What's everybody doing today?

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didn't sleep well, was so windy and pouring it woke me up in the middle of night and I couldn't back to sleep until almost morning. Got some bad news, daughters husband came back off the navy ship with major PTSD from dealing with all the dead bodies and now does not want a family anymore. Wow. I was sort of shocked to hear it. So daughter is not going to reenlist ( one good thing coming out of it) and moving back to Florida. She doesn't want to live with us because we live in the middle of nowhere and there are no jobs for her here or so she says. We will see what happens. I feel bad for the granddaughter, she will now have a messed up dad or an unavailable one . I saw that coming a while ago, I don't see how a marriage can stay intact if you spend almost years apart all the time ( thats besides the PTSD issue) . But I told her she is still young and pretty enough to find another one...

Today I will be really busy, getting ready for potential visitors tomorrow so I am going to bake another cake, one more this year
Plus barn will be a mess to clean, everyone was in all day in the pouring rain yesterday
House needs to be cleaned too, especially muddy floors
I am not in a good mood
I've read rice should be frozen for a few days to kills any bug larva, but haven't delved into it extensively. Still, I want to buy a deep freezer and need the necessarys' for packaging in mylar.

Looks like I'll use up the 5lbs bag of brown rice I bought and be done with it.
Alot of people freeze their dry stuff before storing. I never did. Had a problem with some baking type mix, kind of like a Bisquick, but that's been it. I worry about the dry stuff getting moist in the freezer, then molding when stored if it's not completely dry, so I never did it like that.
I am working on my year-end assessment, reviewing my everyday carry items, and reflecting on my accomplishments to identify ways we can improve next year. Recently, we've encountered another challenge: our area is prone to flooding. Since the November flood, the river has remained above 2.5 feet, indicating ongoing flood risk. As a result, we have increased our preparedness, ensuring we have more supplies on hand. Our plan for next year is to focus on planting more and canning a greater variety of vegetables.
The Princess and I teamed up today to get the project kitchen ready for the new chest freezer. Somethings went down to the basement, others found new homes and the rest are headed to Goodwill. She did find a place for her backup bread maker.

The kitchen door will have to come off it's hinges for the freezer to make it through the door. So we are ready for the delivery on Saturday.

She is happy so by definition so am I.

Praying that I may have turned a corner. The hives were bad again last night, and I was slow this morning, but after a morning nap the welts have disappeared and I feel better than I have for a long time. No idea how long it will last, but I'll take it as long as it does. Did some house cleaning and firewood fetching this afternoon.
I recently put a tracking device on my Mom's car (with her knowledge) because she's developed so much trouble with confusion and forgetfulness. Yesterday evening the app alerted me that she was on the road and headed to my house. I was really concerned; my mind always jumps to the worst first, so I was waiting in the driveway when she pulled in. Turned out she hadn't been able to keep up with her bills during her last bout with the vid and the phone had been turned off and her credit card shut down. So she just came to ask for help. I was able to get her phone turned back on and convinced her to spend the night here. Today I took her shopping and out to lunch and filled the car so she didn't have to stop for gas on the way home so we got a nice visit out of it.
Prayers for all those affected by the recent storms.
We've had a big temp swing, complete snow melt, and about 1.75" of rain, so I now know exactly where I want to put in some french drains around here. Really windy, I could hear it roaring in the trees last night and just laid in bed sending up prayers of thankfulness that the generator is installed and hooked up. So nice not to have that ball of anxiety in my gut about a power outage.
Praying that I may have turned a corner. The hives were bad again last night, and I was slow this morning, but after a morning nap the welts have disappeared and I feel better than I have for a long time. No idea how long it will last, but I'll take it as long as it does. Did some house cleaning and firewood fetching this afternoon.
I recently put a tracking device on my Mom's car (with her knowledge) because she's developed so much trouble with confusion and forgetfulness. Yesterday evening the app alerted me that she was on the road and headed to my house. I was really concerned; my mind always jumps to the worst first, so I was waiting in the driveway when she pulled in. Turned out she hadn't been able to keep up with her bills during her last bout with the vid and the phone had been turned off and her credit card shut down. So she just came to ask for help. I was able to get her phone turned back on and convinced her to spend the night here. Today I took her shopping and out to lunch and filled the car so she didn't have to stop for gas on the way home so we got a nice visit out of it.
Prayers for all those affected by the recent storms.
We've had a big temp swing, complete snow melt, and about 1.75" of rain, so I now know exactly where I want to put in some french drains around here. Really windy, I could hear it roaring in the trees last night and just laid in bed sending up prayers of thankfulness that the generator is installed and hooked up. So nice not to have that ball of anxiety in my gut about a power outage.
As part of my job before I retired I had tracking devices put on all company vehicles, over 10,000 of them. I had a department that managed these systems, but I could also pull up all vehicles on my computer. It was always interesting to see where the employees went after work, and sometimes during work hours too. The area strip joints were popular places that many employees would frequent.
Today I started framing the new shop building. Had to dig through 2 feet of snow and ice to find my lumber stack. All the boards were frozen together and my fingers would freeze to the tools. I should be able to start putting the siding up on the back wall tomorrow before it starts snowing again. It's supposed to start snowing tomorrow afternoon and for the next 6 days. It got up to the mid 20's today so it wasn't too bad working outside. The wife cleaned out the chicken coop today too.
well , our friends that were supposed to come over got covid, so no company coming for new years
Also supposed to snow tonight
So not doing much today, taking care of the animals maybe going to play some games later
Might chop some more wood supposed to get really cold again, yuck

