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What's everybody doing today?

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It got miserably hot today; 84 degs. Had to turn the ceiling fans on. Now that the sun is down its cooling off nicely.
Got the water going in the berry's and grapes. Gassed some gopher holes. The little pests like the moist soil for digging around in.
The wife has an emergency appointment with the eye doctor tomorrow afternoon. Once things get back to normal around here, I'm going to call a doctor about my back. The pain seems to keep getting worse.
Ugh. Hot. It's 930 pm and it's 93 out still. Ugh.
how do people sleep at night in this without ac?
It's in the 60s here at night at least, but gets hot in the afternoon. It actually reached 83 in the house yesterday, was probably 90 outside
We need some rain, but it is supposed to rain tonight
Winter, I'm in bed by 8-9pm, summer, 12-1am😮😮! I'm up by 5:30am, sometimes 3 in the winter! I'm too old for summer!!!😮 Nah, not 'til next summer!!😉
My sleeping schedule changes also in summer, I get up when it gets light out ( 5.30-6) and go to bed when it gets dark around 9.30
winter I get up around 8 and go to bed around 7 ( and watch youtube or something)
went shopping yesterday, went to Lowes ( closest hardware store) and got a new weedeater since son blew up the other one. He forgot to put oil in it....
everything is SO expensive, it was almost $300 but we did get one that didn't require oil, just oil and gas mixed
I did find 2 packs of green beans ( pole beans) so here goes my 4th attempt at green beans this year. I put them in little pots for now
also got a watermelon, something that does not grow well here, not hot enough long enough I suppose, so I don't try to grow melons anymore

today gardening and I have to start on my sourdough bread
Most don't have AC here, but most do have fans at least. They run the big ones off car batteries and an inverter. We do have AC downstairs, but yesterday, it didn't keep up till the sun went down. I also run dehumidifiers. Upstairs bedrooms have portable AC's. Alot of amish will sleep outside in this weather.
So, just came in from taking pup out for a bathroom time. Fluffy the cat came and jumped on my lap while I was waiting for the pup. At one point, I was petting one with one hand and the other with the other hand. Just a slight hiss today, and no massive fight and take down by the cat, so improvement. Two male cats (Nacho and Bowie) go in to get neutered first thing this morning. Then animal chores, Aldi shopping, and staying in as much as possible late afternoon.
@sonya123 and @Amish Heart a friend in Vermont (who obviously would not have air conditioning) told me they open a window or two on top floor, or second floor, put a fan in the window to blow out of the house. She says it significantly cools the whole house if they have a freak hot spell. Sounds messed up to me but do whatever works. Lol
Before it is time to let loose with the AC, I have a Pedestal Fan that I move around to get the AM Air coming in from the Outside Shade to get the warm air out the same window in the PM...!!! Keeps the temp in the low 80's f...!! Now it's in the hallway circulating the inside cool air so the AC doesn't click on n off as much...! :lightbulb:
Morning everyone.
I don't know why I'm awake this early. LOL. Woke up before 7am. Mom woke me up after midnight last night to cook for her. Brother was home from work and I wasn't very hungry so he got some of the food too. Then around 6:30am I heard cats growling. Senator Snugglebum was on my nightstand rubbing his face on the wall and on the sack of pinecones that used to have cinnamon scent. I left it up out of laziness, but also because the cats like it. I thought it was Mewlatto growling at first but when I reached my hand back more I could feel another cat. Biscuits was pressed up against my back and Snugs was staring him down. I started petting him until he calmed down and then pulled him over my side and to my front so he was farther away from Snugglebum. He seemed to realize what I was doing so he was rubbing his face against my face and cuddling me. Then my bladder woke up and I had to get up.

I do not know how people survive without air conditioning during these hot summers. My bathroom isn't air conditioned and its hot as hell in there. Mom's bathroom is air conditioned. I am wondering how difficult it would be to add another branch to the hvac to run something to my bathroom too.

Meanwhile, my brother went out to speak with the workers. He knows enough Spanish to ask for the supervisor-- who was European-- and they directed my brother to him. He was actually out there so my brother talked to him, he showed my brother a map of where service will be, said the name of the ISP and that we should be able to get service. I'm now wondering if I can get permission from Starlink to sell the equipment on to someone else. Apparently the equipment can't be sold without their permission.

