What's everybody doing today?

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All this talk about moving - blech! I'm still exhausted from my move to this house last year. And yes, most of my stuff is still in boxes. It was a long, painful process, one pickup load at a time. I have too much stuff.
It's been a year and I still haven't done enough remodeling to start unpacking.
Sometimes I get so frustrated but it helps to think of how much I did get done, between working full time and struggling with some illnesses I did manage to get two greenhouses put up, a generator, woodstove, and RO installed, and had the Amish put on a new roof. Got some scary trees cut down, about 200 trees planted, and a garden area established.
I'm never moving again, God willing. My last trip out of here will be feet first.
Planning to get rid of a lot of stuff as I remodel, sort, and unpack. Told my daughter she needs to come help me do that now, or deal with all of it all on her own in the future. :)
So we did nothing I was planning on doing this morning LOL, instead we drove to the bigger city and went swimming, plus filled up a cart at Aldi. I really need to shop there more often, they are cheaper and quality is better than walmart
Plus I need to get back to swimming more regularly to get rid of those annoying pounds I added again over the holidays

Well, at least we won't starve if the ice /snow storm whatever we will get shuts things down
Thursday 2nd 2025

8.20 pm
That was a snowing day ..breezy but not cold 32f
All together a pleasant day ...shoveling + laundry 2 loads

All will be back to normal on Monday January 6th 2025
Hopefully :) and...........
In 3 months its APRIL 🤣

Very quiet here at home .... everybody had their dinners

I am not going to bed now its too early
Hope those who are not feeling that great..will feel better soon ;)

Have a great evening and night

I made bread, got a couple groceries, found a bulk bin full of cheese powder at the store, that cheese powder I hadn't seen since about 2021! I was really excited about that. 😂 Also finished fixing bathtub and renewed Costco membership, got almost all the rest of the Christmas lights taken down and the house cleaned up. Snuggled in with a hot cup of ginger tea now.
EXHAUSTED!! Hubby's older lady he works for a lot is in the hospital!! Her niece is now there with her and looks like she's faking heart problems.... AGAIN! She's 90, she has faked illness too many times! If she's not faking, she is going to have a hard time making people believe it!! She may land in rehab.... Hubby is on call if the niece needs helps tonight! And we just got an update....the lady is staying in the hospital for observation! All testing came back fine!! Hubby is dog/ house sitting for her for now!! Most of her issues are because of her daughter who ignores her!! Very sad situation!!
This country mouse is out of his element.

Regular work day for me! Will probably run by my building first and stock the bathrooms, most of the offices in it were closed this past week. Looks like maybe a little winter weather for us mid week so I'll stop for extra milk before heading home! Still waiting to see what's going on with Hubby's elderly friend.... they found nothing wrong with her. Someone will have to bring her home, can she stay alone? It's basically Hubby, her niece, and her cleaning lady to take care of her! She probably shouldn't live alone anymore! Hubby is going to the house to let the dog out and feed it. Who knows what the day will bring!!
Will be filling a cart at Aldi, picking up husband's prescriptions, and maybe stopping at the amish place for good cheese. Finishing up any outside junk today, too. I'll task little granddaughter with the rabbit cages cleaning and sweeping out both rooms in the milkhouse. Also tasking her with boxing up her Barbie junk in the upstairs family room for the thrift store. She has one of those big Barbie houses and all the stuff...cars, campers...I'm sure some little girl will love. Or maybe tomorrow will be a better day for that. She's 13 and would rather spend her time with the guitar and amp.
My mom passed away last week. She lived with me so I'm getting her clothes together for people who can use them. She has some with the tags still on.
I found some cool leather jackets I have never seen her wear.
She was one month away from 92 years
We got several inches of snow yesterday, then it turned to rain over night. The wife wants to go to town this morning to have breakfast with the girls. The road is a mess right now. She could probably make the drive out since it's down hill all the way, but I don't think she'll be able to drive back in. I'll follow her down with the side by side just in case she gets stuck.
My mom passed away last week. She lived with me so I'm getting her clothes together for people who can use them. She has some with the tags still on.
I found some cool leather jackets I have never seen her wear.
She was one month away from 92 years
My condolences @Smalltimefarmer 92 is good life lived. I hope you find solace is having lived with her until her passing.
Brother and I are at the hospital visiting Dad. Already he looks better than yesterday. He has a feeding tube and will have that until the weekend. He’ll be able to come home when he can swallow without trouble.

