What's everybody doing today?

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My wife couldn't sleep last night due to a combination of meds and pain and finally about 6AM today she slept till noon and woke up ready to get out in the sun shine.
We hit our favorite mexican restaurant and then "celebrated" at a friendly bar restaurant at one of the lakes on the Missouri that is close. (made it home before dark)
She has been finishing out the year with spider bites that got infected and a inner ear infection that caused nausea and extreme dizziness. Today she was finally better on all fronts and ready to take on 2025.
@montanabill those east coasters are celebrating the new year now.
That's awful about your wife. Hope she sleeps well tonight.
I've had inner ear infections, been a couple few years, so dizzy, so sick. But your beloved had infected spider bites too. You know what kind of spider? knock on wood for me.
Glad you guys got out today. I went out to the store a couple hours ago, pretty light foot traffic.
Thinking about going out tomorrow to a pool hall. 😂 Found out there are quite a few in the metro area this side.
Otherwise, be working on cleaning...yard and inside. Was trying to use the shop vac to get the acorns up but it doesn't quite do the trick and I'm not paying a few hundred for an acorn gatherer machine.
Can't you rake them up with a leaf rake?
It takes a long time to do our tiny yard because of so many leaves and acorns. They are heavier so they are always at the bottom. Plus by now they are falling apart because of the rain we've had. They hurt the dog's paws too. It is not an easy chore for me, daughter helps as she can. But sucking them up through a leaf vac/blower is not good for that machine, they say. We'll see. The one someone gave me ended up not working. I've never used one, it has always been raking, every year. Just done with it.
It takes a long time to do our tiny yard because of so many leaves and acorns. They are heavier so they are always at the bottom. Plus by now they are falling apart because of the rain we've had. They hurt the dog's paws too. It is not an easy chore for me, daughter helps as she can. But sucking them up through a leaf vac/blower is not good for that machine, they say. We'll see. The one someone gave me ended up not working. I've never used one, it has always been raking, every year. Just done with it.
Get some pigs, they'll eat the leaves and acorns!😉
Wind warning again, had to sleep with ear plugs. Played some games last night and went to bed before 12...

Today animal care, and we need to do something about wood. It is supposed to be really cold practically the entire January, so much for the "warmer than average" they once again forecasted a few months ago...

We had a beautiful double rainbow here yesterday

happy New Year


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I thought today was the day you turned into a total couch potato and watched college football until you were in a coma. Maybe not with all the other bowl games and playoffs.

O.K. I know I have to do KP and make breakfast for my wife. After that I hope there are some good games.
we used to watch football, once upon a time, when tv had not gone digital and we had a few channels
Oh man, we stayed up really late. And then husband was up every couple hours. So lots of coffee kinda day. It's about 20 degrees outside, got the fire started again. Little granddaughter's mom is visiting her here this afternoon. I'll be taking down the tree and maybe the outdoor lights. Outdoor chores will not be fun this morning, but I know the rabbits are warm. We covered all their cages in the milkhouse with heavy quilts yesterday.
Last night there was lots of fireworks set off in the area starting about 7PM lasted till about 2AM. Last night we celebrated with a 7 layer dip and chips, enjoyed working in the kitchen together. This morning I slept in till I got a charley horse around 07:00, got up did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I am now doing laundry and sorting some of my gear, listening to 70s music for motivation. Looking forward to the new year and am going to try to kick it off on the right foot. :)

