What's everybody doing today?

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Took DH to get a chest x-ray at hospital and then to new doctor's appt at 8:15 this morning. New doc needs more info from doctor at VA clinic, so there goes a month trying to get that to happen. Came home and threw my spoon bread into the oven for about 5 minutes and rushed up to my get together at Church. Came home for a half hour and then went to get a haircut. Busy day! Almost forgot that I stopped at a thrift store on the way home and found one of those things that you can arrange a lot of Christmas cards in to show them. Been looking for one for several years and only paid $4 for this one. It holds about 30 cards, I think. Then we set up our new tablets and I watched some tv for a little while.
My bows never come out lol I even have a bow maker o_O But whatever its good enough for me :D

Work. Went to fill up our 5 gallon jugs with purified water and the machine broke. Set some toothpicks to soak in alcohol (jager, vanilla vodka, and rye whiskey) to flavor them and package for adult stocking stuffers. Need to hang laundry and cook a bunch of brown rice that's near expiring. Then I'll put it in the dehydrator and make instant brown rice for storage.
Congratulations Tank Girl!
Snappy hope you feel better soon.
My dad doesn't ask for much.
He usually helps out if able.
But..... today he asked for help.....
Not for himself, but for some one in the family.....
So this afternoon, I went over and started at the front door, cleaning.....
You can now get in the living room.
Wooden mini blinds have been taken down, sprayed off outside.
Hung over the fence to dry. Got them rehung before I left tonight.
Filled and drugged 4 big trashcans of stuff out of living room.
Locked the dogs outside while I went to work on the house.
All the furniture has had first dusting done.
Filled half big trashcan with nothing but dog hair, dog beds,paper off the coffee table, end tables.
Going back tomorrow to finish the living room.
I figure all heck will break out when I start the kitchen tomorrow afternoon.
Washed, dried.put away 6 loads of clothes, don't really care if they can't find clean drawers (undies).
As far as I'm concerned everything in the refr. is going in the trash.
Cousin can't come home from hospital till the house is cleaned top to bottom.
I truly don't understand how people live like this.
This house is getting a good old fashion GI cleaning.
As for dad, he was real upset that he had to ask for help.
But if the dogs had knocked him down, he would have severely injured.
Oh the help I was suppose to have, including cousin's daughter- no show.
My parents were P.Oed about that.
Everybody have a wonderful day,afternoon,evening,night.
I'm going to go take my 4th shower since I got home this evening.
Mostly just workin. We've been trying to get a new supervisor and 2 new techs hired last few weeks. New super started Monday. Interviewed a group of techs and selected one to make an offer. Today went thru 39 resumes and pulled 6 to interview for the 2nd tech position. It'll probly be after the first of the year before we get to intview the folks for that one. We also had our plans approved to reorganize our department into something that makes sense and have some attempt to take on all the new work presenting itself. We have been leaned out so bad over the last 6 years that we are barebones now. It's been hard to keep pace. But we get calls every week asking if we can do this or that. It's tough to turn down anything.
Went and met a bunch of hiking friends Monday night for a Christmas get together. Had a great time. Not something we do very often.
I was reading through another thread one where you mentioned all these people having to take early retirement, lay offs, etc. So I guess it's good new people are coming in.
Hiking buddies? Would you mind sharing a story over in the hiking forum again? Lol
Meer, I think we know you meant you couldn't live without your husband. Some people have great ideas and thoughts and it doesn't always spell out correctly.
Amish, I haven't spoken to my mil in a couple years, she's a liberal and in her 90s! I let it be between him and her. Tried reaching out, but it's really awkward. His brothers like me now. You see, I was the bad one in our marriage and he never did any wrong, apparently. LOL
Our nieces and nephews are mostly conservative, and their parents don't know it. LOL

