What's everybody doing today?

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Got everything watered n fed.
Dishes done..
It's not terribly hot out yet but the sun is searing to me today..
Either the UV index is high or I just overdid the sun yesterday.
I guess I was mowing late afternoon in the heat of it.
Finally getting to my coffee I started brewing at 0530 when I got up the first time.
Next I decided I will take the pups to the river (it's more like a creek to me). It is too late to hike in this heat and I'm kinda done today.
I still have to mow the garden and unload my truck.
I scored on some panels and a big pallet motor sat on from work.
We are putting in the new headrig and all the parts come in big wooden boxes with heavy 2x6 pallet flooring n panels.
Since they are loaded with screws n nails..the wood can't be recycled into the chipper.
It all has to be thrown away..
But then there is me...I'm a upcycling scavenger and I see a floor n panels for a trash can shed, I see raised beds for the garden, a floor n frame for my outside mattress for stargazing ..
I keep the boss in with nice fresh eggs and soon extra garden veggies..he let's me take whatever I want.
He mentioned I don't have to trade him..it helps him out..less to have to throw away.
But I prefer a trade..keeps things equal in a way, n we both get something we value. No one can say I'm getting special treatment either..gotta be mindful of that when a woman works in a predominant man's job.


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So I'm at my building, power is only out on one side! Decided to go ahead and clean what I could! Tracked down a run capacitor for the pool, waiting for the pool store to open at noon!🙄 I'll be on my way home within the hour to put on the new capacitor!!
Pool pump is running strong!! 😃😃😃 Easy, fairly inexpensive fix!! Having a little lunch, taking a little nap!
another hot day, at least it is not very humid here ( well, compared to Florida)
I am glad our house was built to stay relatively cool in summer, it does not get hot in here until late afternoon. Right now it's 71 in the kitchen were the sun is shining in right now , that's not bad

going to work in the garden some today, my collard greens have started growing in a pot, I need to get an area ready to put them in the garden when they get bigger

going to make one more peach pie ( last one then no more peaches) unless someone has a suggestion on how to preserve peaches in some way they don't turn to mush ( I have tried freezing them, they turn to brown nasty mush , canning them didn't work either)
there goes the diet again....I will try to limit myself to 1 piece

going to take Otto for a walk up the mountain, he hasn't been in almost a week ( too hot , no time). Son plays with him so he gets enough exercise but he likes running around in the woods too

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!
Peach preserves, peach jam
Or my favorite Spiced Peach jelly.
Was ill again today.
I took my Chemo Cancer pill this morning, it makes me ill.
But not to worry I'm drinking my 96 ounces of lemon water.
Going to do dishes.
Will have to figure out something my little buddy can cook tomorrow.
Estelle and I will go have coffee with the guys(Veterans) at the building in the morning.
If it isn't super hot humid might have picnic in the park for change.
Will be showing her how to snap beans that were picked this morning.
We will be fixing them up for her to eat for lunch.
I am eating pretty light these days, about 6 miniature meals a day.
Crocheting an weighted Tunisian blanket for a Veteran.
I work awhile, sleep a while.
Primary Care Nurse this is part of the aftereffects of being ill a few weeks ago.
That would be easy for my body in a weaken state to get dehydrated.
So new pills will be sent next week to help with muscle spasm etc.
Drink water lots and lots of water.
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Very smooth Sunday day
With rain and rolling thunder
No sun at all .. dark grey sky
58f too good to be true 👍
Tomorrow same temperature
I love it ..even critters were calm

Everybody did eat..myself too ;)

Had phone call from good mood George
and an e.mail from my sister 🙂

I hope I will sleep as good as I slept last night

If you worked hard get some rest tonight

Have a good night!!!!