The wife and I have agreed to ignore the tree and outdoor lights until either the 9th or MLK day. But after this Sunday we will no longer light the outside lights.
Alot of people consider Christmas to be ongoing around here till Old Christmas. Ascension Day is Monday, and everything will be closed. Except for little granddaughter's school, because it's in another town. I know many around here are having Christmas celebrations today with some family members because families are so big.
Well..I guess I missed the memo about not working today..
I went to bed early like normal to get up for work.
Started out in the new subie but turned around to grab the truck. I don't care for the tires on the new subie.
I looked up the tires on it and in many reviews, people say these kind of tires don't handle well in snow. Light snow maybe ok but not the kind we get here. I'd have to agree.
So as I'm warming up the truck, I text work and got the message oh..we're not working today!
Gah...memos work better when they are posted..I've spent a few new years eves up there so ...
Now I'm back in my jammies..I finished making my creamy wild rice n chicken soup I started last night.
It's snowing..I'll take the pups for a walk around here soon. I think I'll drive the new subie up n down the road a bit to see if the x mode makes a difference. I just learned what that is..kinda like a 4 low but more advanced.
The more I learn about the features on this car , I'm impressed but a tad overwhelmed ..I'm not good with or have much interest in learning the technology.
It has sport, I and X driving modes..the driver can choose what mode..I'm like, just *ucking run good n now blow up on me k?! If your so fancy new subie..use your sensors to assess the crappy conditions n adjust to it already..gah..
Apparently this thing can connect to starlink too..and has a setting for controlled decent..where it can take over speed n braking so the driver just steers..
We partied hard last night at a friends house, I stayed up until 8.30 pm but did get up before midnight to watch the New Year come in! We cooked 20 pounds of crab legs, 10 pounds of mussels, 500 crawdads we caught out of the lake last summer and a ton of shrimp. We just got home and Alex and Jake went straight to bed. I’m going to get things kind of laid out for our trip to Vegas, we leave tomorrow evening.
Funny story from yesterday. I've got a tree that I have to cut back every year because it's limbs grow into our cable/internet lines. I decided to finally cut the 2 limbs that do that way back. So ladder extended 13 ft & I got my little cheap Portland electric saw out (harbor freight = $39). threw a rope over the first limb & got my wife out to pull it away from the lines as I cut it. The limbs were about 3.5 inches. I told her that I'll cut about 2 inches & you start pulling. We had a plan, a good plan. I started the saw & touched the limb...And the saw went through that limb like a hot knife through hot butter. It startled the hell out of both of us. The 2nd limb cut the same way.

So what are we doing today? We are cutting limbs down to fit our garbage cans. And while doing that I'm going to be freezing my butt off & listening to my wife talk about how she loves this weather (she is from MN). If we don't get everything cut up & in garbage cans, 2 of our 4 dachshunds will sneak them into the house & shred them.
Spent the morning finalizing plans to hang chairs. I know how I’m going to do it, even priced the materials. I’ll use pine 1x6’s mounted flush to cinder block walls. I’ll give the boards a couple coats of polyurethane so they can be cleaned/wiped down occasionally.

Then I’ll mount hooks to the boards. I’ve expanded the plan a bit. I’ll have 22ft of horizontal space for chairs, coolers etc. Anything that’ll easily hang next to ceilings in the storage and laundry rms. Lowes has a 6ft rail with movable hooks for use in a garage or basement. That’ll give me 2 short sections that can be adapted over time as needs may change. The rest of the hooks will be permanently mounted on 20inch centers, primarily for chairs. All in, less than $100.

Now I have to figure out how to mount another shelf on the cinder block wall in my tool room. I have everything I need already except Tapcon screws. Debating whether to brave shopping at the big box store today. Get everything for both projects. I know they’re open... Or I could mount the final light for the stairway project and brave the box store tomorrow.

I badly need another shelf... and add another bracket to the existing shelf.

Spent the morning finalizing plans to hang chairs. I know how I’m going to do it, even priced the materials. I’ll use pine 1x6’s mounted flush to cinder block walls. I’ll give the boards a couple coats of polyurethane so they can be cleaned/wiped down occasionally.

Then I’ll mount hooks to the boards. I’ve expanded the plan a bit. I’ll have 22ft of horizontal space for chairs, coolers etc. Anything that’ll easily hang next to ceilings in the storage and laundry rms. Lowes has a 6ft rail with movable hooks for use in a garage or basement. That’ll give me 2 short sections that can be adapted over time as needs may change. The rest of the hooks will be permanently mounted on 20inch centers, primarily for chairs. All in, less than $100.

