What's everybody doing today?

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Animals done, garden stuff done, little granddaughter gave the dog a bath, finished cleaning rabbit cages, and took care of the geese. Lunch has set in, and husband is asleep in recliner, not feeling well today, but he did like the smoothie I made for him and some toast with good bread.
So...I have some of mom's remnant paperwork to get done, and have been dragging my feet, so today is the day. Need to make some more bread, about finished off yesterday's loaf. Also need to do the yoga time. And there's always more cupboards to paint.
I have been known to bust people down a stripe or two for washing my coffee pot.
Let alone my coffee cups.
Don't Blame the Trainee... Blame the Trainer...!!!
Since I am up I did fire in wood stove nice heat
there is a fan behind my stove that pushes the heat up by pipe
and get from the trap,,,very warm heat

I know! My house is very old 100 +

This thing is the original one in big metal
originally it was screwed in the floor

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Working on the chicken coop roof. Need to go down Tuesday and pickup more lumber.
It's getting cold at night. I'd really like to start burning the wood stove at night and morning, but its so dry here that I don't dare start a fire. Still no rain in sight.
I'm making one last pass in the orchard with water. We're still getting grapes, raspberries and blackberries. Still need a good frost for the apples.
Saturday October 5th 2024

Was a Fall looking day today..grey ..sunny occasionally
43f and humid this is why I did make fire in woodstove
Did stack some wood in basement

I only did 2 cats manicure so tomorrow 2 more to do
Dane Girl will be her turn soon ..I usually do it once a month
its easier to keep it shorter

All my furry kids had their dinner!
Now pretty quiet 🐱🐶

Sipping a Shiraz 🍷 long time I did not drink some :)
I will stay up until I fall on my face 🥹

So good night to those who are going to bed soon 🥱😴☺️

Had planned only rest today. A few inside chores, researching on going projects. Got a nice nap around noon. Then this afternoon the calf got out of his small pasture. Took an hr or so to find him and get him penned back up. Not strenuous, just a long walk in the heat. Did a little bush hogging when I went back for the tractor, maybe 30min. Made dinner, watching tv now.
We went to a hootenanny at our friends Alpaca Ranch today. All the men were wearing their BBQ guns and tooled holsters. I even polished my boots. Someone had a telescope with filters to see the sun, we got to see sun spots, and earlier they saw a small solar flare. And I didn't get spit on by an alpaca this year. :D :D

And we got new socks. They make the best socks!
Went to samsclub today and fed kitties when I got home. Rupert slipped in to the living room while I was feeding the other 3 old kitties some canned food. I got some for him as well. Started watching some gingerbread halloween competition on tv and didn't realize that the dumb orange a-hole decided to climb under furniture and then go behind and got himself stuck. Bro refused to help me to get to him and I busted hump clearing a path to get to him-- moving furniture and boxes. Had to put some stuff out of the room to get to him and Lady Sylvanas got in. I found Rupert and he was Ok but he'd pissed on himself. Cleaned him up and Lady Sylvanas refused to leave the room with me. But she panicked and pulled the carpet up afterward and it blocked the door from opening so I had to climb through the window to get into the room and stomp the carpet back down and let her out and move stuff so Mom could get back in. I'm exhausted.
Getting ready for the cidering party tomorrow. Plenty to do but Hubby wanted to make a run up the mountain to a place he rides his motorcycle. It took about an hour and a half to get there. Filled 20 gal with fresh cold artesian mountain water 🤤 We have an RO system for drinking water and we want our trace minerals (& just real water).
A good day.
Worked, had a sit-down with the boss's boss. Interesting. It was a good day. Yesterday I learned that I know more about cars than my boss. That isn't saying much, but it is funny.
Missed part of church conference cuz I had to work. Daughter and I ran out for barbecue, brought it home, ate, watched the last session of conference for today. More tomorrow.
Someone is enjoying fireworks in the neighborhood, pupper is not enjoying it. :(
Learned I was off by a year on daughter's age, typical when you've got this many kids. 😍
Getting ready for the cidering party tomorrow. Plenty to do but Hubby wanted to make a run up the mountain to a place he rides his motorcycle. It took about an hour and a half to get there. Filled 20 gal with fresh cold artesian mountain water 🤤 We have an RO system for drinking water and we want our trace minerals (& just real water).
A good day.
I believe you posted pictures last time??🤔
He wasn't a trainee.
And he had been warned numerous times to stay out of my office.
He did not have the security clearance to be in my office or that area of the company.
He was at One Time, so Teach/Train him Right...!!! 🫡