What's everybody doing today?

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More clouds and heat and humidity and thunder....but no rain. Trees and garden and thirsty! Will try some watering, but I don't know the capacity of this well so I'm a little hesitant.
So very very thankful to have the AC in. This old woman just can't handle the heat and humidity at all anymore.
Had to shoot another squirrel today. Stupid thing just wouldn't leave the birdfeeder alone and was driving the dog nuts. It's fine when they run around the back yard and she can watch through through the patio door, but tearing apart the birdfeeder and causing the dog to try and rip through the window screen crosses the line.
The deer have gotten over any momentary anxiety about the dog. They're in the yard again all the time and are pooping right where the dog poops. So much for my theory of not cleaning up after her to make the deer stay away. They'll even stand there and let her get within 10 ft, about pulling my arm out of the socket as she strains against the harness to 'go get 'em'. Even then they only move a few feet, and we have to keep after them to get them to leave the yard. The look of disgust, 'all right, all right, I'm going already!'. Who knew deer were so expressive?
Didn't get a generator yet. We have an electrician friend who will come over Monday and talk to us about what we will need and any extra stuff we will need to get. Better to be informed a bit before putting out the money!

Already walked.
Walked dogs.
Set up appt. online to renew DL's.
Made several business calls.
Will write my friend in the military.

Just got another little Princess for the kingdom!!!!
I'm glad this post is here. Today I am basking in the glory of both of my ceiling fans working in the living room. I know that sounds stupid, but I've had a 2 & a half year ordeal getting one of them fixed. After have 2 different electricians work on the broken one & zero results I got all the info needed to contact some guy in India or where ever, who then patched me through to the company. (Why do companies hire call centers in countries where English is barely spoken?). I give them the name of the ceiling fan (a pain to find out because it's 15 year old) & what I "thought" I needed to replace. The cost with shipping & everything.....wait for it....$29. Two & a half years dealing with this & it arrived the day before yesterday. So I took it to the last electrician that I delt with (who also installed my outside ceiling fan) & had him PROFESSIONALLY take the old guts out & put the new guts in. I was not taking the chance of a moron (ME) screwing it up, dropping it or whatever. I got it back early yesterday and drank 2 beers preparing myself for it not working. Then I could put it off no longer & grabbed my little ladder & started to install. As soon as I clipped the clip into the top piece the ceiling fan started to spin. Now my fans match & both work. I'm going to do nothing today because the odds of me having 2 successful days in a row of doing anything are zero.
High ho ! High Ho!
It's off to the laundromat I go!
Taking all quilts, blankets, to be washed and dried.
All the Chemo stuff to so it will be ready for the next go around.
High Ho! High Ho!

I'm home from laundromat that was a bit costly.
But everything washed, dried and put away now.
Chemo bag is repacked.
Dropped of a box of blankets for Christmas for veterans program for local veterans.
Dropped of a car seat, base to House of Hope for domestic violence people.
Also dropped of box of toys that are no longer being played with at Granny's house.
Those also went to House of Hope.
This was yesterday's agenda.

Today's agenda:
Get the dictionary out so I can look up words with my little helper.
So she knows there is more ways to learn how to spell words instead of "Google".
Labeling, dating jams, jellies, carrots so they can be put away.
I'm good at trimming goat hooves! I raised Angoras many years ago! If I ever do come visit we'll make it a working vacation!💗
you are invited any time :) But it will be a long drive from Texas

Yukon started up 3 times no problem :) went to store, back and then in front of the house to unload

I hope it starts for the farmers market this weekend

Got 40 lbs of rice and everything else on my list, so done with the shopping this week except I need to go to the Amish store for flour, but that is just down the road a few miles
Mr TC is out of town. You know what they say "When the cat's away ..."
I'm playing hookie today and doing things around the house.
Tomorrow, hookie again, but going to visit my bff for the day.
We'll trade goods (including a pair of bunnies I'm bringing home), we'll probably do lunch, and I'm certain we'll laugh alot!
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If you are expanding your work area that much @Pearl Riversbend has plenty of airbnbs that need a hard working gal to make good money!!!!!

I always need some cleaning done I do the vacuuming and the windows and screens outside with a scrub brush.

SIL has a draft horse that need a farrier sometimes, you might be a while getting back to BIG T though.


All kidding aside I am ready to hold that Great Grandchild in MY ROCKING CHAIR NOW they need to get home with her!!!


