What's everybody doing today?

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Round 2 this afternoon we went and measured up the area our friend wanted to drip irrigate for his trees and made a list of items he needed for the job which we will now price up the parts for him and let him know the cost and where is the cheapest to get the parts from. We are using fire hose he got for free for the main lines of the drip irrigation system which we will step down to 13 mm drip irrigation hose in a circle around each tree from a watering tank he also got for free which he has elevated to drip irrigate the trees with.

On the way home we stopped at another small country supermarket as we were driving past and found chicken legs on clearance for $1.99 kg reduced from the normal $3.99 and bought 4 kg to top the meat freezer up.

Got home and put the chicken in the fridge and then DH watered the potted fruit trees, herbs and ornamental flowers. Then we both stain removed the work clothing we had from the grey water clean up and both did a load of washing and hung it on the clothes line to dry and then went for a swim in the rainwater tank pool to cool off. Later tonight we will pack our chicken legs into meal sized portions for the freezer.

Tonight's dinner was honey soy chicken and steamed homegrown sweet potato, silverbeet and broad beans.
Finished packing up this morning and giving last minute instructions about dogs and DH to fellow helping. Now just messing around and waiting for ride to Louisiana and then on plane tomorrow morning! Already checked in and have boarding pass printed. First time flying since 2006. Will see how it goes. I have our website on my tablet so hope to check in now and then.
This morning I am up, dressed.
Strawberry is snoring laying beside me in the recliner.
Drinking coffee, thinking about all these flowers.
Will be delivering flowers to my brother's house this afternoon.
So I can have table back for the next project.
I now have flowers on the window sill in the living room.
Scattered around the living room, in the bathroom.
Kitchen table top is covered in flowers, so is the chest freezer top, Estelle's high chair.
3 plants, huge wreath, vase of cut flowers are going to my brothers this afternoon.
Will be making up bud vases arrangements for the local nursing home for people who don't have a lot of company with the cut flower arrangements.
Hopefully a couple of Geriums, and Begonias will be going home with each sister.
The rest will stay with me because they are from Wal-Mart stores, that myself, mom and both of my sons have worked.
I think we will have at least a dozen bud vase arrangements to deliver to the local nursing home by Friday.
When the ground warms up, will be making 3 season planter in my whiskey barrel planter, from my son's friends, co workers.
Still have at least 3 or 4 more plants to pick up from dad, that got delivered there by mistake.
Have to deliver a 3-5 pound deep dish Peach Cobbler to dad, this afternoon.
Had 2 3-5 pound deep dish cobblers delivered to my house last evening.
1 is Peach for dad, the other is for me it's blackberry.
I will probably donate mine to Bingo desserts next week.
I don't particularly eat sweets, along with what ever desserts are left at dad's.
I would rather have fruit, than sweets, but it was the thought that counts.
The cobblers came from Estelle's mom and her aunt, that mom and I both worked with.
Just muddling through the days.
Hopefully it will get easier.
Well I thought this might happen.
While I didn't dislocate my shoulder I def. damaged it.
I can't do a darn thing this morning.
Flat out getting dressed or making tea.
The panels and star pickets will just have to stay where they are
and in the same condition until I heal.
What is worse I can't dig a deep hole for this dead chicken.
I'll have to put her in the bottom of the compost pile covered with
lime and more compost.
This effort is going to have me screaming and I'm trying atm
to gird my loins mentally for the effort.
I wish I had pain killers that actually worked and didn't kill me( literally ) but I've got nothing
that will even come close to taking the edge off.
I'm NOT going to the local hospital.
Today is full of suck.
Sorry to hear that @Tank-Girl and I hope you repair soon :) . Do you have some arnica or comfrey cream there ? as both will help to take down the inflammation and offer you temporary pain relief for a few hours and then reapply when it wears off.

