What's everybody doing today?

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After work today I received my anti-siphon fittings, so I got them installed in my garden irrigation system. Checked my rain barrels, all are at 100% now, it's almost time to connect the filters and start using that water. While I was out there I harvested some lettuce, tonight we are having fresh salad and chicken ritz casserole. The wind is blowing to beat the band, so I closed the tops on my raised beds, the daytime temperatures are almost 60F, but the nighttime temps are still getting down to just above freezing. Hoping tomorrow is nice, I have lots of garden work starting to pile up...
Daughter knew I always loved brain-puzzles, so she sent me one for Easter...
*Notice the number of possible combinations! :oops:

How smart am I? Solved it in 10 minutes:p.
...Don't take it out of the package:LOL:.
So, in the past few weeks, I've had a really fat rat come to my front door, big enough to set off my Ring motion alert front door bell. I got tired of waking up at 3am, just to find out it was that pesky rat. Since all of us in the neighborhood have fruit trees, rats are common.

Anyways, i set out a rat trap in our front planter 3 days ago, and loaded it with a dog food kernel.

Yesterday, i hear the trap snap, and i went outside and saw a beautiful, huge, 12" alligator lizard trapped. This beautiful creature was so strong, it looked like it wasn't even injured. I released it into the bushes.

Since i didn't want that lizard to get snapped again, i moved the rat trap to the side of the house, away from anything except that rat... or that's what I thought.

Today, i checked the trap, and saw I caught a beautiful bird in it. It was deader than dead.

I'm done. I hate killing beautiful little creatures from that dumb trap. I tossed it into the trash can, and the rat will live. I might lose sleep, but at least I won't be killing any of God's beautiful creatures anymore!
So, in the past few weeks, ive had a really fat rat come to my front door, big enough to set off my Ring motion alert front door bell. I got tired of waking up at 3am, just to find out it was that pesky rat. Since all of us in the neighborhood have fruit trees, rats are common.

Anyways, i set out a rat trap in our front planter 3 days ago, and loaded it with a dog food kernel.

Yesterday, i hear the trap snap, and i went outside and saw a beautiful, huge, alligator lizard trapped. This besutiful creature was so strong, it looked like it wasnt even injured. I released it into the bushes.

Since i didn't want that lizard to get snapped again, i moved the rat trap to the side of the house, away from anything except that rat... or that's what i thought.

Today, i checked the trap, snd saw i caught a beautiful bird in it. It was deader than dead.

I'm done. I hate killing beautiful little creatures from that dumb trap. I tossed it into the trash can, and the rat will live. I might lose sleep, but at least I won't be killing any of God's beautiful creatures anymore!
I never use traps to kill ..
I used live traps ( different sizes) then whatever in it I go in woods and release it there
So, in the past few weeks, ive had a really fat rat come to my front door, big enough to set off my Ring motion alert front door bell. I got tired of waking up at 3am, just to find out it was that pesky rat. Since all of us in the neighborhood have fruit trees, rats are common.

Anyways, i set out a rat trap in our front planter 3 days ago, and loaded it with a dog food kernel.

Yesterday, i hear the trap snap, and i went outside and saw a beautiful, huge, alligator lizard trapped. This besutiful creature was so strong, it looked like it wasnt even injured. I released it into the bushes.

Since i didn't want that lizard to get snapped again, i moved the rat trap to the side of the house, away from anything except that rat... or that's what i thought.

Today, i checked the trap, snd saw i caught a beautiful bird in it. It was deader than dead.

I'm done. I hate killing beautiful little creatures from that dumb trap. I tossed it into the trash can, and the rat will live. I might lose sleep, but at least I won't be killing any of God's beautiful creatures anymore!
I don't have rats, but raccoons tend to visit. I've broken-up three dog vs racoon fights.

