What's everybody doing today?

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Son left on the early morning train, we'll miss him, but he does visit pretty often. Animal chores, then a doc appt this afternoon for husband. I need to go to Aldi, too, but I might wait till tomorrow. Son leaves the extra truck at the train station when he goes in, so we'll have to pick it up today, too. We had a great steak dinner last night when we took son out to eat, then our amish neighbor came by to visit and talk with son...they're the same age and like to visit. We talked about the new fire yesterday. We did drive by the burnt areas when we left for dinner...it was a wheat field after harvest, and after the round bales of straw were done, left on the field. So the straw still in the field was burnt and bales, but they did get it out quickly, so maybe 20 acres. Neighbor is speculating someone is angry about our community turning down 1. large solar fields, 2. wind turbine fields, and most recently, an industrial development building(s) complex. Or it could just be a crazy fire person.
Neighbor is speculating someone is angry about our community turning down 1. large solar fields, 2. wind turbine fields, and most recently, an industrial development building(s) complex. Or it could just be a crazy fire person.
I saw something like that in a German tv show, the property owners all wanted to sell except one ( for a windmill farm) and he got murdered ( by a neighbor that needed the money)
Either way that totally sucks. I hope they catch whoever is doing it soon
No one ever sells around here. If you need property, the word is put out, and it would be a private sale with someone that knows you. If you search land for sale here, there's nothing. Or houses. But if you have a relative that wants maybe a small house and a few acres, you just put the word out.
Hopefully this fire bug will stop. There's still wheat out there, although alot's been harvested. But there's straw bales (round) on the fields. Corn and soybeans will be green for awhile. Come September when the feed corn is drying in the fields, that could be a problem. That would burn well.
If the clutch will not release, there are a number of ways this can happen, but you are not stuck as long as you have a good battery.

Out the vehicle in second or so if you are on a level or down grade and not heavily loaded lowes of course if you are.

You probably know about what sound your car makes when you shift it as you are driving it will start at a low frequency and get to a higher on then you will push the clutch and let off of the gas and shift the lever to the next gear.

Without the clutch you must just match the sounds from high as you push the lever out to low as yo let off the gas and push it into the next gear.

I promise if you have never driven a big truck it will seem strange and be a little hard to do, you must push the lever out just as you let off the gas so hold a little pressure against it as you let off and you can feel it loosen then just push it quickly out and toward the next gear, do not take your foot completely off of the throttle jus let it go back to low.

It may grind a little, do not force it it will move in a little,, then you push it on in and ease into the throttle, if it does not go all the way in just give it a little and let off and most times it will go on in.

It is a trial and error thing you will have to learn,

Good luck, it is a good idea to learn this type of shifting you may need it at an important moment.

If the clutch is slipping and will not engage, a hydraulic clutch out of adjustment can build up fluid in the slave cylinder and not return to engage. If you can get the line loose on the clutch "master cylinder" and bleed it, you can do the clutch-less shift if it reengages.

A diaphragm type clutch can over-center and stick to the floor it is dangerous and hard to flip it if it has so unless you have good open access to the pressure plate and a way to jerk your hand and tool out of the way I would not fool with it.
Yeah, I was able to shift without the clutch, just matched the speed with the gears. I pulled in to a driveway in town and parked. If need be I can put it in reverse and use the starter to back out and turn around. I'm heading in to town now to see if there's anything I can do. I found out that I have towing on my auto insurance. The nearest tow truck is about an hour away.
This weekend we hosted a youth trappers camp here on the ranch. People started showing up on Thursday. The kids all got their trappers education certification card so now they can get their license. I think there was 28 kids here plus their parents. Everyone had a great time. The kids were great and very respectful. They came from all over the state, and even out of state. Seeing these kids like this gives me hope for our future.
Yesterday morning I had a forestery guy come up and mapped out an area that I want cleared and thinned. The contractor will start on it in July. This year we'll clear about 60 acres.
Walked early with Bo this morning.
Took DH to town with me.
Home Health supply--cat keeps chewing up oxygen line.
Baptist missionary board for list of ministries.
Going to re-can (PC) baked beans today. Have 2 #10 cans that were gifted.

I've been tired and weak lately. Not sure if it is the heat or I'm not eating enough. I'm thinking the heat.
I'm barely awake. Woke up from my alarm, got up to go to the bathroom, and am lying back down. Mom has a doctor appointment around 3pm. I'll have to turn the truck around to make it easier for her to get in. Right now I'm resting. I overdid things the past few days and need to let my body and mind rest more.

Mewlatto is ever so helpfully clinging to me again.
It's too hot here, too. Did the animal chores and gardening stuff till noon, had a quick lunch and got husband to his doc appt. Then we went to the sewing shop and got little granddaughter signed up for the young girl's sewing classes starting next month. She did some last year and liked it. This year will be a travel pillow/blanket, pj bottoms, and a zippered purse. So we'll need to get the material/supplies soon before classes. Picked up the truck from the train station and got it home. It's hot. We're rehydrating. Then going into our little town to the post office, the amish store, and to get some sweet corn from the neighbor.
Got up, worked out, did some chores, finished building an AR15, went to town, picked up a few things, came home to watch my brown haired roommate climb out of bed, watched her workout while making cat calls, took a coed shower, watched her get ready then go to work, grabbed a pistol and the above discussed AR15 and went to the range for test fire time. All went well.
Took Mom to her appointment. It was the followup with the GP and not the one to set up her insulin pump. That will be tomorrow.
On the way home I saw the workers digging and putting in conduit up to my neighbor's house 1/4 mile down the road with no signs of them going any further. Looks like I will not be getting fiberoptic internet. Not surprised they are stopping there though. Slightly disappointed.

Mom wanted Subway food so I got her a meatball sandwich and I got a black forest ham sandwich. Refilled water and fed kitties. Mom held up Boo's bowl while he ate his canned food and it made him happy.
Tree man came today to start the removal. About half of what fell has been cut up, chipped or otherwise removed. The remainder will be taken care of either over the weekend or Monday when he comes back to take the rest of the tree down.

Besides the firewood and wood chips there was another bonus to the calamity. The tree had a fair amount of lichen on it. Looks to be the kind that can be used as a natural dye. Since I plan on learning natural dyeing of my yarn as the next step in my fiber learning and adventures, I scraped off as much as I could without having to climb or crawl the tree. Got an 8 ounce jar full. If I identified it correctly, it will yield a purple dye.
Today did run around here and there not far
JC changed my car oils ..
He never want $ but I did give him anyway ;)

Was 80f + today
but tomorrow will be much better 53f to 70f
and thunderstorms 👍

As usual I am always sentimental about animals
this is why I did pick that sweet good night video


I have been doing the normal weed seed water mow thing. I have been spending time at the hobby house digging a ditch and running 2" pvc for the sump pump discharge.

I have harvested broccoli and radishes blueberries and strawberry.

It has been hot but that is true for most.

Feeling blessed

I have been doing the normal weed seed water mow thing. I have been spending time at the hobby house digging a ditch and running 2" pvc for the sump pump discharge.

I have harvested broccoli and radishes blueberries and strawberry.

It has been hot but that is true for most.

Feeling blessed

Yay! You got to play with your favorite shovel 😍
Yay! You got to play with your favorite shovel 😍
If I have a favorite shovel, somebody SHOOT ME. Now , a favorite book, leave me alone :p

I do actually have a favorite shovel, but that isn't for casual conversation :p

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