What's everybody doing today?

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there are other types of snow lanterns but I found these
But I thought you meant these:
Had a long day working near Mecca, California. We could see the stinky Salton Sea from the job site. My Midwestern butt is not used to the desert sun out here and I got a little scorched today. I had to get In N Out after work. Can't be in California and not get the one positive thing that California has in it!😁
we got more snow than the forecast said, but what else is new, weather pinheads are pretty useless around here
so , husband already shoveled the walkway to the woodshed to get wood , both stoves out this morning.
I forgot to mention this, but I found coal at the Tractor supply yesterday and got a bag! Our Amish cookstove can burn coal, the other stove I am not sure about so I will not put any in there.
I will try it in a little bit, want to be done with animal care and keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get too hot

Daughter sent me a photo this morning, they even got a few inches of snow in Virginia Beach

so today animal care, snow shoveling, feeding stoves, baking chocolate chip cookies
What a difference a day makes... Temp never got above 34 yesterday, heavy overcast skies. Sunshine this morning, already at 37 and the drip, drip of water everywhere. Low 40's this afternoon. 50's tomorrow and the next, the snow will be gone by tuesday and life will be back to normal.

Inside work continues, I want to finish the shelving today.

Going out soon to work on the new shop building. Should finish siding the west wall and start framing the east wall. This is for phase 1 of the building. Can't start on phase 2 or 3 until spring. When it's all complete the building will be 22×24. Got a lot of trees and brush to remove and level the ground when it warms up before starting on phase 2 & 3.
Back to work tomorrow!! Hubby has a small job today! I've been doing inside jobs until it warms up a little. Laundry and some cleaning. Going out shortly to finish Sammy's grave and get him buried and make his headstone. Need to get my cleaning supplies ready for tomorrow's jobs, bring firewood inside, feed the birds, and brush Buddy! I feel a power nap coming on first!!
Going to get my new tires put on the car soon..
Got up early and started laundry, got dog food done too.
Old fat dog is limping around on 3 legs..she must have wiped out good jumping off my bed yesterday..her little ankle joint on her front leg is a bit swollen and she isn't wanting to put weight on it. It doesn't feel broken and she let's me massage her doggie arm but so much for exercising them good this weekend. I was looking forward to a nice long walk since the sun is out. It's cold but nice..
Owell..so I'll go get my tires on, hit the store after real fast and head home n get a fire going..
No visit with dad today. Sick again (or still). No tips just tails. Drinking my electrolytes. Curled up in bed. The stress is getting me. I eat my stress (not physically just keep pushing it down) and that led to some unfortunate medical problems in the past. He was disappointed when I told him we wouldn’t be there today but we’ll FaceTime later. He’ll be able to see the dog too. His lady friend is back from an overseas trip and quarantined herself but that’s over and she’ll visit him today.
Just came in from working on the shop building. My hands were so cold I couldn't feel my fingers. I'll sit by the wood stove and warm up for a few minutes then go back out and finish the siding on the west wall. We're getting a slight breeze and a few snow flurries and cold today. I might take a hot shower when I'm done for the day.
Got a zoom call with daughter in rehab and she's looking good. Little granddaughter cleaned out her barbies and got the big barbie house taken down and all is ready to go to the thrift store to donate. I went thru the kitchen cupboards, drawers, extra kitchen storage and bagged more to donate. We were on a cleanout roll today. Just not the upstairs closet yet. I've done half of it, have to be in the mood to finish it.
Yesterday I vacuumed (with a weak stick vacuum that ran out of battery on me) up the spots I could get to in the living room. I need to go in more aggressively with the shop vac for some spots. Also need a carpet shampooer. I know I've had the shampoo type of vacuums but I can't remember if I ever used it for shampoo and vacuuming. I don't recall Mom ever doing that either. Even though the battery can run out, the cordless vacuums are so much easier to handle.

After vacuuming I went to help my friend and his wife move furniture and stuff to their new house.

This morning I cooked for Mom and brought in cat food for kitties. Waiting to see if friend needs more help moving. He just messaged to say the new fridge doesn't fit. I knew it wouldn't because I measured the height of his fridge and the distance from floor to bottom of cabinet and told him it wouldn't fit. He'll have to trim the upper cabinet to make it fit.