I really have problem with typing Patch. And spend more time fixing mistakes than typing post. Plus letters want to go into the wrong place. Spell check was too complicated so I don't use that.
So at times it is hard for me to get my point across. Hope all forgive my error's. I know it can be aggravating.
The insurance adjuster came out to look at the kids car. The repairs will cost more than the car is worth so the car would be totaled. They offered $2,000 minus the $250 deductable and if we want to keep the car it will be $550 to "buy it back". I think we may go that route, the car is 15 yrs old but in excellent mechanical shape. It will just have some extra "character" for a while

We know the feeling, both our vehicles are old, paid for but old.
That's good of you to help out, Mo. I helped a hoarder friend once...got one room done, but it was too hard for her to watch. She had three big dogs in the house, so lots of poop and animal hair. Really yuck.
I'm not doing it for the hoarder.
I'm doing it for my dad's sake.
This cousin has 5 big,medium,small yappy dogs in the house.
If Health Department came in there it would be condemn . Period.
If my dad had fallen, I'm not sure the pack of dogs wouldn't have attacked him.
As for me, I carry golf club not afraid to use it either.
I also carry a pistol, not afraid to use it.
She didn't offer to help, watch nothing, she went to bed.
Slept the 5 hours I was there.
She's depressed. Cry me a river.
Can't get in house now, so let's go out and buy more junk.
Sometimes by the pallet, trailer loads.
Warehouse,5 rental houses, her house, the farm are all full of (junk), stuff.
If there was a fire, they couldn't get in there to get them out.
Her sister is just as bad if not worse.
This is one of the cousin's who volunteered me to make her step dad's Quilt of Valor.
Her sister is the other one who volunteered me.
Bathing dogs to come in out of cold tonight.Washing front porch.
Since our old dog Alice died several weeks ago at 18 I forget these two are older too now at 9 or 10 years. So they come inside if it gets to be at 35.Or we use the biddy red light warmer on them,forgot what is is called.
Our dog still acts like a youngster. I think she's 6.
Maybe your precious pups would need to come in sooner. Do they seem to be arthritic? Glucosamine and chondroitin formulas are well known for helping achy dogs. I worked a retail store, several customers had their dogs on maintenance dosages. Cheaper than using vet formulas but still a little pricey.
Our dog still acts like a youngster. I think she's 6.
Maybe your precious pups would need to come in sooner. Do they seem to be arthritic? Glucosamine and chondroitin formulas are well known for helping achy dogs. I worked a retail store, several customers had their dogs on maintenance dosages. Cheaper than using vet formulas but still a little pricey.

Patch so far they are ok but will keep in mind about the vitamins. Our dogs all live long lives so far thank goodness. And all are large dogs but if they do start lookign weak will sure try the natural way. We just bought 3 turkeys last month for $5 each so they will have plenty of protein for awhile mixed in with dog food. Them and hubby too, I haven't had any yet.

Did bathe dogs but it was partly sunny so no hosing down porch today.
Congratulations @Tank-Girl our pays both military and carers came in early as well too which made finances a little easier on us since we moved. Who could have told you the things you need to buy to hack through trees and prune hedges that we didn't have amongst other needed shelving and repair items needed that we didn't have either. We are truly blessed as everything we needed were on huge Christmas sales :) .

Hope you are feeling better @snappy1 :huggs:.
Been AWOL for a while but now back to kind of a normal routine.

Over the last few days we have finished clearing the Bogainvillea shrub, mowed the lawns, done repairs, DH had 2 gardening jobs 45 mins away and while we were in town we picked up another grocery order. The kitchen is fully sorted out now and we have found all our bakeware. Bonus we found toothpaste in one of our boxes just before it ran out. DH yesterday was mowing the 1.21 acres between rain but still has a 1/4 to do. He slashed it but the worst areas are done and we just need to rake up the grass and put it in the trailer along with other grass and tree prunings which we will do after Christmas.

An easy day today in the house putting up shelving in our food storage room and sorting our food storage into dates and putting it on the shelves oldest to the front newest to the back. Still yet to put away non perishables as we were waiting to put up more food storage shelves in the food storage room.

