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I was just telling Hubby that to keep stuff cleaned out, it’s recommended to take everything out of your house every 5 years as if you are moving and only put back in what you need. He looked right at me and said, “That’s too much work.” I said but it works 😂
Imagine living in the same house for 34 years. That is where I am at, and that is why I really need to do those projects of going through closets, drawers, cabinets, ad nauseum. For me, it is a New Year project, done in the first few months of the year, before gardening and yard work and when the weather keeps me indoors more.

Moving is work and I hate it.
As an Air force brat then Navy etc. I moved every 2-5 years for my first 30 years of life.

I hate moving.

When I move, be it classroom or home, it takes me a long time to get resettled. When the program that I was teaching in got moved, it was good to help get things organized, but it took me a long time to have things organized.
I have two closets that need everything pulled out of. A linen closet and a small closet in a bedroom that used to be just for photo albums. Little granddaughter and my sis have added all kinds of junk in there. I need to go thru it. And I buy too much thrift store linen. But this is a good project for our upcoming very bad weather.
Regular morning routine just like every day.

Not much going on right now.
Too cold and its supposed to get even colder (I'll have to get out my leg warmers lol)

I do have to put the fleece sheets on the bed but probably not until this weekend.
Pups need more hay in their box
And we need to bring in extra bags of wood pellets for the stove
Regular morning routine just like every day.

Not much going on right now.
Too cold and its supposed to get even colder (I'll have to get out my leg warmers lol)

I do have to put the fleece sheets on the bed but probably not until this weekend.
Pups need more hay in their box
And we need to bring in extra bags of wood pellets for the stove
Good to see you around!! 😊
do you guys ever sleep on here? LOL ,lots of posts since last I looked yesterday evening!

It's cold!! We just started fires in both stoves again, debating if animals are going out , probably the sheep need to go at least until we clean their area

I have a big to do list but it's not things I want to do ( get Traverse inspected, start sorting tax paperwork, start copying my handwritten recipes on the computer to print them, they are falling apart)
Also need to make an appointment for some physical therapy on my foot, might not help but worth a try and doctor is sending me there. I might go at least a few times to see what I need to do

Talked to my brother and dad yesterday , they were all celebrating new years together. Sometimes I miss the good old days when the entire family would get together and there would be like 20 some people . Now everyone lives in a different country and it's difficult to get together and all, and my trip last year turned into disaster .
So my dad is finally trying to sell his business property. But it turns out it is difficult. It's an apartment building plus a large warehouse all on one property with one heating system. I guess that's the problem. You can't split it up so he has to find someone that wants both. The other problem is there are no realtors in the small town he is in and only one in the next larger one. So this one told him " you need seperate the heating system and put in new ones" which , my dad does not want to spend any more money on this property. I wished I could be over there to help him, but oh well not possible. Neither can my brother really. He is hour an a half away and has a full time job. It sucks getting old and it must be frustrating for my dad to see his lifes work go down the drain by having to sell it for very little money most likely. But he doesn't need the money so it;s ok I suppose.
When we moved here 10 years ago it took 4 trailers and 2 semi loads to get everything here. In the last 10 years we've accumulated way more than twice as much stuff. We won't need any of this stuff when we get old and can't live here any more.
when we moved here it took the largest uhaul truck they had, 2 large SUVs and a car to move here , then we had to put everything in storage for 3 weeks ( until we bought this property) and move it again. I swore I would never move again after this.
When I move, be it classroom or home, it takes me a long time to get resettled. When the program that I was teaching in got moved, it was good to help get things organized, but it took me a long time to have things organized.
are you moving? Just different house, or completely different city or state?
No clue for sure what's going on today, but just started a to do list for today and tomorrow before Saturday's cold and snow. So may go into the bigger town to get more feed and stop at the bank. Probably save the grocery shopping till tomorrow. Little granddaughter's school break is still going on so I have a couple of things she can help with, like taking down the Christmas lights off the porches today, and bringing some things to our big storage building. The fire is going again, things are still pretty quiet around here. Even the dog went back to sleep.
No clue for sure what's going on today, but just started a to do list for today and tomorrow before Saturday's cold and snow. So may go into the bigger town to get more feed and stop at the bank.
you just reminded me, we have to do that too ( feed and bank). I need some cash for if the firewood guy drops off more wood
problem is the feed store and the bank are completely opposite direction so it will be 2 trips
The feed store in the bigger town (Atwoods) is near husband's pharmacy, so I usually stop when I also have to pick up meds. But I can't do much feed pickup if I've got snow in the bed of the truck. Then it's a pain because I have to load it in the truck backseat, which I've done, but then I'm limited to about 300 lbs in there. I'm not out of feed, but if we have snow and rain for a few weeks, then I might as well get more now while it's dry. Been thinking about an extra firewood stack in another area of the porch, too. Our racks are full on the big porch, but another area would be good, too. The majority of our firewood is not covered. I have tarps, but they tend to fly in our winds. I'll save Aldi's till tomorrow. Don't really need anything, but might as well load up on fresh stuff.
Our cold weather won't start until Sunday night. Then mid 40's for highs and twenties for lows. That is cold to us, so I'm sure that Supervisor's electric company will be happy!