Think I overdid it lifting myself out of the grey water tank day before yesterday and am still suffering with shoulder pain too but it is getting better and should hopefully be right by tomorrow. Lived with it for about 15 years now being a rotor cuff injury so I just rest and take panadol and use Arnica cream which reduces the swelling and pain down considerably. Strengthening the muscles supporting the shoulder over the years have helped and it only goes out rarely now and causes pain so it is improving.
Did some errand rounds this morning, visited my cousin this afternoon...her husband is having back pain and had injections this morning to his messed up vertebrae. She was tired from staying up a lot of the night, and her daughter asked if I could come sit with her, so I did for awhile. We went into town to drop off the twins to stay with mom for the evening. Granddaughter warmed up some corn chowder and made mac and cheese for her. I bought a pie that they had for dessert. Husband and I and our daughter got together with my cousin and his wife (non Amish) and went out to a nice restaurant together. Mostly chatted about our parents...his dad is Uncle Melvin. Got home and got a call from some local Amish teens that asked if they could search our outbuildings for pigeons. They have a pigeon order to fill...100 pigeons for $4 a piece (by tomorrow, ha ha). So boys running around the dark with headlamps on, and our grandkids joining them, but no pigeons to be found. Need to shower and get to bed..about 20 coming for breakfast at 9 am. here. My turn. It'll be biscuits and gravy with dried beef, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. And a lot of coffee.
Another quiet day here... overcast most of the day, a chill in the air despite temps climbing into the 60's. My great nephew drove up another one of the trucks he got at the estate sale... a 90's 3/4 ton Ford, needs a paint job but it was well maintained.

I spent most of the day doing lite housekeeping chores.
We had thought we would remove more posts today or at least that was the plan but DH having a lot of nerve pain in his feet and legs so he turned off the alarm clock and we went back to sleep. Ended up having another day of rest as my shoulder is getting better but still sore so we might start again early tomorrow and carry on with removing the posts then when the weather forcast says it will be quite a bit cooler.

This afternoon we did take the 2 loads of clean washing off the line though. It is good to have a break every now and again and relax.
We had thought we would remove more posts today or at least that was the plan but DH having a lot of nerve pain in his feet and legs so he turned off the alarm clock and we went back to sleep. Ended up having another day of rest as my shoulder is getting better but still sore so we might start again early tomorrow and carry on with removing the posts then when the weather forcast says it will be quite a bit cooler.

This afternoon we did take the 2 loads of clean washing off the line though. It is good to have a break every now and again and relax.

Yes! You have to take a break. You can't keep going and going and going. It will just make you exhausted and thats never good for your body. It takes even longer then to recuperate
You are so right @WVDragonlady and another day of rest here as well as the weather although cooler today is still hot. DH collapsed on the floor last night with pain and dizziness and after I put a cold washer on his neck and face and made him lay there and rest a while I got him to sit up slowly, helped him up off the floor and walked backwards with his arms draped over my shoulders supporting him to stay upright with my arms wrapped around him and put him to bed and again turned off the alarm. He sat and laid down on the kitchen floor and called me so he isn't hurt at all and feels better this morning although a little weak. This does happen, although irregularly, so I am used to manoeuvring him, and he is not a small man, to get him to bed as I am an ex nurse.

After he was soundly asleep and comfortable and I checked on him without waking him a number of times and I did an online pickup order from our local supermarket for half price specials on frozen goods to top up the freezer with. DH's sometimes severe lack of mobility and us living out of town is the main reason why we prep amongst others, so if he is not well I know there is heaps of food, medications and everything we need in the home and I don't have to worry. I was up till the wee hours of the morning to make sure he was okay before I went to sleep.
Since we both had a very late night we decided to sleep in this morning and when we woke did all of the weekly deep cleaning so we can get a fresh start in the morning to get down more of the grapeyard vineyard upright posts. I deep cleaned both bathrooms and toilet whilst DH vacuumed all the carpets and swept upstairs. He also got a load of washing on and hung it on the line. We have emptied out the kitchen and recycling bins into the wheelie bins outside as well.

Shortly we shall make the bed with clean sheets, fold up 3 loads of clean laundry and put it away and later this afternoon DH will wash the dishes, clean the benches and I will wipe the dishes and put them away. Also I have put clean towels and hand towels in each bathroom for the start of a new week.
@Sewingcreations15 your husband recovered so quickly from his spell. I would have imagined he'd be a little slower getting back to chores. It's good you're his caregiver.
@Amish Heart It sounds like it's Thanksgiving holiday every time you go to see the family and your other farm.
Working later. Family photos today at home. Maybe the dog and cat will grace us with their presence.
Thank you @Patchouli he is pretty robust (he has been dealing with his back injuries for about 31 years now), but was still a little tired but giving him his medications, putting arnica cream on him, feeding him well and making sure he sleeps well are the most important things that make him recover quicker.

