What's everybody doing today?

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All the presents my oldest son brought this morning is now wrapped and under the tree.
All except the two things of legos will put those under the tree to open with Uncle Fred and Aunt Laura.
Now to put all wrapping paper, tape,scissors, name tags back in garment bag to be hung up in closet tomorrow.
One more job will be done.
Monday's agenda:
Run the sweeper through the whole house while Strawberry chases squirrel.
Start cooking for Christmas day.
Much needed nap in there somewhere.
Sams shopping today. Had to go into school to get the billing and payroll done. Then to a regular grocery store for a few items Sams didn't have. Drove around a while trying to find parking. Had to put on my patience hat because the grocery store was THAT crowded. Youngest daughter came over for the rest of the day. Planned the menu for the next two days.
Making a second cup of coffee and getting ready to head to work. Only an 8 hour day so not too bad. Dinner later with family I guess. Keeping my head down and pushing through to years end. I’ll be glad to see it go and hope 2019 turns out better.

Merry Christmas to all if I don’t get back on here by then!
Merry Christmas!!
Feeding animals, cleaning the floors, lots of cooking, home church tonight.
Adult kids will be over for dinner. We'll stay up way too late.
Husband getting ready to go out and do his "annual Christmas Eve" shopping.
He's nuts.
He's bringing grandson so he can see how men do this.
Strawberry finally calmed down once I got all the gifts wrapped yesterday.
And off my bed, she jumped right up there in her spot.
Gave a big sigh of relief, promptly went to sleep for bout an hour.
Getting ready to take 2 chickens out of chest freezer.
Will take backbone out of them(save them for soup stock) grill flatten chickens tomorrow.
Making up macaroni salad simple dressing vinegar and oil.
Trying to get as much done up today, so I can enjoy Estelle tomorrow.
My parents don't know it yet, but they're coming over here to eat.
This is first year, not having everybody get together.
But some of our families have gotten to big for their house.
Some of my siblings have to work.
Then they have their Christmas things to do.
Have to sort laundry yet today. Get that started.
Strawberry is in there rolling around on my bed.
Just heard big sigh, she's snuggled up between my pillows.
Hopefully I won't find another bone in my bed tonight.
Men who cook, men who bake. It's a nice thing. I don't have that happening here at this point. Way too much going on today. And baby, it's cold outside.
Mo, I hope you have a quiet time with your folks. I know it'll get loud here tomorrow. I still haven't wrapped stuff.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Stay safe.
The trees around our place look like tall skeletons....their branches sticking out from the trunk....leaves stripped away...and hidden treasures appear.....the squirrels have quite a few platforms built in the cottonwood tree. There are bird nests in some of the highest trees down at the old house. I love to look at them, a reminder that with spring, new growth will appear, new nests will be built, and my old birds will return. Some still stay, the jays, sparrows, nuthatches, crows...old pinecones fall from the pine tree in the front of our house, Buddy gets them before me and loves to chew them....I always look forward to March when my purple martins come in....and later in summer, the Mississippi Kites will call to me as they fly in, they nest in trees around me. Cardinals show up sometimes in their red garb...we keep feeders out everywhere, and they know they are loved.
Got the floors mopped, the vacuuming done, shrimp shishkabobs set up in the fridge for tomorrow, bottom part of the jello setting, laundry hung and more going. Getting ready to make two triple berry pies for tonight. Son picked up the alcohol. My assistant is out of town and just asked if she can have Wednesday off, too. I said no way. I would have to go in for her, and it would delay us leaving for the farm a day. My assistant is our son's girlfriend, so I'm sure they think I'm a big meanie. But oh well. I put in for time off first. And unlike the business owner (me) she gets paid for her days off. Irritated I was even asked.
Well I've been saying for past several months I was going to have me a beer but something always came up and I didn't.
But today I had me a couple very dark Guinness beers. No tomato juice or V8 this time. I don't like the taste American beer anymore but this Guinness is also strong so it only takes a couple.
So chic pen will have to wait till tomorrow. Of course chics are in a nice clean pen we moved em into yesterday so no big hurry.
Merry Christmas, everyone! I always think of the old Aunt in Christmas Vacation when I say that! LOL

Went to Lowe's this morning so DH could get a flag to attach to porch post, then to Walmart to pick up acetone that was ordered, then to Kroger for a 99 cent a pound ham. Home now with ham in oven, laundry almost done, eggs hard boiled (for me), chicken par boiled and marinating for grilling tomorrow. I wrapped a couple of small gifts for DH and am playing now, waiting on ham to get done. Might take some eBay photos later and that's all for today.
Merry Christmas, everyone! I always think of the old Aunt in Christmas Vacation when I say that! LOL

Went to Lowe's this morning so DH could get a flag to attach to porch post, then to Walmart to pick up acetone that was ordered, then to Kroger for a 99 cent a pound ham. Home now with ham in oven, laundry almost done, eggs hard boiled (for me), chicken par boiled and marinating for grilling tomorrow. I wrapped a couple of small gifts for DH and am playing now, waiting on ham to get done. Might take some eBay photos later and that's all for today.