Oh the bliss of having a home twice as big. The sound of all the beautiful birds being fairy wrens, little finches and sulphur crested cocatoos is beautiful in the mornings and in the evenings.
Been AWOL for a while but now back to kind of a normal routine.

Over the last few days we have finished clearing the Bogainvillea shrub, mowed the lawns, done repairs, DH had 2 gardening jobs 45 mins away and while we were in town we picked up another grocery order. The kitchen is fully sorted out now and we have found all our bakeware. Bonus we found toothpaste in one of our boxes just before it ran out. DH yesterday was mowing the 1.21 acres between rain but still has a 1/4 to do. He slashed it but the worst areas are done and we just need to rake up the grass and put it in the trailer along with other grass and tree prunings which we will do after Christmas.

An easy day today in the house putting up shelving in our food storage room and sorting our food storage into dates and putting it on the shelves oldest to the front newest to the back. Still yet to put away non perishables as we were waiting to put up more food storage shelves in the food storage room.

Oh the bliss of having a home twice as big. The sound of all the beautiful birds being fairy wrens, little finches and sulphur crested cocatoos is beautiful in the mornings and in the evenings.

Good to see you so happy Sewing. It really does feel good to know we are getting there,huh?
The insurance adjuster came out to look at the kids car. The repairs will cost more than the car is worth so the car would be totaled. They offered $2,000 minus the $250 deductable and if we want to keep the car it will be $550 to "buy it back". I think we may go that route, the car is 15 yrs old but in excellent mechanical shape. It will just have some extra "character" for a while
Buying a "total" back can be good or bad. I had a 98 Honda civic with low miles, we got hammered by a hail storm in April 2011 that did a lot of damage to our house, camper, my truck, and enough to total the civic. I got the civic back for $400 and was only able to carry liability insurance. I drove it mostly as my daily driver (beater) back and forth to work until this October. Other than tires and oil change I hadn't pout another $400 in it since. But it looked rough, like it had been sitting at a driving range for a month. That was a good deal for me. In November I hit a deer in my wifes old car 2005 camry. It only had 150,000 miles and was in great shape. deer did over $6000 damage, and that's without even opening the hood. It would still drive but the passenger side was trashed, no where to mount a headlight. I could have bought it back for $1000, but would have had to put quite a bit in it to fix the headlight assy at a minimum. Just wasn't worth it to me. I took the money and picked up something else.
Buying a "total" back can be good or bad. I had a 98 Honda civic with low miles, we got hammered by a hail storm in April 2011 that did a lot of damage to our house, camper, my truck, and enough to total the civic. I got the civic back for $400 and was only able to carry liability insurance. I drove it mostly as my daily driver (beater) back and forth to work until this October. Other than tires and oil change I hadn't pout another $400 in it since. But it looked rough, like it had been sitting at a driving range for a month. That was a good deal for me. In November I hit a deer in my wifes old car 2005 camry. It only had 150,000 miles and was in great shape. deer did over $6000 damage, and that's without even opening the hood. It would still drive but the passenger side was trashed, no where to mount a headlight. I could have bought it back for $1000, but would have had to put quite a bit in it to fix the headlight assy at a minimum. Just wasn't worth it to me. I took the money and picked up something else.

If this car needed work we'd just take the payout and find something else. Aside from the faced paint and new body damage all this car needs is a new power steering pump. The one it has has developed a leak.
I was reading through another thread one where you mentioned all these people having to take early retirement, lay offs, etc. So I guess it's good new people are coming in.
Hiking buddies? Would you mind sharing a story over in the hiking forum again? Lol
I have worked there for 10 years, we have had 5 voluntary seperations since then. Most based on projected budgets and they mostly focus on the longest tenured folks, the ones closets to retirement anyway. This last one took over 400 people, several in our small group of just over 50. But the budget cuts never happened, money was actually in abundance for the past year. And all the new work has swamped us. Our old group leader was forced out in March and we foundered all summer. Finally in September one of our supervisors was moved to group leader which helped over all, but we had to spread his work around so even more work. We've been putting in extra trying to plan for a complete reorg and put certain work under the correct groups and balance the work out. The plan was generally accepted, other than bring in 5 more new folks. Hopefully things settle down. The plan is suppose to go to effect Jan 2nd.