Hope everyone has a good New years eve! We used to have a party on New years eve and set off fireworks , but now no fireworks, no party oh well
Stuff around the farm, mostly. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts to see when I might need to layer the rabbit cages and door slides in the milkhouse with heavy blankets. It looks like it's getting close. Have a random to do list a mile long, but at least little granddaughter's room is clean (ha). Tonight...a movie, a board game, a good dinner, and husband loves rumaki as a late night snack to stay up till midnight. I'm not fond of liver, but I'll make it for him.
The day started out good, I got an extra hour of sleep. I did the morning chores & everything went normal. Because of the cold our puppies did a lot less of the Chinese fire drill than usual. They all got up & changed where they were going to lay just once. Today I have to inspect & register my wife's car, unless she wants to do it, which I doubt. My one goal today is to trim off some branches on a tree that are going to grow into the lines going into our house. I do that every year. And then I'm going to lube up my shoulders with some stuff to deaden the pain. Then, beer 30.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
These are the array of cornbreads and bread for tomorrow.


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You've been busy, Snappy!
I went into our little town, dropped off a bunch of stuff to the thrift store that little granddaughter cleaned out. She helped with chores this morning, and is having a texting marathon on her flip phone with the red haired boy Jordan Kaufman that's in her band class. She tells me all about it. She can't date till she's 16, but between Jordan the red head and Aaron the amish lad, being 13 is hard I guess. Ugh. Being the granny of a 13 yr old is hard, too.
Also picked up mail and went to the amish grocery and found some good deals. Am looking up 12 volt run appliances that I might want. Husband ordered a larger Oepus and more Millertech batteries and inverters. Increasing our solar capabilities.
I'm going to sit on a stump and watch Hubby split wood! I'll be drinking a couple of beers!😉 Then I'll take Bear for a walk. We played slobber ball already! I didn't brush Buddy, he's crabby! Then I'll start making taco fixings. Tonight we will put the TV on and make fun of the weirdos who claim to be singers on the New Year's Eve specials, watch some more of The Hobbit until 11pm when the NYC ball drops! Then I'll get ready to listen to all the fireworks going off around here! I'm sure I'll take a few naps along the way!!😉
Sitting here, drinking a Jack Daniels, thinking about turning on the TV to see what new horror awaits today.

