What's everybody doing today?

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I'm dealing (or not dealing) with a few family members on both sides of the tree that are tiresome too. Don't think or plan ahead pass their noses. Then the "woe is me" drama routine.
The helpless and "woe is me" people make me tired as well. When you are not helpless, and quite the opposite of that, the helpless game gets played on you until you help people see their game, if you are able to. In my experience, people see and get what they want to get. I have 3 opportunities to respond to someone, something that they don't want to get. Fourth time, I am yelling my response. Now they get it, but often not what they want to get. But I am never approached with that again. I now get to be capable and they get to look for someone else to try to play their game with.
...walking away would help them do things for themselves, but usually they just find someone else to bug.

True. On the other hand they learn not to bug me because I'm deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other (when it comes to their "woes"). They now are learning that just because my wife promises I'll take care of it for them doesn't mean I will.
Off to work, and then we'll see what today brings.
Does NM have MLK holiday? I know some states don't. We do in Colorado and there is a big parade/march (Marade) that starts at a park and goes a couple miles down to the capitol building. Major streets are blocked off and traffic is snarled. Not everyone has the day off, but many do.
Today is stay in the house today goofy. wind chill is minus 3 degrees right now with winds at 21mph and gusts up to 31mph. the only things out and about are the birds at the dog's automatic feeder. they love the dogfood. even had the smaller sized woodpecker at it this morning.
I have the curtains open on the south side of the house to have the sun help heat the house. its nice and warm when you're at the windows. feels good.
Have no idea whats for supper. I'm at a loss
just gonna read and listen to the radio
Does NM have MLK holiday? I know some states don't. We do in Colorado and there is a big parade/march (Marade) that starts at a park and goes a couple miles down to the capitol building. Major streets are blocked off and traffic is snarled. Not everyone has the day off, but many do.

I don't know about all of NM but my area does not have it off.
Today is stay in the house today goofy. wind chill is minus 3 degrees right now with winds at 21mph and gusts up to 31mph.

I'm right there with you.
Woke up to 8F this morning. 20-30mph wind. I haven't even opened a door all day and have no plans to do so. Going down to 6F tonight but we should be recovering to around 28 tomorrow. Maybe I'll venture out, maybe not.
Banks, Post office, government run schools are off. Our school is privately owned. Although only half the students showed up today. Still, we needed to be open for the other half who have working parents. My husband works on base for a contractor. He has work today.
None of our schools were out.
dusting-half done
floors dusted-no
maybe tomorrow
Had shower, head is washed for the second time today.
Ate several times today.
Strawberry got stuck on frozen snow ice several times.
Supposed to be balmy weather for Missouri tomorrow.
High 43* 80% chance of rain and snow.
No school today.
Who knows about tomorrow.
Wind chill is bitter.
Highway patrol issued warning if you don't have to be out; Don't.
Nice truck Mr. Flight.
Idiot cousins brother in law came through for them again.
Brought truck load and trailer load of wood already split.
He and his step son from previous relationship spent 4 hours in bitter cold wind unloading it, stacking it.
No thank you, no nothing, do you want to come in for something hot to drink nothing.
He even took time to install thermostat. Nothing.
Home from the Drs finally. The kid has her heart rate monitor and an extra cell phone to remember to charge and carry. She had 2 appointments today. The first was scheduled for 10:30am. Wasn't called back until 1:10!! The only reason we got in then was because I told them we were fixing to leave because she had another apt across town at 2:30.:mad:
Did a 6 mile forced march on the tracks today looking for things to fix. Luckily it was a relatively easy day and the weather was good. I'm tired of Southern California already though. I've worked from Riverside all the way down to Pomona this week and in February I'll be in City of Industry and East L.A. With apologies to Havasu, who I know lives very near this area, the craziness out here just wears me out. I can't get used to all the filth everywhere and the bums and panhandlers wanting cigarettes and money.
Nothing here but a little housekeeping, laundry, nothing major.

@Spikedriver Be careful near East LA. I was there 90-92, the 3 bloodiest years in LA county history. I was once sent to “East LA Doctors Hospital” to repair a catscan, probably not there anymore. Not my normal area (folks had been fired). At the entrance to the parking deck was a big pile of charred cinder blocks.

I saw no security anywhere. Once inside I asked about this. They said “We used to have security until someone drove a car over the guard shack by the parking deck.” “They torched the car, someone was angry with the security guard” “Since then no security company will contract with us”. :eek:

Despite everyone wearing hospital scrubs I spotted a few ankle holsters that day.
Nothing here but a little housekeeping, laundry, nothing major.

@Spikedriver Be careful near East LA. I was there 90-92, the 3 bloodiest years in LA county history. I was once sent to “East LA Doctors Hospital” to repair a catscan, probably not there anymore. Not my normal area (folks had been fired). At the entrance to the parking deck was a big pile of charred cinder blocks.