Hey tomorrow Monday ..Yeah!!!!!
Last week of JUNE ⏰

I totally did nothing today I had planned on doing
we ended up moving goats around. The intact boys got their own pasture , it was a huge amount of work catching some of them. There are 2 who's mother we send to the auction ( she was not really healthy enough to breed again) and they are not friendly at all now. I think they are holding a grudge since their mom got removed....
The milk goat boy didn't want to be caught either.
But we moved them. Then we moved the one year olds back together with the moms and babies. Lots of fighting there....hope they are all ok now.
Then I baked another peach pie. Had to do something with the remaining peaches.
Then I looked at the weather and it is supposed to storm tonight, so off we went to catch those little stinking goat boys again to put them in the barn. We only managed to catch 2 out of 5. The other 3 will just have to deal with it. They do have a little shelter they can stand under.
So we thought we were done and the 2 large goat bucks come running up the road. There was a hole under the fence. We put them in their goat house for the night. At least those 2 follow the food. The little ones didn't seem interested in grain which is weird.
So I am tired and my foot hurts
Just rest today, too tired for major projects. Opened some of my new medical gear. Did some pre-sorting, most items are in the correct pile or box. Next will be gathering anything medical related from the whole house. Then a complete inventory on paper so final sorting can begin.

Have to take dad to see doctors tomorrow. Might be a serious issue, let the testing begin, sooner the better. No other plans for now.

Watching a little tv tonight...
My planned short trip to the creek wasn't short and weall got more sun n exercise than I wanted.
I thought I lost my keys, so after our hike n swim..I had to turn around and track myself , retrace my route.
We get back to the car..pups are hot, it's pushing 90 they are done..ready to nap and I had that oh _hit moment.
So, I ask if they want to go..they both look at me like, " no??..we go home human..cheezy snak n nappytime"
So thankfully I left the windows down, I leave a door open in case they change their mind n back on the trail I go..cursing myself the whole way..finding my shoe marks and tracking. It wasn't that hard to follow really. I'm pretty consistent and a bunch of bikes had been through that wernt too old. The cows are gone too for awhile it looks like..their turds are dehydrated n crusty.
The last time i was out there the fat one rolled a fresh stinky cow turd all over her.
Anyways, the only other track I saw besides the bike tires was one older horse hooves on the trail.
Just as I get to the creek, here come the pups. Danny even got wet up too his bellie. I'm pretty impressed with his ability to find me..but his breed is in the hound group.
Now I'm thinking if they dropped into the creek..I'm probably screwed. Especially, now that the pups are all over the old sign on the gravel bar.
They are enjoying a second splash..I'm thinking..well.._hit!!!
So, I'm standing in a few inches of water..thinking..I keep a set of extra keys on my truck hidden..why haven't I done this for the car?! Dumb_ss move but at least I have a few gallons of water in the car I can drink. I have my gun on me and once it cools off ..TONIGHT ..I can start hiking back home with the pups.
No way they will make it in this heat even though I'm not very far from home..I have my phone but not enough service to make a call where I'm at..and of course no one knows where I'm at because..it's how I roll.
I look down at a little fishy swimming n shiny carabiner glistening in the sun on the gravel bar!! Two more tracks to the end of the bar n bent over to pick up a pretty rock last time is where I unintentionally deposited my keys.
The fat one was standing over it ..it wasn't untill she moved that I saw them.
Whew...that adventure took up alot of my afternoon..next time I go to onterio..I'm stopping by Subaru to cut me another key.
Got my ironing done- temporarily. I didn’t put the board and iron away since I have a load ready to go in the morning 🫣. Finally made it to church ⛪️. We’ve been gone every weekend for a month so haven’t been.
Stopped in at the thrift shop on my way to see if I could find a couple Tshirts. Mine are becoming religious (holey 😂). I did find 2, but the fun part is out front they have free bins. There was an old homemade looking scrapbook with recipes etc. I figured it would end up in the trash so took it. In going through it, the recipes are from the 50s-70s. There is a recipe for old fashioned cake donuts 🍩. The real old fashioned kind with soured cream and mace. I was so thrilled to get that. I will have to give them a try. I haven’t had “good” “real” cake donuts since I was a wee tot.
Also pulled some weeds 🙄 fixed supper, changed bedding, ground wheat and a few other odds and ends around the house that have been neglected.
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Got my ironing done- temporarily. I didn’t put the board and iron away since I have a load ready to go in the morning 🫣. Finally made it to church ⛪️. We’ve been gone every weekend for a month so haven’t been.
Stopped in at the thrift shop on my way to see if I could find a couple Tshirts. Mine are becoming religious (holey 😂). I did find 2, but the fun part is out front they have free bins. There was an old homemade looking scrapbook with recipes etc. I figured it would end up in the trash so took it. In going through it, the recipes are from the 50s-70s. There is a recipe for old fashioned cake donuts 🍩. The real old fashioned kind with soured cream and mace. I was so thrilled to get that. I will have to give them a try. I haven’t had “good” “real” cake donuts since I was a wee tot.
Also pulled some weeds 🙄 fixed supper, changed bedding, ground wheat and a few other odds and end around the house that have been neglected.
Score on the book!
Spent most of the weekend with GF and Ruby the dog. Sunday night we went up to Dad's and helped him pick blueberries. Between him, me, GF and my daughter, we picked about half of a gallon bucket's worth in half an hour. That's a lot of blueberries! Ruby tried to help by snatching a few ripe berries off the bushes. Labs will eat anything!