Pups are outside chasing squirrels on the fence, Squeaky the pigeon is upstairs sleeping on the window sill ... the pups chased her into the pool earlier, so we had to rinse her off and blow dry her feathers!
Still framing the new shop building. It's slow going when the wood is frozen and everything is covered in snow and ice. I have to chisel the ice off the boards. Today's high temp was in the low 20's, good working weather. I'm framing in a couple windows on the west side of the building. I need to go down Thursday and buy 36 more 2×6's to finish the framing. So tomorrow I'll unload the 1×12's out of my truck for the trip to the lumber yard.
I'll need to plow the road tomorrow too. I don't think my truck will make it back up my road without chains if I don't plow.
December 31st 2024
I am thrilled...in few hours its 2025 :p
* New Era *

7.25 pm I feel like 10 pm
Went grocery almost half of today Tuesday

It dont look like Winter now ..all snow gone 😲
Its 34f ...oh well 😉

I am very tired though..put all the stock out of the car
bring it inside

I ate only one Sufganiyah doughnut
with a hot Chai Blk Tea and honey
I will eat later ...I dont know what yet

Cats😺 and Dane girl 🐶are fed and sleeping now

I will stay around until I crash 🤣

Have a good evening..a good night...whenever

I got a lot done today. My niece picked up clear totes for me in town yesterday and brought them here this morning. I now have house hold linens, beds, bath and kitchen stored in them. Since they’re clear I don’t have to open several totes to find things I need weekly. Much better!!!

Tonight I’m trying to parse out a solution to another problem… unused chairs. I have 7 taking up floor space. As I worked in the laundry rm today I realized I could hang all these chairs from the walls back there and in the storage rm. Simple to do, make racks using 1x6’s mounted to the cinderblock walls just below the ceiling. Add hooks to hang the chairs from. The storage rm can accommodate 5 chairs, 100Inches of horizontal space required. But if I make the one for the laundry rm the same size I’ll have space to hang 10 chairs. Or 7 chairs and a couple coolers. All out of the way but easily accessible. This will free up a lot of floor space and make access to shelves easier.

Anyway, watching a ballgame on tv, maybe a movie later.

A visual... I had no closets in my house, just the laundry rm. Only a metal locker and clothes rack. I clearly have a tote, chair and cooler problem.. need the totes, the chairs and coolers need to go somewhere.

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I got a lot done today. My niece picked up clear totes for me in town yesterday and brought them here this morning. I now have house hold linens, beds, bath and kitchen stored in them. Since they’re clear I don’t have to open several totes to find things I need weekly. Much better!!!

Tonight I’m trying to parse out a solution to another problem… unused chairs. I have 7 taking up floor space. As I worked in the laundry rm today I realized I could hang all these chairs from the walls back there and in the storage rm. Simple to do, make racks using 1x6’s mounted to the cinderblock walls just below the ceiling. Add hooks to hang the chairs from. The storage rm can accommodate 5 chairs, 100Inches of horizontal space required. But if I make the one for the laundry rm the same size I’ll have space to hang 10 chairs. Or 7 chairs and a couple coolers. All out of the way but easily accessible. This will free up a lot of floor space and make access to shelves easier.

Anyway, watching a ballgame on tv, maybe a movie later.

A visual... I had no closets in my house, just the laundry rm. Only a metal locker and clothes rack. I clearly have a tote, chair and cooler problem.. need the totes, the chairs and coolers need to go somewhere.

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Love the ladder back chairs. I have casually looked for a set for several years now. Have only seen one set I didn’t like.
Love the ladder back chairs. I have casually looked for a set for several years now. Have only seen one set I didn’t like.

I have 3 of the ladder back chairs, think dad has a couple. Also have 4 unused chairs for my kitchen table that need a space besides the floor.

In the same room is a piano, large freezer, washer/dryer. Dad won't let me get rid of the old piano, was my sisters (passed away).

I need more room.

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