What's everybody doing today?

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animal care today , dealing with the neighbor's goats, I sure hope they are not on a trip, were not home even late last night
then I think I will try and pull some weeds from what little remains in the garden, have some decent looking butternut squash plants and cabbages still growing plus new lettuce starting up. Giving up on tomatoes and green beans this year, was not meant to be I think
did finish laundry and house cleaning yesterday
I'm over this heat too. I'm ready for autumn and the crisp mornings and raking leaves. Finally got through all of my emails that I have neglected over the past week and vacation the previous week of vacation. My pharmacy certification is up in September and I have 20 continuing education hours to complete before I can start my renewal. Three down and 15 to go. I also have some education courses to do so I can become an immunizer at work. I struggled with whether or not to do it. The only vaccines I would be administering are flu and covid. I have to have that certification completed by September 1.
Woke up early so I could lift heavy things and clean up before heading to the law firm. Have a couple things going on there today. Need to show him the letter from the developer and get a little training. Also hoping for a secret decoder ring and maybe a pen that is also a grenade.
Sipping coffee.
Got one arm and the tail of the monkey block yet to finish.
Clean out refrig.
Bread day, noodles for meal and freezer.
Estelle wants to come over and cook.
Her and her big sister's boyfriend feel the need for homemade Mounds bars.
Not today got other things on my mind to do first.
But this a several pots of coffee day.
Been up since 0530 hours.
Going to be a long one today.
Must be my day for not being able to spell correctly.
Or I could put on my glasses that might help too.
Well that mower for all of the convenience isn’t convenient. Should I get another mower before I’m cited by code enforcement again? Or wait until I get my son’s mower, again? Now it’s too hot to mow. I’m reading that it could be the fuse in the start key. 😖 but i think something else is amiss.
I don’t have any goats. Meh eh eh eh ehhhhh🐐 🐐🐐
Walked early.
Picked up my friend. Finally got her medical card paid for- had to use my credit card as hers had a problem with address at the bank.
Went to Dollar General, then bank and then Aldi.
Home and made an appointment online to get a passport- mine is way expired.
Have laundry for the week almost done!
Back from farmer store ☺️
Now its raining a bit..so no outside work
Just did mow Dane Girl yard

I am so stupid !! Forgot to bring the gas cans to fill it :rolleyes:
Tomorrow ...
Anyway I take the highway to go to Walmart :confused:
Hope will not be too much traffic
Ryobi. I found a thread where they're trashing the mowers and each other. Thanks for link.
I believe there are some real egos over there that can never be wrong.

I just weed through them and ignore their idiocy.

Some of the people there are just there to help and share their experiences, That's the real folk that make it worth checking out.

I am in a lot of mechanical forums and trade knowledge with the NON self professed pros that belittle those who ask for help and seem to consider it beneath them to act civil It seems there are those on every one of those types of forum.

Everyone is an arseoule to someone I guess sometime or other. I know I can be a real ARSEOULE in TRIPLICATE and certified> HEHEHEHEH.
Back from farmer store ☺️
Now its raining a bit..so no outside work
Just did mow Dane Girl yard

I am so stupid !! Forgot to bring the gas cans to fill it :rolleyes:
Tomorrow ...
Anyway I take the highway to go to Walmart :confused:
Hope will not be too much traffic
Don't make me come up there...you're not stupid. You forgot. :thumbs:
Done with the 4 wheeler, the Battery charger in under the boat cover and it is 97 so I will wait till it is cooler to try to pull the cover and get it out. Have 5 gas cans and a diesel can to fill up so the rest of the week will be grass, weeds, bushes, tree limbs and hedge removal.

Japanese beetles are coming for the Roses, they sometimes make the Apple tree leaves look like lace.
Met with the law firm. First I talked about the property developer with my attorney who really only asked me question. "Are you open to selling or do we have to build a wall around you?" I told him I was open if the money was right. After that I met with a woman who I guess is my handler. I learned a whole lot of do's, don'ts and other things. One of the don't was don't expect to have a personal relationship or even a work relationship with her. She might as well have been a block of ice for as cold and impersonal as she was. Even my joke about calling her Miss Moneypenny did not get a reaction. Just a dead stare and right back to business. Maybe she heard it before.
Yeah I guess I would have said Wall sounds fine, but you need to know some things before you start with me, I will draft a synopsis for you and you can decide how you want to proceed.

Miss cold stare would probably have been sitting by herself in about two minutes.

I would probably have just chuckled and got up said I needed to go to the bathroom anyway and walked to the door turned back and finished with, ON the MOON!!! and walked on out the door.
Ugh I hate PT. So I didn't schedule another yet pending insurance approval. Insurance. Ha. They're the ones that say I have to have PT for 6 weeks before a MRI. So what's to approve? Retarded.
Filled a basket at Dollar Tree. Checked our PO box. Bought some cantaloupe and butternut squash from the greenhouse across the road from us. Chatted with her a bit...she had a problem with black aphids attacking her cucumbers in the greenhouse, and pulled all those. A number of people have had spider mite problems with their outdoor tomatoes. Because it's so dry, I suppose. She was complaining about grasshoppers, but our guinea herd takes care of those.
Took my antibiotics and a 2 doses of ear drops. Have to take them 4x daily. Next dose is 8pm. I did put one drop in the other ear because it was feeling sore and it has helped.

Went to feed the kitties and a huge cat fight broke out involving multiple cats. I detailed it in the Rant for the day thread. I managed to feed them after my brother helped me break it up. Then I went around calming the kitties down. It took kisses on the top of the head to get Gravy Jones calmed down. Once he realized I wasn't mad at him and that i was giving him affection he went into cuddle mode. I brought out a new comb I got for under $1 and the cats were excited. I took turns combing all of them (except Rupert, Ginger, and Bethesda who I think are outside or in the front room). Had some jealousy issues with some of the cats pushing each other and climbing over/under each other to get to be combed. Itsy climbed underneath both Gravy Jones and Lady Sylvanas to get over to me and then climbed on my shoulder. She got on my shoulder twice.

I refilled the cat waterer in the kitchen. Cleaned and set up a brand new waterer (gravity type) in Mom's bathroom for Fippy to drink out of. Cooked for Mom, had some soup, drank some zero sugar tea, and I'm resting again. Oh, I almost forgot that I climbed through the bottle pit that is up to my thigh-- almost to my hip-- to put a USB hub on the TV so the dongle for the mini keyboard can work with the TV.

Helped my brother bring in the rest of the cases of water from the truck. He told me he's going to be quitting his current job on the 17th because that is when hours will be cut back even more and he's already getting less than 30hrs a week. But they make him work 5 days a week even for just a couple of hours, he often has to close so he doesn't get home until after 3am, he no longer has a key to the office he needs for closing (they never gave it back), he doesn't get medical insurance from them, & the pay is low. The job he wants to get is about a $3/hr pay raise for the starting salary, has medical benefits, 4 days a week one week then 3 days a week the next week with plenty of time off in between. He gets to sit or stand whenever he wants/needs, and he is already friends with over 15 of the other security guards.

I still need to change Mom's canula. I wanted to change it yesterday but she wouldn't let me. I have to do it when she's lying down in her room. I'll have to remind her before she goes to sleep. Maybe next time she goes to the bathroom. I'm about to take a nap unless Mom pages and wants something. I am tempted to go look for Rupert, Ginger, and Bethesda. I can see Gravy Jones, Biscuits, Boo, and Mewlatto all sleeping in my room.

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