What's everybody doing today?

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Good Morning Homesteading friends and family.
It is a wonderful day in the neighbor hood.
I'm up dressed of sorts....
Coffee is finished brewing.
Enjoying a cup of fresh brewed Army strong coffee.
Working on my third lesson of loom knitting class.
Stretching the crown, don't ask me cause I don't know.
It's already been stretched twice, we'll see.
Got one more to go. I would have been finished if I just crocheted it.
I'm trying to expand my life skills with clothing etc.
Won't have to cook again until next week possibly.
Estelle and I fixed biscuits yesterday evening.
They were a little bit like hardtack(hockey pucks).
But she is improving some what.
First time she made great doorstops.
We will keep working on it.
Memories being made with Granny is the important thing.
had visitors yesterday that took lots of photos of our lambs in the barn, since it was pouring outside. People always comment on how clean we keep our barn and how well taken care of our animals look , that made me happy :)
( nobody ever says that about the house LOL )
They bought a bunch of eggs and the rest of our lamb chops from last year ( still perfectly fine, it's frozen and vaccum sealed)
STILL no new goat kids. This is a first. Usually they all seem to get pregnant the first day we put in the bucks
the girls must have played hard to get this year or something

I want to go swimming but afraid to leave that long until after the babies are here, need to go shopping too for fresh stuff, but that can wait another day or few
Did you put him in on a waning moon?

Started raining this morning - a needed blessing here - so is grey out. Having a cup of tea. (Coffee happened at about 4:15 this AM).
Good Morning Homesteading friends and family.
It is a wonderful day in the neighbor hood.
I'm up dressed of sorts....
Coffee is finished brewing.
Enjoying a cup of fresh brewed Army strong coffee.
Working on my third lesson of loom knitting class.
Stretching the crown, don't ask me cause I don't know.
It's already been stretched twice, we'll see.
Got one more to go. I would have been finished if I just crocheted it.
I'm trying to expand my life skills with clothing etc.
Won't have to cook again until next week possibly.
Estelle and I fixed biscuits yesterday evening.
They were a little bit like hardtack(hockey pucks).
But she is improving some what.
First time she made great doorstops.
We will keep working on it.
Memories being made with Granny is the important thing.
As you began to share baking with Estelle, I thought, "Oh I bet she's getting to be a good little cook." Then I continued reading 😂
Did you put him in on a waning moon?

Started raining this morning - a needed blessing here - so is grey out. Having a cup of tea. (Coffee happened at about 4:15 this AM).

As you began to share baking with Estelle, I thought, "Oh I bet she's getting to be a good little cook." Then I continued reading 😂
We all started somewhere.
She was quite upset with the bread project.
This Granny never batted an eye.
I just got out the marine varnish, and use as a temporary doorstop.
In about 6 months it will disappear.
But for now she is still checking to see if I still have it.
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Lazy day.
Sipping coffee.
Will do up a few dishes, dust floors.
Pay bills.
Will be hand embroidery on a sloth today, so I can start putting together those quilt tops.
Then I will stitch up the back of the quilts as tops to so they are reversible quilts.
I will my calligraphy labels with each grand child's name, my name,date it was given to them December 2024.
Hope to be completely done with by June.
Did you put him in on a waning moon?
not sure, I put him in on 9/23 last year

we had 2 more goat kids just a few hours ago, another first time mom and she did fine. 2 perfect little girls
I think maybe the bucks were still a little young and maybe the older does were hoping for a bigger more stinky one and holding out :))
not sure, I put him in on 9/23 last year

we had 2 more goat kids just a few hours ago, another first time mom and she did fine. 2 perfect little girls
I think maybe the bucks were still a little young and maybe the older does were hoping for a bigger more stinky one and holding out :))
Looked - Waxing so should be good 😊
With going back to work I'm getting myself back on a regular schedule, and the dog too. I've told the dog before: Everything I do... it is for you. I think there's a song with those lyrics. There's some serious truth in that too. For instance is I will no longer work over time.

Now, after work the dog gets a treat and some play time, then dinner, then more activity as I stay active around the house. Then we both chill for awhile, then more activity for both of us. Then I sleep and the dog rests with one eye open. Then... I go to work and the dog rests peacefully at home and we'll do it all over again the next day.

Cut's into my internet time here.... sacrifices.... but - I'll be back. :)
With going back to work I'm getting myself back on a regular schedule, and the dog too. I've told the dog before: Everything I do... it is for you. I think there's a song with those lyrics. There's some serious truth in that too. For instance is I will no longer work over time.

Now, after work the dog gets a treat and some play time, then dinner, then more activity as I stay active around the house. Then we both chill for awhile, then more activity for both of us. Then I sleep and the dog rests with one eye open. Then... I go to work and the dog rests peacefully at home and we'll do it all over again the next day.