I saw no security anywhere. Once inside I asked about this. They said “We used to have security until someone drove a car over the guard shack by the parking deck.” “They torched the car, someone was angry with the security guard” “Since then no security company will contract with us”. :eek:

Despite everyone wearing hospital scrubs I spotted a few ankle holsters that day.
I was in East L.A. and City of Industry a year ago for the first part of the project we're finishing now. Yeah, it was filthy and there were used needles everywhere. I never really felt I was in danger though. We did work in a concrete trench full of gang graffiti that was a little unnerving, because there was nowhere to go if something crazy happened. But we're working in daylight hours and we're in groups, and we're also armed with blunt weapons. Well, if you would call sledgehammers and 5 foot pry bars with sharpened ends weapons, anyway...;)
This morning I stain removed some clothing, put on a load of washing, hung it on the clothes line and brought it back in when dry. I also used the grey water to water the ornamental plants in pots around the side of the house and watered the fruit trees and herbs with town water. Then I went out and swept the shed under the rain water tanks and DH loaded most of the gardening gear and tools in there. We used the dirt from there to fill in holes in the driveway at the side of the house.

Then I continued painting and put on a second coat of paint on the 2 window sills, the window in the meat room and the step into the outhouse toilet so they are now done. DH and I then washed the AWD as it was dusty and dirty as with bug squat all over it and cleaned the windows.

Shortly we will fold up 3 loads of washing and put it away, wash the dishes in the kitchen & put them away, blanch and freeze some beans and dinner will be pancakes with homemade jam, butter and or whipped cream.
Stripped the bed, remade with clean bedding including quilt(my first attempt 40 years ago).
Let Strawberry out to take care of business several times.
Leftover roast for lunch, tonight is date night.
So will go grab something before bingo.
Estelle's dad had to take laptop back to factory settings, bummer.
I had zapped it with seizure, but I do that on recurring basis.
Did it to phone this week.
Mom is worried that the seizures are coming back with vengeance.
Don't know how to break it to her; they never went away.
I just didn't tell her I was still having them.
She can't do anything about them anyway, no since worrying her unnecessary.
My dad knew they were still there, but he didn't say anything either.
Seizure doctor told me what to expect, he cleared me to live normal life, to drive.
She wants me to give up my car, so not happening.
Spike driver, be careful.
Terri, congratulations about the kid's monitor hopefully it help.
Everybody have good day, evening, night.
Nothing here but a little housekeeping, laundry, nothing major.

@Spikedriver Be careful near East LA. I was there 90-92, the 3 bloodiest years in LA county history. I was once sent to “East LA Doctors Hospital” to repair a catscan, probably not there anymore. Not my normal area (folks had been fired). At the entrance to the parking deck was a big pile of charred cinder blocks.

I saw no security anywhere. Once inside I asked about this. They said “We used to have security until someone drove a car over the guard shack by the parking deck.” “They torched the car, someone was angry with the security guard” “Since then no security company will contract with us”. :eek:

Despite everyone wearing hospital scrubs I spotted a few ankle holsters that day.

I de installed a CT scanner from a hospital in East LA.
The hospital had gone broke and shut down.
Don't remember the name of the place but it was a Philips scanner.
When me and the other guy were driving back to the hotel there was smoke everywhere.
Turned on the radio and heard the cops had been found not guilty in the Rodney King case.
It was an interesting driving back to the hotel with our pagers going off every minute.
Corporate was trying to tell us to get out of LA now.
I did but the other guy had to get his brother to drive down from San Francisco to get him.
It was 5 degrees when I got up at 6am this morning. I slept 11 hours last night! o_O I do feel rested :)
Dust mopped the bedroom ( kill all the dust bunnies!!!) Love the laminate flooring. So easy to clean
Wandered outside this morning when it was up to 21 had to walk like a penguin lol. freshened up the pup's water and fluffed their straw. they had nice holes done up. One in the back and one in the front. They have to touch when they sleep. they always have. Guess its a holdover from them being litter mates. They used to sleep with their heads in each other's chests when they were little ( wish I had taken a picture of it now)

Did up the dishes
Straightened up hubby's magazines ( watch now he'll say he can't find anything lol)
Been listening to the radio and reading some

Started the beef veggie soup for today's supper. Some how we've gone through 2 dozen cans of green beans(!):confused:

Supposed to warm up to the 40's with rain lol The goofies around here start wearing shorts and flipflops when its in the 50's
More purging as part of the annual clean up. I move stuff that needs to go away to the front porch to stay focused inside. I have boxes with different designations there that I can add items to: thrift shop, teacher store, some recycling, some home repair stuff to go to the garage to be sorted out there. I can see progress, but have a long way to go.
Cleaned out a closet early this morning that really needed it. Amazing what I found in there. Waiting for husband to be ready for dinner. I had to work late. Grandson left the hen house door open and the dogs got in and killed a number of them. He left the turkey run gate open twice recently and it was lucky the dogs didn't notice. He hasn't apologized or said a word about it. I'm not calling him for dinner.

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