What's everybody doing today?

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Well I'm in Oklahoma just outside of Oklahoma City, delivered my load of plastic bags,Now on way to Arkansas for my pickup, will be home late Sunday night or early Monday morning. Just in time for Christmas.
Thank you @Meerkat we are really enjoying owning our own home (well at least 40% of it) and seeing progress in lots of things.

We didn't get our food storage done again today but instead got sidetracked and DH silicone sprayed all of the sliding window and door tracks with silicone spray and they work a lot better now. He also put up some privacy screens on the back veranda with shadecloth and we made a frame for another one out of star pickets and extendable tent poles with shadecloth tied to them. It should be a lot cooler in the back half of the house now the direct sun is not hitting it. I put on two loads of washing on in the washing machine and watered some of the surrounding grass with one load of grey water and DH did the other load and watered all of the ornamental shrubs around the house bar 2 as he ran out of water. As it has been so hot here and we have State forest butting up to where we live almost keeping the grass well watered is a good bushfire prevention strategy. I also filled up our drink bottles (plastic soft drink bottles) with rainwater I saved from the rain storms here which was overflow from our tanks. This saved electricity as we don't need to turn on our tap which triggers the electric pump kicking in every time we want a drink.

This afternoon we folded up 5 loads of washing and put it away and made the bed with clean sheets and I put up clean towels in the bathroom for the beginning of a new week and swept the kitchen floor.

Tonight's dinner was a BBQ and we cooked up sausages, eggs, tomatoes and homegrown onions on the BBQ and we sat on the undercover patio with a nice breeze.
Sitting in the recliner taking a break.
Been wrapping Christmas gifts.
Stuck a chicken in the oven to be baked.
Along with sweet potatoes,baking potatoes,maybe an applesauce cake.
Sweet potatoes, cake mix was gifted to me by a friend.
She gifted me 5 pounds of sweet potatoes out of her garden.
Good thing I like sweet potatoes.
Strawberry misses Estelle today, cause I am getting all her kisses.
Not much under the tree, just little bits and bobs things.
Flight, you be careful out there.
Have a safe trip home.
We went to breakfast at a local diner like we do every saturday morning.
Then we went to walmart so hubby could get some beer and dogfood and I picked up all the dairy we'd need for the week.
Good grief it was busy! People everywhere most with full carts. They had a mix of food and gifts from what I could see while sitting and waiting on hubby.
I did see 2 different fellas who had lists but looked kinda lost. One was standing in the aisle between the little girls section and the baby section. The other was wandering around in the freezer section trying to find whatever was on the list. I don't think he did much grocery shopping and was sent out by the wife lol
Now we're just hanging out. Hubby is watching something on tv and I'm reading the net right now. I'll pick up a book later.
I'm leaning towards a pizza for supper. Just can't decide which place to order from local King's, Dominoes or Little Caesar ( pizza pizza!). lol
Hubby is off for 11 days
I did a little running around--local grocery, Shell station for gas and bought them out of DH's favorite 50 cent cookie. Will try to find some more before Christmas. Post office to mail eBay and then hit a yard sale. Bought some Avon American Harvest pieces--Pitcher, 4 cups and a candle holder. Came home and looked them up on eBay. Altogether they would sell for a little over $100 plus shipping. I paid $10. Yay! I have the whole collection now, I think and could sell it if needed. Found a frosted and cut glass eagle for DH for $3. It's about 6" tall and very nice! Now home and did little chores for the day. Still need to do some eBay photos for DH. And clean? Maybe.
House is picked up.
Sweeper run again.
Strawberry's dog food dish moved for the 3rd time today.
I have flipped that puppy three times today.
Her food rug(mat) swept again.
Chicken and potatoes are out of the oven.
Need to dust furniture.
Not today.
Finish wrapping one gift for Estelle for Christmas.
Will start wrapping for her daddy tomorrow.
Got a little bit of dishes to do.
Watching the TV in the bedroom, I can see it from my recliner in living room.
Still trying to decide on cake.
Got the wrapping paper stuff put back into cheap garment bag to keep track of it.
All wrapping paper, gift bags,tape in one spot.
When done just hang garment bag back in 2nd bedroom closet till needed again.
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Christmas dinner with extended family at Grandma's. There was a good crowd, about 40 people, making it difficult to say something to everyone, hard to navigate through the house.

Lots of good food, I couldn't even finish everything on my plate, no room for desert but I usually skip deserts anyway.

