What's everybody doing today?

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Not sure, I know weather is happening in our parts mid day tomorrow, snow, and Sunday could be a snow slam and single digit lows. But that's how it gets in the winter here, so it's not so unusual yet. Wondering since it's the 3rd...maybe people got a check in the mail or something. Our stores in our bigger town are typically just not that crowded. But our Aldi store is smallish. The aisle with the "Aldi Finds" in it was basically empty. Maybe a truck didn't come in? The checker told someone else that they had record sales today. I'm wondering what will happen on the 15th when the port workers do their strike that they put off at election time. Eggs were $3.89 a dozen, limit two dozen. Wow. For Aldi it's a wow. Glad we have chickens.
Friday January 3rd 2024

7.10 pm
16f right now ...a bit breezy... light snow still falling on and off

Everybody and myself had our dinner :)
*Dane Girl-Cats-Myself* ...........Its quiet

Weekend starting...so it will be quiet and rest
except for shove snow :p LOL
and 2 more laundry loads

I adore my babies !!!!

Sleep well whenever..........🥰

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Friday January 3rd 2024

7.10 pm
16f right now ...a bit breezy... light snow still falling on and off

Everybody and myself had our dinner :)
*Dane Girl-Cats-Myself* ...........Its quiet

Weekend starting...so it will be quiet and rest
except for shove snow :p LOL
and 2 more laundry loads

I adore my babies !!!!

Sleep well whenever..........🥰


You said the weekend is starting- made me figure out what day it is 😂
@sonya123 , I bet it's just the bad weather making people crazy and running to the store! Hubby had to go pick his elderly friend up from the hospital and bring her home! He's not sure if she can stay alone so hopefully her niece will spend the night and hopefully she feels better being at home!!
Spent the day at the hospital then brother and I went out for dinner--it was my turn to buy--and he still paid for half of it. He drove to dinner tonight and had such a "NJ fit of rage" driving the 2.5 miles to the restaurant that I don't think he'll complain about my driving any longer. 🤣😂

Tomorrow we're going to go over there a little later. I'm hoping Dad will get some more sleep if we're not there.
We went to Goodsprings Nevada today and then over to Prim Nevada. Jake really wanted to see Goodsprings. We gambled about 10 minutes Alex won almost $600 and I was up $23 🤣🤣🤣

im real proud of my old self--i finished a project i been working on for awhile. got done mixing up electrolyte recipe to last me some years. i was doing the whole powder mix recipe with the koolaid-tang flavoring to store but to save space i made up half gallon jars of just the mineral recipe part so when i need it all i got to do is add the koolaid flavor part. just one of those small things smart to take care of if you need it .

my next project is making some ginger tincture,
im real proud of my old self--i finished a project i been working on for awhile. got done mixing up electrolyte recipe to last me some years. i was doing the whole powder mix recipe with the koolaid-tang flavoring to store but to save space i made up half gallon jars of just the mineral recipe part so when i need it all i got to do is add the koolaid flavor part. just one of those small things smart to take care of if you need it .

my next project is making some ginger tincture,

I made ginger tincture and some turmeric a couple summers ago. Handy, I can use either as medicine or for cooking. I got tired of buying ginger and turmeric root to cook with only to have some of the root go bad in the fridge. The tincture doesn't go bad. I really like having them to cook with any time I need them...

Ginger 03a.JPG
Still coughing, but recovered enough to go visiting yesterday, as the weather may prevent travel this weekend. This morning popped some meatballs in the slow cooker for dinner and made vegetable soup on the pot belly stove for lunch. Plan on using up some lemons and bananas so a bit more cooking today, before cleaning the oven. Husband is kitting out the inside of his van and the lads are going to stack wood in the forge for me so its closer to the house, as everyone is back to work/college on Monday. Finished husbands year end accounts. Any free minutes today will be spent by the fire knitting.
My mom passed away last week
I'm so sorry, but am glad that you had her company for so long!
How is Hubby doing since his procedure? Still good? 🙏
He only felt better for a couple of days, then back to pre-procedure. We have a follow up appt. on the 15th and hope she has a plan going forward to help. Thanks for asking!

Got a bigger propane tank and filled it yesterday, for the generator. There went $300, fast!

This morning, I will walk first and then walk dogs.
Pick up parking lot at Church and shovel out 3 gutters between the top of the hill and our place.
Vacuum house and and van.
We will see what else.
can't believe I am saying this, but this morning I almost wished I was back in Florida LOL it was 45 degrees in the house , just started 2 stoves ,it will warm up fast with those, but then we have to go out to take care of the animals. Nobody is going out today for long. It's going to be freezing all day with wind, so windchill makes it worse. About an inch of snow on the road now

No plans other than regular chores today
Just did the usual saturday morning grocery thing. Extra people in there today for some reason. I figure because starting tomorrow we're supposed to get a snow "event" as one radio station called it :rolleyes:

Hubby went to walmart yesterday for dogfood so I told him to get 2 of the 18 count double packs of eggs. Each pack was $11.52

I have dishes to do and thats it except for making supper.