That was a funny movie. I hope all your days are merry Snappy and all.
Merry CHRISTmas every one!

Very sedate day of feasting, reflection and gratitude.

I already have my chicken cooking in the slow cooker and I'll have roasted pumpkin, sweet potatoes and potatoes and a rich brown onion gravy with it.
For pudding I'll have a baked egg custard.

I'll ring the only relative I have any contact with to wish them a Merry CHRISTmas and pray the conversation remains civil.
I'll be have if they do so I think the call will be very short.
Happy and joyous Christmas everyone , it is already Christmas Day here in Australia at 8.41 a.m.

Happy Christmas to you @Tank - Girl for today and for those in America for anywhere between 10 - 16 hours from now :flyingaway: :snowwindow::swingstocking::presents::heart/flower .

Merry CHRISTmas to you (and DH ) my wonderful friend!

I'm excited for you spending your very first CHRISTmas in your new home.
I hope the new year brings you joy and gladness.

((((((((HUGE HUGS))))))))
Yesterday was a busy day and our friend the electrician turned up out of the blue and fixed our TV antenna and cables and put on a booster and new antenna on the roof and we now have television which we haven't had for 14 days :) . Got to say we didn't really miss it either. While he was here he also installed 4 new double power points, some to replace old clapped out ones that wouldn't turn off and some new needed ones too. We paid him for the parts and he insisted only taking the minimal amount of money for his labour costing $280. He spent 5 hours doing it all and only charged us $280 and should have charged $425 plus parts . Bless him he is a true and lovely friend.

In the evening we decided to go Christmas Eve shopping in a really small country town supermarket and picked up some huge bargains being triple smoked shaved ham from the deli for $3.60 per kg reduced from $18 (we purchased a kg), 4 roasted chickens @ $4.50 ea reduced from $9 ea (why would you turn on the oven to cook in the blaring summer heat here for that when chickens are $4 - $12 kg uncooked here), and reduced priced BBQ steak. We saved in total $63.83 or 34.08% on usual prices including specials, clearances and using our 5% off roadside assist gift cards and have now stocked up the freezer a bit more at really cheap prices. We have broken off the meat off the chickens to make 10 meals for us from the chickens and had chicken and salad last night for dinner.

Today will pack the ham into meal sized portions for the freezer which will add quite a bit more to the freezer for meals. With only 2 of us it doesn't pay us to get a whole ham so this is our solution for having some festive foods at low prices in our home.
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Thank you @Tank-Girl and hoping you are feeling better too. We are excited as well but pacing ourselves in a list of priorities to get things done without exhausting ourselves.

I'm feeling 100% better today now that the stress of yesterday's mad shopping trip is over.
The US markets did exactly as I thought they might so I'm very grateful I zeroed out my accounts.

I'm glad you are taking it steady.
I have a real issue (still) with attacking everything at a million miles an hour which worked when
I was fit and healthy but less so now.
My impatience with my lack of endurance is my biggest down fall.
Im having a great weekend off , just kinda wondering where it went?! spent one day going down to the valley to get supplies, sun after dog walk, check on 2 neighbors homes, cleaned critters area, church, road down road to garden area on top of half frozen goat n horse poo pile on sled, then laundry to clean dirty smelly clothes , more laundry, warm fires, now its Monday n feels like really it should be sunday. I need to stay up late to transition over to doing night shift but didn't make it past 1030 last night.
I need another 4 days off..
Laundry washed,dried and put away:flyingaway:
Ran the sweeper again in living room
Estelle's little potty chair has been repaired.
Took it to my dad, he fixed right up.
He's been busy guy today napping.
Think I will go watch a bit of TV, nap for awhile.
Oh yeah!
Wonders of wonder my kitchen table is still cleaned off.
Refrig has been cleaned out, wiped down.
Decided if it takes me 3 days to decide to use cake mix, then I probably don't want it to start with.
Placed back in the cabinet.
Everyone have a safe and joyous Christmas tomorrow.
Merry Christmas!

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