We didn't wash the dirty dishes in the kitchen but will attack that after we get a few upright posts down from the vineyard. Going to be another hot day here today so best to get out early and do it and rest during the heat of the day.
Had ill cranky granddaughter, she's cutting more teeth.
Little girl has more teeth on the bottom than I do.
I will see dentist in April, to see about getting proper fitting dentures top and bottoms.
Working off the list of things to finish up for dad.
Going over tomorrow and picking up week old newspapers( my way to check on parents without making anyone angry before.)
Will keep on doing the same thing with dad.
Picking up the next go around of flowers from dad's house.
They are all coming back to my house, they're mine to start with.
Got to pick up walker, toys too.
Going to do Thank you cards this weekend for the flowers and memorials, then check that off the list.
Delivered a car load of flowers to my brother's house yesterday.
He was hoping I would forget. I didn't forget.
Will be taking 1 Begonia and 1 engraved stone to dad's for youngest sister to pickup.
Guess the rest of them are staying with me for awhile.
Ran sweeper here at home, still need to dust.
Went to VFW meeting tonight, got nominated for office: Senior Vice Commander.
Got a dab of dishes to do.
Cleaned out the refrig. at my house.
Getting tired think I will have early night.
Checked the mail after granddaughter left.
Got the materials I need for my next "fun" class.
Seems strange not to be taking classes for next military promotion.
One of my "fun" classes this semester is from The Culinary Institute of America
The Everyday Gourmet- Making Great Meals in Less Time
Instructor: Chef Bill Briwa
Sort of excited.
Haven't received the other class materials yet, but should be any day.
I heard about your big storm, Weedy. That was nuts.
Our last night here, sorry to go home to reality. My favorite cousins husband stuck at home, severe back pain...so we changed the invites to their daughters place, next door to them. Made the meal and brought it over there, so they could be there, too. Had about 25 for dinner. I'll miss everyone. Us ladies went shopping in the little town we are in today, the guys took the truck to the dump and to Tractor Supply. Husband came home with a surprise for me, and unloaded it, then the guys met us at the burger place for lunch. Kept saying they bought me a rooster, and then laughed. Said they put rocks on his feet so he'd stay put. Thought they were joking. There is a 6 foot tall rooster in our farmhouse front yard under the windmill.
Said goodbye to mom for a while. My sister will be coming next week to visit her. Cousins gave me a cage full of BB Reds to take home. They are overrun with them.
Round 2 of today is DH took the dry washing off the line and from 2.20pm this afternoon the heavens opened up and gave us so far 39mm of glorious rain in 5.35 hours so far and more predicted overnight. That will go a long way to filling up our rain water tanks and will have given us about 3120 lts of water or more in the rain water tanks. Just as well we cleaned out the gunge out of the grey water tank which is now operating perfectly and setting off itself instead of us moving the hose around as the back extension of the home all the water off that runs into the grey water tank. When I cleaned the inside of the grey water tank I noticed the pump was sitting too close to the side of the underground tank causing the float to get jammed which stopped it going off.

We have used the water pumped from the grey water tank to water a lot of the back lawn and the native trees in the back yard too. Hopefully we will get more rain overnight as we all need it to fill up dams for livestock and water tanks for homes here too. Just heard we are going to get more rain over the weekend with quite good rain too.