Hubby plans on putting the plow on the bobcat. Our forecast is:
Heavy snow possible, with potential for some sleet and
freezing rain. Total snow and sleet accumulations of 5 inches or
greater and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch possible.
A localized band with up to 10 inches of snow is possible.
Probably go into our little town before noon, before the snow hits. Looking at the presumed weather report, Monday morning at 7 am, when little granddaughter goes to the mailbox for the bus...it'll be 0 degrees with snow on the ground, pretty much all day. I'm wondering if the road will be cleared (probably not, unless our neighbor does it with the skidster), so wonder if the bus will come. And the town she has school in always loses power, so it'll be surprising if school does happen Monday.
Might go pick up the good cheese this morning after animal chores, check the PO Box. Other than that, plenty of chores inside to do that I've been waiting for times like this.
Meal prep. Tonight I'll cook-up my first batch of dried beans. They've already been soaking for a couple hours. Still have to sort through 'em, there's a few shriveled-up beans. Next time I'll sort out the bad beans first on a flat pan. Still not sure if I should change the water before cooking. I've about that, but guess it didn't sink in.

Brought up the old Panasonic stereo from the basement, still works amazingly well and sounds good. Tuned in a classical music station.... kinda cool and relaxing in this chaotic world.

Put some bean in a Rubbermaid 1 gallon air tight food storage container. Perfect size for six 1lb bags.

Edit: Still need learn how to post pics without that band across the bottom. Maybe it's a fluke of my Linux operating system???


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Meal prep. Tonight I'll cook-up my first batch of dried beans. They've already been soaking for a couple hours. Still have to sort through 'em, there's a few shriveled-up beans. Next time I'll sort out the bad beans first on a flat pan. Still not sure if I should change the water before cooking. I've about that, but guess it didn't sink in.

Brought up the old Panasonic stereo from the basement, still works amazingly well and sounds good. Tuned in a classical music station.... kinda cool and relaxing in this chaotic world.

Put some bean in a Rubbermaid 1 gallon air tight food storage container. Perfect size for six 1lb bags.

Edit: Still need learn how to post pics without that band across the bottom. Maybe it's a fluke of my Linux operating system???
I change out the water- makes them less gassy.
It's been a crazy last two weeks..
This weekend I'm looking forward to relaxing. Walking the pups , cooking soup for my lunches n checking on my neighbors...
Today, I woke up with a mean crik in my neck n shoulder..I musta slept funny.
I will walk the pups in my friends field. I need to stop by their place n check on their cat n refill the bird feeder. Then off to town to stop by the store real quick. Then home to refill my porch firewood stash, get a nice fire going n do relaxing stuff.
I might hit the hot spring tomorrow..well see..
Road trip tomorrow. School holidays are over. I was asked to run a transit route after my school run 3 evenings a week. Still thinking on that one. It's easy enough barring road conditions and just runs between first nation villages and the grocery store/hospital in town. Usually only 2-3 passengers. Driving the short bus without kids isn't much of a stretch.

Today I got the last load out of the FD, sterilized it and shut it down for the duration. It just feels wrong doing that.

I still have multiple dozens of eggs to freeze for when I start it up again. The hens have started laying and 15 eggs a day adds up pretty fast. Butchered 5 roosters yesterday and will do the last 5 today.
We went shopping for another new freezer to find one to replace the one that was damaged. Biggest that would fit through the door. Will deliver next week.

Moved the olive and coffee tree in to the project kitchen. We have cold week ahead and I didn't want to take chances.

Ate dinner early and ready for a night of football which will determine who will win the AFC north.

Hope everyone had happy holidays and is doing well.

The weather has me feeling tired. Respiratory crud is going around.

Friend has to send an essay on something to the bank to be able to close on the house-- eta for closing is the 10th.

I got a new cat tree with a hammock that Bethesda loves. Kitties are piled on me right now. Last night they were fighting in the kitchen and I was too tired to get up so I asked Princess to go "make the kitties stop". She hopped up and trotted out of the room. I heard her snarling and the cats stopped fighting. Then she came back in and got back under the covers. She's a good doggy.

I'm hoping my brother will make more paprikash soup soon because the last batch was pretty good. I also want to see how that recipe tastes with beef (only with beef broth and stew meat).

Raining today so I haven't been able to motivate myself to do much.
Still working on putting up the siding. It's slow going because of the ice, it's really slippery out. Had about 4 inches of snow, then fog and even the sun came out for a few minutes. I need to dig out one of my extension ladders so I can reach to the top of the building. It's snowing again but I still have another hour or so of daylight.

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