Today, I will walk around 9 am.
Was going to do personal filing, but as you all have suggested, may leave that job until the cold starts.
Will call about having a big propane tank delivered for generator.
Taking one dog to get nails clipped.
Will soak black eyed peas tonight to cook tomorrow.

We had a great time at the open house that my friend had! Lots of folks and I didn't have to waitress except to get drinks for people.
when we moved here it took the largest uhaul truck they had, 2 large SUVs and a car to move here , then we had to put everything in storage for 3 weeks ( until we bought this property) and move it again. I swore I would never move again after this.
When we moved down from Alaska my new job included relocation. The company paid to load everything and ship it to Indiana. That was nice. When we moved out here we had to pay the movers. Other than loading our trailers and driving out ourselves, the movers loaded everything else. We had to rent 2 large storage units in town and put the rest in our old barn.
are you moving? Just different house, or completely different city or state?
No, just cleaning out, purging, organizing, cleaning up.

When you live in the same place for 34 years, and have carloads of teaching stuff, daughter's stuff, hobby stuff (sewing and others), prepping stuff, food storage, tools, gardening, and more stuff, it needs to be gone through periodically. I remember one time when I cleaned out my clothes closet and took 7 garbage bags of clothes away. It had been maybe a decade or more that had passed since I had gone through it. I tend to not get rid of stuff easily, but once I start, it is easier for me to keep at it.

I have gone through and given away lots of teaching stuff, but I wanted my name off of everything that I had. I've given away lots of stuff over the years and filled the recycling bin with files a few times. I sit in the garage (3 car size) and go through it until the bin is full and then go out again when recycling has been emptied and have another go at it. I had more than a carload of children's books. My name was on each of them. I've gotten rid of many of them, but maybe have a couple boxes left.
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When we moved here 10 years ago it took 4 trailers and 2 semi loads to get everything here. In the last 10 years we've accumulated way more than twice as much stuff. We won't need any of this stuff when we get old and can't live here any more.
I think this is a common American problem, especially if you live in the country and work on the land. Every new year, I look at my home and property and go through some of it. I used to do this in the summer when I was off from teaching. I just want what I have to be accessible, or gone if it is not something that I am not going to use. I worked with a woman whose basement and garage were packed to the gills with stuff that had been her mothers and her teaching stuff. When people grow up with limited resources, they tend to save EVERYTHING. I don't want to leave a big mess for my daughter, and I know that the day may come when I won't be able to go through anything.
Blowing snow this morning. Right now I'm just using the small snowblower to clear the walkways. Once I can get my truck out of the barn I'll hook up the big snow blower to the side by side and work on the road.
Home from the hospital. Dad's surgery was successful. Surgeon was excited at how well it went. Brother and I will go back tomorrow for visitation--he was still very out of it in the recovery area. No trachosotomy necessary!!! All negative margins. Looks like he went a few rounds with Tyson but he'll heal.

I'm completely done in. Brother went to see one of his old friends then we'll go for dinner.

A thousand thank you's for all the prayers and positivity put out there for me.
Home from the hospital. Dad's surgery was successful. Surgeon was excited at how well it went. Brother and I will go back tomorrow for visitation--he was still very out of it in the recovery area. No trachosotomy necessary!!! All negative margins. Looks like he went a few rounds with Tyson but he'll heal.

I'm completely done in. Brother went to see one of his old friends then we'll go for dinner.

A thousand thank you's for all the prayers and positivity put out there for me.
praise the lord !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm done clearing snow for the day, got my truck out of the barn, stacked lumber at the new shop building and now I'm relaxing with a cigar in the fur shed watching it snow outside. It's a toasty 62 degs in here and Tracker is curled up on his bed next to the wood stove. I've got a lot of hides that I should be tanning, but don't feel like it right now.
Life looks pretty good from where I'm sitting right now.
Husband went with me and got some errands done. Loaded up on more feed in the bigger town, went to the bank for more cash, filled up the truck with gas, and got the mail. Husband ordered more solar stuff. I put the lithium battery on the solar charger in the garage, more are coming in. It's set up to charge three at a time. I love Millertech stuff. I can lift it. Ha. Ten yr warranty, too.
Little granddaughter got the lights off the house, and started a new area to stack wood on the big covered porch. We finally got all the feed unloaded and put in the milkhouse.

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