What's everybody doing today?

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I had a new Carrier heat pump installed a couple of years ago came home to a hot house tonight. We grabbed a few things and headed down to our little shop apartment until we can get the ac fixed. This little place is damn handy at
Well that mower for all of the convenience isn’t convenient. Should I get another mower before I’m cited by code enforcement again? Or wait until I get my son’s mower, again? Now it’s too hot to mow. I’m reading that it could be the fuse in the start key. 😖 but i think something else is amiss.
I don’t have any goats. Meh eh eh eh ehhhhh🐐 🐐🐐
what about sheep? Want to borrow some?
This is behind the house and yes, that's an outhouse in the back lol

did a bunch of weeding and weedeating today in and around the remaining garden. I gave up on the big one, it's going to be plowed up soon.
We cancelled our trip to visit daughter thanks to the storm , but we will try to visit her labor day.

Oh, and one good thing, the milk goat did still have milk. Just a little more than quarter gallon but that's normal since it is already August. I didn't milk her completely, and left a little for the babies. But after I put her back with the other goats the babies started crying all over again.

Son just dropped his friend off at the airport , hope the flight does not get cancelled ( to Florida) , this happened last time even without a storm and son had to make 2-4 hour round trips to and from the airport.

sonya, I hope the flights don't get canceled.

Just changed Mom's canula. Went through 2 because I managed to derp somehow and the tubing got stuck in the way. Felt like an idiot but my brain is not operating on all cylinders right now. 2nd one went on easily and I didn't have too much trouble with the extra adhesive I used to hold it on. I need to find some better patches than the ugly freestyle ones.

I also took all of the Dexcom and Tandem supplies out of cardboard boxes, sorted them in to ziplok bags and then put them in a plastic tub. I loaded more supplies into the small plastic travel zipper bags-- I keep a few cartridges, syringes, alcohol swabs, and a couple of autosoft 90 infusion sets in the small cases. Makes it easier to find supplies and get them out when its time to change something.
Sipping coffee.
Got one arm and the tail of the monkey block yet to finish.
Clean out refrig.
Bread day, noodles for meal and freezer.
Estelle wants to come over and cook.
Her and her big sister's boyfriend feel the need for homemade Mounds bars.
Not today got other things on my mind to do first.
But this a several pots of coffee day.
Been up since 0530 hours.
Going to be a long one today.
Must be my day for not being able to spell correctly.
Or I could put on my glasses that might help too.
Still sipping coffee.
Cleaned out the frig.
Didn't make bread or noodles.
Life got in the way.
No Mounds bars either.
Just half a Monkey Tail left..
Got my glasses on and still can't spell crap.
Got to vote the general election tomorrow..
Well that mower for all of the convenience isn’t convenient. Should I get another mower before I’m cited by code enforcement again? Or wait until I get my son’s mower, again? Now it’s too hot to mow. I’m reading that it could be the fuse in the start key. 😖 but i think something else is amiss.
I don’t have any goats. Meh eh eh eh ehhhhh🐐 🐐🐐
I bet @sonya123 would sell you the 3 billy goats for cheap 😉
I will trade you sunshine for rain!
I thank you for the brief shower you sent this morning but guess I should have specified we didn’t want the marble sized hale.

I bet @sonya123 would sell you the 3 billy goats for cheap 😉

I thank you for the brief shower you sent this morning but guess I should have specified we didn’t want the marble sized hale.

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Declaire, the ice did not come from me, I only have rain, that size ice would knock all my fruit off & break many limbs.

Welp...my employer has done it again. The trainmen dumped an eastbound coal train on the ground at Marshalltown, Iowa. 38 carloads of coal are wasted and several hundred yards of double main line are wiped out. By the looks of it they derailed on a switch in a control point just east of town. I worked a crap ton of hours building and installing all 4 switches in that control point just two years ago. Fixing this mess is somebody else's problem this time. I've worked 145 hours in the last 14 days and I'm shot. If anybody from the railroad calls me, I'm not answering...
View attachment 159119
Welp...my employer has done it again. The trainmen dumped an eastbound coal train on the ground at Marshalltown, Iowa. 38 carloads of coal are wasted and several hundred yards of double main line are wiped out. By the looks of it they derailed on a switch in a control point just east of town. I worked a crap ton of hours building and installing all 4 switches in that control point just two years ago. Fixing this mess is somebody else's problem this time. I've worked 145 hours in the last 14 days and I'm shot. If anybody from the railroad calls me, I'm not answering...
Was anyone hurt, besides the corn??
Son's friend got on his flight and assuming he got home ok. I can't imagine flying over or through a hurricane, wow. I looked at the flight radar before I went to sleep and lots of planes right were the storm was.

Today we are going shopping, and thinking about going swimming. Have not done that since winter ( no time) but it might help our aches and pains to do something different, if not we can sit in the warm exercise pool and relax

Moving the trip was probably the right call. Now we are supposed to get 2 inches of rain. Not a huge amount for us but more to the east of us we would have to drive through.
I hope we get the 2 inches, could use some more rain to make the grass grow more

the downside of milking the goat again, I have to go milk the goat plus it makes extra dishes dirty
Woke up with a sore back, I have no idea why as nothing in my routine really changed and I stretched out before bed like I always do. Being in my 40's has brought a lot of weird aches and pains into my life. Fortunately 10 minutes on the heating pad and some extra stretching took care of it and I managed to get my work out in with only minor adjustments.

Today I am heading to the range with a few handguns and holsters to run some drills. Then I need to go do some shopping and put together my gear bag. I also need to spend some time online looking at available properties, rental units and other similar things. Just in case. Better to be overprepared than unprepared.
Crawling out of bed after yesterday's PT. No way am I doing the sheet of exercises today. This week appears to be punishment week for me. Today is the dentist with alot of drilling and some pulling. I am not looking forward to it. Have to get animal chores and husband taken care of, first. Grumble.
Got a call from Dental SA clinic at Mount Gambier hospital this morning just before half past 11 to confirm my 1pm appointment for Wednesday unaware that the receptionist would say that a last minute cancellation had happened for a 2:30pm appointment being a silly opportunistic bugger I am snapped up the appointment

It took 3 lots of local anesthetic, some drilling and 2 types of pliers to get as much of my impacted back right hand side bottom molar out since referring me to Adelaide for dental surgery was out of question the head dentist got his intern dental student to put in 2 sutures allowing for the gum to heal over what is left from extraction
It’s a stay at home ‘rain day’ for me. But nothing like the folks a few hundred miles south of me are getting from Debby.

We just got 2” in the last 24 hours, and it’s still coming down. Enough to make running a tractor with brush hog not a good thing.
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Cranky in Texas is on his way back to Missouri as I type this.
He's lives 1 1/2 hours away from me.
He's going to his place first.
So this means I shouldn't see him until Thursday.
He not a particularly happy fellow he will be going back to Texas to work again next week.
Not my call, but I was informed ahead of time.
Going to vote this morning.
While out will pick up a few things.
Then dishes, mundane things.
Lots of coffee.

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