Did I mention I have a dog. lol
i missed one fight, I had to toss the 'coon's corpse to the turkey vultures. Good dog.
Went and measured up a job this morning. Then took tires 🛞 and wheels to have studded tires removed- long story that’s not over but I guess I needed to have more to do 🙄
Came home and wanted to get the clothes line pulled out from the corner of the summer kitchen and get it cleaned up for the season. Ended up totally rearranging it all and cleaning like crazy. It needed it! Have first load of laundry hanging out there now. Can’t hang clothes outside or they come in dirtier than before washing. We live in farm fields and always seems to be a breeze 😣
Day began chilly but it’s nice out now- maybe 60.
I called my uncle last night to see how he's doing. He told me that his pacemaker was put in 11 years ago and that the battery is starting to slowly run out and that its being monitored on a month-to-month basis but that he's decided he won't get a new one or battery when the time comes and he'll just let his heart stop and pass-- which is likely to be sometime this year. He started crying and saying how lonely he was without his wife and how most of his friends and family have died, are dying, have dementia, or live too far away to visit. Said he's losing his vision and hearing and has pain so he can't do the things he wants to do. His younger siblings (my dad and his sister) are both dead. On one hand, I really don't want to lose him but on the other, I completely understand. I wouldn't want to prolong my life if I were in his situation. I know my cousins would be very upset though. One of his grandsons was coming to visit him again so I'm hoping he will cheer him up. I have a cousin who lives near my uncle but he has constant migraines and can't visit as often. He took his mother's death very hard and I don't think he'd take my uncle's death well. My uncle also told me that he found some old letters that my dad wrote to him and some cassette tapes he recorded talking to him and telling him about his life from back in the 70s. He sent them to my sister and she said she's going to convert the cassette recordings to mp3 files and send them to me.

I decided to take another crack at accessing Mom's info on her income from social security and had to call the login company. The gentleman on the phone was very nice and explained that I should make a new login with id.gov and explained how to do it. So, I now have the 1099r forms from social security & DFAS. He also said I would need to delete the old government login account and create a new one and agreed that it was stupid to have to do that but that's how it was designed. Mom was in her chair and I was having to lean over her to type on her keyboard. Fippy was getting possessive and tried to bite my foot. The guy laughed when he heard me call Fippy and a-hole. Mom had to pick him up and hold him and I had to shush him because he kept growling until she rolled him on his back. That's our way of putting him in a time-out. It takes 24hrs for the login account to be deleted so I have to wait until then and see whatever verification is needed.

I tasked Mom with finding the info on the banks for me while I went to the post office and store, but she didn't feel like doing it. Will have to get that done tomorrow or later this evening. I got a package from Amazon. I was opening it and taking stuff out when Rupert decided he had to jump in. He's currently sleeping in it now. LOL.
Glad to see you have your priorities straight 😉

Woke up at 3am. Coffeed up by 4. Supposed to be my day off but I “get” to work. Have my new tires to take in to have mounted then can get the studs off which will be much quieter. Long to do list.
Oh yeah- radishes are sprouting- direct sewed them outside 😍
Had coffee.
Goofed off with a close friend.
We went out to lunch"Dutch".
It was nice to see them, visit over a leisurely lunch.
I drove, dropped them off.
So tomorrow I will have to work.
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Sis is still visiting...so things are busy. Animal chores, taking care of husband's stuff, went and got milkshakes this afternoon, and went to visit mom and bring her the favorite strawberry shake. Picked up husband's prescriptions. Neighbor insisted we stop by after prescriptions to pick up two boxes of ritz crackers and a 5 lb block of cheddar, so we did that, too. Got to see her lambs.
Electricians showed up at our house across the street to install patio lighting ... 2 pole lights and 4 wall lights, and change out the electrical boxes. Easy right? No. The pole light bases were wrong and could not be installed. Had to reorder 2 new ones. Spent 1 hour on the computer to find the correct ones, but had to also buy 2 new poles!!!

Lawn care guy came by to discuss lawn care for the season.

Contractor for master bath remodel met me at Home Depot to pick up our bathroom tile.
Must be shift change, I'm up. Actually I've been up for a while. This morning I'm going to take mr/mrs possum on a long romantic drive, they get to ride in the bed of the truck. I've got a cottage picked out for them way out in the boonies (Actually a swampy area about 5 miles from here). This one is much larger than the last, I invested in some welding gloves to avoid any unnecessary finger chewing...
We've got rain coming in this afternoon and I have a lot of work I want to do outside today before it gets here.
Well Mickey Mouse says it's almost 05:00 so I'm out of here!
I have a day off! So I'll be working harder around home today, lol! Got some mowing to do, laundry is started, desperately need to work on my schedule! I have several extra jobs (carpet cleaning) that I need to work into my schedule! Mid 80's today, yay, will be outside a lot! Going to trim Buddy's hooves, I'm pretty sure he can comfortably stand on the bad leg, we will see!
I go to my cousin's down the shore for Easter today. The traffic is always crap on holidays and Sundays, so we always do our holiday together on Saturday.

I'll be working tomorrow. The tech that works on Sundays (so I don't have to anymore) is getting to spend the holiday with her family. She's in nursing school, so holidays with family will be a rare treat in the future for her. Only part that sucks for me is that it's not a paid holiday tomorrow.

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