Also got notice in the mail from Samsclub that they are reducing the perks for Plus members but not adjusting the price. No more free shipping unless you order $50 worth of stuff. Didn't clarify if that is per order or if you buy $50 worth of stuff from their store before that. I'm going to ask them for clarification on that I suppose.

Jus had to stop and go break up a fight between Snugglebum and Yasuke. The latter is now happily curled up on the cat tree and the former is now on my bed next to me.
I'm just working on the Worthington subdivision in southwest Minnesota. With all the flooding, everything is chaos over here and there are high level managers hiding in the weeds everywhere we go. Today is my last day with this gang and to be honest I'm not sad about it. Not sure where I'll go next, but it'll probably be a low pressure job on a tie gang or I'll go be a surf gang laborer and get paid from the neck down. I'm really burned out on the railroad right now...
Drinking coffee. Sneezing. Trying to work. Waiting for the sprinklers to shutoff so I can check the garden before the marathon of conference calls scheduled today. It’s cloudy and sticky outside, didn’t cool off much last night. I have some painting to do at grandmas house tonight, final coat on the kitchen and laundry cabinets. Drilled and test fitted All the hinges and pulls last night and installed a tip out drawer on the sink cabinet. Just waiting for the pullout trash bin to show up and then I will be done with that task. Just flooring, grout on backsplash, and touch up painting when the trim/soffit is installed and the kitchen is done. Floors, paint, and floor tile in the bathroom is all we have left in the rest of the house.
took care of animals and pulled sky high weeds in the garden that has totally been neglected. Found a bunch of sunflowers covered by weeds, they actually look pretty good ( I put seeds in the ground in early May)
tomatoe plants look ok too but husband pulled one out by accident

I am about to make stuffed grapeleaves, that is going to take a while
@Spikedriver EVERYBODY that works for the money grubbing "operating ratio" bean counters is fed up and it is beginning to cost them the people who know how to really run a railroad and getting them people who have no idea how to fix a problem.

All of the unions need to file a safety complaint against the trash at the top, and go on rotating strikes that close the doors every other day.

Transportation goes out and are sent back, The day they come back Engineering goes, as soon as they are told to go back Signal goes, then Carmen, Machinist and rotate back again, always honoring each others picket lines!!!
@Spikedriver EVERYBODY that works for the money grubbing "operating ratio" bean counters is fed up and it is beginning to cost them the people who know how to really run a railroad and getting them people who have no idea how to fix a problem.

All of the unions need to file a safety complaint against the trash at the top, and go on rotating strikes that close the doors every other day.

Transportation goes out and are sent back, The day they come back Engineering goes, as soon as they are told to go back Signal goes, then Carmen, Machinist and rotate back again, always honoring each others picket lines!!!
I'd love to do that, but you know the President would sign an emergency action prohibiting it as soon as he hears about it. I wanted to strike a couple years ago, but it's a lost cause...
In buffalo ny one summer my house didn’t have air conditioning, no houses did. There was a heat wave, temps in the high 90’s for over a week. I was working a lot, came home one night and it was 100f+ in my house, way too hot to sleep.

I was going to drag a mattress down in the full basement and sleep, nice and cool down there. So I went down to check for the best spot and noticed my furnace, just sitting there not being used. I got a screwy idea! 😁

I pulled out the furnace filter from the return vent at the unit and replaced it with a piece of cardboard, blocking the vent. Then I removed the cover from the base and cut the power cord to the fan motor. I spliced on an extension cord. I went up stairs and raised the all the windows a bit. Then back down and plugged in the extension cord.

The furnace fan motor began pushing cool air from the basement up through the vent system. Half hour later my house was a pleasant 72f. I ran it several more nights until the heat wave was over. I could run it 2 nights before having to skip a night and allow the air in the basement to cool back down. I called it poor man’s airconditioning, worked great! Of course I had to undo my work that fall so the furnace could work normally again. But I used my a/c the next summer too.

But yes to @Amish Heart point, I remember sleeping outside as a kid during heat waves. Especially during August. A lot cooler than the house, especially if we were canning and using the stoves during the day.