Cut's into my internet time here.... sacrifices.... but - I'll be back. :)
by Bryan Adams.
Just mowed four acres with the Bad Boy it is 10 years old I can hardly believe it I have worn out two sets of those hardened blades and am working on Number three.

Had to put coil packs on the Kohler, it needs valve cover gaskets and a new throttle cable but the blades are so heavy the will mill off root like a Mill planer.
I rebuilt the spools put a new idler pulley and belts on and changed the front wheel bearings.
Have some front tires coming they are dry rotted a little and have to be aired up every once in a while.
I changed it over to a side post car battery and have only put one on it in ten years.

Have to get the Ford Tractor and Box blade to do some serious dirt moving and stump hole filling.

The flat spot by the driveway looks like a superhighway of Whitetail deer traffic Even a Buck that has to weigh over 140, the track is four inches or more and deep. I need to put the camera up out there.

Trying to get a lot of things up for sale and a lot of parts headed this way for the Can Am upgrade and reframe.

Looked up a set of Rock sliders \ tree bars that would have prevented every bit if this, so if you have a hipo side by side you need to get a set.

Heres a picture of the ones on it and the ones it should have had.

It should have had these,

Tried to get Da’s modem working.
Picked up new modem. Couldn’t get it set up.
Re-installed old modem. Couldn’t get it working.
Called Fios tech support. Tech help got frustrated. Srpet up appointment for 1 to 3pm tomorrow for an actual technician to come to his house and give him back his internet. He misses his YouTube
today I am going to try to put Otto the dog on the milkstand to trim his nails...not sure his head is big enough to stay in it but worth a try. I use it to trim goat hoofs. The sheep have to be tipped over on their side and sat on to do it, or they will struggle until the hurt themselves. Otto will try to bite your hand if you touch his paws. I guess I should teach him to shake . Heidi did that, but she also hated to have her nails done and I took her to the pet store to have them do it.

Plus of course other animals chores. I wished the weather would improve enough to leave them outside and we didn't have to clean the barn every day. They are out during the day but we put them in overnight, especially since there are now babies.

Started planting some stuff in the garden ( moving it from pots) , Kale, cabbage, broccoli so far.
I need some coffee. Not sure why but I’m putzing around an hour before my furry alarm starts meowing. Work in a bit. Hubby wants to smoke something for dinner but it’s a bit wet outside so might need a plan b. My oldest helped me wash a bunch of cabinet doors from the house we will be moving grandma into last night so I can get primer on them tonight. We will be helping my dad do demolition next week after the electrical panel gets upgraded to 200 amp. It’s been a busy couple of weeks getting all the materials rounded up. We will be on warp speed so we can get grandma moved in. Dad took her keys and license on Monday after she got into a fender bender and then had an argument with the officer at the scene who was just trying to do a report and it said it wasn’t even grandma’s fault. We figured she knew that she was in the deep end because we had all been telling her not to drive and especially not on the road she had the accident on. She didn’t even put up a fuss about the keys and license . Her reflexes and quick decision making skills are definitely not at a level needed for city driving. I feel bad for dad, it’s been hard for him to have to move into the responsible for mom role. She has always been very independent and well let’s just say stubborn!
Waiting on the coffee pot to finish brewing.
Going to attempt to move furniture for a cousin today.
They're bringing her oxygen machine and tanks today.
If I have to go out today that just means I have be an adult today.
My hair is getting trimmed up today hopefully, it's starting to come back.
I'm kinda wooly, wonky growth.
Maybe my hairdresser can do something with it.
Ahh! The first sip of coffee of the morning.
Need to make Aldi's run maybe tomorrow......
Need to run to Wal*Mart for phone card and money order for rent.
But first coffee.
Hubby is have extensive dental work done this morning. In the afternoon, I’m taking a friend to go look at a piece of property she’s interested in. She can’t drive right now because of knee surgery three weeks ago.

I don’t know what to cook for hubby that he’ll be able to eat. Maybe scrambled eggs?
We are suppose to get 6" of rain starting tomorrow. That is a gully washer for sure. I may want to check the drains. This weekend may be good for fixing up one of the spare bedrooms. I need to move the wall mounted TV to the opposite wall, and run power through the wall so there are no cords visible. This means lots of patching and since I'm into it, I may as well paint the room?
I *finally* got Mom to cooperate with trying to get tax stuff done. She found the number for OPM and I called, she gave permission for me to speak on her behalf and they asked us both questions. The lady was very nice-- although we were on hold for 30+min before someone answered. She said they are mailing out the forms today, reset an online account for Mom and she will get a password emailed to her. She will be able to view her tax forms online once she logs in. She was then nice enough to transfer us to DFAS (which handles the stuff for DOD). The lady there said they will send out the forms via mail and explained how to login to her account-- confirmed she actually has one-- and how to request a lost password. So, now all we need to get is the SSI and bank stuff. Taking a break since her blood sugar got low.

I hauled in some cases of water and went for a brief walk outside. I'll probably cook something soon. Need to eat.

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