I may just have to go meet them in the middle of the road!!!!! HEHEHEHEH.
Ok, I broke down on my statement about & tried to do something SIMPLE. My wife bought a long shower rod & I was to put a cloth picture on it & hang it on our porch between 2 rock walls. No ladder (my wife has it in the back yard) so I was standing on a patio chair & trying to extend that sucker to each wall. It wouldn't screw & lock in place & the 3rd time I almost fell I tossed it to the side & walked inside. A beer & a Reacher 2 episode calmed me down (I ALMOST took that rod & bent it around one of our rock walls). Anyway to get something done I broke up a limb that fell in the yard & filled yet another garbage can. That's it for today. Now I have STRONGLY SUGGESTED that we buy BBQ & have that for dinner.
Adding an ending to a book I'm writing as I brew yellow-green potion, (cannabutter.) for four more hours. I'm making a doubly potent dose. I will then consume it tomorrow after work, and begin my epic editing phase.

I might read a book on my mental condition. (schizo)
Hip is still hurting, so it has been been a couple of weeks since I saw ortho PA. He said to call him if it wasn't better. Called and talked with nurse she said he doesn't remember telling me that. She said, what are wanting. I told her I wanted the hip replaced, like he told me. I hate dealing with any medical people, tell you one thing and then act like they didn't say it. I am planning to move to MO or AR in next 6 months to a year and need to get this done here. The main Dr. who does the surgery is one of the best in US. Wife has had both hips replaced by him.
Now I tell you what, when a wife wants her husband to do something, she will let him have the needed tools. BUT if she tells her husband NOT to do it because he is going to get hurt he has the be reasonable and logical,

NO woman is going to tell her husband NOT to do something around the house unless she is absolutely sure he is gonna mess it up, that is a 100% logical ass-u-me tion. HEHEHEHEH.

So she thought you were smart enough to figure it out.
I got my 40 hour notice that my position has been abolished at work. That means I have 4 work days and then after my shift on next Wednesday I'll be without a position. At that point I'll have 15 calendar days to place myself in a new position by "bumping" another guy who has lower seniority than me. I'm looking at a couple tie gangs here in the Midwest. There's one in Columbus, Nebraska that works a 7 on, 7 off schedule and should never get further from home than Cheyenne, WY or Pueblo, CO. I think I'll go to that gang.

The gang I have been on was perfect for me this spring. The schedule worked out in my favor. But I never really fit in, and it was getting to be time to move on anyway. I may even look at going back to the section gang in Des Moines. We'll see what happens...
Yeah I was on all kinds of jobs got rolled/bumped quite a few times, I never understood why we could not just drag up go on the out of work list like carpenters and electricians and take a different job or ride the cash train.

I ran all kinds of equipment, Gradalls, tampers, rotary dumps, grapple trucks, brush cutters, tie cranes, Tie inserters, spikers, walking hammers, spike pullers, rail changers, backhoes, trackhoes, The one I wish I had never seen was the ballast regulator, it is why I have the breathing problem.

What ever you do keep out of that rock dust, steel grinding and saw dust as much as you can.

Welding smoke from Thermite portions and especially Frogbuilds is just as bad too.
Yeah I was on all kinds of jobs got rolled/bumped quite a few times, I never understood why we could not just drag up go on the out of work list like carpenters and electricians and take a different job or ride the cash train.

I ran all kinds of equipment, Gradalls, tampers, rotary dumps, grapple trucks, brush cutters, tie cranes, Tie inserters, spikers, walking hammers, spike pullers, rail changers, backhoes, trackhoes, The one I wish I had never seen was the ballast regulator, it is why I have the breathing problem.

What ever you do keep out of that rock dust, steel grinding and saw dust as much as you can.

Welding smoke from Thermite portions and especially Frogbuilds is just as bad too.
Our regulators have pressurized cabs so the dust usually isn't too much of a problem. I ran one a couple years ago for a while. I'm not very good at it but I can pull rock and plow and broom if you need me to do it.

I'm qualified on the tie inserter but the ones I qualified on years ago were obsolete back then. The Nordco inserters we have now are way more advanced and I've barely run one so I'm not comfortable bumping on the big production gang inserters. The little gang in Columbus is probably way more laid back and would be a much better environment to get acquainted with the machine. I might just bump a laborer and wait for a good job to come up on the bid line. I could always go back to the plate inserter too but I did that for six years and I think I've taken that job as far as I can go with it.

Whatever happens, it'll turn out OK. I've got just enough seniority to hold on without having to go out to the west coast or the Rocky mountains so I'm happy...

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