Now I have to figure out how to mount another shelf on the cinder block wall in my tool room. I have everything I need already except Tapcon screws. Debating whether to brave shopping at the big box store today. Get everything for both projects. I know they’re open... Or I could mount the final light for the stairway project and brave the box store tomorrow.

I badly need another shelf... and add another bracket to the existing shelf.

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When I saw the statement "hang chairs" I thought maybe you were old school religiose order where the chairs were hung on the walls as soon as eating was done.....no need to be sitting when there is work to be done..
Did the usual morning today.
Took first med.
Had coffee and waited an hour
Made us breakfast. Took next meds
Cleaned the kitchen
Straightened the bedroom (mostly the bed)
Just been reading and looking online at seed catalogs
Made us some crescent dogs for lunch. Hotdogs needed to be used up. (I bought them this past summer)
Just going to read some more then make supper.
We go to bed early and get up early every day

I have a corner lazy-susan in the one cabinet in the kitchen and I found 2 jars of yeast pushed back to the metal bar in it. So now I need to test them to see if they're still good or not. I hate when this happens. Can't stand wasting money like this.
Got the tree down and taken out to the burn pile. Ornaments wrapped and put away. Floor swept and area vacuumed. One room looks like it's old self. I need to rebox the Christmas decorations before putting them away for another year. But not today. Little granddaughter said she'd take down the lights tomorrow. Cooking and laundry done. Little granddaughter's mom visited all afternoon and drove her a bit nuts. Almost time to finish up cooking and then have dinner and watch a movie maybe. Thinking about watching Childhood's End (great book, by the way) but need to see where it's streaming. I really liked Earth Abides, finished that, and had read the book long ago. Worth watching.
While watching ball games on tv I did a little comparison shopping for my chair hanging project.

At the big box store... hooks and assorted mounting hardware cost $95.14. And I have to drive 120miles.

At amerzit... twice as many hooks rated for 3x the weight and assorted mounting hardware for all of them costs $33.98, shipping is another $12... (and twice the number of tapcon masonry screws and a free masonry bit)

I'll have extra hooks and hardware for future projects. :rolleyes:
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Spent the morning finalizing plans to hang chairs. I know how I’m going to do it, even priced the materials. I’ll use pine 1x6’s mounted flush to cinder block walls. I’ll give the boards a couple coats of polyurethane so they can be cleaned/wiped down occasionally.

Then I’ll mount hooks to the boards. I’ve expanded the plan a bit. I’ll have 22ft of horizontal space for chairs, coolers etc. Anything that’ll easily hang next to ceilings in the storage and laundry rms. Lowes has a 6ft rail with movable hooks for use in a garage or basement. That’ll give me 2 short sections that can be adapted over time as needs may change. The rest of the hooks will be permanently mounted on 20inch centers, primarily for chairs. All in, less than $100.

Now I have to figure out how to mount another shelf on the cinder block wall in my tool room. I have everything I need already except Tapcon screws. Debating whether to brave shopping at the big box store today. Get everything for both projects. I know they’re open... Or I could mount the final light for the stairway project and brave the box store tomorrow.

I badly need another shelf... and add another bracket to the existing shelf.

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I was just telling Hubby that to keep stuff cleaned out, it’s recommended to take everything out of your house every 5 years as if you are moving and only put back in what you need. He looked right at me and said, “That’s too much work.” I said but it works 😂
I was just telling Hubby that to keep stuff cleaned out, it’s recommended to take everything out of your house every 5 years as if you are moving and only put back in what you need. He looked right at me and said, “That’s too much work.” I said but it works 😂
Yep. I didn't have these problems in the 90's. Moved 13 times, lived in 6 states and 11 cities. 4 moves over 2000miles. By the end of it I could pack and move blind folded! 🤣
I was just telling Hubby that to keep stuff cleaned out, it’s recommended to take everything out of your house every 5 years as if you are moving and only put back in what you need. He looked right at me and said, “That’s too much work.” I said but it works 😂
NO WAY!!!😮

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