What's everybody doing today?

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Nice little hike this am.
I had to stop n grab some coffee since I forgot to make a pot last night.
I now need to get some mowing done..not looking forward to it since it will be hot , 93 high today.
I could wait untill tonight but I want to paint in the shade in my super cool sundress and watch the moonrise again. The evenings on my weekends are for me!
Trying to get things in order so I can fly out on Tuesday, making sure meals are in place, laundry and dishes are done. I need to work outside but 100F is not encouraging. It makes me nervous to be gone for a week, but it's something I need to do. Will enjoy visiting my Canadian counterparts even if I don't speak their language eh...

I watched Oppenheimer early this morning, it got me to thinking about the complexities, politics, and personalities we all have to deal with in life.
Safe travels!
View of the valley north just of council..
Pups enjoying a cool mountain creek
Ok..not sure what's up with the pics


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Not yet! Mowing done, brunch cooked and ate, showered, laundry done and put away! NAP time, beer chillin' in the freezer!!
market done, lunch cooked and dishes done, animals got watered, now I would love to have your pool!! It is REALLY hot here today , around 90 , that does not happen very often
maybe I should buy a kiddy pool
Mowed what used to be the goat nursery pasture..
It's hot...
Now I'm parked in front of this fan with a cool cherry pineapple frozen goodness...
I need to hit either the garden or backyard next..
What a fantastic day! Getting stuff done!
Whew hew!


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Had a wonderful trip to the mtn to play music. Spent last night in a little town close by, a decent hotel. The price of a rm is outrageous these days, where’s tom bodet when you need him?

I started playing about 10am under the big oak, already a good crowd. It was the annual fund raiser for the community center. Must have been 300 people there by noon. Good thing some folks brought their own chairs. A couple guys had stayed over night smoking pork butts so there was plenty to eat.

The local ladies had put together a cookbook. About 170pages but over 400 recipes, 200 were desserts. It even had a recipe for beauty berry jelly. A pasta dish caught my eye… ‘Worms and Bugs’, too funny so I bought one, for a good cause.

Had a long uneventful drive home. Stopped for a few groceries in a little town on the way. Saw a guy was selling cantaloupes out the back of his truck. I bought one and cut it as soon as I got home, excellent melon.

I am sitting in a recliner questioning that 3rd serving of dinner and wondering if I should unbutton my pants. Maybe she intends to make me fat so I can't run away. Maybe men are more docile and agreeable with a full belly. Maybe she has poisoned or drugged me with ground beef and chocolate. Either way I am going to have to add 15 minutes to tomorrows workout and 30 minutes to tomorrows hike just to keep from gaining 5lbs from this meal. My last female proximity associate with benefits couldn't cook to save her life. Which was probably better for my overall health. Her hot to crazy ratio was just unacceptable.
It’s 95* last I looked 🥵. So most of the day I would go out and work for half an hour then come in and wipe the sweat off and drink some water- rinse, repeat. I still have water going in the yard. Trying to get everything well saturated for the heat.
Our special needs dog is annoying and constantly under foot so that’s helpful 😜. I put more compost in the raised beds and he thought it was buffet time 🥴. Pulled tons of weeds- which he eats as I pull. Laurel and Hardy reincarnates 😂
Had to leave the bike rally and come home for a few hours today. My 2024 ZR2 Bison edition 4x4 was delivered today. It has 420 horsepower and 460 pounds of torque with locking differentials front and rear. It is factory lifted with steel offroad bumpers front and rear, this thing is my dream truck! I didn’t need it I had a really nice truck but I just love this thing.

Had to leave the bike rally and come home for a few hours today. My 2024 ZR2 Bison edition 4x4 was delivered today. It has 420 horsepower and 460 pounds of torque with locking differentials front and rear. It is factory lifted with steel offroad bumpers front and rear, this thing is my dream truck! I didn’t need it I had a really nice truck but I just love this thing.

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Animal chores, visiting with son, ran some errands in town....gas, amish grocery, post office, treated everyone to milkshakes. I had a german chocolate one. yum.
Son grilled steaks wrapped in bacon, I did the side dishes. He is running on a few hrs of sleep after arriving on the train at 0 dark thirty, so he's showering now and getting ready for bed. Aaron the amish lad is finishing up the mowing. He started this evening because it was so hot today. Still is 90 degrees and almost dark.
The official first day of summer and I'm already tired of it. The heat and humidity are bad the flies are outrageous. Every time I go outside I'm swarmed by some vicious little things that have a high pitched sinister buzz and circle me like deer flies but are smaller. Ugh. Got some mowing done today but had to quit and get out of the heat. Maybe I can do some more tomorrow.
On the plus side I finally painted the closets in the bedroom, put up shelves, and started unpacking some boxes of clothes. So progress.
Bacon wrapped steaks? Oh, that sounds so good!
Animal chores, visiting with son, ran some errands in town....gas, amish grocery, post office, treated everyone to milkshakes. I had a german chocolate one. yum.
Son grilled steaks wrapped in bacon, I did the side dishes. He is running on a few hrs of sleep after arriving on the train at 0 dark thirty, so he's showering now and getting ready for bed. Aaron the amish lad is finishing up the mowing. He started this evening because it was so hot today. Still is 90 degrees and almost dark.

