was being pushed away again by mom, so I need to feed it. They are in the warmest room of the barn so everyone is fine so far
This afternoon it got up to 60F and we were expecting rain so I opened the lids on my raised beds around noon, the rain came in late afternoon ending around 9 PM followed by high winds... I put the trash out in the rain, then when the rain stopped I went out and closed the lids on my raised beds. Winds came up to 45+ MPH, the lids on the raised beds can handle that just fine.... the trash cans didn't do so well, so I was out there chasing down crap in the dark..... I think it's time to call it a day... :)
I feel ya on the trash chasing. I had 5 cans of recycling material (glass, plastic) out last night. At 12:30 I was walking all over my neighbors' yards picking it up. When I was done I had only 4 barrels full. Don't know how far the wind took the rest.

We also had power flickers 3 or 4 times last night. One of the neighbors has an autostart generator. It would run for close to half an hour after the lights came back. The lights would be off for less than a minute each time.
Tommyice, power flickers suck! And of course they only ever happen in the middle of the night, to wake you up and make the next day exhausting. I swear they do it on purpose. :p

Amish, OW. I’m glad you’re okay-enough, but OW. Heal up quick.

Not much for me today. Cooking, laundry, and taking a look at my larger to-do list this morning to see if I’ve got something I can knock off. After that, I’m hitting the craft room to start on some projects.
Long day yesterday.
I have a really great Son in Law 55 YO youth minister at his church, had to have 2 stents last evening, scared the rooney out of us.

Hoping for an easy start and good finish today he did fine and they are thinking he may go home this afternoon. It was done a the best place in the area My cousin used to be a shift supervisor on the CC Unit there and always had any of the family go there.

Got to make a run to north central Mississippi today and tomorrow hope to be able to work around all the miles we need to do with no tickets.

Anyone got a cloning machine HEHEHEH?

Hope all are ready and have a happy, well, warm and safe day.
Continuing to work on my new career as a pre- and post-operating coach. She-Who-Must-be-Obeyed is going to the local hospital for a (right) knee replacement, and is not thrilled at the chance. We'd picked an orthopod in SLC, but unfortunately, Medicare won't pay for out-of-state surgery if the same thing is available in Idaho. However, I know the local guy and he seems pretty capable.

Dawn had been harassing me for years for a treadmill, so we got one , set it up, and she is doing four 20-minute walks daily. We also got a walker and a cane, as well as tub-mats and whatever else for the first two weeks.

So I get to cook all the meals (except for whatever the Ward Sisters bring by), keep the house clean, help her in the bathroom, and do whatever else she can think of, such as a before-bedtime pinot grigio and a half-hour massage.

(I also asked the surgeon to prescribe me a couple hundred milligrams of heroin for after the first week; he refused, saying he was going to take it all himself before the procedure.)

Seriously, it is a great opportunity for both of us. Dawn will try to be a good patient but has an attitude about hospitalization and surgery -- typical of someone who's been an RN for forty years!

But I believe this is a man's job and it's what a man does: take care of his wife and children.
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so no new lambs, and we figured out who was not getting fed One ewe had 4 lambs, and she is not feeding the biggest one . The other one only had 1. So I am feeding 1

everyone seems to be ok, mommas and babies and the remaining pregnant ones are in the barn since it is very cold out ( below freezing ). Goats and non breeding animals are out. Its sunny and looks nice but really windy and cold

need to repot my starter plants, some of them are getting too big for the seed trays already. I usually put them outside in March but it is still so cold , needs to warm up soon!!
Predicted 52/35F for today.. At noon it is 37F... Bright, sunny, but a cold north wind.. This predicted for the whole of the weekend and next week...
The snow we got the other evening is totally gone and all is dry..

TEXAS BURNING.... I'm going to guess we are going to see a lot of that across pretty much the whole of North America this summer...
All plan ahead for this and keep safe...
I had an offroad haul truck fall over today and Jake did a little flying.

just had 3 more lambs, had to assist a little with the second one, a very large girl. Momma and babies ok, so far she is not rejecting any and they all nursed. Helped dry them off since it is cold out , even in the barn it's not that warm but probably at least above freezing

Now I am very dirty and tired but letting the bedroom warm up a little before I go take a shower
Also took a gummi after all the excitement, why can't these sheep have their lambs during the day? At least this one didn't do it in the middle of the night
I’m rebuilding a giant drainage pond another contractor half assed.
I have had project like that when I was working. One didn't compact the dirt around the drainage pipe right and made the slopes too steep and the whole thing eroded so bad part of the road above caved in, and it really fast became an "emergency project"

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