What's everybody doing today?

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@timmie thank you for the well wishes :) .

We think we will be waiting a few months to plant anything as we have to set up kangaroo fencing first before we build the garden beds and it is too hot to plant so we will have to buy shadecloth to go over each garden bed too as the poor veges will be fried. I wish I had the camera with me as a kangaroo hopped right past us in the yard after leaping over the side fence the day we moved in.

Happy fro you Sewing.:great::woo hoo:
Work. Long line at the post office. Just visited with son's little dog, Izzy, who was seriously eyeing the Christmas cookies I am enjoying. Need to: finish laundry, feed animals, cook dinner, finish Christmas cards, more general cleanup, and then sit through a very long band concert this evening on very hard bleacher seats.
Work. Long line at the post office. Just visited with son's little dog, Izzy, who was seriously eyeing the Christmas cookies I am enjoying. Need to: finish laundry, feed animals, cook dinner, finish Christmas cards, more general cleanup, and then sit through a very long band concert this evening on very hard bleacher seats.

Everywhere we look we see something to do so I just try not to look so much. I did mop,dust but the windows is not in plans today. I could still rake leaves too or wash algae off north side of house.
Got a pot of Taco soup of sorts going in the crock pot.
Used what I had on hand.
So it will be different.
Had taco sort of for lunch.
Made with everything that wouldn't fit in crockpot.
Crocheting still.
Date night.
You know when you tell nosey cousins you can't do something with them because it's date night.
No way, I would have braved the malls.
They want to know all kinds of things that aren't any of their business.
Where did I meet him?
What's he do for a living?
Is his bank account healthy?
When are they going to meet him?
One of them or both will just go with me on date night.
No, you won't, you weren't invited.
Then they wonder why I don't tell them anything.
Last time I checked I was over 21 a couple of times.
By the way Date Night is at the local American Legion building for Bingo.
I'm not dating right now. Not looking either.
Got a pot of Taco soup of sorts going in the crock pot.
Used what I had on hand.
So it will be different.
Had taco sort of for lunch.
Made with everything that wouldn't fit in crockpot.
Crocheting still.
Date night.
You know when you tell nosey cousins you can't do something with them because it's date night.
No way, I would have braved the malls.
They want to know all kinds of things that aren't any of their business.
Where did I meet him?
What's he do for a living?
Is his bank account healthy?
When are they going to meet him?
One of them or both will just go with me on date night.
No, you won't, you weren't invited.
Then they wonder why I don't tell them anything.
Last time I checked I was over 21 a couple of times.
By the way Date Night is at the local American Legion building for Bingo.
I'm not dating right now. Not looking either.

Hope it works out for you MoBook. 'We all need someone we can lean on ', LOL, old song.
@MoBookworm1957 you are so funny. I love it. Needed a mood lightener. Been on the go all day with my honey. Poor guy.
Ya know how you get home from a long time gone and you turn off the engine and just sit there for a few? We were doing that. I said, why does dying have to be such a b@$!h? He said why does getting old have to be such a b@$!h.
I know I'll get this part wrong.
Then he said, "people should try to avoid it."
We both busted out laughing.
You can't fix some things. So ya just gotta do the best ya can.
Thanks for explaining date night.
My date night was excellent.
Won a small pot by myself.
Mom bless her little heart is trying to understand why I'm so different from my siblings.
She's about 40 years too late, but at least she's trying.
She's been coming to bingo which she doesn't even like.
She normally asleep by 7 pm.
She won tonight too.
But she had to split her pot.
Hope it works out for you MoBook. 'We all need someone we can lean on ', LOL, old song.
You know some men don't like strong,independent women.
I'm good with that sometimes.
If I find someone, I'm good. If I don't I'm still good.
Been taking care of myself a long time.
When I need to have surgery or something, I just go do it.
By myself, when I come home, I take care of myself.
This knee replacement is the first time someone helped me out with it.
And that was Estelle's daddy, my oldest son.
Most everybody else can't or won't be bothered with me.
Unless there is something in it for them.
Then they wonder why I don't have anything to do with them.
I'm a tough old bird(soldier) because I have to be to survive.
Mentally, physically,emotionally.
It's OK to be tough as long as you still find love in what you do or who you do it with. (even if it is with yourself)
You know some men don't like strong,independent women.
I'm good with that sometimes.
If I find someone, I'm good. If I don't I'm still good.
Been taking care of myself a long time.
When I need to have surgery or something, I just go do it.
By myself, when I come home, I take care of myself.
This knee replacement is the first time someone helped me out with it.
And that was Estelle's daddy, my oldest son.
Most everybody else can't or won't be bothered with me.
Unless there is something in it for them.
Then they wonder why I don't have anything to do with them.
I'm a tough old bird(soldier) because I have to be to survive.
Mentally, physically,emotionally.