Have to say when you are in drought for so long you practically dance in the rain when you see it. Did I run around in the rain, well yes I certainly did :) , and put rain barrels out to catch the overflow off the shed and extension roof too to water more plants with and fill drink water bottles with.
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"Mama’s mama, on a winter’s day,
. . Milked the cows and fed them hay,
Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule,
. . And got the children off to school.
Did the washing, mopped the floors,
. . Washed the windows and did some chores,
Cooked a dish of home-dried fruit,
. . Press her husband’s Sunday suit.
Swept the parlor, made the bed,
. . Baked a dozen loaves of bread.
Split some wood and lugged it in,
. . Enough to fill the kitchen bin,
Cleaned the lamps and put in oil,
. . Stewed some apples she thought might spoil,
Churned the butter, baked a cake,
. . Then exclaimed, “For goodness sake!
The calves have got out of the pen!”
. . Went out and chased them in again.
Gathered the eggs and locked the stable,
. . Returned to the house and set the table.
Cooked a supper that was delicious,
. . And afterward washed all the dishes,
Fed the cat, sprinkled the clothes,
. . Mended a basket full of hose.
Then opened the organ and began to play,
. . “When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day.”
Packed up and left the farm. 3 hours later decided something was leaking, thought just the radiator hose. Turned out we need a new radiator. In a hotel, new radiator coming in tomorrow morning. Will finish the 7 hrs of driving tomorrow. BB reds didn't care. They are in the hatchback of our loaner car in a cage. Just gave them water and some bread rolls. They laid two eggs on the way.
I finally see the end of the very long fresh cut flower arrangements tunnel.
Taking the last car load to the 4th semi local nursing home in the morning. Whew!
Took car load of potted plants to my little brother's house on Thursday.
Today if today is Friday took a car load over to dad's and helped my youngest sister load them into her car.
Tomorrow while out will go to Wal-Mart and pick up four more flower pots to repot the last of the 8 plants that are staying at my house.
My siblings and I have figured approx. 36 residents in each of the four local nursing homes in my county have received flowers from mom this week.
These are residents who do not have visitors for whatever reason.
Going to rest on Saturday.
Put my house back together on Sunday.
Visited with dad and youngest baby sister today for about 3 hours.
Dad is walking around with notepad in his pocket to make himself notes of things that need finishing up.
Monday, he and I will do Thank you cards and get them into the mail.
He did his first load of laundry in 62 years today. He was out of socks, t-shirts etc.
It was interesting to watch, I gave advice but didn't offer to do his laundry.
He did pretty good, hence the notebook in his pocket.
He took notes on how to do laundry, make coffee, match up his socks.
Those are things mom always did.
Next week we will work on a schedule to keep house, run the dishwasher, clean the bathrooms.
My parents were married 62 years and this is the first time he has had to do any of these things.
I'm tired tonight.
But I think it's been a good day for us all.
Flew back to L.A. again today. Flight Tickets and rental cars are very expensive this week because of spring break. Cost me almost $500 to fly from Minneapolis/St. Paul to LAX and $340 for the car. Thank God for business money...

Hopefully I only have to come back to L.A. once after this. Then the schedule says a short stint in Northern Utah, and then it's back home to Iowa for a while. That is, if Iowa is above water yet...
finished another long week...sigh..
came home to my still very pregnant goat..
took the dog for a long walk..no energy to run and since he visited his girlfriend earlier , neither did he.
didn't have the heart to tell my best buddie that she ran over my favorite rooster, Mr. Hyde. I had just re-introduced him back into the stag coop with his brothers after getting mauled by my neighbors dog ( I suspect) Mr. Hyde spent about 3 weeks in my bathroom ICU recovering..upon graduating to partial outside days spent lounging in sheltered winter sunshine in the spare room, another 2 or so weeks with nights spent inside my bathroom..back inside the warm chickee ICU (bathroom).
A Few days he graduated to barn side ICU , spending his days crowing and saying hi to the ladies in the main coop and trying to convince his brothers in the stag coop he was still boss...
Finally after a few days of ..re-introduction.. to the boys..everyone got along without a bloody fight for two days. the 3 amegios fell back into routine peacefull and longing crows commenced and pecking at bugs..
Untill Auntie M comes to check on my very pregnant goat...
Auntie M is my bestie and it is a gift that she is alive after her medical issues. The fact that she can still drive is ...scarry.. but amazing...lol..
I guess Mr. Hyde was excited to see her after so long..She gives him tortillias..
I suppose since his last meal was his fav , I giggle at the irony really..
I told her the UPS guy nailed him..lol..
She would be crushed if she knew she backed over him upon leaving...
I am sad he is gone..I was going to give him his own coop and girlfriends this summer.
I still have Jake and Stalker in the stag coop...life goes on...
oh..Im making a finnish soup tonight..right now Im making the beef broth in a slow cooker..
a meaty beef bone , water, celery, onion powder, granulated garlic and a spoon of beef broth slow cooking ..it smells awesome!!

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