There is a Facebook group, a couple of them actually of folks that hike in the mountains around here. We had only met a small handful until Monday night. There was about 20 at the party/dinner. Everyone was nice and friendly.
I'll try and find the other thread and post up another story. Now if I can recall where it was??? LOL
I'm feeling great today. No pain at all!

Dh's phone crashed and even a hard reset wouldn't bring it back so we ordered him a new one. $189 for a new LG V20 which is close to a G6 but less expensive.

I got some good news today and I will try to explain it quickly. The lab tech couldn't draw my blood for thyroid test (after sticking me 7 times in less than 24 hours), so I was sent to hospital next door (where they send everyone) for blood work. Tech got it first time, not sure what the problem was at the docs. So, yesterday, I got a bill from the hospital for $583 for lab work. I have a $500 deductible at the hospital per year. Hospital said since I checked in (I had to), that I was responsible for the whole bill. Doctor's office tells me that they are not affiliated with the hospital at all and can't help. Why did they send me somewhere they weren't affiliated with? They knew what insurance I had. Today, I called insurance company and they say I only have to pay $78, although the hospital still says I owe the entire amount to them. I feel like hospital is basically double billing. I'm not paying anything yet. Just going to wait and see what happens next. Yikes, though! Good thing I don't have real high blood pressure!
Had grand daughter this morning unexpectedly.
She and I ran to Wal*Mart for fresh veggies,tape,few groceries.
Came home she helped Granny stack not so neatly books in box for Aunt Laura for Christmas.
While she wasn't looking, stacked them neatly.She was aggreviating Strawberry.
They were bothering each other.
Placed her in high chair, with bingo dabber, Aunt Laura's book box is now wrapped in pokey dots.
Compliments of bingo dabbers and an 18 month old stuck in high chair.
After grand daughter went home, went to hoarders house redusted furniture.
Started on bathroom, sorted the laundry out by loads.
Thinking we have 10 more loads at least.
Saturday afternoon will give that bathroom a good old fashion bleach cleaning.
Sunday will start on kitchen. All heck will break out there.
Oh well.
There was 3 inches of water in basement last night when I left.
Sprung leak in plumbing, her husband is fixing it Saturday.
He's going to pay me for my time starting next week.
Came home showered several times.
Cooked, but ate it all so will have to cook again tomorrow.
Tired, so going to bed.
Night all.
Stay safe
I'm feeling great today. No pain at all!

Dh's phone crashed and even a hard reset wouldn't bring it back so we ordered him a new one. $189 for a new LG V20 which is close to a G6 but less expensive.

I got some good news today and I will try to explain it quickly. The lab tech couldn't draw my blood for thyroid test (after sticking me 7 times in less than 24 hours), so I was sent to hospital next door (where they send everyone) for blood work. Tech got it first time, not sure what the problem was at the docs. So, yesterday, I got a bill from the hospital for $583 for lab work. I have a $500 deductible at the hospital per year. Hospital said since I checked in (I had to), that I was responsible for the whole bill. Doctor's office tells me that they are not affiliated with the hospital at all and can't help. Why did they send me somewhere they weren't affiliated with? They knew what insurance I had. Today, I called insurance company and they say I only have to pay $78, although the hospital still says I owe the entire amount to them. I feel like hospital is basically double billing. I'm not paying anything yet. Just going to wait and see what happens next. Yikes, though! Good thing I don't have real high blood pressure!

If the insurance company said your responsible for $78 then let them know the hospital is saying your responsible for the $583. They will help straighten it out.

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