My goodness, this really needed editing! It was totally opposite of what I was trying to say.:eyeballs:
MoBook that is good that your so strong.I'm strong in a lot of ways too but not about being alone without my hubby. I really don't think I could live without him. I really do love him even though I get mad at times I'm ok with him.
I wish I could be independent like more woman are.
Anyway looks like your getting it done so good for you. Take care.
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Made a run into the larger town and picked up my shrimp, ham and chicken I wanted. I'm set for the holidays now. Still need to get some more potatoes but that can wait until saturday.
Still haven't made the decorations for on the gate at the end of the driveway. I have to do that tomorrow.I might change the bow from the Blue & Gold ( WVU colors ya know lol) to a more red and gold Christmas colors this year.
Picked up a squeaky ball for the pups to "fight" over as their present ( they steal it from each other and then chase each other while growling at one another. so silly lol)
Today is our 38th wedding anniversary. We don't get each other anything. I'm just glad to still have him here with me after all these years. A lot of his family didn't like me and thought we'd be divorced way before now. Jokes on them and their failed marriages though.
Got what cards we send out on saturday so they should be showing up in folk's boxes by at least this weekend hopefully.
I think I'm a wimp, too, Patchouli. My mom in law spent the first 5 years of our married life really, really not liking me. Then she wasn't too terrible. Mostly because she realized if she wondered about my husband's health (her only son and firstborn) that I was the only one who would tell her the truth. It was nerveracking her meeting my Amish relatives a few months ago when she came to our farm for the first time. My sis in law came, too, and she was ready to move in and stay. Mom in law was courteous, but seemed like she wanted to rewrite their laws. Ha. She is an argumentative one. I hope I'm a good mom in law. I try to be nice.
MoBook that is good that your so strong.I'm strong in a lot of ways too but not about being alone with my hubby. I really don't think I could live with him. I really do love him even though I get mad at times with him.
I wish I could be independent like more woman are.
Anyway looks like your getting it done so good for you. Take care.
There's all kind of strength, being strong.
You have to find the balance that works for you.
Thinking pj's, cold beer,murder,mystery,sex,violence kinda book, snuggle up Strawberry now that grand daughter has gone home.
Long day with that one today.
She ate like a little pig over at my parents house today.
Looked cute in her bib overalls,pink light up shoes.
Ran the sweeper before she got here this morning.
Cleaned off table, did all the dishes up.
Got most of the canned goods put away.
Going to make up a care package tomorrow for a family of 6.
So they will have a little something special to eat for Christmas.
4 small children, mom,unemployed dad.
My old unit adopted them this month for Christmas.
Giving a few of grand daughter toys, so the children will have presents under the tree.
Got a sack of clothes, some with tags still on them that will go to the 2 little girls.
Several of the other guys have children about the same ages, sizes so they will get clothes few toys for the 2 little boys.
Someone else is putting together little care package for the mom.
Several are putting something together for the dad.
After the holidays, they have a job lined up for the parents.
The book is college text book for class.
Hidden Evidence-Forensic anthropology
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My goodness, this really needed editing! It was totally opposite of what I was trying to say.:eyeballs:
MoBook that is good that your so strong.I'm strong in a lot of ways too but not about being alone without my hubby. I really don't think I could live without him. I really do love him even though I get mad at times I'm ok with him.
I wish I could be independent like more woman are.
Anyway looks like your getting it done so good for you. Take care.

I fixed my post here not sure if I was highjacked or really that bad at typing. I think it is I need to slow down and re-read all my post.
Meer, I think we know you meant you couldn't live without your husband. Some people have great ideas and thoughts and it doesn't always spell out correctly.
Amish, I haven't spoken to my mil in a couple years, she's a liberal and in her 90s! I let it be between him and her. Tried reaching out, but it's really awkward. His brothers like me now. You see, I was the bad one in our marriage and he never did any wrong, apparently. LOL
Our nieces and nephews are mostly conservative, and their parents don't know it. LOL
Mostly just workin. We've been trying to get a new supervisor and 2 new techs hired last few weeks. New super started Monday. Interviewed a group of techs and selected one to make an offer. Today went thru 39 resumes and pulled 6 to interview for the 2nd tech position. It'll probly be after the first of the year before we get to intview the folks for that one. We also had our plans approved to reorganize our department into something that makes sense and have some attempt to take on all the new work presenting itself. We have been leaned out so bad over the last 6 years that we are barebones now. It's been hard to keep pace. But we get calls every week asking if we can do this or that. It's tough to turn down anything.
Went and met a bunch of hiking friends Monday night for a Christmas get together. Had a great time. Not something we do very often.
Oh Happy Day!

I don't have to go without Christmas goodies this Christmas after all.
Praise be to The Most High.

I just got notification that my pension is going in to the bank 4 days early on the 24th Dec. and not the 28th!

I had completely submitted to the reality of making and doing the hard but adult decision of paying a year's
worth the bills instead of having a nice Christmas and now I feel in my Spirit I've passed a test
and now I'm being rewarded for being obedient.

I have gratitude in my heart and praise on my lips.
Oh Happy Day!

I don't have to go without Christmas goodies this Christmas after all.
Praise be to The Most High.

I just got notification that my pension is going in to the bank 4 days early on the 24th Dec. and not the 28th!

I had completely submitted to the reality of making and doing the hard but adult decision of paying a year's
worth the bills instead of having a nice Christmas and now I feel in my Spirit I've passed a test
and now I'm being rewarded for being obedient.

I have gratitude in my heart and praise on my lips.

I'm so happy for you!
The insurance adjuster came out to look at the kids car. The repairs will cost more than the car is worth so the car would be totaled. They offered $2,000 minus the $250 deductable and if we want to keep the car it will be $550 to "buy it back". I think we may go that route, the car is 15 yrs old but in excellent mechanical shape. It will just have some extra "character" for a while

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