Sorry bout the Rooster, Hooch...
The soup sounds amazing!
The soup sounds amazing!
This is so kind and thoughtful of you and your siblings. I always wonder about people who have no visitors. Family too busy? Family who doesn't get along? Family who doesn't care?Tomorrow while out will go to Wal-Mart and pick up four more flower pots to repot the last of the 8 plants that are staying at my house.
My siblings and I have figured approx. 36 residents in each of the four local nursing homes in my county have received flowers from mom this week.
These are residents who do not have visitors for whatever reason.
it turned out awesome! It's a creamed carrot soup with beef stock and beef stew meat. A gal at church made it for one of the pot lucks and I had 3 bowls of it! I just finished a huge pot of it for my lunch next work week.Sorry bout the Rooster, Hooch...
The soup sounds amazing!
Do you normally drink water from the water store? Or is it just the water you store, in the 5 gallon jugs? Where do you go to get water in your 5 gallon jugs? Do they have caps after you fill the jugs? I have some 5 gallons jugs of water, but haven't found caps. I use my Berkey to filter the water, then fill the jugs. Need something besides plastic wrap and twist ties to seal the top.Tomorrow will be busy...looks like I need to get more feed, fill up 4 more 5 gallon water containers at the water store (like I said, son was here), and go to the store for some fresh stuff.
they are very adaptable animals..I recall many years ago when more homes were being built in the hills around LA, folks kept loosing their pets to them. It was epidemic all over southern cali that coyotes and mountain lions were preying on domesticated pets. Those folks were all bent outta shape by it all..but if one thinks about it ..they build there huge homes in their turf further into the would seem logical that they either adapt or die. So it isn't too uncommon to see the coyote in a city over there...Was riding down the rail at the end of the day, to our tie up point in City of Industry, California. This is just East of Los Angeles about 20 miles, and still very much part of the L.A. urban area. (Not a real good part either!) I couldn't believe my eyes when a coyote popped out of the weeds along the tracks and started trotting along side us. It was the fattest, healthiest looking songdog I've ever seen, and right in the middle of L.A. in broad daylight. He didn't care about us being there either. I guess a steady diet of California garbage does well for Coyotes...
Coyotes are absolutely everywhere in my area. But you never see them in daylight, and they're always rough looking. I actually think they're overpopulated. A few years ago, the group I hunt with totaled 115 Coyotes in one winter, in an area about 50 miles square. Seems like as soon as you shoot one, another takes it's place...they are very adaptable animals..I recall many years ago when more homes were being built in the hills around LA, folks kept loosing their pets to them. It was epidemic all over southern cali that coyotes and mountain lions were preying on domesticated pets. Those folks were all bent outta shape by it all..but if one thinks about it ..they build there huge homes in their turf further into the would seem logical that they either adapt or die. So it isn't too uncommon to see the coyote in a city over there...
I don't think all the caps foe those 5 gallon bottles are the same exact size.The Berkey is at the farm. Here we fill up filtered water at the little store a mile away. It's $1.75 for 5 gallons. I'm tired of hauling water. I think we should get another Berkey. Husband just said ok. I'm going to hold him to that. I need a few more caps. We have about 15 five gallon jugs at home, 5 at the preschool. Was thinking about stopping at the water store in town and seeing if they'll sell some caps. Maybe on Amazon? Haven't looked. Anyway, I was steamed, because all ours were filled when we left town, and son and girlfriend stay in the house whenever we're gone, so 4 of them were emptied. He never refills. Good thing I don't have a problem lifting them.
Round 2 of today is DH took the dry washing off the line and from 2.20pm this afternoon the heavens opened up and gave us so far 39mm of glorious rain in 5.35 hours so far and more predicted overnight. That will go a long way to filling up our rain water tanks and will have given us about 3120 lts of water or more in the rain water tanks. Just as well we cleaned out the gunge out of the grey water tank which is now operating perfectly and setting off itself instead of us moving the hose around as the back extension of the home all the water off that runs into the grey water tank. When I cleaned the inside of the grey water tank I noticed the pump was sitting too close to the side of the underground tank causing the float to get jammed which stopped it going off.
We have used the water pumped from the grey water tank to water a lot of the back lawn and the native trees in the back yard too. Hopefully we will get more rain overnight as we all need it to fill up dams for livestock and water tanks for homes here too. Just heard we are going to get more rain over the weekend with quite good rain too.
Have to say when you are in drought for so long you practically dance in the rain when you see it. Did I run around in the rain, well yes I certainly did, and put rain barrels out to catch the overflow off the shed and extension roof too to water more plants with and fill drink water bottles with.