A quick trip to the big town since I was already halfway there... needed a better dust mop and a few groceries.
Done a fair bit today and all the food storage is now packed rotated newest to the back oldest to the front on the 4 x 5 shelf gorilla shelving in the storage room. Still got a lot to do with adding to our food storage but we are happy with our progess so far. The 10lt storage buckets of flour, raw sugar, white sugar, honey, rice and oats are all stacked on one wall of the room as you walk into it. We recyled some packaging boxes to store more powdered milk in making it easier to stock on the storage shelves.

We put up the Christmas tree and decorated it and I have swept the floors in the bathroom, kitchen and storage room. Some cardboard has been put in the recyling bin.
Laying here waiting for the sheriff to show up. The neighbors music is so loud I can hear it all through my house. My bed is vibrating and he has about 30 people over there. At 2:30 pm.. Sure. 2:30am???!!! Hubby has to be at work in 3hrs and I'm now wide awake.
Inconsiderate :mad::waiting::cop:
I'm feeling great today. No pain at all!

Dh's phone crashed and even a hard reset wouldn't bring it back so we ordered him a new one. $189 for a new LG V20 which is close to a G6 but less expensive.

I got some good news today and I will try to explain it quickly. The lab tech couldn't draw my blood for thyroid test (after sticking me 7 times in less than 24 hours), so I was sent to hospital next door (where they send everyone) for blood work. Tech got it first time, not sure what the problem was at the docs. So, yesterday, I got a bill from the hospital for $583 for lab work. I have a $500 deductible at the hospital per year. Hospital said since I checked in (I had to), that I was responsible for the whole bill. Doctor's office tells me that they are not affiliated with the hospital at all and can't help. Why did they send me somewhere they weren't affiliated with? They knew what insurance I had. Today, I called insurance company and they say I only have to pay $78, although the hospital still says I owe the entire amount to them. I feel like hospital is basically double billing. I'm not paying anything yet. Just going to wait and see what happens next. Yikes, though! Good thing I don't have real high blood pressure!

A shame we have to watch those who are suppose to care for us. Hope you get it worked out in your benefit Snappy.
Wrapping presents for Estelle's daddy.
Some of his gifts are interesting to say the least.
Will have to get them all wrapped if I want to go to bed tonight.
My bed is literally full of presents.
Most are in bulky boxes, which I will take care of as I wrap.
Been wrapping gifts about an hour and half.
Strawberry is getting on my last nerve, excessive barking, wanting in and out.
This wrapping job wouldn't normally take this long.
If didn't have to stop every 20 minutes to let her in or out.
Setting here listening to tunes, while she outside again.
Guess I'm finally getting my appetite back from surgery.
Back to work on wrapping presents, breaks over.
she's barking excessively again.
He He good to hear been known in a distant past to walk into like house pull out stereo from wall and cut the cord and leave and that created peace and quiet after pleasant negotiations were futile. However I wouldn't advise that most people do this as some may get upset and I would say this is definitely not legal.

I did as a nice neigbourly thing and sent an electrician in to fix the cord afterward with a message if you don't keep the noise down next time I won't fix the cord. Fortunately they didn't know which neighbour I was.
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He He good to hear :) . I had been known in a distant past to walk into like house pull out stereo from wall and cut the cord and leave and that created peace and quiet after pleasant negotiations were futile. However I wouldn't advise that most people do this as some may get upset and I would say this is definitely not legal.

I did as a nice neigbourly thing send an electrician in to fix the cord afterward with a message if you don't keep the noise down next time I won't fix the cord. Fortunately they didn't know which neighbour I was.
I unplugged the stereo in the garage one morning at 1am because it was blaring and no one was home.
Wrapping presents for Estelle's daddy.
Some of his gifts are interesting to say the least.
Will have to get them all wrapped if I want to go to bed tonight.
My bed is literally full of presents.
Most are in bulky boxes, which I will take care of as I wrap.
Been wrapping gifts about an hour and half.
Strawberry is getting on my last nerve, excessive barking, wanting in and out.
This wrapping job wouldn't normally take this long.
If didn't have to stop every 20 minutes to let her in or out.
Setting here listening to tunes, while she outside again.
Guess I'm finally getting my appetite back from surgery.
Back to work on wrapping presents, breaks over.
she's barking excessively again.

Anychance a doggie door going up MoBook? We put one in last year and what a work saver.

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