Not going to bombard with tons of pics, but this is the abridged version of what I had to deal with bc of Mom's nasty habit of just throwing trash across the room. My brother promised multiple times to clean it up and never did. I got tired of constantly trying to keep up with it and had a case of the "screw its" and didn't mess with it (bc I'd already cleaned it up 3x before and she kept making more mess). I did finally get her to stop throwing trash over there though.


Alot of cleanup, Zannej! Keep going!
I know it's a pain cleaning up after mom...a trick I learned. Little granddaughter hates cleaning her room and bathroom...throws everything everywhere. She helps well with other chores, just not this. Two weeks ago I decided to go in her room and bathroom every single day, hang up her clothes properly, pick up the laundry, take it downstairs. She's actually liking it now that her clothes are where they need to be, not in piles on the floor. She's picking up better. Husband is another story, because he can't get around, so I have to make sure he's picked up after constantly. I'm guessing your mom is like that. So he has small garbage cans near his desk and near his recliner, and I empty them every day, so he's better about throwing trash in them and not on the floor.
Alot of cleanup, Zannej! Keep going!
I know it's a pain cleaning up after mom...a trick I learned. Little granddaughter hates cleaning her room and bathroom...throws everything everywhere. She helps well with other chores, just not this. Two weeks ago I decided to go in her room and bathroom every single day, hang up her clothes properly, pick up the laundry, take it downstairs. She's actually liking it now that her clothes are where they need to be, not in piles on the floor. She's picking up better. Husband is another story, because he can't get around, so I have to make sure he's picked up after constantly. I'm guessing your mom is like that. So he has small garbage cans near his desk and near his recliner, and I empty them every day, so he's better about throwing trash in them and not on the floor.
if I was a guy I would want to be married to someone like you!! I hope your husband appreciates you!
So I feel like I shovled a thousand pounds of snow, probably did, to clear the road somewhat at least. The wind made snowpiles 2 feet deep in some areas, right where the steepest section is, and some of the pasture next to it only has a few inches. I would rather the snow be on the pasture, but typical, nothing is ever the way I would like it to be
Animals are ok but the goat boys in their relative large house are starting to beat up on each other. They really need to go out

Baking my cookies now, haven't had time
Not going to bombard with tons of pics, but this is the abridged version of what I had to deal with bc of Mom's nasty habit of just throwing trash across the room. My brother promised multiple times to clean it up and never did. I got tired of constantly trying to keep up with it and had a case of the "screw its" and didn't mess with it (bc I'd already cleaned it up 3x before and she kept making more mess). I did finally get her to stop throwing trash over there though.
wow!!! That is messy on a whole other level.....wow....
Don't you guys have garbage cans?
I am definitely not a clean freak and our house is messy too but wow....your brother should definitely help!!!
Yesterday I vacuumed (with a weak stick vacuum that ran out of battery on me) up the spots I could get to in the living room. I need to go in more aggressively with the shop vac for some spots. Also need a carpet shampooer. I know I've had the shampoo type of vacuums but I can't remember if I ever used it for shampoo and vacuuming. I don't recall Mom ever doing that either. Even though the battery can run out, the cordless vacuums are so much easier to handle.

After vacuuming I went to help my friend and his wife move furniture and stuff to their new house.

This morning I cooked for Mom and brought in cat food for kitties. Waiting to see if friend needs more help moving. He just messaged to say the new fridge doesn't fit. I knew it wouldn't because I measured the height of his fridge and the distance from floor to bottom of cabinet and told him it wouldn't fit. He'll have to trim the upper cabinet to make it fit.

Not going to bombard with tons of pics, but this is the abridged version of what I had to deal with bc of Mom's nasty habit of just throwing trash across the room. My brother promised multiple times to clean it up and never did. I got tired of constantly trying to keep up with it and had a case of the "screw its" and didn't mess with it (bc I'd already cleaned it up 3x before and she kept making more mess). I did finally get her to stop throwing trash over there though.
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Zannej, I feel for you. I have one of those in my family, too. Stuff is 4-5 feet in some places. Garbage, too, not just stuff. I can not understand why someone can stand next to the garbage can and then throw trash past it. Clean it up for them, and a month later it looks the same. Nothing will change them. It takes a strong person to live with them. If you didn’t take care of them, they very well could be on the streets or committed somewhere. Hang in there. You’re doing the right thing.

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