Brother is probably going to be here until next weekend. When we’re not at the hospital we’re going to be doing a thorough cleaning and airing of the house. I’d really like to try and tackle the garage while he’s here.
made up for not doing much yesterday, got up at 6 and fed and watered the animals in the dark. Drove truck and traverse to town to get the traverse inspected . I was sure they would find something, so we could just leave it there and take the truck back and pick up stuff on the way. It passed, so we went to get chicken feed, dog food, propane and another load of firewood. Got home, unloaded, and took care of the animals. We got done with the sheep area in the barn just as it really started snowing a lot, everyone is in now. Then I cooked, now still have dishes to do.
It's still snowing and windy out

internet keeps going on and off too
I got a phone call informing me the chest freezer we purchased was badly damaged. No replacements available. Bummer. A near match is exactly the width the door to the project kitchen. Another candidate is longer and cost $100 more. I will discuss with The Princess when she is done working.

My neighbor plowed the alley and my driveway. I gave him some cash and he said he will take care of the snow for a while.

Since we got snow I decided to try cloning my olive tree. They are too expensive to replace so having a few spares is a good thing.


Will walk in a bit.
Cook Black eyed peas and great northern beans with ham.
Vacuum out van and house.
Write ebay drafts.
Easy day!
How is Hubby doing since his procedure? Still good? 🙏
My mom passed away last week. She lived with me so I'm getting her clothes together for people who can use them. She has some with the tags still on.
I found some cool leather jackets I have never seen her wear.
She was one month away from 92 years
Awe @Smalltimefarmer that’s sure tough no matter how much you think you are prepared for it. Do what you know you need to do but don’t forget to allow yourself some grace. Hugs and prayers dear 🙏. We are here for ya - even if you just need to vent 💖
My mom passed away last week. She lived with me so I'm getting her clothes together for people who can use them. She has some with the tags still on.
I found some cool leather jackets I have never seen her wear.
She was one month away from 92 years
So sorry to hear that and for your sadness, Smalltimefarmer. My mom passed April 10th at age 91. She lived a long life, and I'm glad for that.
Maybe keep a cool leather jacket for you to wear and to remember her?
Did the Aldi fill a cart shopping, and boy was it packed. I've actually never ever seen it so packed. Canned food and fresh food mostly. Another turkey to cook and freeze the meat, might as well. Went to Atwoods (again) on the hunt for more walkway salt. Found it, and bought 5 of the 20lb bags. I had looked this morning, and only had 40lbs. We have a long walkway and ramp from the front door to the truck, so I have to keep it clear in case I have to get husband somewhere. Picked up his prescriptions. The only thing I didn't get to was buying the good cheese at the amish place. I'll do that tomorrow. Came home to find pup eating the remains (almost petrified remains) of some unknown animal. Stunk to high heaven. He was irritated when it got hauled to the dumpster. That dog will eat anything.
Finished running our numbers for 2024. Minus the dog’s surgery bills and the fire replacements so far, we spent the same as we did last year. I was okay with that considering the prices of things haven’t gone down. We still have things we will need to replace, but we will do that as we need to and can budget for it.
Pouring rain all day so doing inside things for the most part.
Did the Aldi fill a cart shopping, and boy was it packed. I've actually never ever seen it so packed.
I noticed that yesterday. We had to wait for someone to return at cart at Aldi and there was a few huge lines at the cash register. Is there something going on other than the bad weather?!
I did get a spiral ham on sale for . 99 cents a pound, it was more than twice what I paid for it before, now I just need to figure out what to do with it, usually I just get regular hams.

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