After that we called in a take-out order to the local pizza shop. We picked it up on the way to mom's nursing home and then we took her out to the gazebo in the arboretum to eat pizza and spend a little time outside. Ruby got to play fetch for a little while but it was too hot to play for very long. Mom enjoyed being outdoors for a bit. It was a nice evening. Now I'm preparing to head back to the Twin Cities for 3 days of work...
Well crap..I can't sleep.
My neighbors husband is on the volunteer fire dept. She texted me at 0220 asking if I was at work or home.
Her husband got called out to the mill..
it's on fire again :/
I'm on dayshift this week..I have to be up at 0430 to start shift at 0600..if we're working.
She hasent heard from him since he left a hour ago.
There isn't great cell service up there to begin with, if the power is off the router is offline anyways so doubtful he could text her for a update anyways.
Might be a long day if it isn't a bad fire..
I should try n sleep..uggh..
Whew...that adventure took up alot of my afternoon..next time I go to onterio..I'm stopping by Subaru to cut me another key.
glad you found your keys

I did that once in Florida, went hiking with husband ( long time ago, no cell phone) and lost my keys. So we had to hike to the nearest house and ask the kind lady to call the AAA ....
it took all day
About to go out and check on the goats, it did rain some last night but don't think we had a thunderstorm, didn't hear anything , didn't wake up. Usually I wake up if it storms
I need to renew my drivers license , almost expired. I kept putting it off and found the envelope from DMV yesterday and went oh crap I totally forgot...
Need to go to Amish store to buy more flour
Husband needs to fix the fence in the goat boy pasture
It never ends around here with the fence repairs
Fire update:
Minor damage to my outfield roll wiring..probably a short or ? But after a few hours the electricians and millwrights had everything under control and working.
My machine was used yesterday so by nighttime whatever was wrong with it caught.
Rumor is a citizen driving by saw the rolls on fire and stopped to put it out and waited for the first fire dept to take over. Cool!
There was a burgerking and a kfc. In between was a funeral home..
LOL Peanut! Our dispensary has a Pizza Hut on one side and a liquor store on the other. One stop shopping! Hah!

Did way too many chores yesterday after Church.

Walked first with Bo this morning.
Walked dogs.
Went up to Church for a little to talk about getting my cleaning lady to do a job.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Oxygen supplier should be coming today to switch out cannisters.
Friend coming now to talk about generator.
Put away canned potatoes.
Cleaned up grill.
I'm done!
Boy it's hot here. Animal chores this morning, getting water on the garden. Son and I went in and filled up all our gas cans. Aaron the amish boy and little granddaughter worked on a redo of the large turkey run. First, they had to move 7 of them temporarily. Son and I were coming back in from getting gas and another massive fire a few miles from here. Hoping not arson like the last few. We'll go check it out later today to see what was burned. Taking son out to dinner tonight, then he'll be catching the train about 2 am to head back to Albuquerque.

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