Ya'll be careful, I hear you on the heat. It was 96f on the mtn today but the humidity was very low at 30%. I was comfortable sitting in the shade. We got warnings for the next few days, same heat but humidity going way up!

Have to share… pretty funny. This old Blockbuster sign was near my hotel yesterday. Someone left the sign up but painted “Mercado El Valle” on it! Didn’t paint a base coat, just painted letters! 🤣 Must have gotten that advertising space cheap!!! 🤣

Even better!! It was too dark for a picture, darn. From my hotel I could see across the main street of this little town about 100yds. There was a burgerking and a kfc. In between was a funeral home.. I’m not kidding!!! 🤣 🥲

Strange town… there were 7 ffood, 6 mexican, 2 chinese and a juice bar! Could not get a steak anywhere, made me wish I’d brought a plate from home! Fresh corn, okra… There was no place I wanted to eat! Got stuck eating captaindz

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Still drinking water.
Not sloshing now.
Seems I was dehydrated according to my Primary Care Nurse.
Seems for the next several days or weeks I am supposed to cut back on coffee.
Drink water.
She doesn't care if it has lemon, lime, frozen cherries.
She said at least 96 ounces of water in the morning.
Same thing in the afternoon.
I can have 5 cups of coffee a day until my kidney's start flushing themselves out.
5 cups! All day??
I normally drink 3 pots a coffee a day.
So tomorrow I will probably be sloshing when I walk.
We'll see about the coffee.
And this is why I'm practicing..lol..
It's fun but not what I'm wanting ..
I accidently knocked off a bagging flower..so it's now making sure my gun won't shoot anyone at the moment.
I'm pretty tired..
Mowed the back yard
But it will be less to do tomorrow.


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another hot day, at least it is not very humid here ( well, compared to Florida)
I am glad our house was built to stay relatively cool in summer, it does not get hot in here until late afternoon. Right now it's 71 in the kitchen were the sun is shining in right now , that's not bad

going to work in the garden some today, my collard greens have started growing in a pot, I need to get an area ready to put them in the garden when they get bigger

going to make one more peach pie ( last one then no more peaches) unless someone has a suggestion on how to preserve peaches in some way they don't turn to mush ( I have tried freezing them, they turn to brown nasty mush , canning them didn't work either)
there goes the diet again....I will try to limit myself to 1 piece

going to take Otto for a walk up the mountain, he hasn't been in almost a week ( too hot , no time). Son plays with him so he gets enough exercise but he likes running around in the woods too

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!
Yesterday I got up early to make sure I had everything packed up and ready to go to my cousin's son's wedding. Went to the post office to get mail, put air in the tire, then had to put air in it a few minutes later. Thought there might be a crack in the rim but when I sprayed it with soapy water there were no bubbles. It seemed to have stopped leaking after the 2nd airing up. Put a tarp over Mom's wheelchair and secured with tiedowns, waited for Mom and brother to wake up, helped Mom get dressed and get everything packed into the truck. My brother was annoyed that I asked him to move his stuff so I could put the two bins I used for my stuff and Mom's stuff under it. I went through a checklist to make sure we had everything. Put a puppy pad on the floor in the living room in case Fippy got in and was stuck in there. He can open the door to get in but not to get out.

Long story short it took 2hrs 40min to get to the hotel where my sister was staying so we could all change into our wedding clothes, but truck's GPS got the way to the venue wrong and we were a few minutes late. First we had trouble finding it and then we couldn't figure out which door on the building was the right entrance.

Wedding party filed out in pairs but there was one more bridesmaid than groomsman so two groomsmen too the arms of the last bridesmaid. Then the immediate family filed out in pairs until it got to my uncle. We sat waaay in the back since we were late and didn't want to disrupt anything. Saw him stand and look as if he was looking for someone to walk with him, looked like he said something, and then he walked alone. He's still really missing his late wife. I wish i'd been closer because I would have offered to walk with him.