Have to take dad for an mri this afternoon... no other plans.
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Went to the farm for hand tools for a Job.
Took in strap copper wire & got $202.50.
Found cheese on sale half off.
Refrigerator died & lost a lot of food.
The frig that died was the down stairs spare/ overflow Frig, still lost a lot of food. So I am looking at buying a new refrigerator which is $500.00 to $3000.00 dollar according to cubic feet & brand name.
The old frig was used, A friend was moving out of state & only wanted $100.00, it lasted ten years. Also will have to take old one to scrap yard, county will not pick it up.
In buffalo ny one summer my house didn’t have air conditioning, no houses did. There was a heat wave, temps in the high 90’s for over a week. I was working a lot, came home one night and it was 100f+ in my house, way too hot to sleep.

I was going to drag a mattress down in the full basement and sleep, nice and cool down there. So I went down to check for the best spot and noticed my furnace, just sitting there not being used. I got a screwy idea! 😁

I pulled out the furnace filter from the return vent at the unit and replaced it with a piece of cardboard, blocking the vent. Then I removed the cover from the base and cut the power cord to the fan motor. I spliced on an extension cord. I went up stairs and raised the all the windows a bit. Then back down and plugged in the extension cord.

The furnace fan motor began pushing cool air from the basement up through the vent system. Half hour later my house was a pleasant 72f. I ran it several more nights until the heat wave was over. I could run it 2 nights before having to skip a night and allow the air in the basement to cool back down. I called it poor man’s airconditioning, worked great! Of course I had to undo my work that fall so the furnace could work normally again. But I used my a/c the next summer too.

But yes to @Amish Heart point, I remember sleeping outside as a kid during heat waves. Especially during August. A lot cooler than the house, especially if we were canning and using the stoves during the day.

Have to take dad for an mri this afternoon... no other plans.
Basements are nice :)
Basements are nice :)
My Basement is 10 degree lower than upstairs & quiet.
I got a used couch from someone, DW suggested I put it in the basement. When the children got noise & under foot, I would slip down stairs & read until the afternoon cooled off enough to be outside.
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My Basement is 10 degree lower than upstairs & quiet.
I got a used couch from someone, DW suggested I put it in the basement. When the children got noise & under foot, I would slip down starts & read until the afternoon cooled off enough to be outside.
A house has to have a basement, dry and at least partially finished, or I'm not interested. Basements are cooler in summer and don't need much heat in winter, they're quieter, less light comes in. Plus where I live it's your storm shelter. I'd hate to live in Florida or Texas where most houses don't have basements...
Alot of people around here have a bedroom of sorts in the basement for napping. Mostly I just notice everyone's schedule change. Our hottest points are between 2pm and 6pm. No one works then. So people that work outside usually start about 430 am and come in before lunch, or come home before lunch. We have fans that blow air upstairs. It helps.
So it's 90 now, out of the shower, done with the majority of the outside work. Dug a few new potatoes. Animals done till new water around 3 or 4ish. Nacho and Bowie, the boy cats won't be ready till later. Bowie is having a big bump lanced and antibiotic given from his fighting with Demon, the other cat that doesn't belong to anybody. But they might as well do it while he's knocked out anyway. Relaxing time, lunch time, then on to Aldi and pharmacy pickup in the bigger town. Think I'll make smoothies to cool us off.
A house has to have a basement, dry and at least partially finished, or I'm not interested. Basements are cooler in summer and don't need much heat in winter, they're quieter, less light comes in. Plus where I live it's your storm shelter. I'd hate to live in Florida or Texas where most houses don't have basements...
I worked with a man who is from Minnesota, he as shocked that every home did not have a basement. I would not live without a basement or at least a root cellar.
One of the houses one of my kids lived in did have a basement (Texas). It was built quite a few decades ago, the wife of the builder said she wasn't moving to TX unless the house had a basement (tornadoes).
Majority of homes here don't have basements, true; they say it is because of the shifting sand and soil. Nope, I'm not liking it, it also makes the floors colder in winter.
You know what most Texans do when the tornado siren goes off? They go outside and look around, if it is not hailing and 80 mph sheer force winds, even then... Majority of homes do not have a safe place to hunker down. I think we're finished with it somewhat for now (spring tornadoes).

Taking another day, just feeling low. Going to go out and refresh the bird and squirrel water.
I didn't have to work today, I didn't get everything done I thought I would! The couple I would have cleaned for today switched for Saturday! The husband had a minor back procedure that ended him up in a lot of pain! Hubby took an older lady to a doctor's appointment and to run errands, at least he's not working outside in this heat! The heat advisory continues! Pretty sure a nap is happening soon!

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