Afterward we went to a reception hall down the street next to a library. American Mexican food buffet was on the table. A lot of stuff I couldn't eat, but I liked what I could find-- the refried beans, tortilla, cheese, fritos, etc. It was hard to get food while pushing Mom in the wheelchair. I had to go back for a drink since I couldn't carry one for myself and push her at the same time. Father of the bride got up and gave a speech and choked up because his father had passed (I'm guessing recently) and couldn't be there. They had their first dance, father-daughter, and mother-son dances. I noticed my cousin's ex looking absolutely miserable as he watches their son dance with my cousin. Sadly, because that jerk was invited, the groom's older sister didn't come. They (the father and daughter) mutually hate one another. The daughter has gone low contact with the rest of the family because of the father. Uncle came over and sat with us and talked to us. He talked about the house my dad was born in (he was born in the house because it was snowing and his mom couldn't get to the hospital so the doctor had to come to the house). I pulled it up on google maps street view and he talked about what had changed from what he remembered of it.

Groom used my uncle's sword to cut the cakes (groom's cake was chocolate and bride's was something with cinnamon). A nice lady walked around bringing cake slices on plates to the tables. I got one of each to compare. Chocolat was better, IMO.

At some point the bride and groom announced that we were going to have a nerf gun battle and handed out small nerf guns to everyone. Mom and uncle didn't participate but the rest of us did and we had fun. We were told we could keep our nerf guns. The groom spent time going to every table to talk one on one with guests and thank us for coming. He's such a sweet young man. He recognized me and thanked me for the wedding gift and we discussed tools a bit. The bride is a sweetheart too. She's doing her residency for medical school right now.

Finally got tuckered out enough to go back to the hotel and uncle showed up a few minutes later and sat down in the lobby with his sword and talked to us. Sister noticed I was fading and gave me her room card so I could go change out of the wedding clothes and nap. My uncle apparently ranted to them that before the ceremony, cousin's ex got up and gave a speech where he took credit for how well the groom turned out, credit for planning/setting up the wedding, & quoted bible verses & talked about how pious he is etc. Uncle was mad bc the jerk is a total hypocrite. Liar, cheat, thief, and adulterer. He's also a malignant narcissist. He wasn't happy when he wasn't the center of attention. Also, he had nothing to do with the prep or funding for the wedding. After the way he treated our cousin and the oldest daughter, we wanted a few minutes alone with him in a dark alley. But aside from his presence, everything else went smoothly. We met cousin's new fiance and he's a great guy.

I think it was 8 something when I went to take a nap. Mom, bro, and sister came back and said that it was after 11 and we needed to go. Cousin came in with her fiance for a couple of minutes before we said goodnight and left. It was just after midnight by the time we got our stuff packed up and out to the truck.

On the way home Mom got hungry and wanted IHOP but none were open that late. Decided on Taco Bell instead and had to turn off phone's gps because it wouldn't shut up and kept trying to tell me to go the wrong way. Got food and ate in the parking lot and then headed home. Got home after 3am and went straight to bed.

I woke up around 6 something but am still very tired. Need to unload stuff from the truck. We are planning to meet with sister later on once she picks a hotel.

As an aside, boots I got for our friend for his birthday arrived and he's very happy.

Gonna nap a bit longer though.
No pics today then I guess @Pearl?:cool: doggone!!!

@Peanut There are a lot of smaller towns in the North Alabama\Mississippi that are full of "Undocumented" workers that are like that,

The chicken house craze and processing plants that hire them almost exclusively took the cultures of so many sleepy little places to a different place the original inhabitants cant recognize.

You know that well as anyone I suppose.

I like Captain Ds spicy fish when you can get it.
Big pecan limb feel (green, healthy,& no wind). Had to put new chain on saw, don't know how but put it on backwards. Suffice to say didn't perform as should. Got that corrected, cut up, and hauled before wife got up. She gets mad when I do stuff because of my hip. Already bone on bone don't figure it can get much worse. It is so humid here.
Got that workout and hike in this morning before the temps got unpleasant. Decided I better skip breakfast too. So now I am on the patio for some lazy time with a big jug of cold water and a large fan blowing on me. Princess yoga pants is already in the kitchen so I am guessing I will be bloated and lethargic by early evening again. We are going to go see a movie today at some point, just not sure which one. As long as the theater has A/C and it's not a kids movie I will survive it.
😮😮😮 The pool pump capacitor failed (hopefully that's all it is)! Will be testing it shortly to make sure. Power is out at the building I clean, so will clean it early tomorrow morning! So far Sunday has a mind of its own!!
So I'm at my building, power is only out on one side! Decided to go ahead and clean what I could! Tracked down a run capacitor for the pool, waiting for the pool store to open at noon!🙄 I'll be on my way home within the hour to put on the new capacitor!!

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